Will Mark Robinson Cost Trump The Presidency

The Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina, Mark Robinson, was endorsed by Donald Trump.

Trump endorsed him before all this recent news came out about Robinson being a Nazi.

However, Trump has not disavowed the Nazi, so there's that.

Trump seems to have a lot of Nazis, and Nazi-adjacent people, gravitate into his orbit. It's weird, as if he has a sixth sense for these fellow travelers. He's like a Nazi magnet.

For those who don't know, Mark Robinson has a porn problem. For some weird reason, he chose to post some really bizarre stuff in the comments section of some pornos. Comments which had nothing to do with the videos.

For instance, he said he is a Black Nazi. He said slavery was good for black people and that slavery should be brought back.

And while he was pounding church pulpits raging against transsexuals, he posted he loved pornos with trannies and women having sex. In really graphic terms.

It has become a trope that if a Republican is demonstrating over-the-top rage about something, it's actually his personal kink.

The presidential race is really tight. Although Harris is beating Trump in the polls, the way the elector college works is giving Trump a 3 electoral vote advantage despite being behind in the polls.

North Carolina has 14 electoral votes.

Robinson just may cost Trump a win.


‘Black Nazi’ and ‘perv’: Stunning report details NC Republican candidate’s posts about self on porn forum

How many threads on this board are taken up with MEN getting their feelings hurt over and over and over and over and over and over and over

I have taught middle school girls and it wasn't this dramatic
This just in:

“Mein Kampf is a good read. It’s very informative and not at all what I thought it would be. It’s a real eye opener.” - Mark Robinson

I have serious doubts Robinson has read Mein Kampf.

I have read it, and that's why I doubt he has.

Take this from Mein Kampf, for example:

The Jew steadily works to ruin women and girls so that he can break down the barriers of blood on an even larger scale. It was the Jews who brought the negro to the Rhine. The motive behind this is clear and his intention is always the same. He wants to destroy the hated white race through bastardization. He continues to bring negroes in as a flood and force the mixing of races. This corruption puts an end to white culture and political distinction and raises the Jew up to be its masters. A racially pure people, which is conscious of its blood, can never be defeated by the Jew. In this world, the Jew can only be the master of bastards. This is why he continually tries to lower the racial quality by poisoning the blood of individuals among the targeted peoples.

Gee, that sounds exactly like Tucker Carlson!

The illustrated newspapers occasionally show the privileged class how a negro for the first time has become a lawyer, a teacher, perhaps even a minister, or a heroic opera tenor somewhere or other.

The feeble-minded privileged-class looks at such a miracle of animal training with admiration and astonishment before overflowing with respect for this marvelous result of modern education.

It's really sad Mark Robinson is so ashamed of himself that he wishes he was white.

This infection of our blood, an infection that hundreds of thousands of our people seem to disregard, is carried out by the Jew according to a methodical plan. According to this plan, these negroid parasites of nations rape our innocent young blond girls and destroy something in this world that can never be replaced.

That could have been ripped straight from one of the MAGA media's Blacks Behaving Badly episodes!

And international Jew banker George Soros is funding BLM, remember?
Mark Robinson was working at a furntiure manufacturer when he made a viral you tube video about guns and that was enough for Republicans to make him a political figure and Lt. Governor
Democrats know Kamala is unelectable.

She's obviously too stupid to be president.

So democrats are throwing everything they can think of at the wall to see if it will stick. (it won't)

Trump is still winning.
The democrats didn’t force him to post that he was a “black nazi” on a porno message board
  • Fact
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The democrats didn’t force him to post that he was a “black nazi” on a porno message board

No one cares about this when inflation is still high, immigration is bad, and signs are the economy is going to get WORSE.


"Hey I can barely afford groceries but some guy in NC posted he was a Nazi 20 years ago, I can't vote for Trump now, Kamala it is!"

--said no one, ever
Mark Robinson was working at a furntiure manufacturer when he made a viral you tube video about guns and that was enough for Republicans to make him a political figure and Lt. Governor

This is the stuff you run after when you're losing on fundamentals.

And probably, losing badly
No one cares about this when inflation is still high, immigration is bad, and signs are the economy is going to get WORSE.


"Hey I can barely afford groceries but some guy in NC posted he was a Nazi 20 years ago, I can't vote for Trump now, Kamala it is!"

--said no one, ever
Yes, people care when it surfaces that a gubernatorial candidate posted explicit, non-ironic straight-up Nazi content years ago

If it came to light that Harras or Walz Posted they were Nazis on a porno site 20 years ago, you’d cream your panties and be all over it non stop and you know it
Yes, people care when it surfaces that a gubernatorial candidate posted explicit, non-ironic straight-up Nazi content years ago

If it came to light that Harras or Walz Posted they were Nazis on a porno site 20 years ago, you’d cream your panties and be all over it non stop and you know it

It would be a slightly bigger deal since they're presidential candidates. But what you're trying to do is convict Trump of some guy in NC's 20 year old sins.

And to return your repartee, you probably have a boner for Kamala. I'm sure you love that eh?
It would be a slightly bigger deal since they're presidential candidates. But what you're trying to do is convict Trump of some guy in NC's 20 year old sins.

And to return your repartee, you probably have a boner for Kamala. I'm sure you love that eh?
No, but it IS fair game to use this to question Trump’s judgement. HE endorsed the guy and called him MLK on steroids for gods sake

The point is, this could easily const Trump North Carolina in a close race and he can’t afford to lose NC’s electoral college points

That’s what makes it a big deal to him and his campaign
The Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina, Mark Robinson, was endorsed by Donald Trump.

Trump endorsed him before all this recent news came out about Robinson being a Nazi.

However, Trump has not disavowed the Nazi, so there's that.

Trump seems to have a lot of Nazis, and Nazi-adjacent people, gravitate into his orbit. It's weird, as if he has a sixth sense for these fellow travelers. He's like a Nazi magnet.

For those who don't know, Mark Robinson has a porn problem. For some weird reason, he chose to post some really bizarre stuff in the comments section of some pornos. Comments which had nothing to do with the videos.

For instance, he said he is a Black Nazi. He said slavery was good for black people and that slavery should be brought back.

And while he was pounding church pulpits raging against transsexuals, he posted he loved pornos with trannies and women having sex. In really graphic terms.

It has become a trope that if a Republican is demonstrating over-the-top rage about something, it's actually his personal kink.

The presidential race is really tight. Although Harris is beating Trump in the polls, the way the elector college works is giving Trump a 3 electoral vote advantage despite being behind in the polls.

North Carolina has 14 electoral votes.

Robinson just may cost Trump a win.


‘Black Nazi’ and ‘perv’: Stunning report details NC Republican candidate’s posts about self on porn forum

Let's hope he does. Trump attracts weird people because he is weird.
For instance, he said he is a Black Nazi. He said slavery was good for black people and that slavery should be brought back.
Obviously many people will be voting for Robinson anyway, and it would be fascinating (if a little depressing) to discuss this with them.

You could see what he was long before this news came out, and what he is, is now clear. And they're going to vote for him.

The vote for Robinson will be a far clearer indication of what some Americans are thinking, and what they want, than even a vote for Trump.

America is definitely not what we thought it was.
Teflon Don likely won't be affected much...things like this in general, don't tend to hurt him...it's bizarre!
That's because "things like this" are completely bull something something.
The demented LEFT keep flailing with conspiracy without offering anything of SUBSTACE.
No policy initiatives or direction offered besides Orange Man BAD.
Yes, truly bizarre.
But HEY, you didn't even get to VOTE for Kamala to be your presidential candidate. She was INSTALLED by tHe pArTy.
Saving democwacy by openly MOCKING it is quite something to observe, but here we, I mean YOU are.
No, but it IS fair game to use this to question Trump’s judgement. HE endorsed the guy and called him MLK on steroids for gods sake

The point is, this could easily const Trump North Carolina in a close race and he can’t afford to lose NC’s electoral college points

That’s what makes it a big deal to him and his campaign
The point is, dembots troll porn
Obviously many people will be voting for Robinson anyway, and it would be fascinating (if a little depressing) to discuss this with them.

You could see what he was long before this news came out, and what he is, is now clear. And they're going to vote for him.

The vote for Robinson will be a far clearer indication of what some Americans are thinking, and what they want, than even a vote for Trump.

America is definitely not what we thought it was.
It's exactly what I've always thought it was. :lol: What America have you clown cosplayers been living in this whole time?

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