Will Joe Biden show any courage and actually debate Trump on stage?

Will Joe debate Trump?

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He pardoned stone because he had the goods on him just like Russia and others he bought off
What goods?

Watch this.........................
The thing you liars call the Russia hoax ,,for one Stone could bury Trump Why TF do you think he's not in jail?

The only russian collusion is that which your hero, the shrilary engaged in.

You have some nerve calling anyone a dumbass after supporting the worst POS to ever enter our WH I have no words to call your obvious FUP now Perhaps later

You have some nerve calling him the worst president when the only thing that he did wrong was defeat the most corrupt candidate the country has ever seen. He has done more for the black people in this country than ANY of the Democrats have done, and he drives leftist scum, like you, crazy.

That makes him the best in at least 50 years.
Isn't it interesting that out of 38 participants in the poll more than half do not believe Biden will make it to the stage for a Live Debate.
All those polls mean is that there are more Trump supporters than Biden supporters on the board. As a measure of what the electorate thinks, it's meaningless.
Correct ....

It also means there are more sane people participating in this thread.
He pardoned stone because he had the goods on him just like Russia and others he bought off
What goods?

Watch this.........................
The thing you liars call the Russia hoax ,,for one Stone could bury Trump Why TF do you think he's not in jail?

The only russian collusion is that which your hero, the shrilary engaged in.

You have some nerve calling anyone a dumbass after supporting the worst POS to ever enter our WH I have no words to call your obvious FUP now Perhaps later

You have some nerve calling him the worst president when the only thing that he did wrong was defeat the most corrupt candidate the country has ever seen. He has done more for the black people in this country than ANY of the Democrats have done, and he drives leftist scum, like you, crazy.

That makes him the best in at least 50 years.
The Affordable Care Act had reduced the number of uninsured black Americans by a third, thanks largely to the expansion of Medicaid. Trump’s administration supports a legal effort to eradicate the law entirely, erasing its provisions including the mandate that insurers cover those with preexisting conditions.
Historically black colleges and universities
Walter Kimbrough, president of Dillard University in New Orleans, offered his own analysis of Trump’s claims about HBCU funding in a series of tweets on Tuesday.
“The President did sign the bill for [fiscal year 2020] which provided record HBCU funding,” Kimbrough wrote. “It was the result of bipartisan work in the Congress; the president simply signed it as part of the overall budget for the nation.”
Trump additionally signed the Future Act — passed by bipartisan voice votes in both chambers — providing additional financial support for the institutions by continuing a program started under George W. Bush. Signing this law, Kimbrough argued, mirrored an action taken by Obama after the funding stream was set to expire during his presidency,,,,and so much more proving he and you are FOS
Isn't it interesting that out of 38 participants in the poll more than half do not believe Biden will make it to the stage for a Live Debate.
All those polls mean is that there are more Trump supporters than Biden supporters on the board. As a measure of what the electorate thinks, it's meaningless.
Correct ....It also means there are more sane people participating in this thread.

Jim is a gun-owning USMC vet who voted Trump in 2016 but will be voting Joe in 2020

Republican Voters Against Trump
Yeah john it's all a hoax LOL Trump the crook told you that and you believe him lol
Fvckin' Leftist .....

It's ALWAYS gotta be ALL or nothing with you people.

Damn you guys are soooo predictable.
John I'll give you hoax,,,,Bashing and investigating Hillary for years was a republican hoax ,Obama not a citizen was a hoax trump not paying off prostitutes was a hoax Russia not being involved in trumps election was a hoax Shall I go on?
Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?

Yup. He won't survive the first debate. His handlers will make sure no debates happen.
he's already on record for saying lets go, bring this lying pos on,, this brain lol

So what. His handlers will find some reason to back out.
Trump will lie his *** off and get called on it every time and it's going to happen in front of the whole world
Look at the moron who believes Biden doesn't lie, or that he has a functioning brain.
Just in passing ,,,why TF do you think all those under subpoena were not allowed to testify ?? Why Stone was pardoned?? Think that would have proven the POS trump innocent if all were allowed to speak out ? Those that did lost their jobs
Yeah blues ALL those 1000's of media people are all wrong,,all traitors ALL stupid Look in the fn mirror if you want to see stupid or at some of your poster pals here
Only the most Gullible in our society today believe anything the Fake News MSM publishes.
Yeah john it's all a hoax LOL Trump the crook told you that and you believe him lol

No, you imbecile. Mueller had a whole crew of people who hated Trump and they couldn't find a damned thing. That makes you stupid as any leftist can be.
John I'll give you hoax,,,,Bashing and investigating Hillary for years was a republican hoax ,Obama not a citizen was a hoax trump not paying off prostitutes was a hoax Russia not being involved in trumps election was a hoax Shall I go on?
Parroting the Fake News does not make it so.

It's just more Delusional shit ....

Another example of just how out of touch you Leftist are with reality
Isn't it interesting that out of 38 participants in the poll more than half do not believe Biden will make it to the stage for a Live Debate.
All those polls mean is that there are more Trump supporters than Biden supporters on the board. As a measure of what the electorate thinks, it's meaningless.
Correct ....It also means there are more sane people participating in this thread.

Jim is a gun-owning USMC vet who voted Trump in 2016 but will be voting Joe in 2020

Republican Voters Against Trump

Jim is a struggling actor who works as a barista until that big break.
Yeah blues ALL those 1000's of media people are all wrong,,all traitors ALL stupid Look in the fn mirror if you want to see stupid or at some of your poster pals here
Only the most Gullible in our society today believe anything the Fake News MSM publishes.
Yeah john it's all a hoax LOL Trump the crook told you that and you believe him lol
What law did he break?
No law bri Trump is innocent like a newborn babies ass How dare he be questioned
Isn't it interesting that out of 38 participants in the poll more than half do not believe Biden will make it to the stage for a Live Debate.
All those polls mean is that there are more Trump supporters than Biden supporters on the board. As a measure of what the electorate thinks, it's meaningless.
Correct ....It also means there are more sane people participating in this thread.

Jim is a gun-owning USMC vet who voted Trump in 2016 but will be voting Joe in 2020

Republican Voters Against Trump

Sure he is.
Jim is a gun-owning USMC vet who voted Trump in 2016 but will be voting Joe in 2020

Republican Voters Against Trump
Right .... And, B. Hussein was a Christian too ..... :rolleyes:
LMAO @ just how Gullible the Left is.
There's no one more gullible than a repeat Trump voter.

Shawn from NC served in the Navy and as a State Legislator and Mayor - he wants his party back.

Wow, yet another shill for the political class. i thought you wanted equality. But no, it appears you just want a government that controls everything. How positively banal.

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