Will Israel Go It Alone?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
My guess is yes they will and that was before the latest poll came out. 47% of them SUPPORT striking Iran NOW and getting that nuke program over with. UNLIKE Obama and democrats who HATE the Hebrew nation they HAVE Russian and Chinese backing.

Now the democrats HATE for the Jewish people goes back a ways in American history. You see when those 3 young men left the north to sign up Negro voters in the south the Jews went with the. Democrats via their HATE group the KKK killed those three young men for TRYING to bring voting rights and justice to the American Negro.

So now today the Hebrew tribe faces yet ANOTHER democrat backed HATE group in Iran. Story as follows...

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An Israeli F-16 I fighter jet takes off during a display for foreign media at the Ramon air force base in the Negev Desert, southern Israel, 2013 (AFP Photo/Jack Guez)
Jerusalem (AFP) - Almost half of Israelis would support a unilateral strike to prevent Iran obtaining the atomic bomb, an opinion poll carried out after Tuesday's nuclear deal between Tehran and major powers found.
47 of Israelis would back unilateral Iran strike poll - Yahoo News

His deal also means HIGH LEVEL terrorists wanted on the international stage GO FREE such as this trash.
Former Revolutionary Guards Commander Ahmad Vahidi is another prominent Iranian politician who would be removed from international sanctions lists. Vahidihas been wanted by Interpol since 2007, for his suspected involvement in the bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires in which 85 people were killed.
Obama s Iran Deal Gives a Free Pass to a Rogues Gallery The Fiscal Times

The worlds MOST WANTED terrorists are now able to live here in America.
That's right they are FREE to come HERE and roam America's streets.
Feel safer now?
It was hard to follow your message in the OP. Did you say that the Russians and Chinese were backing Israel? Or did I misinterpret what you wrote in OP?
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I take it you are one that would be quite happy to see war break out on a global scale?
Why would that happen? I take it you are a Chicken Little who runs around cackling...

'The sky is falling, the sky is falling!'
When 47% of a country ANY country is willing to go to war that's NOT chicken little. That's a dire warning that VERY bad things ARE or COULD happen shortly and quickly.
It was hard to follow your message in the OP. Did you say that the Russians and Chinese were backing Israel? Or did I misinterpret what you wrote in OP?
If you read the links you will find the Russians have been working very closely with Israel. When Obama killed the trade deal on buying their fruit Putin picked it up.
Nam was not global. Why on earth do rightards insist on redefining words to make their arguments coherent?

Well, ok, it's the only way it's going to happen, but apart from that?
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The op was a bit garbled, but in response to the title;

no, I think other arab nations will back israel b/c they don't want iran to push them around once israel is gone
I think they will let Israel go it alone and just look the other way.
arabs and persians hate each other, plus they are different kind of muslim

the arabs want us to shit on iran so they don't have to man up and do it themselves, so as a last choice against a nuclear iran, I think they will back Israel.

they won't lead or really work together, but they will lend support
The op was a bit garbled, but in response to the title;

no, I think other arab nations will back israel b/c they don't want iran to push them around once israel is gone
I think they will let Israel go it alone and just look the other way.
arabs and persians hate each other, plus they are different kind of muslim

the arabs want us to shit on iran so they don't have to man up and do it themselves, so as a last choice against a nuclear iran, I think they will back Israel.

they won't lead or really work together, but they will lend support
I hope Israel hits Iran but I worry Obama would hit Israel.
The op was a bit garbled, but in response to the title;

no, I think other arab nations will back israel b/c they don't want iran to push them around once israel is gone
I think they will let Israel go it alone and just look the other way.
arabs and persians hate each other, plus they are different kind of muslim

the arabs want us to shit on iran so they don't have to man up and do it themselves, so as a last choice against a nuclear iran, I think they will back Israel.

they won't lead or really work together, but they will lend support
I hope Israel hits Iran but I worry Obama would hit Israel.
that would be a hard sell

he would definitely come out against them but actual war? nah, he could never get any real support for that
The op was a bit garbled, but in response to the title;

no, I think other arab nations will back israel b/c they don't want iran to push them around once israel is gone
I think they will let Israel go it alone and just look the other way.
arabs and persians hate each other, plus they are different kind of muslim

the arabs want us to shit on iran so they don't have to man up and do it themselves, so as a last choice against a nuclear iran, I think they will back Israel.

they won't lead or really work together, but they will lend support
I hope Israel hits Iran but I worry Obama would hit Israel.
that would be a hard sell

he would definitely come out against them but actual war? nah, he could never get any real support for that
With Obozo we lose either way.
1, He ignores them and we lose.
2, He strikes them and we lose.
That "treaty" he just did gives his word to DEFEND Iran and its nuke production.
There is just no way we win with that.
Zechariah 12:
1 prophecy: The word of the Lord concerning Israel.

The Lord, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the human spirit within a person, declares: 2“I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. 3On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.

Zechariah 14:2For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be captured, the houses plundered, the women ravished and half of the city exiled, but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city.

All nations shall come against Israel, both Christians and Jews believe this to be the case. That does not mean that every person other than Jews will believe that Israel has done wrong, but the leaders of the nations will band together to go against Israel. And as Obama has shown, he has no problem going against the people's or the congress' wishes.

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