Will Greece Start Killing Democrats?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Greek government is socialist democrat, like say Bernie sanders. But Greece has a problem. as of yesterday it cannot make payroll. Not debt mind you PAYROLL.
When a company cannot make payroll it closes, as this is a country it will be a VERY interesting economics lesson.

When somebody STEALS your money be it government OR a person YOU get pissed. So just how mad do they have to be before they start killing socialist democrats? They have no guns so it will be very very messy. And troops? Well,,,,,,,they ARE payroll you know.

Is the troop with a gun going to want to shoot a countryman in the SAME boat or the government that put them BOTH there? I think BOTH will want to kill the socialist government.

Then you have the NEXT problem. Germany carries the major portion of their debt. If Greece says FU and walks away does one really expect Germany to do NOTHING? The democrat does. But when YOUR economy YOUR house payment hinges on you getting paid you want YOUR money right?

The NEXT problem could well involve us and Putin must be laughing. Germany and Greece are BOTH NATO countries. If Germany goes to war with Greece it COULD split NATO. And we have Obozo at the wheel. That's scary. The economy of Italy is right behind Greece ANOTHER NATO country. And we ARE in hock up to our ass with China.

We can no more pay China on demand then Greece can pay Germany. That's just the truth. We as citizens need to FORCE our states to spend less money and get ready for our states to PROTECT states rights.

Because the collector WILL be coming to our door just as sure as Euro to Greece. And the money is gone. THAT country wide bank "holiday" Greece has going on? We ALREADY had one and the next is coming. It's NOT a question of "Will democrats be killed?" Nah, it's just a question of WHICH country will do it first.


Why do people blame Democrats when the 650 trillion dollar world loss is American Republican made?
Socialist democrats have run the economy of Greece for DECADES. American democrats has run the major cities and some states economies for DECADES.
Amazing. A thread minus race, religeon and or guns.

How in the hell did that happen
It also missed showing up in the topic menu. Glitch or suppression? Must be a server issue. I will contact the server mod direct as they can find the issue.
perhaps if we gave heroes of the planet medals for shutting down their economy to save us all it would be all better
Socialist democrats have run the economy of Greece for DECADES. American democrats has run the major cities and some states economies for DECADES.

Greece has been democratic since the fifth century, you stupid twit. Socialism is not the same system. Keyboard Kowboy.
Greece going bankrupt to Europe is like Iowa going under in the U.S. But thanks for being the headline hound on Fox for us today.
Socialist democrats have run the economy of Greece for DECADES. American democrats has run the major cities and some states economies for DECADES.

And both have failed due to American Republican ideology.
A republic ideology IS a republic of states.
States in agreement as to purpose/defense and spending.

Democrat ideology is about control OF the people inside those states. Thus a Republic frees it's people and a Democrat dictatorship enslaves it people.

Rather simple really.
Socialist democrats have run the economy of Greece for DECADES. American democrats has run the major cities and some states economies for DECADES.

Greece has been democratic since the fifth century, you stupid twit. Socialism is not the same system. Keyboard Kowboy.
Greece going bankrupt to Europe is like Iowa going under in the U.S. But thanks for being the headline hound on Fox for us today.
And Greece is FAILING and WE are on the SAME path. Oh and nitwit Greece calls themselves a socialist democrat country. Try harder next time okay? You make the other nitwit Dem's look smart.
A republic ideology IS a republic of states.
States in agreement as to purpose/defense and spending.

Democrat ideology is about control OF the people inside those states. Thus a Republic frees it's people and a Democrat dictatorship enslaves it people.

Rather simple really.

Republican ideology is promoting the wealthy and businesses while screwing the middle class and poor, then blaming the middle class and poor for not having any money.
A republic ideology IS a republic of states.
States in agreement as to purpose/defense and spending.

Democrat ideology is about control OF the people inside those states. Thus a Republic frees it's people and a Democrat dictatorship enslaves it people.

Rather simple really.

Republican ideology is promoting the wealthy and businesses while screwing the middle class and poor, then blaming the middle class and poor for not having any money.
Great, you know how to repeat what the democratic dictatorship says. So you are just ANOTHER mindless spineless idiot?
Great, you know how to repeat what the democratic dictatorship says. So you are just ANOTHER mindless spineless idiot?

In the last 45 years, how many bills have been authored or supported by Republicans which helped the middle class and poor WITHOUT giving the wealthy and/or business a much greater boost?
Great, you know how to repeat what the democratic dictatorship says. So you are just ANOTHER mindless spineless idiot?

In the last 45 years, how many bills have been authored or supported by Republicans which helped the middle class and poor WITHOUT giving the wealthy and/or business a much greater boost?
The poor do not create jobs, the create debt. You ever seen a hobo run a gas station?

The ONLY jobs the poor create are government jobs filling out there welfare forms. And that does NOT create wealth.
If anyone pays attention to the news, the Greeks will be acting in a very democratic manner this Sunday. The will vote.

Those without any sense, not only of sanity but politics, would reach for a trigger before a ballot.
the poor need to wake UP and stop having kids that they can't afford to raise properly. Presto, in 3 generations, no more poor people. The parents who refuse to show some SENSE perpetuate poverty.

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