Will Mark Robinson Cost Trump The Presidency

What happens to the GOP when the GOP is about religion religion religion....

The GOP should not be about religion.

The GOP should be what it was about in the 1990s

1. fiscal conservatism
2. equality for all, preferences for none
3. keep religion out of politics
4. school vouchers
5. patriotism to America, not other countries
6. truth, sunshine, open government

All of that went down the toilet since 1998, wrecked by Faux, W, and the fiscally liberal Pro Israel Christian IQ<5, and

Mark Robinson is a product of that.
You thought it was a place were people trolled porn sites? You are weird
A place where Republicans and Conservatives are closeted freaks projecting their insecurities as hate and disgust for who they themselves actually are? Yeah. You people make that fairly obvious. :dunno: :lol:
A place where Republicans and Conservatives are closeted freaks projecting their insecurities as hate and disgust for who they themselves actually are? Yeah. You people make that fairly obvious. :dunno: :lol:
It’s so weird you all troll porn sites looking for republicans

Very weird
No one cares about this when inflation is still high, immigration is bad, and signs are the economy is going to get WORSE.


"Hey I can barely afford groceries but some guy in NC posted he was a Nazi 20 years ago, I can't vote for Trump now, Kamala it is!"

--said no one, ever
Then show us your sides plan to reduce inflation, stop immigration, and reverse your so-called economic slide. Please. Just one policy proposal.
You have none.
Teflon Don likely won't be affected much...things like this in general, don't tend to hurt him...it's bizarre!
What’s bizarre is that a candidate that nobody wanted as president - having to leave the 2020 race before even the first primary - was selected as the VP due to her female blackness, and now she is running for the highest position in the world even though she cannot answer a simple question.
Obviously many people will be voting for Robinson anyway, and it would be fascinating (if a little depressing) to discuss this with them.

You could see what he was long before this news came out, and what he is, is now clear. And they're going to vote for him.

The vote for Robinson will be a far clearer indication of what some Americans are thinking, and what they want, than even a vote for Trump.

America is definitely not what we thought it was.
America is exactly what some of us KNOW it IS. This is where your opinion has failed you. One of your beliefs was that "political correctness" from the left made America turn to trump.Not so. America has a longstnding problem and Robinson is an illustration of how bad the problem is and just how deep. A black man reciting white supremacist and neo nazi rhetoric shows the deep psychological damage done not just to whites but to people of color in this country. We cannot continue denying this probem.
What’s bizarre is that a candidate that nobody wanted as president - having to leave the 2020 race before even the first primary - was selected as the VP due to her female blackness, and now she is running for the highest position in the world even though she cannot answer a simple question.
Mac1958, Lisa is one example of the persistent problem in this country.

Nobody wnted TRUMP AND BIDEN. So there is still one candidate nobody wants in this campaign. Harris has answered pentyof questions but you're a racist so you wil pretend sges omething that she isn't.
America is exactly what some of us KNOW it IS. This is where your opinion has failed you. One of your beliefs was that "political correctness" from the left made America turn to trump.Not so. America has a longstnding problem and Robinson is an illustration of how bad the problem is and just how deep. A black man reciting white supremacist and neo nazi rhetoric shows the deep psychological damage done not just to whites but to people of color in this country. We cannot continue denying this probem.
What I can't get you to understand is that we're discussing two different things. You're discussing the problem, I'm discussing how the problem has been addressed.

You appear to think that I'm somehow denying that white racism doesn't exist, when I have said it does, many, many times.

So at some point I just give up trying. Just like with the Trumpsters. It's pointless.
What I can't get you to understand is that we're discussing two different things. You're discussing the problem, I'm discussing how the problem has been addressed.

You appear to think that I'm somehow denying that white racism doesn't exist, when I have said it does, many, many times.

So at some point I just give up trying. Just like with the Trumpsters. It's pointless.
I am discussng how you addressed the problem by enabling racists to continue believing that both sides are equally culpable for the problem. But just like the trumpsters you can't see what you have done.
Nope, never used the word "equally", not once, not ever, never.

Which is worse is irrelevant.
What you didn't use is not the issue, what you IMPLY is.

Another problem here in America has been this bothsideism which has worked to sanewash the fascism on the right by claiming that some have gone to far too the left for opposing the extremism presented by the right in this country, specifically over the course of the last 30 yers.

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