Will Obama Ever Address Any Of Our Current Economic Crises?

Feb 1, 2013

Does anyone really care about income inequality when over 90 Million people are either unemployed,work part time,financially stressed?. How about the debt and unfunded liabilities?
How about the millions of Americans in fear of dying, or a relative who may die waiting to be treated because of the mess the Affordable Health-Care act the Democrats signed into law?
And does our President know that if we add 30 Million people into the health-access dilemma, it will come out to about One Doctor who will have to handle about 100,000 patients? (depending on what their specialty is).
How come no one in the media has ever asked Obama about the current Doctor shortage we have as we speak !!!:offtopic:
and remember how he spoke to crowds of college students? trying to convince them that he was god? and bush was evil? weren't these college kids somewhat educated?
He likes to go out and get a bunch of people to stand around him when he gives a speech.
He seems to do that a lot.
and where was he when we were falling off a cliff throughout 2009? pissing off tax dollars on vacations,hanging out with dictators?
It takes morally bankrupt and intellectually dishonest person to gauge and blame his/her own pathetic lack of success on the successful efforts of others.

Jealousy and envy are the root of everything all unions do and all activities communists/socialists/Democrats do, in order to achieve their dreams of economic equality.

Obama will never do anything that would promote EARNED economic success. To him, taking from the productive and successful and give to the useless non-productive drones is the epitome of success.

His idea of economic justice is there for all to see in Detroit.
The GOP can use Detroit as a perfect example of what America looks like when we have Liberals running the white house.
dems don't believe in winners or losers they want everybody to get a participation medal.
Democrats are the most selfish people in America, once they have access to a million/billion, etc, they take half of it, and distribute the rest to the dumb/lazy people who voted for them.
Democrats are the most selfish people in America, once they have access to a million/billion, etc, they take half of it, and distribute the rest to the dumb/lazy people who voted for them.

It is how they maintain the continued loyalty of that significant part of their voting bloc.
if only the dumb informed had any idea who is paying for their winter homes in Florida and summer homes in Cape Cod/Long Island. and they claim to care for the poor? the little people?
I love it when you idiots work yourself up into a froth over nothing!!!
OBAMA: The best president in history.
He did. It was called the stimulus, and it worked, despite not being large enough on the spending side and too generous on the tax cut side.

Things were going well until the ethnic and racial anxieties of older Americans, who frankly have totally failed to handle the first black Presidents election in a rational and muture manner, swept into power the most retrograde, emotionally stunted and politically tin-earned bunch of knuckwalking conservative cavemen into Congress.
I love it when you idiots work yourself up into a froth over nothing!!!
OBAMA: The best president in history.

judging from your comment. i would say something is definitely impaired with your way of thinking, or maybe you can't grasp the picture yet. i guess you also think Obamacare is the best thing to happen to us, and also losing our rights and freedoms is also good.
I wonder why Obama's approval rating is down to the 30's now?
Will Obama Ever Address Any Of Our Current Economic Crises?

Yes....as soon as he becomes aware of them....and his TelePrompTer is prepped.
Obama is more concerned of the Global Warming crisis that is melting the north pole, and the concern of the 5000 penguins who will have two swim all the way to Cuba or the South Pole.
I love it when you idiots work yourself up into a froth over nothing!!!
OBAMA: The best president in history.

Someone that obviously should not be allowed to own a gun, use a computer, much less procreate.
Will Obama Ever Address Any Of Our Current Economic Crises?

You mean the economic mess Republicans created and block any attempt to improve?

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