Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?


My favorite President:


I'm not surprised.

You never did demonstrate any sort of grasp on reality.
Absolutely.... and to think that he is even is considering to chisel his face on the Mount Rushmore...while still alive.

This President has an ego that goes beyond anything one has ever encounter before!

It's almost unbelievable!

The person that Obama most closely resembles is Charlie Manson. His followers are very similar to the Manson family. We are not dealing with rational people or even a political situation. This is a cult. Rati, Rightwinger, Jillian, et al. are not sane and rational people, they are cult members who reject any information that doesn't serve their god, Barack Obama.
Absolutely.... and to think that he is even is considering to chisel his face on the Mount Rushmore...while still alive.

This President has an ego that goes beyond anything one has ever encounter before!

It's almost unbelievable!

The person that Obama most closely resembles is Charlie Manson. His followers are very similar to the Manson family. We are not dealing with rational people or even a political situation. This is a cult. Rati, Rightwinger, Jillian, et al. are not sane and rational people, they are cult members who reject any information that doesn't serve their god, Barack Obama.

Astute political observation

It will help establish what President Obama had to deal with as President
FDR was a dictator, his economical policy kept America economy in depression longer that it should have been. The greatest I don't think so.

Wonder if the historians, who have never placed FDR lower than third greatest American president, know about FDR's keeping the American economy longer in depression than it should have been? In the last rating there were 232 noted historians and presidential experts, seems like they should have known?
As for FDR being a dictator, we have had so many presidents that were dictators, one even a king, so that's pretty old stuff.
If FDR's had the wrong economic policy, can you tell us the Republican economic policy at the time? In fact, what is the correct policy for handling a depression?

First google search and their are plenty more

The Progressive era in American politics formally lasted from the 1890s until the 1920s. But its legacy continued thereafter, permeating the philosophy and the policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), who was first elected President in 1932, while the U.S. was mired in an economic depression. FDR campaigned, successfully, on a pledge to re-create the war socialism of the Wilson administration, a goal that was wildly popular with the liberal establishment of Roosevelt's day.

Once FDR had been elected, progressive-minded newspaper editorial boards, politicians, and pundits exhorted him to become a “dictator.” The revered reporter and political commentator Walter Lippmann, for instance, told Roosevelt in a private meeting: “The [economic] situation is critical, Franklin. You may have no alternative but to assume dictatorial powers.” Similarly, Eleanor Roosevelt mused that America might need the leadership of a “benevolent dictator.”
The Progressive Era's Legacy: FDR's New Deal - Discover the Networks

The three presidents that might have had a slim chance of becoming a dictator were Wasshington, Lincoln and FDR. Ironically the three top presidents according to historians. Most historians also know that one of FDR's goals when elected was to balance the budget. At that time balancing the budget seemed the most logical way to combat an economic depression. We now know better, and no president today would even attempt that method.
Wonder if the historians, who have never placed FDR lower than third greatest American president, know about FDR's keeping the American economy longer in depression than it should have been? In the last rating there were 232 noted historians and presidential experts, seems like they should have known?
As for FDR being a dictator, we have had so many presidents that were dictators, one even a king, so that's pretty old stuff.
If FDR's had the wrong economic policy, can you tell us the Republican economic policy at the time? In fact, what is the correct policy for handling a depression?

First google search and their are plenty more

The Progressive era in American politics formally lasted from the 1890s until the 1920s. But its legacy continued thereafter, permeating the philosophy and the policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), who was first elected President in 1932, while the U.S. was mired in an economic depression. FDR campaigned, successfully, on a pledge to re-create the war socialism of the Wilson administration, a goal that was wildly popular with the liberal establishment of Roosevelt's day.

Once FDR had been elected, progressive-minded newspaper editorial boards, politicians, and pundits exhorted him to become a “dictator.” The revered reporter and political commentator Walter Lippmann, for instance, told Roosevelt in a private meeting: “The [economic] situation is critical, Franklin. You may have no alternative but to assume dictatorial powers.” Similarly, Eleanor Roosevelt mused that America might need the leadership of a “benevolent dictator.”
The Progressive Era's Legacy: FDR's New Deal - Discover the Networks

The three presidents that might have had a slim chance of becoming a dictator were Wasshington, Lincoln and FDR. Ironically the three top presidents according to historians. Most historians also know that one of FDR's goals when elected was to balance the budget. At that time balancing the budget seemed the most logical way to combat an economic depression. We now know better, and no president today would even attempt that method.

We still need to slow down spending. If it is not making a real difference, then it is adding to the fire. Wasteful spending does not fix a thing.
Absolutely.... and to think that he is even is considering to chisel his face on the Mount Rushmore...while still alive.

This President has an ego that goes beyond anything one has ever encounter before!

It's almost unbelievable!

The person that Obama most closely resembles is Charlie Manson. His followers are very similar to the Manson family. We are not dealing with rational people or even a political situation. This is a cult. Rati, Rightwinger, Jillian, et al. are not sane and rational people, they are cult members who reject any information that doesn't serve their god, Barack Obama.

Astute political observation

It will help establish what President Obama had to deal with as President

I agree. Certainly the history books will reflect the opposition this POTUS faced and I'm sure they will note the source(s), the tone, and the volume of that opposition. And I believe (although it's going to take a lot of time before we know for sure) that history will give bonus points to the Obama administration because of the nature of that opposition. It seems to have happened that way in the past and I think that very thing helped turn Lincoln into a legend.
obama wants to go down in history as another Lincoln. He wants to keep the nation together when it has been torn apart by civil war. That means he has to create a civil war first. That's what he's doing. He will undoubtably go down in history, right along with Mussolini and Ceaucescu.

He's working REAL hard to spark a civil war, that's for sure.
As I have been saying since he was elected, Obama will complete his second term as a top ten president

Nothing has changed

Except that you now have FAR more of his semen in your digestive tract...

You cultists make Squeaky Frohm seem well adjusted.

A good example of my previous post.

I believe a whole lot of people are going to feel that if people of this ilk hate you, you must be doing something right.
I disagree.

If the ACA proves to be as he cliams...he will have instituted a law that was revolutionary and positively changed the lives of all Americans....and he will be in the top ten.

If GM within a few years becomes truly protfitable and pays off its debt...and is an industry leader without government involvement....he may jump to the top 5

If by the end of his second term, his policies are showing a trend in eliminating some of the debt...and that trend continues, he will most certainly be in the top 5

If all of the above prove to be failures, he will not crack the top 15....he may even live with a legacy of being a failure.

By any rational accounting, Social Security is an abject failure and was an utter fraud. But Academia is dominated, controlled by the ultra-left. So SS is portrayed as a great program. The same will happen with Obama's fascist care. Though the program itself is not structurally sound and must be a financial disaster, the ultra-left of Academia will portray it as an astounding success.

Since the debt will top $25 trillion, based on Obama's forecasts, there will be no relief on that front.

The GM bailout will have little impact one way or the other, though I doubt GM will ever be truly profitable.
The person that Obama most closely resembles is Charlie Manson. His followers are very similar to the Manson family. We are not dealing with rational people or even a political situation. This is a cult. Rati, Rightwinger, Jillian, et al. are not sane and rational people, they are cult members who reject any information that doesn't serve their god, Barack Obama.

Astute political observation

It will help establish what President Obama had to deal with as President

I agree. Certainly the history books will reflect the opposition this POTUS faced and I'm sure they will note the source(s), the tone, and the volume of that opposition. And I believe (although it's going to take a lot of time before we know for sure) that history will give bonus points to the Obama administration because of the nature of that opposition. It seems to have happened that way in the past and I think that very thing helped turn Lincoln into a legend.

I do not believe that history will be kind to our current crop of Republicans

Opposition to Climate Change legislation
Opposition to Healthcare
Opposition to gay rights
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