Will Impeachment cost Democrats the House?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Opinion | The Incredible Shrinking Impeachment

Americans will decide in 11 months whether Trump deserves to remain in office. But they should also keep the impeachment vote very much in mind when they decide whether Democrats deserve to keep the House.

Whatever happened to bribery and extortion? Democrats spent weeks talking them up as the crimes of Trump’s Ukraine interventions.

Democrats changed their narrative to “abuse of power,” a phrase general enough for anything Congress wants to stuff into it. They don’t even pretend any more to prove a quid pro quo. Instead they assert that Trump, in his phone call with Ukraine’s president, “solicited the interference of a foreign government” in the 2020 election “in pursuit of personal political benefit.” They also assert that this “compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process.”

Their problem is that Mr. Trump didn’t withhold military aid to Ukraine, and even if he had he would have merely been returning to Barack Obama’s policy of denying lethal aid. How would that have jeopardized national security? Every President also solicits actions from foreign leaders that he hopes will help him politically at home.

As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.

31 democrats won in 2018 in districts that Trump won by 10+ points in 2016.
So all Trump needs to do is win back 20 or more of those seats and the House swings back to the GOP.
In 2020 the Never-Trumpers, at least those with brains, will be back on the right side.
After Durham exposes the largest scandal in US history, the Obama admin spying on the Trump campaign, Trump will win an even larger Electoral Landslide.
They're not really interested in impeachment. They're interested in distracting the serfs from what's actually going on behind the scenes. They just crammed 12 really serious bills into one spending bill which basically funds everything Trump wants to do, including tossing out the 4th Amendment. Those bills should, by rule, be sent to the President as separate bills. Then they'll come in a few hours before the 12/20 deadline and tell em they can't go home unless they vote on it. All will vote on it without ever reading it and Trump will sign it. And not a single peep about it from any media source.

What Trump just did with that EO is actually an impeachable offense. But we have crickets chirping about that.

Americans deserve everything they get. Balls deep, too. That's my new outlook on things. The sheer inattentiveness of the electorate is destroying everything the Founders built. Everything.
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They're not really interested in impeachment. They're interested in distractign the serfs fro mwhat's actually going on behind the scenes. They just crammed 12 really serious bills into one spending bill which basically funds everything Trump wants to do, including tossing out the 4th Amendment. Those bills should, by rule, be sent to the President as separate bills. Then they'll come in a few hours before the 12/20 deadline and tell em they can't go home unless they vote on it. All will vote on it without ever reading it and Trump will sign it. And not a single peep about it from any media source.

What Trump just did with that EO is actually an impeachable offense. But we have crickets chirping about that.

HA! Good luck impeaching over an anti-racism EO....if, instead of protecting Jews it had made it a crime to discriminate against white people (which is actually common practice at colleges all across the nation), then the impeachment would be a sure fire thing.
HA! Good luck impeaching over an anti-racism EO....if, instead of protecting Jews it had made it a crime to discriminate against white people (which is actually common practice at colleges all across the nation), then the impeachment would be a sure fire thing.

It's an anti-Constitution EO is what it is. Whatever, though. Like I said. Balls deep. I hope America likes it that way. It's only gonna get worse. I hope they build that wall so high and tight that nobody can get out.
"Will Impeachment cost Democrats the House?"

No. House Repubs are retiring because they expect to be in the Minority in 2021-2022.
Opinion | The Incredible Shrinking Impeachment

Americans will decide in 11 months whether Trump deserves to remain in office. But they should also keep the impeachment vote very much in mind when they decide whether Democrats deserve to keep the House.

Whatever happened to bribery and extortion? Democrats spent weeks talking them up as the crimes of Trump’s Ukraine interventions.

Democrats changed their narrative to “abuse of power,” a phrase general enough for anything Congress wants to stuff into it. They don’t even pretend any more to prove a quid pro quo. Instead they assert that Trump, in his phone call with Ukraine’s president, “solicited the interference of a foreign government” in the 2020 election “in pursuit of personal political benefit.” They also assert that this “compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process.”

Their problem is that Mr. Trump didn’t withhold military aid to Ukraine, and even if he had he would have merely been returning to Barack Obama’s policy of denying lethal aid. How would that have jeopardized national security? Every President also solicits actions from foreign leaders that he hopes will help him politically at home.

As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.

I think it already has. Trump is about to walk with the whole bag of marbles.
About the only thing the demodumbasses can do now is spend the next four years trying to extract their heads from their asses and restore some sanity to their soon to be defunct party if they don't.
The big problem for the Ds is that as soon as a special counsel is named by Barr they are up the creek without a paddle
The big problem for the Ds is that as soon as a special counsel is named by Barr they are up the creek without a paddle

Sounds like wishful thinking to me. What do you think the special counsel is going to do? Prosecute democrats for crimes? LOL!
"Will Impeachment cost Democrats the House?"

No. House Repubs are retiring because they expect to be in the Minority in 2021-2022.
So what? The number of republicans retiring isn't unusual, and they're in firm republican districts so another republican will be elected anyway, so your inference is moronic.

The democrats are getting their ASSES HANDED TO THEM in this FARCICAL SHAM of an impeachment. They WILL lose the house, and there WILL be PAY BACK. What we are seeing is the LAST DYING GASPS by the congressional party in power right before they LOSE their power.
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Opinion | The Incredible Shrinking Impeachment

Americans will decide in 11 months whether Trump deserves to remain in office. But they should also keep the impeachment vote very much in mind when they decide whether Democrats deserve to keep the House.

Whatever happened to bribery and extortion? Democrats spent weeks talking them up as the crimes of Trump’s Ukraine interventions.

Democrats changed their narrative to “abuse of power,” a phrase general enough for anything Congress wants to stuff into it. They don’t even pretend any more to prove a quid pro quo. Instead they assert that Trump, in his phone call with Ukraine’s president, “solicited the interference of a foreign government” in the 2020 election “in pursuit of personal political benefit.” They also assert that this “compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process.”

Their problem is that Mr. Trump didn’t withhold military aid to Ukraine, and even if he had he would have merely been returning to Barack Obama’s policy of denying lethal aid. How would that have jeopardized national security? Every President also solicits actions from foreign leaders that he hopes will help him politically at home.

As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.

All current predictions have Democrats retaining the House.
Gerrymandered districts are now in the Dems favor (e.g., PA), so it will be difficult for the GOP to take the House unless Trump wins in a landslide.
Opinion | The Incredible Shrinking Impeachment

Americans will decide in 11 months whether Trump deserves to remain in office. But they should also keep the impeachment vote very much in mind when they decide whether Democrats deserve to keep the House.

Whatever happened to bribery and extortion? Democrats spent weeks talking them up as the crimes of Trump’s Ukraine interventions.

Democrats changed their narrative to “abuse of power,” a phrase general enough for anything Congress wants to stuff into it. They don’t even pretend any more to prove a quid pro quo. Instead they assert that Trump, in his phone call with Ukraine’s president, “solicited the interference of a foreign government” in the 2020 election “in pursuit of personal political benefit.” They also assert that this “compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process.”

Their problem is that Mr. Trump didn’t withhold military aid to Ukraine, and even if he had he would have merely been returning to Barack Obama’s policy of denying lethal aid. How would that have jeopardized national security? Every President also solicits actions from foreign leaders that he hopes will help him politically at home.

As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.

All current predictions have Democrats retaining the House.

Current. Let us see what happens if they go through with impeachment.
Opinion | The Incredible Shrinking Impeachment

Americans will decide in 11 months whether Trump deserves to remain in office. But they should also keep the impeachment vote very much in mind when they decide whether Democrats deserve to keep the House.

Whatever happened to bribery and extortion? Democrats spent weeks talking them up as the crimes of Trump’s Ukraine interventions.

Democrats changed their narrative to “abuse of power,” a phrase general enough for anything Congress wants to stuff into it. They don’t even pretend any more to prove a quid pro quo. Instead they assert that Trump, in his phone call with Ukraine’s president, “solicited the interference of a foreign government” in the 2020 election “in pursuit of personal political benefit.” They also assert that this “compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process.”

Their problem is that Mr. Trump didn’t withhold military aid to Ukraine, and even if he had he would have merely been returning to Barack Obama’s policy of denying lethal aid. How would that have jeopardized national security? Every President also solicits actions from foreign leaders that he hopes will help him politically at home.

As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.

All current predictions have Democrats retaining the House.

Current. Let us see what happens if they go through with impeachment.

Not going to change anything.
The democrats are getting their ASSES HANDED TO THEM in this FARCICAL SHAM of an impeachment. They WILL lose the house, and there WILL be PAY BACK. What we are seeing is the LAST DYING GASPS by the party in power right before they LOSE their power.
Why you shouting?
Opinion | The Incredible Shrinking Impeachment

Americans will decide in 11 months whether Trump deserves to remain in office. But they should also keep the impeachment vote very much in mind when they decide whether Democrats deserve to keep the House.

Whatever happened to bribery and extortion? Democrats spent weeks talking them up as the crimes of Trump’s Ukraine interventions.

Democrats changed their narrative to “abuse of power,” a phrase general enough for anything Congress wants to stuff into it. They don’t even pretend any more to prove a quid pro quo. Instead they assert that Trump, in his phone call with Ukraine’s president, “solicited the interference of a foreign government” in the 2020 election “in pursuit of personal political benefit.” They also assert that this “compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process.”

Their problem is that Mr. Trump didn’t withhold military aid to Ukraine, and even if he had he would have merely been returning to Barack Obama’s policy of denying lethal aid. How would that have jeopardized national security? Every President also solicits actions from foreign leaders that he hopes will help him politically at home.

As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.

All current predictions have Democrats retaining the House.

Current. Let us see what happens if they go through with impeachment.

Not going to change anything.

So you have ESP? Awesome.
If dems are stupid enough to vote to impeach it will go to the senate...where the democrats will be destroyed on world wide TV. (yes, even starving ethiopians are watching at this point).

This wont only cost them the house...the democrat party will no longer exist.
Opinion | The Incredible Shrinking Impeachment

Americans will decide in 11 months whether Trump deserves to remain in office. But they should also keep the impeachment vote very much in mind when they decide whether Democrats deserve to keep the House.

Whatever happened to bribery and extortion? Democrats spent weeks talking them up as the crimes of Trump’s Ukraine interventions.

Democrats changed their narrative to “abuse of power,” a phrase general enough for anything Congress wants to stuff into it. They don’t even pretend any more to prove a quid pro quo. Instead they assert that Trump, in his phone call with Ukraine’s president, “solicited the interference of a foreign government” in the 2020 election “in pursuit of personal political benefit.” They also assert that this “compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process.”

Their problem is that Mr. Trump didn’t withhold military aid to Ukraine, and even if he had he would have merely been returning to Barack Obama’s policy of denying lethal aid. How would that have jeopardized national security? Every President also solicits actions from foreign leaders that he hopes will help him politically at home.

As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.

All current predictions have Democrats retaining the House.

Current. Let us see what happens if they go through with impeachment.

Not going to change anything.

So you have ESP? Awesome.

Sure, go with that. The Democrats will retain the House and the Republicans will narrowly retain the Senate...and none of it will have anything to do with impeachment.
Opinion | The Incredible Shrinking Impeachment

Americans will decide in 11 months whether Trump deserves to remain in office. But they should also keep the impeachment vote very much in mind when they decide whether Democrats deserve to keep the House.

Whatever happened to bribery and extortion? Democrats spent weeks talking them up as the crimes of Trump’s Ukraine interventions.

Democrats changed their narrative to “abuse of power,” a phrase general enough for anything Congress wants to stuff into it. They don’t even pretend any more to prove a quid pro quo. Instead they assert that Trump, in his phone call with Ukraine’s president, “solicited the interference of a foreign government” in the 2020 election “in pursuit of personal political benefit.” They also assert that this “compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process.”

Their problem is that Mr. Trump didn’t withhold military aid to Ukraine, and even if he had he would have merely been returning to Barack Obama’s policy of denying lethal aid. How would that have jeopardized national security? Every President also solicits actions from foreign leaders that he hopes will help him politically at home.

As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.

All current predictions have Democrats retaining the House.

Current. Let us see what happens if they go through with impeachment.

Not going to change anything.

So you have ESP? Awesome.

Sure, go with that. The Democrats will retain the House and the Republicans will narrowly retain the Senate...and none of it will have anything to do with impeachment.
You're allowed your opinion but from the people who I have spoken with, several "never Trumpers" have stated they will vote for Trump because of what the Democrats have done here and these are people who I never thought would do so. If they are a sample of what others nationwide are thinking, then I believe you may be in for a shock as you were in November 2016.
The democrats are getting their ASSES HANDED TO THEM in this FARCICAL SHAM of an impeachment. They WILL lose the house, and there WILL be PAY BACK. What we are seeing is the LAST DYING GASPS by the party in power right before they LOSE their power.
Why you shouting?
"Shouting?" I didn't know you could hear fonts on a webpage.

Have you seen anyone about hearing words shout online?

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