Will Mueller investigate Obama's hot mic moment with Putin's #2 man?

lol What word? They haven't said what crime they are investigating. The letter appointing Mueller does not say what crime he is to investigate. If the Department of Justice is not investigating a specific crime, it is in violation of the law, itself.
The crime is hacking the DNC server
You are claiming the Trump campaign conspired to hack the DNC server?

That's the general idea...

We need to find out if they were complicit in hacking the server (Trump publically encouraged them to do it) or whether they offered policy concessions in return for a structured release of information

We do know Trump officials met with the Russians, we have a right to know what they discussed
So you are saying the entire investigation is about if the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government to hack the DNC server and if that does not hold up the investigation should be shut down. Then it's time to shut it down because there clearly is not enough evidence to even issue arrest warrants, US or Interpol, for those who actually performed the hack so it is impossible to connect the Trump campaign to the hack. That's precisely my point, there is no legitimate basis for the investigation.

What is your hurry to close the investigation?
There were 11 Benghazi investigations based on less evidence

Lets hear what the principles testify to, hear the evidence from the FBI, let the Special Counsel write his report

If there is nothing there, then we do not need 11 investigations

If it turns out Trump conspired with the Russians, it warrants impeachment

The FBI investigation of Benghazi was over in a few hours, and there is no legitimate basis for the FBI investigation of the election to continue since there is no evidence of violations of federal law. Congress should continue its investigations to inform the public, but this bogus claim about Benghazi is just further proof that the FBI investigation is entirely politically motivated and without any legitimate basis under the law.
The crime is hacking the DNC server
You are claiming the Trump campaign conspired to hack the DNC server?

That's the general idea...

We need to find out if they were complicit in hacking the server (Trump publically encouraged them to do it) or whether they offered policy concessions in return for a structured release of information

We do know Trump officials met with the Russians, we have a right to know what they discussed
So you are saying the entire investigation is about if the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government to hack the DNC server and if that does not hold up the investigation should be shut down. Then it's time to shut it down because there clearly is not enough evidence to even issue arrest warrants, US or Interpol, for those who actually performed the hack so it is impossible to connect the Trump campaign to the hack. That's precisely my point, there is no legitimate basis for the investigation.

What is your hurry to close the investigation?
There were 11 Benghazi investigations based on less evidence

Lets hear what the principles testify to, hear the evidence from the FBI, let the Special Counsel write his report

If there is nothing there, then we do not need 11 investigations

If it turns out Trump conspired with the Russians, it warrants impeachment

The FBI investigation of Benghazi was over in a few hours, and there is no legitimate basis for the FBI investigation of the election to continue since there is no evidence of violations of federal law. Congress should continue its investigations to inform the public, but this bogus claim about Benghazi is just further proof that the FBI investigation is entirely politically motivated and without any legitimate basis under the law.
Benghazi investigation was over in a few hours? then why did Republicans keep it going for four years?

We don't know what the FBI has. They are not tipping their hands. Flynn is fucked and he knows it. Will he cop a deal for leniency?

The FBI investigation of the election needs to continue until all key players have been interviewed on the record. Trump has not even been interviewed


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

That was far more damaging than the unfounded rumors we have now. It was from Obama's own mouth and he didn't know it was being heard by others. But, no, the lib media's first instinct was to pretend no one heard it. Now they'll just say it's old news and no one cares.

Meanwhile, we have nothing to indicate that Trump colluded with Russia on anything but the left is acting like he's already been tried and convicted. Well, he was in the kangaroo court known as the liberal media. Once they came up with that as an excuse for Crooked Hillary losing the election, they couldn't walk it back so decided to go for it in hopes it would stick. The desperation is palpable.

...What would have happened if Chamberlain had stood up to Hitler? We saw what happened when England stood up to Hitler after he invaded Poland.......Hitler chased their asses back across the channel and they barely made it What would Chamberlain have done differently?
It is not just Chamberlain... it is not just the British... it is the British and French (the Western Allies, in that context) combined.

In the middle 1930s, when Hitler retook the Ruhr, and the Rhineland, and even, to a lesser extent, in 1938, at the time of the Austrian Anschluss, the German Armed Forces were much weaker than the Western Allies (Britain and France, combined), and firm resistance to the earliest Nazi expansion would pushed Hitler back across his own borders.

The outcome of such pushing back, anytime in the 1934-1938 timeframe?

Either (1) the Nazi dictatorship would have collapsed due to a revolt of the Army or (2) it would have bought the Western Allies another year or two or three to prepare for the Rematch, rather than stupidly giving an ultimatum over Poland long after the Nazis had achieved superiority, numerically and qualitatively.

Or so runs the common wisdom amongst political writers of the time, including William Shirer (Rise and Fall... ), if memory serves correctly.
...I understand you're just bullshitting because you believe the investigation should continue because it's bad for Trump, but you are saying the same things the McCarthyites said back in the 1950's during another period of politically motivated anti Russian hysteria...
I hear what you're saying.

The US Dept of Justice holds differently.

I defer to their judgment in this matter.

The investigation under Special Counsel Mueller continues, unfettered.
You are claiming the Trump campaign conspired to hack the DNC server?

That's the general idea...

We need to find out if they were complicit in hacking the server (Trump publically encouraged them to do it) or whether they offered policy concessions in return for a structured release of information

We do know Trump officials met with the Russians, we have a right to know what they discussed
So you are saying the entire investigation is about if the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government to hack the DNC server and if that does not hold up the investigation should be shut down. Then it's time to shut it down because there clearly is not enough evidence to even issue arrest warrants, US or Interpol, for those who actually performed the hack so it is impossible to connect the Trump campaign to the hack. That's precisely my point, there is no legitimate basis for the investigation.

What is your hurry to close the investigation?
There were 11 Benghazi investigations based on less evidence

Lets hear what the principles testify to, hear the evidence from the FBI, let the Special Counsel write his report

If there is nothing there, then we do not need 11 investigations

If it turns out Trump conspired with the Russians, it warrants impeachment

The FBI investigation of Benghazi was over in a few hours, and there is no legitimate basis for the FBI investigation of the election to continue since there is no evidence of violations of federal law. Congress should continue its investigations to inform the public, but this bogus claim about Benghazi is just further proof that the FBI investigation is entirely politically motivated and without any legitimate basis under the law.
Benghazi investigation was over in a few hours? then why did Republicans keep it going for four years?

We don't know what the FBI has. They are not tipping their hands. Flynn is fucked and he knows it. Will he cop a deal for leniency?

The FBI investigation of the election needs to continue until all key players have been interviewed on the record. Trump has not even been interviewed
Bullshit. Both Diane Feinstein and Joe Manchin have said the FBI has been able to produce no evidence of collusion so we know they have nothing. We both understand this is now just a political witch hunt; the difference between us is that you approve of whoring the FBI for political purposes and I don't.
...I understand you're just bullshitting because you believe the investigation should continue because it's bad for Trump, but you are saying the same things the McCarthyites said back in the 1950's during another period of politically motivated anti Russian hysteria...
I hear what you're saying.

The US Dept of Justice holds differently.

I defer to their judgment in this matter.

The investigation under Special Counsel Mueller continues, unfettered.
Bullshit. We both understand this is now just a political witch hunt. The difference between us is that you approve of using the DoJ for political purposes and I don't.
...I understand you're just bullshitting because you believe the investigation should continue because it's bad for Trump, but you are saying the same things the McCarthyites said back in the 1950's during another period of politically motivated anti Russian hysteria...
I hear what you're saying.

The US Dept of Justice holds differently.

I defer to their judgment in this matter.

The investigation under Special Counsel Mueller continues, unfettered.
Bullshit. We both understand this is now just a political witch hunt. The difference between us is that you approve of using the DoJ for political purposes and I don't.
Thank you for your feedback.

Now, sit back and enjoy the ride, as the US Department of Justice moves to ensure that the Rule of Law dominates our public life.
19 dead in an attack in Manchester.

Dems are worried about the wrong enemy.

Will they be able to convince people TRUMP is a bigger threat than terrorism? That's their obstacle.

We have the TANGLIBLE threat of terrorism.

We have the INTANGIBLE threat that we are all going to die because of TRUMP.

I'd imagine the dead and wounded in Manchester would agree that global terrorism is a greater eminent threat than Trump as POTUS.
...I understand you're just bullshitting because you believe the investigation should continue because it's bad for Trump, but you are saying the same things the McCarthyites said back in the 1950's during another period of politically motivated anti Russian hysteria...
I hear what you're saying.

The US Dept of Justice holds differently.

I defer to their judgment in this matter.

The investigation under Special Counsel Mueller continues, unfettered.
Bullshit. We both understand this is now just a political witch hunt. The difference between us is that you approve of using the DoJ for political purposes and I don't.
Thank you for your feedback.

Now, sit back and enjoy the ride, as the US Department of Justice moves to ensure that the Rule of Law dominates our public life.
Disabuse yourself of the notion you are being clever; you are only being corrupt in supporting what you know to be a political witch hunt.
19 dead in an attack in Manchester.

Dems are worried about the wrong enemy.

Will they be able to convince people TRUMP is a bigger threat than terrorism? That's their obstacle.

We have the TANGLIBLE threat of terrorism.

We have the INTANGIBLE threat that we are all going to die because of TRUMP.

I'd imagine the dead and wounded in Manchester would agree that global terrorism is a greater eminent threat than Trump as POTUS.
As the Chicago Cubs 'immortal' Ernie Banks used to say: "Let's play TWO !!!"

Let's fight terrorism AND investigate alleged Trump and campaign and staff collusion with the Russians.

It's called multi-tasking.

And, fortunately, Special Counsel Mueller does not have to deal with anything other than the Russian Matter.

Nice attempt at distraction.


Ain't gonna work.

So... sit back and enjoy the ride, as the Special Counsel does his thing.
Will Mueller investigate Obama's hot mic moment with Putin's #2 man?

You pitiful, ignorant dumbass. President Obama said he would have more flexibility after the election. So what? Where's the quid pro quo?
That's the general idea...

We need to find out if they were complicit in hacking the server (Trump publically encouraged them to do it) or whether they offered policy concessions in return for a structured release of information

We do know Trump officials met with the Russians, we have a right to know what they discussed
So you are saying the entire investigation is about if the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government to hack the DNC server and if that does not hold up the investigation should be shut down. Then it's time to shut it down because there clearly is not enough evidence to even issue arrest warrants, US or Interpol, for those who actually performed the hack so it is impossible to connect the Trump campaign to the hack. That's precisely my point, there is no legitimate basis for the investigation.

What is your hurry to close the investigation?
There were 11 Benghazi investigations based on less evidence

Lets hear what the principles testify to, hear the evidence from the FBI, let the Special Counsel write his report

If there is nothing there, then we do not need 11 investigations

If it turns out Trump conspired with the Russians, it warrants impeachment

The FBI investigation of Benghazi was over in a few hours, and there is no legitimate basis for the FBI investigation of the election to continue since there is no evidence of violations of federal law. Congress should continue its investigations to inform the public, but this bogus claim about Benghazi is just further proof that the FBI investigation is entirely politically motivated and without any legitimate basis under the law.
Benghazi investigation was over in a few hours? then why did Republicans keep it going for four years?

We don't know what the FBI has. They are not tipping their hands. Flynn is fucked and he knows it. Will he cop a deal for leniency?

The FBI investigation of the election needs to continue until all key players have been interviewed on the record. Trump has not even been interviewed
Bullshit. Both Diane Feinstein and Joe Manchin have said the FBI has been able to produce no evidence of collusion so we know they have nothing. We both understand this is now just a political witch hunt; the difference between us is that you approve of whoring the FBI for political purposes and I don't.
Yet, even when demanded by Trump....the FBI refused to say that
FBI has evidence they are not revealing yet. We need to hear from the key players and check their story against available evidence

Then there is Mr Putin.....will he release what he knows if Trump displeases him?


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

It is not clear what Mueller will investigate because as Allan Dershowitz points out he is only authorized to investigate crimes and even if everything alleged against the Trump campaign were true - clearly it's not - no statute has been violated and therefore no crime has been committed.

The only way to tell if Trump is a witch is to tie weights to him and throw him in a pond. If he is innocent, he will drown, But if he swims then he is clearly guilty.

Witch Hunts are so fun!
Last edited:
So you are saying the entire investigation is about if the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government to hack the DNC server and if that does not hold up the investigation should be shut down. Then it's time to shut it down because there clearly is not enough evidence to even issue arrest warrants, US or Interpol, for those who actually performed the hack so it is impossible to connect the Trump campaign to the hack. That's precisely my point, there is no legitimate basis for the investigation.

What is your hurry to close the investigation?
There were 11 Benghazi investigations based on less evidence

Lets hear what the principles testify to, hear the evidence from the FBI, let the Special Counsel write his report

If there is nothing there, then we do not need 11 investigations

If it turns out Trump conspired with the Russians, it warrants impeachment

The FBI investigation of Benghazi was over in a few hours, and there is no legitimate basis for the FBI investigation of the election to continue since there is no evidence of violations of federal law. Congress should continue its investigations to inform the public, but this bogus claim about Benghazi is just further proof that the FBI investigation is entirely politically motivated and without any legitimate basis under the law.
Benghazi investigation was over in a few hours? then why did Republicans keep it going for four years?

We don't know what the FBI has. They are not tipping their hands. Flynn is fucked and he knows it. Will he cop a deal for leniency?

The FBI investigation of the election needs to continue until all key players have been interviewed on the record. Trump has not even been interviewed
Bullshit. Both Diane Feinstein and Joe Manchin have said the FBI has been able to produce no evidence of collusion so we know they have nothing. We both understand this is now just a political witch hunt; the difference between us is that you approve of whoring the FBI for political purposes and I don't.
Yet, even when demanded by Trump....the FBI refused to say that
FBI has evidence they are not revealing yet. We need to hear from the key players and check their story against available evidence

Then there is Mr Putin.....will he release what he knows if Trump displeases him?
We know from Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters the FBI has no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. The only way the DoJ can hope to restore its damaged credibility is to come clean about the fact they have no evidence and no reason to think any will come to light.


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

It is not clear what Mueller will investigate because as Allan Dershowitz points out he is only authorized to investigate crimes and even if everything alleged against the Trump campaign were true - clearly it's not - no statute has been violated and therefore no crime has been committed.

The only way to tell of Trump is a witch is to tie weights to him and throw him in a pond. If he is innocent, he will drown, But if he swims then he is clearly guilty.

Witch Hunts are so fun!

Sadly, that is pretty much the level of thinking and integrity among most Democrats.


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

It is not clear what Mueller will investigate because as Allan Dershowitz points out he is only authorized to investigate crimes and even if everything alleged against the Trump campaign were true - clearly it's not - no statute has been violated and therefore no crime has been committed.

The only way to tell if Trump is a witch is to tie weights to him and throw him in a pond. If he is innocent, he will drown, But if he swims then he is clearly guilty.

Witch Hunts are so fun!

Trump turned me into a NEWT....

...I got better...
What is your hurry to close the investigation?
There were 11 Benghazi investigations based on less evidence

Lets hear what the principles testify to, hear the evidence from the FBI, let the Special Counsel write his report

If there is nothing there, then we do not need 11 investigations

If it turns out Trump conspired with the Russians, it warrants impeachment

The FBI investigation of Benghazi was over in a few hours, and there is no legitimate basis for the FBI investigation of the election to continue since there is no evidence of violations of federal law. Congress should continue its investigations to inform the public, but this bogus claim about Benghazi is just further proof that the FBI investigation is entirely politically motivated and without any legitimate basis under the law.
Benghazi investigation was over in a few hours? then why did Republicans keep it going for four years?

We don't know what the FBI has. They are not tipping their hands. Flynn is fucked and he knows it. Will he cop a deal for leniency?

The FBI investigation of the election needs to continue until all key players have been interviewed on the record. Trump has not even been interviewed
Bullshit. Both Diane Feinstein and Joe Manchin have said the FBI has been able to produce no evidence of collusion so we know they have nothing. We both understand this is now just a political witch hunt; the difference between us is that you approve of whoring the FBI for political purposes and I don't.
Yet, even when demanded by Trump....the FBI refused to say that
FBI has evidence they are not revealing yet. We need to hear from the key players and check their story against available evidence

Then there is Mr Putin.....will he release what he knows if Trump displeases him?
We know from Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters the FBI has no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. The only way the DoJ can hope to restore its damaged credibility is to come clean about the fact they have no evidence and no reason to think any will come to light.
What evidence do they have on Flynn and Manafort?
If either of them are indicted, will they rat out Trump to save their asses?
There are a lot of cards left to be played

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