Will Mueller investigate Obama's hot mic moment with Putin's #2 man?

Doesn't matter.

Special Counsel Mueller has a well-defined mandate which does not include that subject matter.

Mueller's job is to investigate Trump and his campaign and alleged collusion with the Russians.

As to Obumble, and this lame-ass attempt at deflection...

You can always ask Justice to appoint a Special Counsel for that purpose, as well.

Good luck with that.
Which raises disturbing questions since collusion with the Russians, even if it were true, is not a crime unless they colluded to commit a federal crime and since no one has mentioned what that crime might have been, there doesn't seem to be any legitimate reason for the FBI to be investigating. As you describe it, it is, as the President has said, a witch hunt, the FBI behaving inappropriately, perhaps even illegally, for political reasons.
Neither you nor I are privy to the preliminary evidence assessed by the fellow who appointed Mueller.

I, and vast numbers of my fellow countrymen, are content to let Mueller proceed aggressively, in order to restore the confidence of the American People.

Which, by the way, is exactly what is unfolding, regardless of what we say here.
Actually we do know there was no evidence of a crime since Senators Feinstein and Manchin, we were both briefed in closed meetings by the FBI and CIA, have both said there is no evidence of a crime, but this goes deeper than that, there doesn't even seem to have been a suspicion a crime was committed to open this investigation. The question is, what was the crime they were seeking evidence about? No one seems to know.
That's why they appointed a Special Counsel.

Not to worry... if there is no smoke, then they will find no fire.
So then you are agreeing that this is just a witch hunt.

I mean that the US Department of Justice is tasked with investigating the matter, and I'm content that they are following procedure with respect to Probable Cause, etc.
Which raises disturbing questions since collusion with the Russians, even if it were true, is not a crime unless they colluded to commit a federal crime and since no one has mentioned what that crime might have been, there doesn't seem to be any legitimate reason for the FBI to be investigating. As you describe it, it is, as the President has said, a witch hunt, the FBI behaving inappropriately, perhaps even illegally, for political reasons.
Neither you nor I are privy to the preliminary evidence assessed by the fellow who appointed Mueller.

I, and vast numbers of my fellow countrymen, are content to let Mueller proceed aggressively, in order to restore the confidence of the American People.

Which, by the way, is exactly what is unfolding, regardless of what we say here.
Actually we do know there was no evidence of a crime since Senators Feinstein and Manchin, we were both briefed in closed meetings by the FBI and CIA, have both said there is no evidence of a crime, but this goes deeper than that, there doesn't even seem to have been a suspicion a crime was committed to open this investigation. The question is, what was the crime they were seeking evidence about? No one seems to know.
That's why they appointed a Special Counsel.

Not to worry... if there is no smoke, then they will find no fire.
So then you are agreeing that this is just a witch hunt.

I mean that the US Department of Justice is tasked with investigating the matter, and I'm content that they are following procedure with respect to Probable Cause, etc.
What crime are they looking for evidence of? If there is no specific crime they are investigation, there is no legitimate basis for an investigation. It may turn out this investigation is the only crime being committed.
...What crime are they looking for evidence of? If there is no specific crime they are investigation, there is no legitimate basis for an investigation. It may turn out this investigation is the only crime being committed.
The US Department of Justice has concluded that Probable Cause of wrongdoing exists... the Special Counsel will investigate, clarify and make all such determinations.

The only thing you have to (or can) do is to sit back and enjoy the ride, while the Checks-and-Balances built into our Federal government are activated and employed.

...What crime are they looking for evidence of? If there is no specific crime they are investigation, there is no legitimate basis for an investigation. It may turn out this investigation is the only crime being committed.
The US Department of Justice has concluded that Probable Cause of wrongdoing exists... the Special Counsel will investigate, clarify and make all such determinations.

The only thing you have to (or can) do is to sit back and enjoy the ride, while the Checks-and-Balances built into our Federal government are activated and employed.
Wrongdoing is not a crime. For a crime to have been committed a specific statute must have been violated, and since no one can say what that statute might be, there is no legitimate basis for a prosecutor to run an investigation.
...What crime are they looking for evidence of? If there is no specific crime they are investigation, there is no legitimate basis for an investigation. It may turn out this investigation is the only crime being committed.
The US Department of Justice has concluded that Probable Cause of wrongdoing exists... the Special Counsel will investigate, clarify and make all such determinations.

The only thing you have to (or can) do is to sit back and enjoy the ride, while the Checks-and-Balances built into our Federal government are activated and employed.
Wrongdoing is not a crime. For a crime to have been committed a specific statute must have been violated, and since no one can say what that statute might be, there is no legitimate basis for a prosecutor to run an investigation.
Fortunately for the Republic and the Rule of Law, the US Department of Justice sees this differently.

Forgive me, but I will take their word in this matter over yours.
...What crime are they looking for evidence of? If there is no specific crime they are investigation, there is no legitimate basis for an investigation. It may turn out this investigation is the only crime being committed.
The US Department of Justice has concluded that Probable Cause of wrongdoing exists... the Special Counsel will investigate, clarify and make all such determinations.

The only thing you have to (or can) do is to sit back and enjoy the ride, while the Checks-and-Balances built into our Federal government are activated and employed.
Wrongdoing is not a crime. For a crime to have been committed a specific statute must have been violated, and since no one can say what that statute might be, there is no legitimate basis for a prosecutor to run an investigation.
Fortunately for the Republic and the Rule of Law, the US Department of Justice sees this differently.

Forgive me, but I will take their word in this matter over yours.
lol What word? They haven't said what crime they are investigating. The letter appointing Mueller does not say what crime he is to investigate. If the Department of Justice is not investigating a specific crime, it is in violation of the law, itself.
...What crime are they looking for evidence of? If there is no specific crime they are investigation, there is no legitimate basis for an investigation. It may turn out this investigation is the only crime being committed.
The US Department of Justice has concluded that Probable Cause of wrongdoing exists... the Special Counsel will investigate, clarify and make all such determinations.

The only thing you have to (or can) do is to sit back and enjoy the ride, while the Checks-and-Balances built into our Federal government are activated and employed.
Wrongdoing is not a crime. For a crime to have been committed a specific statute must have been violated, and since no one can say what that statute might be, there is no legitimate basis for a prosecutor to run an investigation.
Fortunately for the Republic and the Rule of Law, the US Department of Justice sees this differently.

Forgive me, but I will take their word in this matter over yours.
lol What word? They haven't said what crime they are investigating. The letter appointing Mueller does not say what crime he is to investigate. If the Department of Justice is not investigating a specific crime, it is in violation of the law, itself.
The crime is hacking the DNC server
...What crime are they looking for evidence of? If there is no specific crime they are investigation, there is no legitimate basis for an investigation. It may turn out this investigation is the only crime being committed.
The US Department of Justice has concluded that Probable Cause of wrongdoing exists... the Special Counsel will investigate, clarify and make all such determinations.

The only thing you have to (or can) do is to sit back and enjoy the ride, while the Checks-and-Balances built into our Federal government are activated and employed.
Wrongdoing is not a crime. For a crime to have been committed a specific statute must have been violated, and since no one can say what that statute might be, there is no legitimate basis for a prosecutor to run an investigation.
Fortunately for the Republic and the Rule of Law, the US Department of Justice sees this differently.

Forgive me, but I will take their word in this matter over yours.
lol What word? They haven't said what crime they are investigating. The letter appointing Mueller does not say what crime he is to investigate. If the Department of Justice is not investigating a specific crime, it is in violation of the law, itself.
The crime is hacking the DNC server
You are claiming the Trump campaign conspired to hack the DNC server?


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

No. He won't. And your echo of a conspiracy theory is pretty funny. Are you really so naive to believe Obama consorted with the Russians?

Ahhh, but he did. he did nothing while Russia stole the Crimea from Ukraine, a country which we had a defense treaty with, and which obummer ignored at the orders of his master pootin.

I see it this way, he avoided a military confrontation with Putin's Russia, Brinkmanship is a dangerous game and one Obama was not willing to play. History instructs us that wars drain a nations economy, and our economy was still suffering from the Great Recession - imagine the national debt if we had engaged Russia?

You're not very smart nor are you well educated. You react emotionally and lack the ability to examine policies and actions panoptically and pragmatically.


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

No. He won't. And your echo of a conspiracy theory is pretty funny. Are you really so naive to believe Obama consorted with the Russians?

Ahhh, but he did. he did nothing while Russia stole the Crimea from Ukraine, a country which we had a defense treaty with, and which obummer ignored at the orders of his master pootin.

I see it this way, he avoided a military confrontation with Putin's Russia, Brinkmanship is a dangerous game and one Obama was not willing to play. History instructs us that wars drain a nations economy, and our economy was still suffering from the Great Recession - imagine the national debt if we had engaged Russia?

You're not very smart nor are you well educated. You react emotionally and lack the ability to examine policies and actions panoptically and pragmatically.

No, like chamberlain, he merely pushed it off into the future. WWII was not a forgone conclusion. Had dear old neville had some balls he could have averted the deaths of millions and saved Europe from destruction. But, like obummer, he lacked fortitude and an understanding of what sort of person hitler was. We all KNOW what a scumbag pootin is. obummer let him loose.


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

It is not clear what Mueller will investigate because as Allan Dershowitz points out he is only authorized to investigate crimes and even if everything alleged against the Trump campaign were true - clearly it's not - no statute has been violated and therefore no crime has been committed.

No one can articulate;ate what the Special Prosecutor is investigating?

THose types of investigations can go ANYWHERE.

Seth Rich

Trump University..
...lol What word?...
The word of the US Dept of Justice, that sufficient data has come their way, indicative of Russia-related wrongdoing, to warrant the appointment of a Special Counsel.

...They haven't said what crime they are investigating.The letter appointing Mueller does not say what crime he is to investigate...
They are not obliged to posit a specific crime; merely substantive indicators of wrongdoing, to be investigated, before determine whether Crime A or B has been committed.

...If the Department of Justice is not investigating a specific crime, it is in violation of the law, itself.
Says who?

The US Dept of Justice has data indicating probable cause for any number of Russia-related wrongdoings and missteps.

Why-in-the-world would they want to hamstring themselves or Special Counsel?

How can they stipulate Crime A or B until they have investigated the full spectrum of related subject matter with a broad and sweeping examination of all things related?

No, I seriously doubt that they are constrained to investigate a specific crime during the course of Special Counsel operations.

Rather, they have publicly stipulated a RANGE of subject matter of investigate; from which indictment(s) may (or may not) surface related to Crime A or B or C.

As I said before, I'll take the word of the US Dept of Justice, over yours, or your boy's, about sufficient data existing, to indicate probable cause, related to wrongdoing.

And, I will also take the word of the US Dept of Justice, over yours, or your boy's, about whether they need to stipulate the precise crime to investigate, in advance.

Meanwhile... Special Counsel Mueller and his people, and their subpoenas, will dig, and dig, and dig, and dig, and dig, and expose, and make appropriate determinations.

All according to the laws of the United States.

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Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

No. He won't. And your echo of a conspiracy theory is pretty funny. Are you really so naive to believe Obama consorted with the Russians?

you mean we can have obama flat out saying "after i'm re-elected i can have more flexibility" and you don't care? that's a HELL OF A LOT MORE than anyone has on trump at this point.

if you want justice, you want it all looked over and scrutinized evenly and fairly according to the law. if you're a biased prick, you want obama to get away with everything and trump, nothing.

we all live by the same set of rules, or are at least supposed to.


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

It is not clear what Mueller will investigate because as Allan Dershowitz points out he is only authorized to investigate crimes and even if everything alleged against the Trump campaign were true - clearly it's not - no statute has been violated and therefore no crime has been committed.

No one can articulate;ate what the Special Prosecutor is investigating?

THose types of investigations can go ANYWHERE.

Seth Rich

Trump University..

is that where obama learned to lie? not sure how this "counter" addresses what obama said.

hell, has ANY LIBERAL addressed what obama said here? not seen it, they may have. but it sounds pretty bad.


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

No. He won't. And your echo of a conspiracy theory is pretty funny. Are you really so naive to believe Obama consorted with the Russians?

Ahhh, but he did. he did nothing while Russia stole the Crimea from Ukraine, a country which we had a defense treaty with, and which obummer ignored at the orders of his master pootin.

I see it this way, he avoided a military confrontation with Putin's Russia, Brinkmanship is a dangerous game and one Obama was not willing to play. History instructs us that wars drain a nations economy, and our economy was still suffering from the Great Recession - imagine the national debt if we had engaged Russia?

You're not very smart nor are you well educated. You react emotionally and lack the ability to examine policies and actions panoptically and pragmatically.

No, like chamberlain, he merely pushed it off into the future. WWII was not a forgone conclusion. Had dear old neville had some balls he could have averted the deaths of millions and saved Europe from destruction. But, like obummer, he lacked fortitude and an understanding of what sort of person hitler was. We all KNOW what a scumbag pootin is. obummer let him loose.

The time to stop Hitler would have been in the mid-1930s, with the reoccupation of the Ruhr or Rhineland, or the Austrian Anschluss; Munich was merely their last chance.

Both the French and the British backed down, time and again; they'd been bled white by WWI and had no native war-drum beater to inspire and whip-up what was left.
...What crime are they looking for evidence of? If there is no specific crime they are investigation, there is no legitimate basis for an investigation. It may turn out this investigation is the only crime being committed.
The US Department of Justice has concluded that Probable Cause of wrongdoing exists... the Special Counsel will investigate, clarify and make all such determinations.

The only thing you have to (or can) do is to sit back and enjoy the ride, while the Checks-and-Balances built into our Federal government are activated and employed.
Wrongdoing is not a crime. For a crime to have been committed a specific statute must have been violated, and since no one can say what that statute might be, there is no legitimate basis for a prosecutor to run an investigation.
Fortunately for the Republic and the Rule of Law, the US Department of Justice sees this differently.

Forgive me, but I will take their word in this matter over yours.
lol What word? They haven't said what crime they are investigating. The letter appointing Mueller does not say what crime he is to investigate. If the Department of Justice is not investigating a specific crime, it is in violation of the law, itself.
The crime is hacking the DNC server
what about all the crimes found after said hack? those ok cause hey - hack?
Ahhh, but he did. he did nothing while Russia stole the Crimea from Ukraine, a country which we had a defense treaty with, and which obummer ignored at the orders of his master pootin.

Did nothing? Wow, what a fucking ignorant statement.

1. Obama's administration, including secretary of state named Clinton, led the way on international sanctions against Russia that accounted for 2% GDP contraction, putting Russia into a recession and economic slowdown to this day.


Whatever it was that Obama wanted flexibility on in 2012, it certainly was not holding Kremlin accountable for it's actions.

2. What were YOUR favored alternatives? American military action against Russia? Seriously?
You no-bamas like to bitch but rarely have any constructive ideas.

3. Republican dear leader Trump's take on all this? Putin is a great leader!
His SoS's take on things (before he had to come over to the senate for a chat)? Sanctions against Russia should be lifted.
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