Will Jack Dorsey Be Arrested?

Much hostility about not being able to see dick pics on Twitter. Truly a scandal at having to go to Fox to see your Hunter Biden pics.

Much trolling in desperation to distract from the fact that Jack Dorsey lied to congress.

Because we ALL know the fix is in, and his status in the Reich means he's not subject to the laws you brutally used against enemies of your Reich.

Now run along and do whatever it is you do with your dick pics.

If you try to post them here, I will report you.
I get the desperation of you fascists.

Dorsey lied directly to Congress - under oath. Dorsey, when asked point blank if Twitter shadow bans people, he testified under oath they did not.

Direct perjury.

The only question now, is Dorsey subject to the same laws you've used against enemies of your Reich?
In the 2018 hearing.

"I want to read a few quotes about Twitter's practices and I just want you to tell me if they're true or not," Rep. Mike Doyle, D-Penn., said. "Social media is being rigged to censor conservatives. Is that true of Twitter?"

"No," Dorsey responded.

"Are you censoring people?" Doyle asked next.

"No," Dorsey answered.

"Twitter's shadow-banning prominent Republicans... is that true?" Doyle followed.

"No," Dorsey said.

"Can you personally vouch that statement is a true statement that there are Democrat politicians who, when you did the auto-search, they didn't show up?" Barton asked.

"Yes," Dorsey said.

Where did Dorsey claim shadow banning did not take place? He claimed it was not done to censor conservatives. Your reading comprehension is lacking.....especially for a teacher, who should be able to discern and understand, what he has read!
Much trolling in desperation to distract from the fact that Jack Dorsey lied to congress.

Because we ALL know the fix is in, and his status in the Reich means he's not subject to the laws you brutally used against enemies of your Reich.

Now run along and do whatever it is you do with your dick pics.

If you try to post them here, I will report you.
Frankly if they put Dorsey up against a wall I wouldn't care. I just like the freakout you're doing because you couldn't get dick picks on Twitter. You think Twitter dick pics would suddenly make 7mm people vote for Trump?
Truth Social is your answer... to the perceived problem.

Competition heals all wounds.
Twitter Files two dropped last night, and along with it the proof of the blacklists used by Twitter to silence conservative voices in order to influence elections, specifically the 2020 presidential election.

{Following the second installment of the "Twitter Files" that revealed the platform's efforts to suppress prominent conservatives, a resurfaced September 2018 clip of Dorsey's testimony to a congressional committee was asked point-blank whether Twitter "censors" its users. }

Dorsey lied under oath to Congress, we now know.

Conservative gadfly Roger Stone was accused of lying to Congress, and the FBI coordinated with CNN to create a media spectacular - with helicopter gun ships, nearly a hundred Gestapo commandos in full military body armor, armed with machine guns, Zodiac attack landing craft - all to arrest a 64 year old for a white collar process crime.

So will we see the same regarding Dorsey?

Same "crime." Will Garland execute a major military assault on Jack Dorsey's house? Or does Dorsey have the right politics, and is above the law?

Will Jack Dorsey be arrested?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Sure honcho. And he'll get a cell right next to Hillary.
Poor thing. STILL doesn't get it. Never will.
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Frankly if they put Dorsey up against a wall I wouldn't care. I just like the freakout you're doing because you couldn't get dick picks on Twitter. You think Twitter dick pics would suddenly make 7mm people vote for Trump?
The NY POST, the Press, was not censored....they wrote the article and sold their paper to whomever wanted to buy it or get their distribution thru their subscriptions.

No government first amendment rights for the Press, were broken. And no laws were broken by Twitter choosing not to put the Post article or naked pics on their site. Twitter is not the Press, with constitutional protection from Congress censoring them....but the NYPOST, although a tabloid, is the press....and they were not stopped from writing or printing the Hunter Biden laptop story.

I don't understand why that is so hard for rightwingers to understand??
Twitter was not obligated to put the Trump Campaign October Surprise, the Giuliani/NYpost article on their site even if they were certain it was proven not to be Russian propaganda....
Well, now that we know that private mega corporations are working politically for the intent of swaying and influencing elections both by suppressing bad news about you or good news about the opponent, but in effect the creation and dissemination of MISinformation as a result in order to effect political outcome.
I don’t see what the big deal is. That’s what Fox News has been doing since the 90s.
Twitter was not obligated to put the Trump Campaign October Surprise, the Giuliani/NYpost article on their site even if they were certain it was proven not to be Russian propaganda....
what does that have to do with LYING?

to Congress?

When Rs do that or are accused of doing it (more of the latter than the former)

there is all hell to pay.

I guess you dims are good with that unequal application of 'justice'... It works for you, so to hell w/ anyone else, eh?
Frankly if they put Dorsey up against a wall I wouldn't care. I just like the freakout you're doing because you couldn't get dick picks on Twitter. You think Twitter dick pics would suddenly make 7mm people vote for Trump?

First, if I wanted dick pics, no one has a larger collection than you.

But I do find the difference in law quite interesting - impossible to deny that fascists simply aren't subject to the laws prosecuted against Americans.
First, if I wanted dick pics, no one has a larger collection than you.

But I do find the difference in law quite interesting - impossible to deny that fascists simply aren't subject to the laws prosecuted against Americans.
Yes, they are finally found out.
The NY POST, the Press, was not censored....


they wrote the article and sold their paper to whomever wanted to buy it or get their distribution thru their subscriptions.

No government first amendment rights for the Press, were broken. And no laws were broken by Twitter choosing not to put the Post article or naked pics on their site. Twitter is not the Press, with constitutional protection from Congress censoring them....but the NYPOST, although a tabloid, is the press....and they were not stopped from writing or printing the Hunter Biden laptop story.

I don't understand why that is so hard for rightwingers to understand??

You did your best to cover it up - so what else is left other than flat out lying?

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