Zone1 Will Fox change its ways after the revelations in the Dominion case

Dominion Systems is a corrupt government backed corporation with an army of lawyers. Their voting system is designed for election tampering, anyone with knowledge of computer systems who reads their system design document AS I HAVE knows this for a fact.
You need to tell Fox lawyers about this important news. LMAO.
Slack jawed rubes never want to identify their sources of information.
Look up my numerous posts on Dominion and the forensic audit of the 2020 election tampering that occurred in Arizona. You won't of course because you get all of the "information" you need from CNN and The View.
You can "what if" all night long. But there is no evidence that anything was amiss.
The electoral system is not on trial. Fox News is on trial.
Trying to get some Trump supporters to believe the election wasn't stolen is like trying to get some Lefties to realise Jan 6th wasn't an insurrection.

I know there are threads about the actual case but I am more interested in what comes after..

I am not sure that they will. The problem their defence has is that theyhave given the prosecution overwhelming evidence that their presenters knew the so called steal claims were nonsense.

I cant see them stopping their deceptive strategy. I can see them not leaving such a paper trail next time. In that way they will be able to claim innocence and continue to spread lies.

Whether folks continue to trust thm is a different matter. I doubt their core audience will lose much sleep overr the revelations and nobody else really matters.

But how can you believe a word that hannity or carlson say ? Perhaps the Judge will make them apologise on air.
Yeah, this is tough to predict.

So far, the rubes aren't giving an inch, even though it's all pretty much out in the open now. If Fox is lying to them, and MAGA media is saying the same things, then their whole media apparatus is lying to them. They HAVE to know that.

My wild guess is that we won't see a big change. This alternate universe is so tight and intense that this will fade away like everything else.

I know there are threads about the actual case but I am more interested in what comes after..

I am not sure that they will. The problem their defence has is that theyhave given the prosecution overwhelming evidence that their presenters knew the so called steal claims were nonsense.

I cant see them stopping their deceptive strategy. I can see them not leaving such a paper trail next time. In that way they will be able to claim innocence and continue to spread lies.

Whether folks continue to trust thm is a different matter. I doubt their core audience will lose much sleep overr the revelations and nobody else really matters.

But how can you believe a word that hannity or carlson say ? Perhaps the Judge will make them apologise on air.
FOX, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, TIME, WSJ, HuffPo, VOX, NYP, DailyMail, Forbes, Buzzfeed… all filtered thorough activist big tech platforms like Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc… they all are guilty of lying to the public for their ideological reasons to support the party they desire to be in power.

I’m not sure why you’re asking one to answer for it while ignoring all the rest. Hell, out of the 16 media sources I listed, 14 are card-carrying Democrat media institutions who provably lied or knowingly spread false information about COVID, Russian collusion, where COVID originated, BLM claims, Hunter Bidens laptop, etc… while all 4 platforms I listed are exposed as being politically active on behalf of the Democrats… and yet you focus on one of the two that are usually affiliated with being pro-GOP?

As far as damage from lying goes.. You need to worry about the elephant crushing the living room before you worry about the mouse that’s nibbling on the carpet
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I know there are threads about the actual case but I am more interested in what comes after..

I am not sure that they will. The problem their defence has is that theyhave given the prosecution overwhelming evidence that their presenters knew the so called steal claims were nonsense.

I cant see them stopping their deceptive strategy. I can see them not leaving such a paper trail next time. In that way they will be able to claim innocence and continue to spread lies.

Whether folks continue to trust thm is a different matter. I doubt their core audience will lose much sleep overr the revelations and nobody else really matters.

But how can you believe a word that hannity or carlson say ? Perhaps the Judge will make them apologise on air.

They won't win their suit and FOX won't pay out a dime

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