Will Gingrich use the Bush model? National Security here we come...


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
Will Gingrich use the Bush model of creating a "War for Civilization" that allows him to use national security to move the job's crisis off the front page?

How long will it take for President Gingrich to become a war president? As with Bush, he needs to make his 2nd term about National Security and not the economy. The old high wage postwar jobs are not coming back. The real trick of the post-jobs Presidency is to do anything and everything to move unemployment off the front page. The current Republican party does this better than the post-sixties anti-war left.

Will Gingrich use the Bush model? Will he take an admittedly real threat but use it politically?

How long before Radical Islam pushes the unemployment numbers off the front page?

Where will the Gingrich War come from?

When was the last Republican President who didn't have a major war or civilizational struggle?

When will the Gingrich War start? When will the "War on Terrorism" be back? When will FOX News start broadcasting daily fear briefings? When will the surveillance of Americans go into overdrive with Patriot Act, generation III?

Fasten your seat belts children. The National Security State of Fear is coming back.

(You have no idea)
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Gingich will expand it by leaps and bounds....He'll make Boiking look like the piker that he is.
Gingich will expand it by leaps and bounds....He'll make Boiking look like the piker that he is.

As oopsed to Paul, who is happy to let our enemies regroup.
I'll point out that Bush's foreign policy was very successful: elimination of al Qaeda as a major terrorist force, elimination of Saddam, elimination of Ghaddafy. Becoming a fourth-rate power just isn't in the cards.
He will run against Obama & Romney. He will turn this into a run aginst BIG GOVERNMENT and their health care. Don't you get the TV guide?
He will run against ROMBAMA care!!!!!
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Obama is already using that model or have you been ignoring the obvious?

I agree. But he made the conscious policy decision to stop the War on Terrorism rhetoric. He milked the Osama thing, but he pissed of McCain by letting America play only a secondary role in Libya.

Obama is an appeaser, like most politicians on the Left. He's not anti-war - and I think he is more stable than Bush from a global perspective, but he is more like Carter in his war prowess.

The Right, on the other hand, requires a big war that dominates every briefing and speech. My prediction is that Gingrich brings back the War on Terrorism on steroids.

Something will happen early in his presidency. Iran or Pakistan. Anything to put America and/or the world in grave danger. Trust me - the Gingrich War is coming. If you thought Barry was a big spender, just wait. A huge war is coming.
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Obama is already using that model or have you been ignoring the obvious?

I agree. But he made the conscious policy decision to stop the War on Terrorism rhetoric. He milked the Osama thing, but he pissed of McCain by letting America play only a secondary role in Libya.

Obama is an appeaser, like most politicians on the Left. He's not anti-war - and I think he is more stable than Bush from a global perspective, but he is more like Carter in his war prowess.

The Right, on the other hand, requires a big war that dominates every briefing and speech. My prediction is that Gingrich brings back the War on Terrorism on steroids.

Something will happen early in his presidency. Iran or Pakistan. Anything to put America and/or the world in grave danger. Trust me - the Gingrich War is coming. If you thought Barry was a big spender, just wait. A huge war is coming.

If you don't believe Obama will attack Iran out of political necessity your delusional. All the warning signs are there. And honestly I really don't care as long as he does it right.

Or we can sit back and wait for Iran to develop and sell a dirty bomb to the highest bidder. Who consequently will then smuggle it into New York or Israel.

Screw Iran, and screw you spineless sympathizers.
Obama is already using that model or have you been ignoring the obvious?

I agree. But he made the conscious policy decision to stop the War on Terrorism rhetoric. He milked the Osama thing, but he pissed of McCain by letting America play only a secondary role in Libya.

Obama is an appeaser, like most politicians on the Left. He's not anti-war - and I think he is more stable than Bush from a global perspective, but he is more like Carter in his war prowess.

The Right, on the other hand, requires a big war that dominates every briefing and speech. My prediction is that Gingrich brings back the War on Terrorism on steroids.

Something will happen early in his presidency. Iran or Pakistan. Anything to put America and/or the world in grave danger. Trust me - the Gingrich War is coming. If you thought Barry was a big spender, just wait. A huge war is coming.

If you don't believe Obama will attack Iran out of political necessity your delusional. All the warning signs are there. And honestly I really don't care as long as he does it right.

Or we can sit back and wait for Iran to develop and sell a dirty bomb to the highest bidder. Who consequently will then smuggle it into New York or Israel.

Screw Iran, and screw you spineless sympathizers.
You sound like an anti-gun loon. :lol::lol::lol:

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