Will Media Accuse Norway Madman Of Listening To Rush/Hannity & Sarah Palin Supporter?

Feb 13, 2011

All we can say is "You Betcha !!!" MSNBC is so tempted to blame "The Extreme Right" and all the other "Right Wing Nut Jobs" on the Norway Bombing&Killings. MSNBC must be celebrating that the dude was a Right Winger who hates Muslims. Contessa Brewer must be having another {Big "O") being the last time she was hoping it was a right winger who almost blew up Times Square. Lets just see what happens in the media next week. None Of This Wouldn't Of Happend If Sarah Palin Didn't Assisinate A Reindeer On Live Television!!!:eusa_hand:

All we can say is "You Betcha !!!" MSNBC is so tempted to blame "The Extreme Right" and all the other "Right Wing Nut Jobs" on the Norway Bombing&Killings. MSNBC must be celebrating that the dude was a Right Winger who hates Muslims. Contessa Brewer must be having another {Big "O") being the last time she was hoping it was a right winger who almost blew up Times Square. Lets just see what happens in the media next week. None Of This Wouldn't Of Happend If Sarah Palin Didn't Assisinate A Reindeer On Live Television!!!:eusa_hand:

Have they done so yet?

All we can say is "You Betcha !!!" MSNBC is so tempted to blame "The Extreme Right" and all the other "Right Wing Nut Jobs" on the Norway Bombing&Killings. MSNBC must be celebrating that the dude was a Right Winger who hates Muslims. Contessa Brewer must be having another {Big "O") being the last time she was hoping it was a right winger who almost blew up Times Square. Lets just see what happens in the media next week. None Of This Wouldn't Of Happend If Sarah Palin Didn't Assisinate A Reindeer On Live Television!!!:eusa_hand:

Paranoia? :cuckoo:
I will never forget the episode of hardball where Chrissy was complaining about the average man carrying a gun to protect his family,and that the republicans were all for it. and this was a few days after that liberal loonatic went on that shooting frenzy. and towards the end of that show,Chrissy shows Sarah Palin shooting that reindeer, and to his opinion,that was the reason Gifford was shot in the head.
They found 20 cases of Two if by Tea in his home.
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All I can say is that the bible should have a warning label on it.
"Warning: religion can be hazardous to your mental health"

All we can say is "You Betcha !!!" MSNBC is so tempted to blame "The Extreme Right" and all the other "Right Wing Nut Jobs" on the Norway Bombing&Killings. MSNBC must be celebrating that the dude was a Right Winger who hates Muslims. Contessa Brewer must be having another {Big "O") being the last time she was hoping it was a right winger who almost blew up Times Square. Lets just see what happens in the media next week. None Of This Wouldn't Of Happend If Sarah Palin Didn't Assisinate A Reindeer On Live Television!!!:eusa_hand:

I dunno. Was the guy a nut who wrote a 1,500 page manifesto?

Lord. If only I could get Al Gore to turn pro global warming, pro trickle down economics, and anti regulation of wall street it would be all we need!

Thats a joke. Calm down.
90 + people are dead. Its a freakin tragedy. Anyone whos trying to lay blame on anyone other than the person who did it is despicable. Why would anyone do that?
90 + people are dead. Its a freakin tragedy. Anyone whos trying to lay blame on anyone other than the person who did it is despicable. Why would anyone do that?

True we do not need to invade Norway like we did Iraq.
well Im gonna watch Chrissy Tingles,The Fat Ed Show, and so long as I have an empty stomache,I will try to watch Rachael Maddpanties. I will let you know if they blame the GOP on this incident.
90 + people are dead. Its a freakin tragedy. Anyone whos trying to lay blame on anyone other than the person who did it is despicable. Why would anyone do that?

True we do not need to invade Norway like we did Iraq.

I don't agree with going to war in Iraq. In fact I support a pretty isolationist approach with our military. I do understand that, because we are America, we have a large target on our backs and its better to be proactive than reactive. So certain instances of war will be necessary. I think we would better letting the middle east handle its quarrels but we need to support our allies (Isreal). Our troops and our tax dollars would be better used defending our borders directly and investing in technology to do so.
90 + people are dead. Its a freakin tragedy. Anyone whos trying to lay blame on anyone other than the person who did it is despicable. Why would anyone do that?

because some people are brain dead.

the only thing i would say is that it's proof that those who want profiling are really goofy.

but yes, all those people are dead and the o/p is trying to use it for a rant.
Without question there will be certain "journalists" digging into the story with their headline already written.
Same journalists happen to buy the "Bill Ayers is just a guy in the neighborhood" story.
90 + people are dead. Its a freakin tragedy. Anyone whos trying to lay blame on anyone other than the person who did it is despicable. Why would anyone do that?

Only if you believe that no one can be influenced by anyone else, would your point be valid.
90 + people are dead. Its a freakin tragedy. Anyone whos trying to lay blame on anyone other than the person who did it is despicable. Why would anyone do that?

Point scoring. Some people, mainly sociopaths, lack the ability to empathize with others. All they see is an opportunity. These are sick freaks.... sadly, we appear to have quite a few of these people on this board.
Well if there's someone who might blame the right, it may be Bob Schaffer who blames all of the worlds problems on George Bush. How old is he anyway? 95?
well Im gonna watch Chrissy Tingles,The Fat Ed Show, and so long as I have an empty stomache,I will try to watch Rachael Maddpanties. I will let you know if they blame the GOP on this incident.

Well...have they done so yet?

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