Will GOP cut spending or not?

It's something I agreed with Rand on 100%. The Ryan budget was a joke.

What does Rand support? I'm guessing it's something along the lines of the Republican Study Committee's proposal, which is so radical it can barely command a majority of the Republican caucus in the House.

He has his own budget.

Real Conservative Senators Should Vote For Senator Rand Paul's Budget | FreedomWorks

Yes, Freedom Works is a partisan organization, but it does have details about Rand's budget.

And no, Rand's budget would never get passed by a Republican Senate, let alone a Democratic one.

And Rand knows a lot of what he wants won't be supported even by colleagues in the GOP.

So is it really that much of a mystery as to why he might do something like endorse Romney? Something small and probably insignificant in the end, to curry favor with those he knows he's going to be up against.
He's not going up against Romney. He's aiding Romney by staking out a position to his right. The result is that ideas like the Ryan budget look more moderate in comparison.
What does Rand support? I'm guessing it's something along the lines of the Republican Study Committee's proposal, which is so radical it can barely command a majority of the Republican caucus in the House.

He has his own budget.

Real Conservative Senators Should Vote For Senator Rand Paul's Budget | FreedomWorks

Yes, Freedom Works is a partisan organization, but it does have details about Rand's budget.

And no, Rand's budget would never get passed by a Republican Senate, let alone a Democratic one.

They're just hosting the link. You're not using the link to make an argument, so it's legit sourcing.

And yeah, taking a look at Rand's budget, it's even more loony than the the Republican Study Committee one that couldn't even get a majority of House Republicans behind it.

Well I don't think it's loony, I think it's merely a start if it were possible that it could be passed. Which it can't, naturally.
He has his own budget.

Real Conservative Senators Should Vote For Senator Rand Paul's Budget | FreedomWorks

Yes, Freedom Works is a partisan organization, but it does have details about Rand's budget.

And no, Rand's budget would never get passed by a Republican Senate, let alone a Democratic one.

They're just hosting the link. You're not using the link to make an argument, so it's legit sourcing.

And yeah, taking a look at Rand's budget, it's even more loony than the the Republican Study Committee one that couldn't even get a majority of House Republicans behind it.

Well I don't think it's loony, I think it's merely a start if it were possible that it could be passed. Which it can't, naturally.

I know you don't think it's loony, but most people would characterize it that way.
They're just hosting the link. You're not using the link to make an argument, so it's legit sourcing.

And yeah, taking a look at Rand's budget, it's even more loony than the the Republican Study Committee one that couldn't even get a majority of House Republicans behind it.

Well I don't think it's loony, I think it's merely a start if it were possible that it could be passed. Which it can't, naturally.

I know you don't think it's loony, but most people would characterize it that way.

Probably true.
He's not going up against Romney. He's aiding Romney by staking out a position to his right. The result is that ideas like the Ryan budget look more moderate in comparison.

I didn't mean up against Romney. I meant up against colleagues in congress. He might have given an endorsement but he's not exactly in the club, so to speak. He's got a lot in his agenda that's not in the GOP's platform, or at least isn't put into practice regularly anyway.
Don't know if this means anything to you but in the Senate 6 republicans voted against the Ryan budget. Rand Paul was one of them.

It's something I agreed with Rand on 100%. The Ryan budget was a joke.

What does Rand support? I'm guessing it's something along the lines of the Republican Study Committee's proposal, which is so radical it can't command a majority of the Republican caucus in the House.

Rand rejected the Ryan budget because he submitted his own budget which was trounced a few minutes after it was introduced 16-84.

It remains to be seen if the TEA party is cool with him voting against Ryan's budget. I see a crisis in confidence coming up for these losers. Eventually to get anything done, compromise is the tool that must be used. Since it is the antithesis of the TEA party, they will need to see if they want to be taken seriously as a movement or taken more seriously perhaps as a nuisance.

How would you like to be his secretary who typed up this thing up? It must have been dozens and dozens of pages. It didn't even make it to the shelf before being discarded.
Most know me as a fiscal conservative…

Which unfortunately often results in fiscal irresponsibility. Blind adherence to a particular fiscal ideology can be at least problematic, as a pragmatic course is usually best.
Took the Soviets and Chinese between 60 and 80 years to figure that one out. Only the Chinese are still around surprisingly... but for how much longer?
Most know me as a fiscal conservative…

Which unfortunately often results in fiscal irresponsibility. Blind adherence to a particular fiscal ideology can be at least problematic, as a pragmatic course is usually best.

Fiscal irresponsibility is not confined to one party. And there are those from both sides who are blindly adhering to a specific fiscal ideology. Some say we should balance the budget immediately, others say we should spend trillions more in stimulus. Is it right to say those who disagree from your position on fiscal matters are blindly adhering to their economic worldview?
Most know me as a fiscal conservative…

Which unfortunately often results in fiscal irresponsibility. Blind adherence to a particular fiscal ideology can be at least problematic, as a pragmatic course is usually best.

Fiscal irresponsibility is not confined to one party. And there are those from both sides who are blindly adhering to a specific fiscal ideology. Some say we should balance the budget immediately, others say we should spend trillions more in stimulus. Is it right to say those who disagree from your position on fiscal matters are blindly adhering to their economic worldview?

Spending more now doesn't have to be fiscal irresponsible, as long as it's coupled with cuts further out.
Just what I foresee

Spending will be cut, but not enough.... I think there will be deficit reduction, but no dent in the debt... I think most of this will hinge around the elimination (thank God) of Obamacare and the piecemeal elimination of a couple governmental agencies that barely make a dent... That, and I think there will be some budgetary cuts for a few more agencies

Romney will be stupid and far too moderate and not fight the good fight to stop the situation where ~50% pay no federal income tax

Conservatives will try and push Romney and there will still be a rift between the executive and the legislative, as well as the government and the populace
The fuckers don't seem to realize that we are broke. They just haven't caught a clue. We now have 49% of the population that pays no Fed taxes at all,

Less money for them to waste. They all suck.

I wouldn't trust any of the dummies in either party to guard the fucking sugar bowl.
If Mitt Romney is in office, Im optimistic that Republicans will cut spending. That's one thing Romney is good at.
Another story from downsizinggovernment.org, they're kind of an offshoot from CATO. There was an amendment introduced by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) to eliminate funding for the Economic Development Administration. Unfortunately, the amendment failed on a vote of 129-279. All 175 Democrats voting joined 104 Republicans in keeping the EDA alive. We're talking about a subsidy program from the 1960s here that is essentially worthless, another bureaucracy.

You say it's a worthless subsidy but don't explain what it is or provide examples of its worthlessness.

" Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD), for example, voted against the Pompeo amendment. But in a column she penned in April, Noem said “Our debt crisis is a result of Washington spending money it doesn’t have and letting our children and grandchildren pick up the tab.” Noem favors a Balance Budget Amendment and says that “Our government must come together and make the tough decisions to secure our nation’s prosperous future.” Really? Noem says tough decisions need to be made but she can’t even get behind the elimination of the EDA.

Noem and 85 other Republicans also voted against Rep. Ben Quayle’s (R-AZ) amendment that would have defunded a new corporate welfare program asked for by President Obama in his fiscal 2013 budget proposal. Thanks to the 86 Republicans in the House, instead of terminating programs, taxpayers will get a new one called the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia program. "

Republicans Help Save the Economic Development Administration | Downsizing the Federal Government

We're not talking big dollar savings here, but we gotta start somewhere. Will a Romney admin make a difference, assuming he's elected and the House remains under repub control? Color me disappointed.

The Republcan Party and its surrogates characterize Democrats as the party of Tax and Spend. Isn't don't tax and spend a greater threat to our fiscal health?

President Clinton had for a brief time the authority to use the line item veto, something many state government constitutions allow. The USSC ruled this authorty to be unlawful (Clinton v. City of New York, 1968).

Is it time to revisit this idea and allow the next President to control the spending of a Congress which seems unable to control itself?
Another story from downsizinggovernment.org, they're kind of an offshoot from CATO. There was an amendment introduced by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) to eliminate funding for the Economic Development Administration. Unfortunately, the amendment failed on a vote of 129-279. All 175 Democrats voting joined 104 Republicans in keeping the EDA alive. We're talking about a subsidy program from the 1960s here that is essentially worthless, another bureaucracy.

You say it's a worthless subsidy but don't explain what it is or provide examples of its worthlessness.

" Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD), for example, voted against the Pompeo amendment. But in a column she penned in April, Noem said “Our debt crisis is a result of Washington spending money it doesn’t have and letting our children and grandchildren pick up the tab.” Noem favors a Balance Budget Amendment and says that “Our government must come together and make the tough decisions to secure our nation’s prosperous future.” Really? Noem says tough decisions need to be made but she can’t even get behind the elimination of the EDA.

Noem and 85 other Republicans also voted against Rep. Ben Quayle’s (R-AZ) amendment that would have defunded a new corporate welfare program asked for by President Obama in his fiscal 2013 budget proposal. Thanks to the 86 Republicans in the House, instead of terminating programs, taxpayers will get a new one called the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia program. "

Republicans Help Save the Economic Development Administration | Downsizing the Federal Government

We're not talking big dollar savings here, but we gotta start somewhere. Will a Romney admin make a difference, assuming he's elected and the House remains under repub control? Color me disappointed.

The Republcan Party and its surrogates characterize Democrats as the party of Tax and Spend. Isn't don't tax and spend a greater threat to our fiscal health?

President Clinton had for a brief time the authority to use the line item veto, something many state government constitutions allow. The USSC ruled this authorty to be unlawful (Clinton v. City of New York, 1968).

Line Item Veto Act of 1996 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is it time to revisit this idea and allow the next President to control the spending of a Congress which seems unable to control itself?
Line Item Veto Act of 1996 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wouldn't the line item veto given to the President offer an alternative to the influence of lobbyists, log rolling and bribes (oops, I should have suggested campaign 'donation's' - mea culpa for my lack of political correctness).

In such a way we would also be better able to evaluate the President's priorities (i.e. we could watch his feet and not his lips).
Another story from downsizinggovernment.org, they're kind of an offshoot from CATO. There was an amendment introduced by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) to eliminate funding for the Economic Development Administration. Unfortunately, the amendment failed on a vote of 129-279. All 175 Democrats voting joined 104 Republicans in keeping the EDA alive. We're talking about a subsidy program from the 1960s here that is essentially worthless, another bureaucracy.

You say it's a worthless subsidy but don't explain what it is or provide examples of its worthlessness.

" Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD), for example, voted against the Pompeo amendment. But in a column she penned in April, Noem said “Our debt crisis is a result of Washington spending money it doesn’t have and letting our children and grandchildren pick up the tab.” Noem favors a Balance Budget Amendment and says that “Our government must come together and make the tough decisions to secure our nation’s prosperous future.” Really? Noem says tough decisions need to be made but she can’t even get behind the elimination of the EDA.

Noem and 85 other Republicans also voted against Rep. Ben Quayle’s (R-AZ) amendment that would have defunded a new corporate welfare program asked for by President Obama in his fiscal 2013 budget proposal. Thanks to the 86 Republicans in the House, instead of terminating programs, taxpayers will get a new one called the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia program. "

Republicans Help Save the Economic Development Administration | Downsizing the Federal Government

We're not talking big dollar savings here, but we gotta start somewhere. Will a Romney admin make a difference, assuming he's elected and the House remains under repub control? Color me disappointed.

The Republcan Party and its surrogates characterize Democrats as the party of Tax and Spend. Isn't don't tax and spend a greater threat to our fiscal health?

President Clinton had for a brief time the authority to use the line item veto, something many state government constitutions allow. The USSC ruled this authorty to be unlawful (Clinton v. City of New York, 1968).

Line Item Veto Act of 1996 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is it time to revisit this idea and allow the next President to control the spending of a Congress which seems unable to control itself?

Economic Development Administration | Downsizing the Federal Government

This is a link to a website that details what this agency does. It ain't big bucks, but I do think it's worthless.

I would't raise taxes at all in a time like this; maybe I could see it if and when the economy gets going, but not now. Neither would I raise gov't spending, their track record over Obama and Bush's tenures has not been close to good when it comes to effective and efficient use of gov't funds. I would however begin a gradual reduction, along with a reform of our tax code and entitlement programs. We need a plan and right now we ain't got one.

I'd be for the line item veto, I liked it the 1st time. Not sure why the SCOTUS would change their minds on it tho.
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Here's the reason the Republican Party needs to be purged of RINOs. If they can't vote for obvious cuts like these, they are no better than Democrats.

Talking the talk, but not walking the walk. Most know me as a fiscal conservative, and the Cato Institute to be a conservative website. Imagine my surprise when I read this stuff:

" Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) introduced three amendments to the recently passed Energy & Water appropriations bill that would have eliminated a slew of business subsidies at the Department of Energy. Unfortunately, House Republicans once again teamed up with their Democratic colleagues to keep the corporate welfare spigot flowing.

From The Hill:
The largest spending cut proposal came from Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.), which would have eliminated the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy account at the Department of Energy and used the $1.45 billion in savings toward deficit reduction. Like other Republicans, McClintock argued that this account needlessly spends money on questionable private investments that have not led to any measurable returns. But the House rejected McClintock’s amendment in a 113-275 vote, in which 113 Republicans voted for it but 107 Republicans joined every Democrat in opposition.

From a second article from The Hill:
Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) proposed ending all nuclear energy research subsidies to private companies, which would have saved $514 million and used that money to lower the deficit. But the House rejected that amendment in a 106-281 vote that divided Republicans 91-134. McClintock also proposed language cutting fossil energy research subsidies, which would have saved $554 million. But the House killed that amendment 138-249, as Republicans split again 102-123. "

And then the kicker:

" An amendment was introduced by Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and McClintock that would have shut down the Department of Energy’s Title 17 loan guarantee program. That’s the program that gave us Solyndra. The amendment failed 136-282 with 127 Republicans joining 155 Democrats to defeat the amendment. That the Republican-led House couldn’t get rid of the program that begot Solyndra is about as low as it gets. "

Republicans Join Democrats to Save Corporate Welfare (Again) | Cato @ Liberty

Don't know what to say. It's an election year, I get that. But for the House, every other year is an election year, when the hell are they going to actually cut this crap?

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