Will Mueller investigate Obama's hot mic moment with Putin's #2 man?

The FBI investigation of Benghazi was over in a few hours, and there is no legitimate basis for the FBI investigation of the election to continue since there is no evidence of violations of federal law? Congress should continue its investigations to inform the public, but this bogus claim about Benghazi is just further proof that the FBI investigation is entirely politically motivated and without any legitimate basis under the law.
Benghazi investigation was over in a few hours? then why did Republicans keep it going for four years?

We don't know what the FBI has. They are not tipping their hands. Flynn is fucked and he knows it. Will he cop a deal for leniency?

The FBI investigation of the election needs to continue until all key players have been interviewed on the record. Trump has not even been interviewed
Bullshit. Both Diane Feinstein and Joe Manchin have said the FBI has been able to produce no evidence of collusion so we know they have nothing. We both understand this is now just a political witch hunt; the difference between us is that you approve of whoring the FBI for political purposes and I don't.
Yet, even when demanded by Trump....the FBI refused to say that
FBI has evidence they are not revealing yet. We need to hear from the key players and check their story against available evidence

Then there is Mr Putin.....will he release what he knows if Trump displeases him?
We know from Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters the FBI has no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. The only way the DoJ can hope to restore its damaged credibility is to come clean about the fact they have no evidence and no reason to think any will come to light.
What evidence do they have on Flynn and Manafort?
If either of them are indicted, will they rat out Trump to save their asses?
There are a lot of cards left to be played
We both know there's nothing to rat out. Feinstein, Manchin and Waters have all said there is no evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, but even if there were, it would not be a crime, so what is the FBI doing getting involved in a political issue that does not involve violations of federal law. Clearly the Obama administration has managed to profoundly corrupt the Justice Department.
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What evidence do they have on Flynn and Manafort?
If either of them are indicted, will they rat out Trump to save their asses?
There are a lot of cards left to be played

Indicted for what?

You fascists have lots of slander, lots of libel, lots of innuendo. What you jackbooted Brown Shirts don't have is any evidence, not a speck or a hint.

This is nothing by Kabuki Theater.
If there was any there..... there.... It would have been leaked already


Exactly...it was leaked that TRUMP "ALLEGEDLY" likes to piss on or be pissed on by Russian whores...but nothing about how Trump and Putin specifically colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election.


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

It is not clear what Mueller will investigate because as Allan Dershowitz points out he is only authorized to investigate crimes and even if everything alleged against the Trump campaign were true - clearly it's not - no statute has been violated and therefore no crime has been committed.

No one can articulate;ate what the Special Prosecutor is investigating?

THose types of investigations can go ANYWHERE.

Seth Rich

Trump University..

is that where obama learned to lie? not sure how this "counter" addresses what obama said.

hell, has ANY LIBERAL addressed what obama said here? not seen it, they may have. but it sounds pretty bad.


Trump's only defense.


Mueller needs to investigate if Russia influenced Obama. Can Obama be impeached posthumously?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

Nope Obama isn't under Criminal Investigation--Trump and his surrogates are as of last week, 05/17/2017.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe. “The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber. “You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”

IOW all eyeballs are focused on Trump and his surrogates.:party:

Benghazi investigation was over in a few hours? then why did Republicans keep it going for four years?

We don't know what the FBI has. They are not tipping their hands. Flynn is fucked and he knows it. Will he cop a deal for leniency?

The FBI investigation of the election needs to continue until all key players have been interviewed on the record. Trump has not even been interviewed
Bullshit. Both Diane Feinstein and Joe Manchin have said the FBI has been able to produce no evidence of collusion so we know they have nothing. We both understand this is now just a political witch hunt; the difference between us is that you approve of whoring the FBI for political purposes and I don't.
Yet, even when demanded by Trump....the FBI refused to say that
FBI has evidence they are not revealing yet. We need to hear from the key players and check their story against available evidence

Then there is Mr Putin.....will he release what he knows if Trump displeases him?
We know from Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters the FBI has no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. The only way the DoJ can hope to restore its damaged credibility is to come clean about the fact they have no evidence and no reason to think any will come to light.
What evidence do they have on Flynn and Manafort?
If either of them are indicted, will they rat out Trump to save their asses?
There are a lot of cards left to be played
We both know there's nothing to rat out. Feinstein, Manchin and Waters have all said there is no evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, but even if there were, it would not be a crime, so what is the FBI doing getting involved in a political issue that does not involve violations of federal law. Clearly the Obama administration has managed to profoundly corrupt the Justice Department.

I don't know that and I personally doubt Flynn and Manafort acted independently
If there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, it would be a crime....Treason
That is why this investigation needs to be taken seriously
What evidence do they have on Flynn and Manafort?
If either of them are indicted, will they rat out Trump to save their asses?
There are a lot of cards left to be played

Indicted for what?

You fascists have lots of slander, lots of libel, lots of innuendo. What you jackbooted Brown Shirts don't have is any evidence, not a speck or a hint.

This is nothing by Kabuki Theater.

Both are guilty of failing to report foreign contacts and falsifying records to indicate there were none

That is a start. Beyond that, you need to follow the money. What were they paid and what did they provide in return
There was a lot of pro-Russia propaganda coming out at the time of the GOP Convention. The same time Trump representative were meeting the Russians
Bullshit. Both Diane Feinstein and Joe Manchin have said the FBI has been able to produce no evidence of collusion so we know they have nothing. We both understand this is now just a political witch hunt; the difference between us is that you approve of whoring the FBI for political purposes and I don't.
Yet, even when demanded by Trump....the FBI refused to say that
FBI has evidence they are not revealing yet. We need to hear from the key players and check their story against available evidence

Then there is Mr Putin.....will he release what he knows if Trump displeases him?
We know from Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters the FBI has no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. The only way the DoJ can hope to restore its damaged credibility is to come clean about the fact they have no evidence and no reason to think any will come to light.
What evidence do they have on Flynn and Manafort?
If either of them are indicted, will they rat out Trump to save their asses?
There are a lot of cards left to be played
We both know there's nothing to rat out. Feinstein, Manchin and Waters have all said there is no evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, but even if there were, it would not be a crime, so what is the FBI doing getting involved in a political issue that does not involve violations of federal law. Clearly the Obama administration has managed to profoundly corrupt the Justice Department.

I don't know that and I personally doubt Flynn and Manafort acted independently
If there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, it would be a crime....Treason
That is why this investigation needs to be taken seriously
No, collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government would not be a crime unless they colluded to violate a specific federal statute, and no one has been able to state what statute would have been violated. If evidence emerged that the Trump campaign Russian government worked together to get Trump elected but without violating a specific federal statute, it would be very bad politically but no a crime, so as you describe it the FBI is running a political witch hunt and not a legitimate criminal investigation.
Both are guilty of failing to report foreign contacts and falsifying records to indicate there were none

That is a start. Beyond that, you need to follow the money. What were they paid and what did they provide in return
There was a lot of pro-Russia propaganda coming out at the time of the GOP Convention. The same time Trump representative were meeting the Russians

They are "guilty" even though you have zero evidence?

Well damn, you Nazicrats have an interesting idea of how justice works.

There is nonstop propaganda coming out now, and the Washington Post is the major source, working at the behest of George Soros to subvert the free republic on behalf of the fascist democratic party.
Trump-Bots really aren't any brighter than ObamaBots, are they?

News flash, bunky... you aren't going to be allowed to deflect and distract without being challenged on it, by those who aren't in thrall to your boy...

Obama's "hit mic moment" has nothing whatsoever to do with the Trump Investigation.

If Obumble has done something wrong, the Justice Department can deal with that, too, in turn.

Unfortunately for you, however, and your Fearless Leader, Il Duce...

The newly-appointed Special Counsel is going to home-in on the alleged collusion between Trump and his campaign and the Russians, and stay focused on that like a laser beam...

And all the attempts at distraction and deflection and side-tracking in the world, aren't going to do you or Il Duce, one bit of good...

Either the Special Counsel finds cause to proceed at-law, or the whole thing goes away...

If cause is found to proceed at-law, your boy is Screwed, Blued and Tatooed.

You're just going to have to wait-out the investigation and its findings, like the rest of us...

Tick... tick.. tick...

Meanwhile, your boy is already halfway to Lame Duck status, only 120 days into his Presidency...

Yeah... ya'll backed a real winner, didn't 'cha?

Shouldn't you wait for evidence , seams to me you liberals have already made up your mind without 1 bit of evidence . Are we still in America , innocent until proven guilty, can't we wait for the investigation to end?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Trump-Bots really aren't any brighter than ObamaBots, are they?

News flash, bunky... you aren't going to be allowed to deflect and distract without being challenged on it, by those who aren't in thrall to your boy...

Obama's "hit mic moment" has nothing whatsoever to do with the Trump Investigation.

If Obumble has done something wrong, the Justice Department can deal with that, too, in turn.

Unfortunately for you, however, and your Fearless Leader, Il Duce...

The newly-appointed Special Counsel is going to home-in on the alleged collusion between Trump and his campaign and the Russians, and stay focused on that like a laser beam...

And all the attempts at distraction and deflection and side-tracking in the world, aren't going to do you or Il Duce, one bit of good...

Either the Special Counsel finds cause to proceed at-law, or the whole thing goes away...

If cause is found to proceed at-law, your boy is Screwed, Blued and Tatooed.

You're just going to have to wait-out the investigation and its findings, like the rest of us...

Tick... tick.. tick...

Meanwhile, your boy is already halfway to Lame Duck status, only 120 days into his Presidency...

Yeah... ya'll backed a real winner, didn't 'cha?

Shouldn't you wait for evidence , seams to me you liberals have already made up your mind without 1 bit of evidence . Are we still in America , innocent until proven guilty, can't we wait for the investigation to end?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Nowhere in my post will you see me suggesting otherwise.

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