Will Obama Bin Lying Have To Be Cuffed & Dragged From The White House?

the WALL is already funded but if additional monies are needed you will be writing checks same as i will TRed !!
Sore Loser Butthurt is a Terminal Disease.
I think he's in the terminal stage.
Never in the history of man has a president accomplished so little when give so much to work with.
FAILURE is his legacy. I could list his failures, and they are many, but it'd take up too much space.
If I could consolidate them and brand them under one title, it'd be something like this:

Failure To Be A Man.

His scorched Earth approach on his way out the door, is not only damaging to his Legacy of Failure but to America itself. That pretty much sums up his regime. Everything he worked for, and every action he took hurt America, hurt our standing in the world, placed us in jeopardy around the globe and at home, and buried us in crippling debt.

One has to wonder if he should be on suicide watch, or if we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't buy 10 gallons of gasoline and try to burn The White House down on his way out the door. It's my guess that he'll have to be dragged out of The White House in handcuffs, kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler in a tantrum, being dragged out of a toy store.

Worst President Ever.
Most Embarrassing President Ever.
Most Divisive President Ever.
Most Indebted President Ever.

America cannot wait for The Obama Nightmare to be over.

Everyone is looking forward to sweeping out The Stench of The Obamas and Clintons from our Government except for America Hating Effeminate Liberals that is, but they don't count, except to our enemies that they continually side with as if they signed some sort of sick suicide pact with them.

Good Riddens Lefty.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Here is to a New Year, and A cleaning out of the filth the previous regime left behind when they trashed America like some dirty squatters.

You had your chance, now your eviction notice is about to be nailed to your ass.
I hope it hurts like Hell.

Signed, The Cleaning Crew.
Lets get something clear.......Trump never had, never will get over 50% of support from the American people, his numbers now stand at 42%, his highest was 46%. We now as you say, have the most hated president in US history leaving office at 56%. Now either you're simply a stupid ass ho who's lost with facts or you're a racist. 300 plus million people in this country, Trump won with the smallest of margins in any election, lost the popular vote by 2.4 million, I mean what fuckin planet do you reside, fool?

But Good Luck with the idiot, you morons are gonna need it!!

We simply did not like Hillary and had no other choices....but make no mistake, Trump is not a mandate, he's a white man's Hitler

Poll numbers cannot be trusted. Only an idiot would quote a poll put out by a media who is overwhelming Leftist-Socialist. And no one cares about the popular vote when National Elections are about The Electoral College wins. You can rig the popular vote by giving 7 million illegals and felons the right to vote. So STFU about that because you sound like an idiot who doesn't understand how National Elections are run in this country.

Obama was not only damaging to this country, he was impotent and effeminate. At least you will know Trump will stand up as a man, and if he does draw a line in the sand, you had better not cross it.

Having Obama in The White House was the most damaging thing America ever did. I don't blame them, they are just sheep sold on a lie of Hope and Change. But the Hope and Change was for people that wanted to deconstruct America and turn it in to a Socialist State. At Least America Woke Up and rejected Obama's 3rd term which may have sealed The Fall of The Republic. At least with Trump we have a chance of preserving it.

Obama was the closest thing I can ever recall to being a Manchurian Candidate. No President has ever damaged America so much as Obama Bin Lying.

Another good question to ask Lefty is: Do you think you can maintain your Butthurt Rage for 8 years? You'll be mighty tired by 2020 if you decide to go down that path.
Dude so the polls lied....the question then becomes, why would people lie about supporting Trump?
I'll tell you why because in their gut, deep down in the pit of that raging gut, these white idiots knew, he was unworthy, but their racist DNA couldn't help itself and because Hillary was not an option!!

the suckers are wining huge!!!:eusa_dance::rofl::rofl::rofl:

shit s0n........you need some real responsibilities in life to throw a monkey ( :coffee: ) wrench into this whole anger thing!! Or find a hobby other than OCDing about shit 100% out of your hands. Or IDK.....move to Harlem.........might take some of the sting out.:dunno:

White people finally said "fuck this" to the PC madness and black victimhood garbage.........its now a relic of a former era happy to say!!!:deal: Polls wont ever pick it up but that's exactly what happened.
ICBM's are a phallic symbol to obama.

So that's what Moochelle is toting around for Him!


He'll probably pee and poo all over the place after a week long binge of cheap Mexican food.

Sore Loser Butthurt is a Terminal Disease.
I think he's in the terminal stage.
Never in the history of man has a president accomplished so little when give so much to work with.
FAILURE is his legacy. I could list his failures, and they are many, but it'd take up too much space.
If I could consolidate them and brand them under one title, it'd be something like this:

Failure To Be A Man.

His scorched Earth approach on his way out the door, is not only damaging to his Legacy of Failure but to America itself. That pretty much sums up his regime. Everything he worked for, and every action he took hurt America, hurt our standing in the world, placed us in jeopardy around the globe and at home, and buried us in crippling debt.

One has to wonder if he should be on suicide watch, or if we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't buy 10 gallons of gasoline and try to burn The White House down on his way out the door. It's my guess that he'll have to be dragged out of The White House in handcuffs, kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler in a tantrum, being dragged out of a toy store.

Worst President Ever.
Most Embarrassing President Ever.
Most Divisive President Ever.
Most Indebted President Ever.

America cannot wait for The Obama Nightmare to be over.

Everyone is looking forward to sweeping out The Stench of The Obamas and Clintons from our Government except for America Hating Effeminate Liberals that is, but they don't count, except to our enemies that they continually side with as if they signed some sort of sick suicide pact with them.

Good Riddens Lefty.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Here is to a New Year, and A cleaning out of the filth the previous regime left behind when they trashed America like some dirty squatters.

You had your chance, now your eviction notice is about to be nailed to your ass.
I hope it hurts like Hell.

Signed, The Cleaning Crew.
Lets get something clear.......Trump never had, never will get over 50% of support from the American people, his numbers now stand at 42%, his highest was 46%. We now as you say, have the most hated president in US history leaving office at 56%. Now either you're simply a stupid ass ho who's lost with facts or you're a racist. 300 plus million people in this country, Trump won with the smallest of margins in any election, lost the popular vote by 2.4 million, I mean what fuckin planet do you reside, fool?

But Good Luck with the idiot, you morons are gonna need it!!

We simply did not like Hillary and had no other choices....but make no mistake, Trump is not a mandate, he's a white man's Hitler

He got 304 electoral votes and that's 34 more than what is required. You morons continuing to harp on a type of vote the Constitution doesn't mention when electing the President shows you're idiots.
Sore Loser Butthurt is a Terminal Disease.
I think he's in the terminal stage.
Never in the history of man has a president accomplished so little when give so much to work with.
FAILURE is his legacy. I could list his failures, and they are many, but it'd take up too much space.
If I could consolidate them and brand them under one title, it'd be something like this:

Failure To Be A Man.

His scorched Earth approach on his way out the door, is not only damaging to his Legacy of Failure but to America itself. That pretty much sums up his regime. Everything he worked for, and every action he took hurt America, hurt our standing in the world, placed us in jeopardy around the globe and at home, and buried us in crippling debt.

One has to wonder if he should be on suicide watch, or if we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't buy 10 gallons of gasoline and try to burn The White House down on his way out the door. It's my guess that he'll have to be dragged out of The White House in handcuffs, kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler in a tantrum, being dragged out of a toy store.

Worst President Ever.
Most Embarrassing President Ever.
Most Divisive President Ever.
Most Indebted President Ever.

America cannot wait for The Obama Nightmare to be over.

Everyone is looking forward to sweeping out The Stench of The Obamas and Clintons from our Government except for America Hating Effeminate Liberals that is, but they don't count, except to our enemies that they continually side with as if they signed some sort of sick suicide pact with them.

Good Riddens Lefty.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Here is to a New Year, and A cleaning out of the filth the previous regime left behind when they trashed America like some dirty squatters.

You had your chance, now your eviction notice is about to be nailed to your ass.
I hope it hurts like Hell.

Signed, The Cleaning Crew.
Lets get something clear.......Trump never had, never will get over 50% of support from the American people, his numbers now stand at 42%, his highest was 46%. We now as you say, have the most hated president in US history leaving office at 56%. Now either you're simply a stupid ass ho who's lost with facts or you're a racist. 300 plus million people in this country, Trump won with the smallest of margins in any election, lost the popular vote by 2.4 million, I mean what fuckin planet do you reside, fool?

But Good Luck with the idiot, you morons are gonna need it!!

We simply did not like Hillary and had no other choices....but make no mistake, Trump is not a mandate, he's a white man's Hitler
you certainly are stating an awful lot of facts about how at least 4 years went for the Honorable President Trump.
You are either able to see the future, or you are full of shit. Man has been trying to find someone that could honestly see the future since the beginning of time, so far no luck. Im fairly certain that you are not that special being that has been the focus of so many over the years, that leaves only the one other option as reality. You are full of shit.
White mans Hitler? LOL, Is that what border control is now? an Nazi move? do you know that the United States is the only country that does not secure its borders? How about this, since you and those like you have so much admiration for the Mexicans, and by extension Mexico, what if the U.S rewrote its immigration policy to be 100% equal with that of Mexico? all the way down to how we deal with illegals when they are caught. Would you then be happy with our approach at immigration control?
Personally, I would love to see our laws match those of Mexico in this instance.
But, Lets say President Trump were to do that, could he be taken off of the little Hitler look alike poster?
Sore Loser Butthurt is a Terminal Disease.
I think he's in the terminal stage.
Never in the history of man has a president accomplished so little when give so much to work with.
FAILURE is his legacy. I could list his failures, and they are many, but it'd take up too much space.
If I could consolidate them and brand them under one title, it'd be something like this:

Failure To Be A Man.

His scorched Earth approach on his way out the door, is not only damaging to his Legacy of Failure but to America itself. That pretty much sums up his regime. Everything he worked for, and every action he took hurt America, hurt our standing in the world, placed us in jeopardy around the globe and at home, and buried us in crippling debt.

One has to wonder if he should be on suicide watch, or if we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't buy 10 gallons of gasoline and try to burn The White House down on his way out the door. It's my guess that he'll have to be dragged out of The White House in handcuffs, kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler in a tantrum, being dragged out of a toy store.

Worst President Ever.
Most Embarrassing President Ever.
Most Divisive President Ever.
Most Indebted President Ever.

America cannot wait for The Obama Nightmare to be over.

Everyone is looking forward to sweeping out The Stench of The Obamas and Clintons from our Government except for America Hating Effeminate Liberals that is, but they don't count, except to our enemies that they continually side with as if they signed some sort of sick suicide pact with them.

Good Riddens Lefty.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Here is to a New Year, and A cleaning out of the filth the previous regime left behind when they trashed America like some dirty squatters.

You had your chance, now your eviction notice is about to be nailed to your ass.
I hope it hurts like Hell.

Signed, The Cleaning Crew.
Lets get something clear.......Trump never had, never will get over 50% of support from the American people, his numbers now stand at 42%, his highest was 46%. We now as you say, have the most hated president in US history leaving office at 56%. Now either you're simply a stupid ass ho who's lost with facts or you're a racist. 300 plus million people in this country, Trump won with the smallest of margins in any election, lost the popular vote by 2.4 million, I mean what fuckin planet do you reside, fool?

But Good Luck with the idiot, you morons are gonna need it!!

We simply did not like Hillary and had no other choices....but make no mistake, Trump is not a mandate, he's a white man's Hitler
Racist whore, stfu and go away liar.

You really should take your medication and see your doctor.
Remember Kids, Liberalism is a disease that if left untreated, will kill you.
If you know a liberal, or you have liberal feelings yourself, please urge them to seek medical attention, and if you are experiencing issues yourself, please contact the suicide hot line or see a licensed mental health professional as soon as possible.
A warning that I think is not shared enough. To the point, and correct.
I can see already that you are an intelligent and caring human being. Welcome to the forum, I think its going to be a great pleasure and certainly a gift to us all to have you posting here.
at any rate, back to the topic as asked by the OP.
I do not think that the bammy boy is going to have to be cuffed or tazed or anything else in order to remove him from the white house, I dont think he can get out of there fast enough for himself.
What I do however question is if he is going to be able to keep his foul racist mouth shut after he leaves or will we have to listen to him putting President Trump down every time President Trump does anything at all. Will his narcissist ego cause him to continue to be the center of attention. Will the news outlets shove a microphone in his face every day for the next 4 to 8 years.
President Bush made it a point not to comment on what obammy did, right or wrong, he stayed out of it. He knew that it was no longer his place to comment on these things and out of respect he kept his opinions to himself. Will obammy do the right thing or is he going to be a nonstop pain in the ass until the day he dies on a golf course after a terrible putting accident that leaves a 9 iron wedged in his colon. (how could you not have an accident using a 9 iron when putting) or his Mr Rogers sweater gets caught on a runaway golf cart and he ends up getting dragged down the freeway,, but enough of my safe place dreams.
Will he shut up and let the next administration do their job or is he going to make it a point to try and stay relevant.
Sore Loser Butthurt is a Terminal Disease.
I think he's in the terminal stage.
Never in the history of man has a president accomplished so little when give so much to work with.
FAILURE is his legacy. I could list his failures, and they are many, but it'd take up too much space.
If I could consolidate them and brand them under one title, it'd be something like this:

Failure To Be A Man.

His scorched Earth approach on his way out the door, is not only damaging to his Legacy of Failure but to America itself. That pretty much sums up his regime. Everything he worked for, and every action he took hurt America, hurt our standing in the world, placed us in jeopardy around the globe and at home, and buried us in crippling debt.

One has to wonder if he should be on suicide watch, or if we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't buy 10 gallons of gasoline and try to burn The White House down on his way out the door. It's my guess that he'll have to be dragged out of The White House in handcuffs, kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler in a tantrum, being dragged out of a toy store.

Worst President Ever.
Most Embarrassing President Ever.
Most Divisive President Ever.
Most Indebted President Ever.

America cannot wait for The Obama Nightmare to be over.

Everyone is looking forward to sweeping out The Stench of The Obamas and Clintons from our Government except for America Hating Effeminate Liberals that is, but they don't count, except to our enemies that they continually side with as if they signed some sort of sick suicide pact with them.

Good Riddens Lefty.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Here is to a New Year, and A cleaning out of the filth the previous regime left behind when they trashed America like some dirty squatters.

You had your chance, now your eviction notice is about to be nailed to your ass.
I hope it hurts like Hell.

Signed, The Cleaning Crew.
You must think George W. Bush was the best president ever.
Sore Loser Butthurt is a Terminal Disease.
I think he's in the terminal stage.
Never in the history of man has a president accomplished so little when give so much to work with.
FAILURE is his legacy. I could list his failures, and they are many, but it'd take up too much space.
If I could consolidate them and brand them under one title, it'd be something like this:

Failure To Be A Man.

His scorched Earth approach on his way out the door, is not only damaging to his Legacy of Failure but to America itself. That pretty much sums up his regime. Everything he worked for, and every action he took hurt America, hurt our standing in the world, placed us in jeopardy around the globe and at home, and buried us in crippling debt.

One has to wonder if he should be on suicide watch, or if we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't buy 10 gallons of gasoline and try to burn The White House down on his way out the door. It's my guess that he'll have to be dragged out of The White House in handcuffs, kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler in a tantrum, being dragged out of a toy store.

Worst President Ever.
Most Embarrassing President Ever.
Most Divisive President Ever.
Most Indebted President Ever.

America cannot wait for The Obama Nightmare to be over.

Everyone is looking forward to sweeping out The Stench of The Obamas and Clintons from our Government except for America Hating Effeminate Liberals that is, but they don't count, except to our enemies that they continually side with as if they signed some sort of sick suicide pact with them.

Good Riddens Lefty.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Here is to a New Year, and A cleaning out of the filth the previous regime left behind when they trashed America like some dirty squatters.

You had your chance, now your eviction notice is about to be nailed to your ass.
I hope it hurts like Hell.

Signed, The Cleaning Crew.
You must think George W. Bush was the best president ever.
GW made some pretty big mistakes, I dont think anyone would argue that point. But what he did have was real compassion for the people in this country, even the illegals (which I think was one of his mistakes) and he had a true love for this country, he honestly thought/thinks its the best country in the world and he wanted to do the best he could by it.
his leadership I would give a pretty low grade for. But his love for the country and its citizens, that would be hard to beat by any other president past or future.
Too bad it takes more than compassion to be president.
as far as barry goes? I fail him on both counts, he hated this country and most of the citizens in it and he went out of his way to destroy both. Financially and morally.
to be fair, I think that Bill Clinton was pretty close to GW Bush when it came to love for the country and compassion for its citizens. He showed special concern for young women with nice lips, More than most men would, Bill not only took her under his wing to tutor, he went so far as to take her under his desk.
My money would be on "No" if I could find somebody to take the bet.
Sore Loser Butthurt is a Terminal Disease.
I think he's in the terminal stage.
Never in the history of man has a president accomplished so little when give so much to work with.
FAILURE is his legacy. I could list his failures, and they are many, but it'd take up too much space.
If I could consolidate them and brand them under one title, it'd be something like this:

Failure To Be A Man.

His scorched Earth approach on his way out the door, is not only damaging to his Legacy of Failure but to America itself. That pretty much sums up his regime. Everything he worked for, and every action he took hurt America, hurt our standing in the world, placed us in jeopardy around the globe and at home, and buried us in crippling debt.

One has to wonder if he should be on suicide watch, or if we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't buy 10 gallons of gasoline and try to burn The White House down on his way out the door. It's my guess that he'll have to be dragged out of The White House in handcuffs, kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler in a tantrum, being dragged out of a toy store.

Worst President Ever.
Most Embarrassing President Ever.
Most Divisive President Ever.
Most Indebted President Ever.

America cannot wait for The Obama Nightmare to be over.

Everyone is looking forward to sweeping out The Stench of The Obamas and Clintons from our Government except for America Hating Effeminate Liberals that is, but they don't count, except to our enemies that they continually side with as if they signed some sort of sick suicide pact with them.

Good Riddens Lefty.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Here is to a New Year, and A cleaning out of the filth the previous regime left behind when they trashed America like some dirty squatters.

You had your chance, now your eviction notice is about to be nailed to your ass.
I hope it hurts like Hell.

Signed, The Cleaning Crew.

I sure hope these loony rants are therapeutic for you as some sort of escapism from your personal problems....because as an actual analysis of a presidency it is pretty fucking stupid.

Obama fulfilled most of his campaign promises, including historic healthcare reform no other president was able to pull off (and it wasn't for lack of trying on their part). Together with solid economic record of recovery, stable growth, no major foreign policy blunders and no major scandals Obama easily secures himself a solid position among past American presidents.

And embarrassing? Obama?...Have you checked out the tweeter feed of that pussy grabin' clown headed for the White House?
Last edited:
Sore Loser Butthurt is a Terminal Disease.
I think he's in the terminal stage.
Never in the history of man has a president accomplished so little when give so much to work with.
FAILURE is his legacy. I could list his failures, and they are many, but it'd take up too much space.
If I could consolidate them and brand them under one title, it'd be something like this:

Failure To Be A Man.

His scorched Earth approach on his way out the door, is not only damaging to his Legacy of Failure but to America itself. That pretty much sums up his regime. Everything he worked for, and every action he took hurt America, hurt our standing in the world, placed us in jeopardy around the globe and at home, and buried us in crippling debt.

One has to wonder if he should be on suicide watch, or if we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't buy 10 gallons of gasoline and try to burn The White House down on his way out the door. It's my guess that he'll have to be dragged out of The White House in handcuffs, kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler in a tantrum, being dragged out of a toy store.

Worst President Ever.
Most Embarrassing President Ever.
Most Divisive President Ever.
Most Indebted President Ever.

America cannot wait for The Obama Nightmare to be over.

Everyone is looking forward to sweeping out The Stench of The Obamas and Clintons from our Government except for America Hating Effeminate Liberals that is, but they don't count, except to our enemies that they continually side with as if they signed some sort of sick suicide pact with them.

Good Riddens Lefty.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Here is to a New Year, and A cleaning out of the filth the previous regime left behind when they trashed America like some dirty squatters.

You had your chance, now your eviction notice is about to be nailed to your ass.
I hope it hurts like Hell.

Signed, The Cleaning Crew.
Lets get something clear.......Trump never had, never will get over 50% of support from the American people, his numbers now stand at 42%, his highest was 46%. We now as you say, have the most hated president in US history leaving office at 56%. Now either you're simply a stupid ass ho who's lost with facts or you're a racist. 300 plus million people in this country, Trump won with the smallest of margins in any election, lost the popular vote by 2.4 million, I mean what fuckin planet do you reside, fool?

But Good Luck with the idiot, you morons are gonna need it!!

We simply did not like Hillary and had no other choices....but make no mistake, Trump is not a mandate, he's a white man's Hitler
Trump won't with a mandate....so.....
Sore Loser Butthurt is a Terminal Disease.
I think he's in the terminal stage.
Never in the history of man has a president accomplished so little when give so much to work with.
FAILURE is his legacy. I could list his failures, and they are many, but it'd take up too much space.
If I could consolidate them and brand them under one title, it'd be something like this:

Failure To Be A Man.

His scorched Earth approach on his way out the door, is not only damaging to his Legacy of Failure but to America itself. That pretty much sums up his regime. Everything he worked for, and every action he took hurt America, hurt our standing in the world, placed us in jeopardy around the globe and at home, and buried us in crippling debt.

One has to wonder if he should be on suicide watch, or if we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't buy 10 gallons of gasoline and try to burn The White House down on his way out the door. It's my guess that he'll have to be dragged out of The White House in handcuffs, kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler in a tantrum, being dragged out of a toy store.

Worst President Ever.
Most Embarrassing President Ever.
Most Divisive President Ever.
Most Indebted President Ever.

America cannot wait for The Obama Nightmare to be over.

Everyone is looking forward to sweeping out The Stench of The Obamas and Clintons from our Government except for America Hating Effeminate Liberals that is, but they don't count, except to our enemies that they continually side with as if they signed some sort of sick suicide pact with them.

Good Riddens Lefty.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Here is to a New Year, and A cleaning out of the filth the previous regime left behind when they trashed America like some dirty squatters.

You had your chance, now your eviction notice is about to be nailed to your ass.
I hope it hurts like Hell.

Signed, The Cleaning Crew.

I sure hope these loony rants are therapeutic for you as some sort of escapism from your personal problems....because as an actual analysis of a presidency it is pretty fucking stupid.

Obama fulfilled most of his campaign promises, including historic healthcare reform no other president was able to pull off (and it wasn't for lack of trying on their part). Together with solid economic record of recovery, stable growth, no major foreign policy blunders and no major scandals Obama easily secures himself a solid position among past American presidents.

And embarrassing? Obama?...Have you checked out the tweeter feed of that pussy grabin' clown headed for the White House?
I saw this pic of the pussy grabber on Twitter...

Sore Loser Butthurt is a Terminal Disease.
I think he's in the terminal stage.
Never in the history of man has a president accomplished so little when give so much to work with.
FAILURE is his legacy. I could list his failures, and they are many, but it'd take up too much space.
If I could consolidate them and brand them under one title, it'd be something like this:

Failure To Be A Man.

His scorched Earth approach on his way out the door, is not only damaging to his Legacy of Failure but to America itself. That pretty much sums up his regime. Everything he worked for, and every action he took hurt America, hurt our standing in the world, placed us in jeopardy around the globe and at home, and buried us in crippling debt.

One has to wonder if he should be on suicide watch, or if we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't buy 10 gallons of gasoline and try to burn The White House down on his way out the door. It's my guess that he'll have to be dragged out of The White House in handcuffs, kicking and screaming like a spoiled toddler in a tantrum, being dragged out of a toy store.

Worst President Ever.
Most Embarrassing President Ever.
Most Divisive President Ever.
Most Indebted President Ever.

America cannot wait for The Obama Nightmare to be over.

Everyone is looking forward to sweeping out The Stench of The Obamas and Clintons from our Government except for America Hating Effeminate Liberals that is, but they don't count, except to our enemies that they continually side with as if they signed some sort of sick suicide pact with them.

Good Riddens Lefty.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Here is to a New Year, and A cleaning out of the filth the previous regime left behind when they trashed America like some dirty squatters.

You had your chance, now your eviction notice is about to be nailed to your ass.
I hope it hurts like Hell.

Signed, The Cleaning Crew.
You must think George W. Bush was the best president ever.
Better than obuthole.

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