Will Israel Go It Alone?

It was hard to follow your message in the OP. Did you say that the Russians and Chinese were backing Israel? Or did I misinterpret what you wrote in OP?
If you read the links you will find the Russians have been working very closely with Israel. When Obama killed the trade deal on buying their fruit Putin picked it up.

How will that work out with the Russians who have been working very closely with Iran? If you will go back to the 70's you'll find that the Russians gave the Iranians billions in aid to rebuild the nuclear reactor at Busheyr that was damaged in the Iran - Iraq war. The alliance has only grown stronger since then and they have a treaty called the Grand Design Treaty that promises Iran the backing of Russia should they come under attack from another nation such as USA (or Israel?). Although it may be impossible to find out much about that treaty online I have a book that refers to it - and goes into some detail about the relationship between Iran and Russia.
I beg your pardon. Have you ever heard of Haym Solomon and his contribution to George Washington and the soldiers at Valley Forge who were freezing to death, starving and out of ammo? It was Haym Solomon who gave all he had to turn the tide at Valley Forge -without his financial help - Washington believed they would have perished and America would have been lost. And you were saying.......?

I believe the estimate in todays money would be $700,000.00 - what Haym Solomon contributed to the needs of the men at Valley Forge - so what is 7% interest on $700,000.00 for the past 200 plus years? 7% interest per day for over 200 years is what? Can you do the math? I'm not so good at math. I'm guessing it is in the trillions? Have we given that much to Israel?

When was that? Could you provide a source and a link for me?
Thank you in advance.
That is a neat story, and I will look it up for future reference.

However, it fails twice. One, it is a fallacy of false derivative analogy. Two, it is a fallacy of implied obligation. They both fall on the premise that something that happened 238 years ago obligates the US to support Israel (which did not exist then) now.
I beg your pardon. Have you ever heard of Haym Solomon and his contribution to George Washington and the soldiers at Valley Forge who were freezing to death, starving and out of ammo? It was Haym Solomon who gave all he had to turn the tide at Valley Forge -without his financial help - Washington believed they would have perished and America would have been lost. And you were saying.......?

I believe the estimate in todays money would be $700,000.00 - what Haym Solomon contributed to the needs of the men at Valley Forge - so what is 7% interest on $700,000.00 for the past 200 plus years? 7% interest per day for over 200 years is what? Can you do the math? I'm not so good at math. I'm guessing it is in the trillions? Have we given that much to Israel?

When was that? Could you provide a source and a link for me?
Thank you in advance.
That is a neat story, and I will look it up for future reference.

However, it fails twice. One, it is a fallacy of false derivative analogy. Two, it is a fallacy of implied obligation. They both fall on the premise that something that happened 238 years ago obligates the US to support Israel (which did not exist then) now.

As I am Christian, my obligation is to the Word of God which tells me that those who bless Israel shall be blessed and those who curse her shall be cursed.

That Haym Solomon spent his fortune saving our soldiers at Valley Forge & the future of our nation is an honorable thing to do. As Haym knew that his own homeland (Israel) was not yet to be returned back to them - he called America his promised land as did the Jews of the 13 colonies who also chipped in their money too. So then we should add that amount in too - perhaps add on another half million and 7% compounded interest to that number as well? What would that be? A trillion dollars? Two trillion dollars by todays money?

My point is not that Haym would have expected us to repay to the penny what he and the Jews of the 13 colonies gave to save Valley Forge and therein save our nation but rather that the help he gave to save our nation would be reciprocated back to His homeland - Israel - as we have opportunity to do today. It would seem that a rational person would desire to give back to such a mans nation in honor of his having gave all to save ours. I'm merely suggesting what is reasonable, Jake.

Scripture does warn us, that if we return evil for good evil shall not depart from our house. This is true of a nation as well.

That is all I have to say about it. Goodnight.
None of that then applies to us now.

There was no Israel then. Haym Solomon was a good man whom God will reward.

Research and writing about a pioneer woman in the west from 1846 to 1872, my My wife turned to me and said, "She gave the widow's mite not once but three times, everything she had three times to the service of God ~ as a young single woman, as a married woman, and the third time, after she gave her all, the widow then went and lived in a cave with her seven children. God blessed her and she died among friends and family at the age of 67 in the far west many years later."

So many of God's children live their lives quietly and not much marked.
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My guess is yes they will and that was before the latest poll came out. 47% of them SUPPORT striking Iran NOW and getting that nuke program over with. UNLIKE Obama and democrats who HATE the Hebrew nation they HAVE Russian and Chinese backing.

Now the democrats HATE for the Jewish people goes back a ways in American history. You see when those 3 young men left the north to sign up Negro voters in the south the Jews went with the. Democrats via their HATE group the KKK killed those three young men for TRYING to bring voting rights and justice to the American Negro.

So now today the Hebrew tribe faces yet ANOTHER democrat backed HATE group in Iran. Story as follows...

View photo

An Israeli F-16 I fighter jet takes off during a display for foreign media at the Ramon air force base in the Negev Desert, southern Israel, 2013 (AFP Photo/Jack Guez)
Jerusalem (AFP) - Almost half of Israelis would support a unilateral strike to prevent Iran obtaining the atomic bomb, an opinion poll carried out after Tuesday's nuclear deal between Tehran and major powers found.
47 of Israelis would back unilateral Iran strike poll - Yahoo News

His deal also means HIGH LEVEL terrorists wanted on the international stage GO FREE such as this trash.
Former Revolutionary Guards Commander Ahmad Vahidi is another prominent Iranian politician who would be removed from international sanctions lists. Vahidihas been wanted by Interpol since 2007, for his suspected involvement in the bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires in which 85 people were killed.
Obama s Iran Deal Gives a Free Pass to a Rogues Gallery The Fiscal Times

The worlds MOST WANTED terrorists are now able to live here in America.
That's right they are FREE to come HERE and roam America's streets.
Feel safer now?

nuttinbutayahoo isn't even that stupid and hate filled
The op was a bit garbled, but in response to the title;

no, I think other arab nations will back israel b/c they don't want iran to push them around once israel is gone

Interesting. So you would agree that China and Russia are backing Iran?
if I recall, they trade with iran

as far as being allies that would support iran in war, I have no idea
Israel should get as much foreign aid and weapons from the US as possible then
go do what they need to do against Iran.It's the least the US should do after screwing Israel.
that's ignorant

we've been giving them aid and weapons for decades, we don't owe them shit.

I beg your pardon. Have you ever heard of Haym Solomon and his contribution to George Washington and the soldiers at Valley Forge who were freezing to death, starving and out of ammo? It was Haym Solomon who gave all he had to turn the tide at Valley Forge -without his financial help - Washington believed they would have perished and America would have been lost. And you were saying.......?

I believe the estimate in todays money would be $700,000.00 - what Haym Solomon contributed to the needs of the men at Valley Forge - so what is 7% interest on $700,000.00 for the past 200 plus years? 7% interest per day for over 200 years is what? Can you do the math? I'm not so good at math. I'm guessing it is in the trillions? Have we given that much to Israel?

When was that? Could you provide a source and a link for me?
Thank you in advance.
wow, what a well thought out ignorant pile of useless blather.

truly, the stretch of the imagination required to make a link from the American Revolution to us owing Israel a fucking penny is truly astounding.

you know israel wasnt around back then?
Do you know about the USS Liberty
Do you know we give them over $3billion a year?

Do you know you can go fuck yourself?
Israel should get as much foreign aid and weapons from the US as possible then
go do what they need to do against Iran.It's the least the US should do after screwing Israel.
that's ignorant

we've been giving them aid and weapons for decades, we don't owe them shit.

I beg your pardon. Have you ever heard of Haym Solomon and his contribution to George Washington and the soldiers at Valley Forge who were freezing to death, starving and out of ammo? It was Haym Solomon who gave all he had to turn the tide at Valley Forge -without his financial help - Washington believed they would have perished and America would have been lost. And you were saying.......?

I believe the estimate in todays money would be $700,000.00 - what Haym Solomon contributed to the needs of the men at Valley Forge - so what is 7% interest on $700,000.00 for the past 200 plus years? 7% interest per day for over 200 years is what? Can you do the math? I'm not so good at math. I'm guessing it is in the trillions? Have we given that much to Israel?

When was that? Could you provide a source and a link for me?
Thank you in advance.
wow, what a well thought out ignorant pile of useless blather.

truly, the stretch of the imagination required to make a link from the American Revolution to us owing Israel a fucking penny is truly astounding.

you know israel wasnt around back then?
Do you know about the USS Liberty
Do you know we give them over $3billion a year?

Do you know you can go fuck yourself?

If this topic of discussion is too much for you perhaps you would do better finding another forum.

You ask if I didn't know that Israel had not yet been born again?

Had you read my posts on this thread more carefully - you would see that I already made it clear that Haym Solomon's homeland of Israel had not been reborn. This was the reason for his having said that America would be his homeland. Understand now?

As for the USS Liberty? It was a tragic accident. Any Lawyer worth his salt knows that without a motive there is no way to prove a crime was committed. There was no motive for Israel to commit an act of terrorism against the USA. They had no history of it nor has any such thing ever happened again. It was an accident. Yes. Accidents do happen, Two Thumbs.

As to the money we give Israel. Those are loans and the strings attached by the "Quartet" are hardly worth it. In my belief, Israel is paying far too high a price in these so called "peace deals" for a loan.
You may believe otherwise. That is your right.

As for the rest? Well. Everyone has their bad days and today must be yours. No offense taken.
The op was a bit garbled, but in response to the title;

no, I think other arab nations will back israel b/c they don't want iran to push them around once israel is gone

Interesting. So you would agree that China and Russia are backing Iran?
if I recall, they trade with iran

as far as being allies that would support iran in war, I have no idea

I do. They have an agreement called the Grand Design Treaty.
None of that then applies to us now.

There was no Israel then. Haym Solomon was a good man whom God will reward.

Research and writing about a pioneer woman in the west from 1846 to 1872, my My wife turned to me and said, "She gave the widow's mite not once but three times, everything she had three times to the service of God ~ as a young single woman, as a married woman, and the third time, after she gave her all, the widow then went and lived in a cave with her seven children. God blessed her and she died among friends and family at the age of 67 in the far west many years later."

So many of God's children live their lives quietly and not much marked.

Israel began over 4,000 years ago, Jake. The people of the land of Israel - the Jews - were in exile - the land of Israel was reborn on May 14, 1948. I already established in an earlier post that Haym Solomon made America his promised land because Israel had not been reborn yet. Haym Solomon's body lies in an unmarked grave in Philadelphia. On the subjected of "un-marked".

As to your pioneer story -

This thread is not about pioneers from the West but about Israel. Make a thread if you feel inspired to do so.
It was hard to follow your message in the OP. Did you say that the Russians and Chinese were backing Israel? Or did I misinterpret what you wrote in OP?
If you read the links you will find the Russians have been working very closely with Israel. When Obama killed the trade deal on buying their fruit Putin picked it up.

Interesting! I did not hear about that! Thank you, Dark Fury.
Will Israel attack Iran?


Will Iran obtain a Nuclear bomb or ability to create uranium enriched material that could be used in a dirty bomb?

Of course...

Will sanctions and threats stop Iran?


Do I support having a Nuclear Iran?


Would I support a all out war with Iran?


Now seeing you support attacking Iran my question will be simple and when will you offer yourself to help Israel in the attack on Iran and if you're not willing to fight then why the hell would you care if Israel attack Iran or not?

Also Israel has nukes...
It was hard to follow your message in the OP. Did you say that the Russians and Chinese were backing Israel? Or did I misinterpret what you wrote in OP?
If you read the links you will find the Russians have been working very closely with Israel. When Obama killed the trade deal on buying their fruit Putin picked it up.

Interesting! I did not hear about that! Thank you, Dark Fury.[/QUOTE
Against the tide Russia imports Israeli fruit i24news - See beyond
Israel should get as much foreign aid and weapons from the US as possible then
go do what they need to do against Iran.It's the least the US should do after screwing Israel.
that's ignorant

we've been giving them aid and weapons for decades, we don't owe them shit.

I beg your pardon. Have you ever heard of Haym Solomon and his contribution to George Washington and the soldiers at Valley Forge who were freezing to death, starving and out of ammo? It was Haym Solomon who gave all he had to turn the tide at Valley Forge -without his financial help - Washington believed they would have perished and America would have been lost. And you were saying.......?

I believe the estimate in todays money would be $700,000.00 - what Haym Solomon contributed to the needs of the men at Valley Forge - so what is 7% interest on $700,000.00 for the past 200 plus years? 7% interest per day for over 200 years is what? Can you do the math? I'm not so good at math. I'm guessing it is in the trillions? Have we given that much to Israel?

When was that? Could you provide a source and a link for me?
Thank you in advance.
wow, what a well thought out ignorant pile of useless blather.

truly, the stretch of the imagination required to make a link from the American Revolution to us owing Israel a fucking penny is truly astounding.

you know israel wasnt around back then?
Do you know about the USS Liberty
Do you know we give them over $3billion a year?

Do you know you can go fuck yourself?

If this topic of discussion is too much for you perhaps you would do better finding another forum.

You ask if I didn't know that Israel had not yet been born again?

Had you read my posts on this thread more carefully - you would see that I already made it clear that Haym Solomon's homeland of Israel had not been reborn. This was the reason for his having said that America would be his homeland. Understand now?

As for the USS Liberty? It was a tragic accident. Any Lawyer worth his salt knows that without a motive there is no way to prove a crime was committed. There was no motive for Israel to commit an act of terrorism against the USA. They had no history of it nor has any such thing ever happened again. It was an accident. Yes. Accidents do happen, Two Thumbs.

As to the money we give Israel. Those are loans and the strings attached by the "Quartet" are hardly worth it. In my belief, Israel is paying far too high a price in these so called "peace deals" for a loan.
You may believe otherwise. That is your right.

As for the rest? Well. Everyone has their bad days and today must be yours. No offense taken.
We don't owe israel anything

they attacked us on purpose, it's impossible not to be able to tell it was an American ship.

We Owe Them Nothing

they are not a state, they are not part of America and do nothing for us.

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