Will Fiorina apologize to Planned Parenthood?

There is no way for her to recover from this.

Yes, she's going to make people who wouldn't vote for her anyway really really really not vote for her anyway....

True that. However, there really is no way for her to bullshit her way out from this.

Obama managed to bullshit his way out of "if you like your plan, you keep your plan, period.

Clinton Bullshitted his way out of "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

You underestimate the power of bullshit, or more likely, only like the smell when your side is shoveling it.

Try again.

No need, made my point.
If all the above proves true,Fiorina may be the next "casualty" of the GOP candidate cadre.

You're assuming that Republicans care if their candidates lie.

They don't care. Most Republicans consider dishonesty to be a resume-builder, a prerequisite for holding office. They think God has given them a free pass to lie, and that any candidate who doesn't use that free pass is weak.

Coming from the party of the Clintons, Well, I don't need honesty lectures from you loons.

Before the usual right wingers initiate their ranting and stomping of feet (and name calling) let me say that the following was reported on MSNBC's Hardball.

The report states that the mother of the stillborn child has come forward claiming that the video was NOT taken at a PP facility...The mother, an ANTI-abortion advocate, felt compelled to clarify this issue.

Further, the report states, the individual who videoed the event combined it with other videos that were indeed recorded at PP facilities.....but, supposedly, this individual has pled the Fifth when questioned by PP lawyers.

Bottom line is this:

The video mentioned so adamantly by Fiorina was NOT videoed at a PP facility.
The selling of fetal tissue by PP is NOT against current law.
The interjection of one video (that, by itself may not have been altered) with PP videos may indeed be a liability for those who did the recording.

Finally, one can rest assured that the very next question of Fiorina will be a request for her to apologize to PP which will, most likely, undermine her future chances.

If all the above proves true,Fiorina may be the next "casualty" of the GOP candidate cadre.
So when you watch America's Most Wanted and they use a re-enactment to describe a heinous crime, do you get outraged by the "fake footage" and insist that means the crime must not have happened?

What special kind of retard would you have to be to think that way?

The murder of a baby was described by a former PP worker in the video. Footage of another live baby was used for illustrative purposes to demonstrate the enormity of the murder.

All this faux outrage over Fiorina is a pathetic attempt to divert attention away from the murder of that baby and the evil practices of Planned Parenthood.

That's not going to work.
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There is no way for her to recover from this.

Yes, she's going to make people who wouldn't vote for her anyway really really really not vote for her anyway....

True that. However, there really is no way for her to bullshit her way out from this.

Obama managed to bullshit his way out of "if you like your plan, you keep your plan, period.

Clinton Bullshitted his way out of "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

You underestimate the power of bullshit, or more likely, only like the smell when your side is shoveling it.

Try again.

No need, made my point.

No. No, you didn't. Either way she moves she looks like shit.
Yes, she's going to make people who wouldn't vote for her anyway really really really not vote for her anyway....

True that. However, there really is no way for her to bullshit her way out from this.

Obama managed to bullshit his way out of "if you like your plan, you keep your plan, period.

Clinton Bullshitted his way out of "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

You underestimate the power of bullshit, or more likely, only like the smell when your side is shoveling it.

Try again.

No need, made my point.

No. No, you didn't. Either way she moves she looks like shit.

To you, but of course your own bias dictates that more than what actually occurred.
Before the usual right wingers initiate their ranting and stomping of feet (and name calling) let me say that the following was reported on MSNBC's Hardball.

The report states that the mother of the stillborn child has come forward claiming that the video was NOT taken at a PP facility...The mother, an ANTI-abortion advocate, felt compelled to clarify this issue.

Further, the report states, the individual who videoed the event combined it with other videos that were indeed recorded at PP facilities.....but, supposedly, this individual has pled the Fifth when questioned by PP lawyers.

Bottom line is this:

The video mentioned so adamantly by Fiorina was NOT videoed at a PP facility.
The selling of fetal tissue by PP is NOT against current law.
The interjection of one video (that, by itself may not have been altered) with PP videos may indeed be a liability for those who did the recording.

Finally, one can rest assured that the very next question of Fiorina will be a request for her to apologize to PP which will, most likely, undermine her future chances.

If all the above proves true,Fiorina may be the next "casualty" of the GOP candidate cadre.
So when you watch America's Most Wanted and they use a re-enactment to describe a heinous crime, do you get outraged by the "fake footage" and insist that means the crime must not have happened?

What special kind of retard would you have to be to think that way?

The murder of a baby was described by a former PP worker in the video. Footage of another live baby was used for illustrative purposes to demonstrate the enormity of the murder.

All this faux outrage over Fiorina is a pathetic attempt to divert attention away from the murder of that baby and the evil practices of Planned Parenthood.

That's not going to work.
Only that baby wasn't filmed at Planned Parenthood. Did you know that or are you lying on purpose.
Before the usual right wingers initiate their ranting and stomping of feet (and name calling) let me say that the following was reported on MSNBC's Hardball.

The report states that the mother of the stillborn child has come forward claiming that the video was NOT taken at a PP facility...The mother, an ANTI-abortion advocate, felt compelled to clarify this issue.

Further, the report states, the individual who videoed the event combined it with other videos that were indeed recorded at PP facilities.....but, supposedly, this individual has pled the Fifth when questioned by PP lawyers.

Bottom line is this:

The video mentioned so adamantly by Fiorina was NOT videoed at a PP facility.
The selling of fetal tissue by PP is NOT against current law.
The interjection of one video (that, by itself may not have been altered) with PP videos may indeed be a liability for those who did the recording.

Finally, one can rest assured that the very next question of Fiorina will be a request for her to apologize to PP which will, most likely, undermine her future chances.

If all the above proves true,Fiorina may be the next "casualty" of the GOP candidate cadre.
So when you watch America's Most Wanted and they use a re-enactment to describe a heinous crime, do you get outraged by the "fake footage" and insist that means the crime must not have happened?

What special kind of retard would you have to be to think that way?

The murder of a baby was described by a former PP worker in the video. Footage of another live baby was used for illustrative purposes to demonstrate the enormity of the murder.

All this faux outrage over Fiorina is a pathetic attempt to divert attention away from the murder of that baby and the evil practices of Planned Parenthood.

That's not going to work.
Only that baby wasn't filmed at Planned Parenthood. Did you know that or are you lying on purpose.

So basically anything with b-roll in it is a forgery.
All this faux outrage over Fiorina is a pathetic attempt to divert attention away from the murder of that baby and the evil practices of Planned Parenthood.

Let us know when ACTUAL CHARGES are brought for the "murder of that baby."

Planned Parenthood is operating under existing law....The video was NOT taken at a PP facility.....and, YES, Fiorina LIED about relating what SOMEONE ELSE may or may not have seen......LIVE WITH IT !!!
Fiorina doesn't need to apologize, the video she saw has been released, I refuse to post it here because it's disgusting but she didn't lie....PP lied and now they are caught like rats
Fiorina doesn't need to apologize, the video she saw has been released, I refuse to post it here because it's disgusting but she didn't lie....PP lied and now they are caught like rats

EXCELLENT.....Fiorina NOT apologizing is by far the best outcome......for Dems., that is.

Have you wondered why at yesterday's congressional hearing where the republicans grilled the CEO of PP the issue of the videos NEVER came up?

Strange, isn't it????
Fiorina doesn't need to apologize, the video she saw has been released, I refuse to post it here because it's disgusting but she didn't lie....PP lied and now they are caught like rats

EXCELLENT.....Fiorina NOT apologizing is by far the best outcome......for Dems., that is.

Have you wondered why at yesterday's congressional hearing where the republicans grilled the CEO of PP the issue of the videos NEVER came up?

Strange, isn't it????

Wooosh, it went over your head, the video the left and PP claims doesn't exist DOES exist.
On another thread, I listed SEVEN states that have recently investigated Planned Parenthood......half of those states are vivid "red" ones.....

The investigations found nothing......Strange, isn't it?
If all the above proves true,Fiorina may be the next "casualty" of the GOP candidate cadre.

You're assuming that Republicans care if their candidates lie.

They don't care. Most Republicans consider dishonesty to be a resume-builder, a prerequisite for holding office. They think God has given them a free pass to lie, and that any candidate who doesn't use that free pass is weak.

Thats what I dont understand...I'm not talking about political differences like will a canidates tax proposal be better than anothers.

This is real simple, does the video exist? Yes
Was it PP? No

Verdict: Fiorina lied and next time you want to complian about a lying pol...remember the last blatent lie you defended. This isnt even 2 degrees of separation which COULD be used as cover like "I heard from a Dr this video exists" this is her saying she watched it and it was a PP video.

Flat out lie
True that. However, there really is no way for her to bullshit her way out from this.

Obama managed to bullshit his way out of "if you like your plan, you keep your plan, period.

Clinton Bullshitted his way out of "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

You underestimate the power of bullshit, or more likely, only like the smell when your side is shoveling it.

Try again.

No need, made my point.

No. No, you didn't. Either way she moves she looks like shit.

To you, but of course your own bias dictates that more than what actually occurred.

We'll see.
None of those videos were falsified. The person responsible for them said just today that he welcomes ANYONE who wants to investigate him or the authenticity of the video. He always has. No one has ever even tried. Why? Well obviously it's because the videos are all true.

Moronic response........

I could take a video of Gone with the Wind and splice it with a video of Ben Hur and BOTH would be legitimate; that is, EACH is a legitimate film but not necessarily interrelated.......
The controversy is over this:

The person who took the video of PP put ion there a video of something that did NOT happen at PP.....

Why is it that so many of you left wing nutjobs are so illiterate? Oh, you can read words and make the sounds, but you have no understanding of the meanings of the sentences that those words form. How can anyone respond to statements like this one from you? It so blatantly shows that either you didn't read my post at all or you don't understand what it says. If the latter is true, it's very likely that I'd be wasting my time trying to explain anything to you. Morons like you should nopt be allowed to vote.

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