Will Gop Contenders Trip All Over The Social Issues Like They Did Last Election With Akin?

When you're ashamed of your Party's stand on social issues, you probably should question why you are in the Party in the first place. It's not as if either of the major political Parties is going to do anything major with the economy (or permit the other party to do anything major).

At some point the GOP candidates have to answer the questions and it's not a matter of packaging or word choice. It's the bedrock principle of their wanting to punish women for having sex.

Rick Santorum; the #2 delegate recipient in 2012:

"One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.... Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's okay, contraception is okay. It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be." —Rick Santorum, interview with CaffeinatedThoughts.com (October 2011)
They will say horrible things that will shock the hell out of anyone with a shred of decency and still get conservative votes and maybe even win, it's why the rest of the country thinks conservatives are terrible people without any real decency.
If Republicans would drop a lot of their hate-based social issue stances and stop catering so much to big business and the rich....I'd really consider supporting some of them.

But then again that's literally ALL they stand for.
If Republicans would drop a lot of their hate-based social issue stances and stop catering so much to big business and the rich....I'd really consider supporting some of them.

But then again that's literally ALL they stand for.
The GOP's only purpose for existing is to protect the status quo for the wealthy. They sold their party's soul so long ago that they think closing ranks around the deep pockets and giving them get out of jail free cards is a traditional American value.
When you're ashamed of your Party's stand on social issues, you probably should question why you are in the Party in the first place. It's not as if either of the major political Parties is going to do anything major with the economy (or permit the other party to do anything major).

At some point the GOP candidates have to answer the questions and it's not a matter of packaging or word choice. It's the bedrock principle of their wanting to punish women for having sex.

Rick Santorum; the #2 delegate recipient in 2012:

"One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.... Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's okay, contraception is okay. It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be." —Rick Santorum, interview with CaffeinatedThoughts.com (October 2011)

And the funny thing is that the goons over at Breitbart think that the RWNJ knuckle-draggers are campaigning ENOUGH on social issues:

GOP Runs From Social Issues Prepares For Long-Term Minority Status

According to the Times, Democrats’ turn to abortion, same-sex marriage, and contraceptives is merely the latest attempt to “stoke concerns among moderate voters, especially women, and motivate their base.” And, the Times notes, “Republican candidates…are in a crouch.” The Times points out that Republican senatorial candidate Ed Gillespie has dodged debate on social issues; so has Governor Rick Scott in Florida. “Even in states like Arkansas and Louisiana that are filled with cultural conservatives, Republican candidates are not raising the topics.”

There are two reasons that Republicans are fleeing, screaming, from social issues debates. First, social issues aren’t top burner issues at a time when the president of the United States is openly considering executive amnesty of some five million illegal immigrants, wandering around aimlessly in the face of an ISIS invasion of the Middle East and a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and continuing to implement Obamacare.

Second, Republicans are idiots.

Sadly, Republicans believe that by avoiding controversial issues, they somehow buy the moderate middle. This was the theory of 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who ignored the Democrats’ war on women rhetoric, focusing instead on economics. The result: a highly-motivated Democratic base, a turned off Republican base, and an ever-liberalizing American population on social issues.

The fact is that when conservatives engage on issues that are deemed unpopular by the elites, they win. Conservatives were told by their betters after the election of 2012 that only by embracing a broad-based amnesty program could they hope to win in 2014. Instead, after President Obama played Republicans for suckers by mocking their attempts at border security while pandering to illegal immigrant activist groups, conservatives fought back – and won. The polls now show that Republicans have a marked advantage on the immigration issue in 2014, despite the repeated insistence by GOP honchos that embracing John McCain-esque bipartisan immigration reform would be the only path to 2014 victory.

You just gotta laugh at stuff like this, really...
If Republicans would drop a lot of their hate-based social issue stances and stop catering so much to big business and the rich....I'd really consider supporting some of them.

But then again that's literally ALL they stand for.
The GOP's only purpose for existing is to protect the status quo for the wealthy. They sold their party's soul so long ago that they think closing ranks around the deep pockets and giving them get out of jail free cards is a traditional American value.
And they are still scratching their heads over how they lost the black vote....
If Republicans would drop a lot of their hate-based social issue stances and stop catering so much to big business and the rich....I'd really consider supporting some of them.

But then again that's literally ALL they stand for.
The GOP's only purpose for existing is to protect the status quo for the wealthy. They sold their party's soul so long ago that they think closing ranks around the deep pockets and giving them get out of jail free cards is a traditional American value.
And they are still scratching their heads over how they lost the black vote....

For which they will then promptly say in no uncertain terms that this is because blacks, in their opinion, are too dumb to know what is good for them.. or some such nonsense.

I just wanna make sure that is very clear that that is not my sentiment at all.
Contrary to popular belief this thread wasn't a personal invitation to troll for the left.

You don't like the input from the Left? Well, tough fuck for you.

You posted it in politics, without a link to any source that we can discuss. You just issued an opinion and people are issuing their opinions back atcha. So, like I said, tough fuck for you.

Why are so many Righties such unbelievable crybabies?
I think it will be VERY interesting to see where the GOP candidates place themselves on the Social Issues in another two years. They're very much stuck in a hard place.... They NEED Conservative voters to have any chance to win an election, but they also don't want to be seen as simply throwing away the votes of the indecisive, "moderate", no-backbone scumballs that make up a very large portion of the electorate (aka - the Undecided/Unaffiliated Voters).

IF the Republicans do not both talk and walk a Conservative Social Agenda, they can kiss the Conservative voters goodbye as they have in the last two Presidential elections, due to the nomination of a Moderate/Centrist candidate in both cases. At that point, their chances of winning in 2016 are gone.

If the Republican candidate can both talk and walk that Conservative Social Agenda, they will be distancing themselves from the Centrist/Moderate (aka Liberal) voters who were never going to vote for them anyway. No lose there.
I think it will be VERY interesting to see where the GOP candidates place themselves on the Social Issues in another two years. They're very much stuck in a hard place.... They NEED Conservative voters to have any chance to win an election, but they also don't want to be seen as simply throwing away the votes of the indecisive, "moderate", no-backbone scumballs that make up a very large portion of the electorate (aka - the Undecided/Unaffiliated Voters).

IF the Republicans do not both talk and walk a Conservative Social Agenda, they can kiss the Conservative voters goodbye as they have in the last two Presidential elections, due to the nomination of a Moderate/Centrist candidate in both cases. At that point, their chances of winning in 2016 are gone.

If the Republican candidate can both talk and walk that Conservative Social Agenda, they will be distancing themselves from the Centrist/Moderate (aka Liberal) voters who were never going to vote for them anyway. No lose there.

Well, ok... if you think that a candidate can win with only the conservative vote, then go for it.
Woah there. Don't let your guilty feelings bleed all over the thread.
It's probably some law but the harder one tries to control a thread the further away from topic it gets. I know I make a point of posting in threads that ask questions of only conservatives. To be more on topic, the national conversation now takes place on camera and once it's said, it's out there for discussion by all.
Woah there. Don't let your guilty feelings bleed all over the thread.
It's probably some law but the harder one tries to control a thread the further away from topic it gets. I know I make a point of posting in threads that ask questions of only conservatives. To be more on topic, the national conversation now takes place on camera and once it's said, it's out there for discussion by all.
This thread was dead before I posted it. Very few on this site will criticize their own. But I wanted to throw my two cents out there
Woah there. Don't let your guilty feelings bleed all over the thread.
It's probably some law but the harder one tries to control a thread the further away from topic it gets. I know I make a point of posting in threads that ask questions of only conservatives. To be more on topic, the national conversation now takes place on camera and once it's said, it's out there for discussion by all.
This thread was dead before I posted it. Very few on this site will criticize their own. But I wanted to throw my two cents out there
It's pretty much the democrats who decide if a conservative comment is insensitive, ignorant or hateful. Conservatives just nod and think "I wish I had the guts to say that but the PC police might get me".

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