Will GOP Blow Its Current Advantage In January?

Why in heavens should folks privatize their profit and socialize the risk by not paying for their insurance? Of course they should, and of course they will.

It is that type of thinking that caused us to lose big in 2008 and 2012 and led to the rise of the anti-American TeaPs.

As the greater number of young Americans, not covered by employer plans, joins ACA, the premiums will drop off, as you well know.

for the record, the tea party is the most pro-american of all current political groups.

What the fuck does this even mean? I'm so tired of conservatives labeling who is more American. You and Sarah Palin should just shut the fuck up with this shit already.

LOl, the truth really pisses you off, doesn't it?
for the record, the tea party is the most pro-american of all current political groups.

What the fuck does this even mean? I'm so tired of conservatives labeling who is more American. You and Sarah Palin should just shut the fuck up with this shit already.

LOl, the truth really pisses you off, doesn't it?

Idiots piss me off, I can handle the truth just fine. I'm not the one who has to tell myself that I'm a "Real American" or more "Pro-American" than other political groups.
The problem with that is you don't always know when you are going to get sick. You can get in a car accident and end up with a few hundred thousand in medical bills. You can have a sudden heart attack or pulmonary embolism that will cost a hundred thousand for your stay in the hospital and for all the follow up tests. Even something like cancer that requires surgery one week from when you find you have it, you think that you can get medical coverage in a few days?

Yes, you can get coverage in a few days. But even without it you will receive treatment--just like now.

No one was being denied medical treatment before ACA, NO ONE. Those of us who had insurance paid for those who did not, Just like we will under ACA. The only thing different is that we now also have to pay for a huge inefficient govt beaurocracy.

It is a foolish attempt to solve a nonexsitent problem.

Nobody has said anything about being denied medical treatment. The problem is paying for the treatment. With the out of control costs, people will go bankrupt if they don't have coverage. Which has been the case for years. Not having coverage is foolish.

If a person chooses to live his life without medical insurance and take that risk, he/she should be free to do that. Thats really where our disagreement lies. You want to force everyone to buy something that you think is for the "common good" as you define common good.

I want every person to make his or her own decisions and have to live with the decisions that they make. Except for those who have mental or physical conditions that prevent them from making their own decisions, those people should be covered by medicaid, and they already are.
What the fuck does this even mean? I'm so tired of conservatives labeling who is more American. You and Sarah Palin should just shut the fuck up with this shit already.

LOl, the truth really pisses you off, doesn't it?

Idiots piss me off, I can handle the truth just fine. I'm not the one who has to tell myself that I'm a "Real American" or more "Pro-American" than other political groups.

by real american and pro american we mean closer to the vision of the founders and the constitution. The constitution defines this country. Its not an insult to say that you are not pro american or real american, it is just a definition of your political philosophy.
Yes, you can get coverage in a few days. But even without it you will receive treatment--just like now.

No one was being denied medical treatment before ACA, NO ONE. Those of us who had insurance paid for those who did not, Just like we will under ACA. The only thing different is that we now also have to pay for a huge inefficient govt beaurocracy.

It is a foolish attempt to solve a nonexsitent problem.

Nobody has said anything about being denied medical treatment. The problem is paying for the treatment. With the out of control costs, people will go bankrupt if they don't have coverage. Which has been the case for years. Not having coverage is foolish.

If a person chooses to live his life without medical insurance and take that risk, he/she should be free to do that. Thats really where our disagreement lies. You want to force everyone to buy something that you think is for the "common good" as you define common good.

I want every person to make his or her own decisions and have to live with the decisions that they make. Except for those who have mental or physical conditions that prevent them from making their own decisions, those people should be covered by medicaid, and they already are.

Then how do you handle pre-existing conditions? You can't have the insurance companies covering people with them if you aren't going to have everyone purchasing insurance. And I'm not talking about someone who chooses not to buy insurance. A few years ago if I was to switch jobs, my A-fib wouldn't have been covered under my new employee sponsored insurance since it was a pre-existing condition.
The government shutdown just a month and a half ago significantly damaged the GOP in the polls. The party hit new lows.

But then Obama's "you can keep your plan, period" blew up in his face, and now Obama is hitting new lows in the polls, and the shutdown is all but forgotten.

However, there are two things to remember. First, Obama is not running for re-election. Therefore, taking hits in the polls do more damage to the GOP than Obama.

Second, the Continuing Resolution (CR) which ended the shutdown ends on January 15, less than two months from now. And we will hit the debt ceiling again on February 7.

If the government shuts down again, the American people will begin to acquire a Pavlovian response every time they think of a Republican. "These assholes keep shutting down the goddam government!"

So forget about all the chest thumping about the mid terms which are a political eternity away. What are your predictions for Shutdown Showdown II: This Time We REALLY Mean It?

What do you care? You'll be voting a straight (D) ticket no matter who they put out there...

And then you'll come here like Jake the Fake and tell us how conservative you are and if the GOP would just put a candidate out there that is left of Maxine Watters you'd have voted for them.

Nobody has said anything about being denied medical treatment. The problem is paying for the treatment. With the out of control costs, people will go bankrupt if they don't have coverage. Which has been the case for years. Not having coverage is foolish.

If a person chooses to live his life without medical insurance and take that risk, he/she should be free to do that. Thats really where our disagreement lies. You want to force everyone to buy something that you think is for the "common good" as you define common good.

I want every person to make his or her own decisions and have to live with the decisions that they make. Except for those who have mental or physical conditions that prevent them from making their own decisions, those people should be covered by medicaid, and they already are.

Then how do you handle pre-existing conditions? You can't have the insurance companies covering people with them if you aren't going to have everyone purchasing insurance. And I'm not talking about someone who chooses not to buy insurance. A few years ago if I was to switch jobs, my A-fib wouldn't have been covered under my new employee sponsored insurance since it was a pre-existing condition.

One of the good things in ACA is that insurance companies must take you with pre existing conditions, that provision should be retained, as should the ban of lifetime maximum payments. If you have medical problems you are a higher risk and will be charged a higher premium. Just like a 80 year old pays more for a life insurance policy than a 25 year old.

If you can't afford insurance, medicaid will take care of you. There is no crisis in healthcare in the USA. Well, there is now, because of obamacare.
Enrollment in RomneyCare began a year before the individual mandate deadline in Massachuesetts. So at first, the least healthy people enrolled. But once the mandate kicked in, healthy people began enrolling even though the penalty for not enrolling was half the cost of the cheapest health insurance.

Employer sponsored health insurance rose from 70 percent to 77 percent after enactment of RomneyCare.

The individual mandate was proposed by the right wing Heritage Foundation in 1989: Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans.

Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance. Many states now require passengers in automobiles to wear seatbelts for their own protection. Many others require anybody driving a car to have li a bility insurance. But neither the federal government nor any state requires all households to protect themselves from the potentially catastrophic costs of a serious accident or illness. Under the Heritage plan, there would be such a requirement.

It was also proposed by the Senate Republicans as an alternative to HillaryCare in 1993: Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act of 1993

INDIVIDUAL MANDATE- The Secretary shall specifically make recommendations under paragraph (1) regarding establishing a requirement that all eligible individuals obtain health coverage through enrollment with a qualified health plan.

In 2007, Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat from Oregon, introduced the Healthy Americans Act, which was co-sponsored by 20 Republicans and contained an individual mandate.

I have often wondered why Wyden's plan was railroaded by the Democratic leadership. It had bi-partisan support.
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If you can't afford insurance, medicaid will take care of you.

I get the impression you don't know anything about Medicaid, or what happens to a lot of people who can't afford insurance.
There's a lot of self-soothing going on in this thread. Keep your eye on the ball ladies. The only thing that matters politically right now is the Obamacare disaster.

In seven days if the website isn't working perfectly "for the vast majority of users," yet more shit hits the fan in a big, big way. Anybody think the morons in the Obama administration can make that happen? :lol:

I sorta agree. Obamacare is a debacle if people don't vote, who would normally show up to vote for a democrat on the basis that efficient govt helps us. One of the myths of Reagan that infects the current gop is that people believe govt is always inefficient. Reagan would have been a one term failure had his policies not turned the economy around. Further, block granting was seen as making govt spending on programs more efficient for citizens. Reagan's rhetoric didn't match his behavior.

In short, Obamacare could depress the dem vote just as Romney depressed the vote of the "no compromise" RW.
If a person chooses to live his life without medical insurance and take that risk, he/she should be free to do that. Thats really where our disagreement lies. You want to force everyone to buy something that you think is for the "common good" as you define common good.

I want every person to make his or her own decisions and have to live with the decisions that they make. Except for those who have mental or physical conditions that prevent them from making their own decisions, those people should be covered by medicaid, and they already are.

Then how do you handle pre-existing conditions? You can't have the insurance companies covering people with them if you aren't going to have everyone purchasing insurance. And I'm not talking about someone who chooses not to buy insurance. A few years ago if I was to switch jobs, my A-fib wouldn't have been covered under my new employee sponsored insurance since it was a pre-existing condition.

One of the good things in ACA is that insurance companies must take you with pre existing conditions, that provision should be retained, as should the ban of lifetime maximum payments. If you have medical problems you are a higher risk and will be charged a higher premium. Just like a 80 year old pays more for a life insurance policy than a 25 year old.

If you can't afford insurance, medicaid will take care of you. There is no crisis in healthcare in the USA. Well, there is now, because of obamacare.

It's economically impossible to force insurance companies to take people with pre-existing conditions (serious conditions anyway...) and not have some kind of mandate to have everyone get health insurance.

Even if you charge the people with pre-existing conditions more for premiums the death spiral with still continue because the insurance companies will be forced to raise premiums on everyone to stay in business.

Unless you can get people to pay $60,000 a year in premiums there is no economical way to cover sick people and not bankrupt insurance companies.

And Medicaid before ACA???? That did not cover you if couldn't afford insurance, it covered children, the disabled, and pregnant women....that's about it. Unless you made ~$2,000 a year or less, lol.
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There's a lot of self-soothing going on in this thread. Keep your eye on the ball ladies. The only thing that matters politically right now is the Obamacare disaster.

The reason I started this topic was to suggest the GOP may not be smart enough to keep their eye on the ball. They have the partisan advantage right now because everyone is focused on the disastrous rollout of ObamaCare. But that can change literally overnight if they decide to go full court press again and try to make a total defunding of ObamaCare the sole condition for passing another CR or going over the debt ceiling.

It will blow up in their faces, again, if they do.

If they are smart, they will do something different. They will push for achievable goals like extending the individual mandate deadline and things along those lines.

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