Will Obama Ever Address Any Of Our Current Economic Crises?

Will Obama Ever Address Any Of Our Current Economic Crises?

You mean the economic mess Republicans created and block any attempt to improve?

By the far left never passing a fiscal budget and wants to spend without limits?

Does anyone really care about income inequality when over 90 Million people are either unemployed,work part time,financially stressed?. How about the debt and unfunded liabilities?
How about the millions of Americans in fear of dying, or a relative who may die waiting to be treated because of the mess the Affordable Health-Care act the Democrats signed into law?
And does our President know that if we add 30 Million people into the health-access dilemma, it will come out to about One Doctor who will have to handle about 100,000 patients? (depending on what their specialty is).
How come no one in the media has ever asked Obama about the current Doctor shortage we have as we speak !!!:offtopic:

No he won't--Obama doesn't understand the economy and he never will. What can anyone expect from a person that has never worked a single day of his life in the private sector?


Does anyone really care about income inequality when over 90 Million people are either unemployed,work part time,financially stressed?. How about the debt and unfunded liabilities?
How about the millions of Americans in fear of dying, or a relative who may die waiting to be treated because of the mess the Affordable Health-Care act the Democrats signed into law?
And does our President know that if we add 30 Million people into the health-access dilemma, it will come out to about One Doctor who will have to handle about 100,000 patients? (depending on what their specialty is).
How come no one in the media has ever asked Obama about the current Doctor shortage we have as we speak !!!:offtopic:

Hmmm, first you guys tell us that everyone gets medical care and has access. Now you are telling us that you don't want people having access to healthcare, and that with the ACA we are going to have too many people accessing the healthcare system. Basically, you lied in the beginning, and now you want to continue to see people not having access to healthcare. What a fucking great country we live in.

Does anyone really care about income inequality when over 90 Million people are either unemployed,work part time,financially stressed?. How about the debt and unfunded liabilities?
How about the millions of Americans in fear of dying, or a relative who may die waiting to be treated because of the mess the Affordable Health-Care act the Democrats signed into law?
And does our President know that if we add 30 Million people into the health-access dilemma, it will come out to about One Doctor who will have to handle about 100,000 patients? (depending on what their specialty is).
How come no one in the media has ever asked Obama about the current Doctor shortage we have as we speak !!!:offtopic:

Income inequality isn't a government issue. People get paid what they are worth. If a company doesn't pay well and the work is hard, then don't work there. If you're not qualified for a good job, then improve yourself. It's crazy that the left wants a person to make enough flipping burgers at a fast food place to raise of large family, buy a house and car and live comfortably. It's never happened that way. People usually move up as they go, not remain in the same place at the same salary for years.

People move up through middle class jobs, which the left has all but eliminated with radical policies and Obamacare.

As for the millions of Americans who will now be without health care because they can no longer afford insurance, the administration shrugs it off as an unfortunate unintended consequence. There were not 40 million Americans who wanted but couldn't afford insurance before this started. That was an outright lie to make it appear that there was a crisis that needed over reaching government intervention. Few believed it then and few believe them now. There were more like 7 million citizens who said they wanted insurance, but it was too expensive. Expanding Medicaid would have solved the problem.

The doctor shortage is about to reach critical levels because Obamacare has caused many to seriously think about quitting. Many doctors and hospitals will refuse Obamacare patients. Medicare patients will be refused.

Of course, Obama wants to grant millions of illegals amnesty to flood an already sinking ship. Jobs will likely go to the illegals since they are exempt from Obamacare, but we will still pay for their care.

The economy still sucks. Unemployment is still at record levels and probably holds the record for longest sustained high unemployment. People have given up.

Of course, the administration falsely claimed prior to the election that unemployment was dropping and that the economy was starting to recover. All lies, but they pretend that they need to do nothing more and things will continue to get better on their own. While the left bitches about income inequality (just another feigned crisis for them to use to take another hit at the free market), the only improvement in the economy was with the highest earners. Meanwhile, middle class people lost everything. Seems the government is responsible for income inequality because there are only people at the bottom and people at the top and they've destroyed people in between. They don't like middle class because it offers a ladder for those on the bottom to reach the top. They prefer only two classes of people, dirt poor and filthy rich.

It's just more rhetoric and an attempt to convince people that things aren't so bad so they won't panic as far as the economy goes and the talk about incomes give the impression that the government has the ability to improve people's lives. In over 50 years, they haven't done that with their great society. They took a problem and made it into an epidemic and are damn proud of themselves. I'd suggest that we all bitch about the deceit and the damage they are doing to the country while we are still allowed to speak without fear of punishment, like audits, getting spied on or just disappearing.
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Will Obama Ever Address Any Of Our Current Economic Crises?

You mean the economic mess Republicans created and block any attempt to improve?

By the far left never passing a fiscal budget and wants to spend without limits?

Spend without limits? Spend on what? The Bush Tax cuts created trillions in debt. Republicans helping companies to move jobs to China made sure we couldn't pay it back. The cost of two unfunded wars and the GOP plot to spend trillions rebuilding Iraq.

Where where the Democrats in all this?

Does anyone really care about income inequality when over 90 Million people are either unemployed,work part time,financially stressed?. How about the debt and unfunded liabilities?
How about the millions of Americans in fear of dying, or a relative who may die waiting to be treated because of the mess the Affordable Health-Care act the Democrats signed into law?
And does our President know that if we add 30 Million people into the health-access dilemma, it will come out to about One Doctor who will have to handle about 100,000 patients? (depending on what their specialty is).
How come no one in the media has ever asked Obama about the current Doctor shortage we have as we speak !!!:offtopic:

Be real dude.

You don't give a shit.

Otherwise you'd know Obama dealt with it..and Conservatives are doing their very best to break things.

Meanwhile, Corporations are making record profits. Meaning the private sector could deal with it by hiring.

Does anyone really care about income inequality when over 90 Million people are either unemployed,work part time,financially stressed?. How about the debt and unfunded liabilities?
How about the millions of Americans in fear of dying, or a relative who may die waiting to be treated because of the mess the Affordable Health-Care act the Democrats signed into law?
And does our President know that if we add 30 Million people into the health-access dilemma, it will come out to about One Doctor who will have to handle about 100,000 patients? (depending on what their specialty is).
How come no one in the media has ever asked Obama about the current Doctor shortage we have as we speak !!!:offtopic:

Income inequality isn't a government issue. People get paid what they are worth. If a company doesn't pay well and the work is hard, then don't work there. If you're not qualified for a good job, then improve yourself. It's crazy that the left wants a person to make enough flipping burgers at a fast food place to raise of large family, buy a house and car and live comfortably. It's never happened that way. People usually move up as they go, not remain in the same place at the same salary for years.

People move up through middle class jobs, which the left has all but eliminated with radical policies and Obamacare.

As for the millions of Americans who will now be without health care because they can no longer afford insurance, the administration shrugs it off as an unfortunate unintended consequence. There were not 40 million Americans who wanted but couldn't afford insurance before this started. That was an outright lie to make it appear that there was a crisis that needed over reaching government intervention. Few believed it then and few believe them now. There were more like 7 million citizens who said they wanted insurance, but it was too expensive. Expanding Medicaid would have solved the problem.

The doctor shortage is about to reach critical levels because Obamacare has caused many to seriously think about quitting. Many doctors and hospitals will refuse Obamacare patients. Medicare patients will be refused.

Of course, Obama wants to grant millions of illegals amnesty to flood an already sinking ship. Jobs will likely go to the illegals since they are exempt from Obamacare, but we will still pay for their care.

The economy still sucks. Unemployment is still at record levels and probably holds the record for longest sustained high unemployment. People have given up.

Of course, the administration falsely claimed prior to the election that unemployment was dropping and that the economy was starting to recover. All lies, but they pretend that they need to do nothing more and things will continue to get better on their own. While the left bitches about income inequality (just another feigned crisis for them to use to take another hit at the free market), the only improvement in the economy was with the highest earners. Meanwhile, middle class people lost everything. Seems the government is responsible for income inequality because there are only people at the bottom and people at the top and they've destroyed people in between. They don't like middle class because it offers a ladder for those on the bottom to reach the top. They prefer only two classes of people, dirt poor and filthy rich.

It's just more rhetoric and an attempt to convince people that things aren't so bad so they won't panic as far as the economy goes and the talk about incomes give the impression that the government has the ability to improve people's lives. In over 50 years, they haven't done that with their great society. They took a problem and made it into an epidemic and are damn proud of themselves. I'd suggest that we all bitch about the deceit and the damage they are doing to the country while we are still allowed to speak without fear of punishment, like audits, getting spied on or just disappearing.

Sure income inequality is a government issue. Otherwise there would be no minimum wages.

And left to their own device? Corporations would pay people nothing.

You miss the whole slavery thing?

And if that wasn't a clue enough, why the FUCK do you think companies OFFSHORE! :mad:
the left bitches and bitches about the poor/middle class the right to free health-care and access, yet they never want to acknowledge the current doctor shortage we already have! lets see what happens when we have a mass exodus of Doctors fleeing all of the blue states!
What crisis?
In the view of the Boiking and his acolytes all is as it should be.

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