Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?

Ultimately I think you have remember that history paints with a broader brush. A lot of the nuiances that we quibble over today will be long forgotten.
Right or wrong, I think Obama will get points for:
1) Being the first black president
2) Winning a Nobel Prize
3) Probably ending two wars and getting Bin Laden
4) Obamacare - if it sticks
5) Stopping the economic bleeding - When historians look back, I think they will see a nation in economic free fall and that fall at least somewhat arrested during Obama's administration.

The second term could bring more achievement or it could bring failures. So this is just a snapshot of today and how I think history is likely to look back upon it. Many things could change.


Obama will get points for:

1) Being the first black president. Yeah. Big deal.

2) Winning a Nobel Prize. Oh please. Getting AWARDED a Nobel prize doesn't mean he deserved it.

3) Probably ending two wars and getting Bin Laden. Unilaterally pulling out is indeed ending a war. Maybe liberal historians will praise him unduly for it. But I agree he does deserve some of the credit for getting bin Laden.

4) Obamacare - if it sticks He should get derided and feel terrible guilt and shame over the monstrously stupid ObamaCare plot/plan.

5) Stopping the economic bleeding - When historians look back, I think they will see a nation in economic free fall and that fall at least somewhat arrested during Obama's administration. Utter horseshit. What any honest historian would say is that he saddled us with unGodly amounts of additional debt and thus undermined the future of the Republic.
I agree. Certainly the history books will reflect the opposition this POTUS faced and I'm sure they will note the source(s), the tone, and the volume of that opposition. And I believe (although it's going to take a lot of time before we know for sure) that history will give bonus points to the Obama administration because of the nature of that opposition. It seems to have happened that way in the past and I think that very thing helped turn Lincoln into a legend.

I do not believe that history will be kind to our current crop of Republicans

I don't either. I've never read a glowing account of this kinda stuff when it happened in the past. I don't see what is going to make this time any exception. In fact, the intellectual foundation of this opposition appears to be at an all-time low.

When future generations ask why nothing was done about climate change, the blame will go firmly on the Republicans

When future generations enjoy the benefits of universal healthcare they will wonder how Republicans could have possible opposed it

When future generations see gay couples and accept it as normal they will wonder what Republicans could have possibly objected to

Black President and the Nobel Peace prize are a joke.

The Iraq war was already over when he stole the White House, he just followed Bush's plan except keeping some troops in Iraq. AQI is rising in power in Iraq thanks to obamination, but the media won't tell you that because you are a lemming.

UBL was the work of the CIA and military going back to 12 Sep 01, idiot....obamination is the scumbag taking credit for others' work.

The economy is getting worse under obamination, he claimed the Porkulus would prevent unemployment from going over 8% and when it didn't work, he blamed Bush like a typical piece of shit he is.

You are so fucking stupid.

Ultimately I think you have remember that history paints with a broader brush. A lot of the nuiances that we quibble over today will be long forgotten.
Right or wrong, I think Obama will get points for:
1) Being the first black president
2) Winning a Nobel Prize
3) Probably ending two wars and getting Bin Laden
4) Obamacare - if it sticks
5) Stopping the economic bleeding - When historians look back, I think they will see a nation in economic free fall and that fall at least somewhat arrested during Obama's administration.

The second term could bring more achievement or it could bring failures. So this is just a snapshot of today and how I think history is likely to look back upon it. Many things could change.
Ultimately I think you have remember that history paints with a broader brush. A lot of the nuiances that we quibble over today will be long forgotten.
Right or wrong, I think Obama will get points for:
1) Being the first black president
2) Winning a Nobel Prize
3) Probably ending two wars and getting Bin Laden
4) Obamacare - if it sticks
5) Stopping the economic bleeding - When historians look back, I think they will see a nation in economic free fall and that fall at least somewhat arrested during Obama's administration.

The second term could bring more achievement or it could bring failures. So this is just a snapshot of today and how I think history is likely to look back upon it. Many things could change.


Obama will get points for:

1) Being the first black president. Yeah. Big deal.

2) Winning a Nobel Prize. Oh please. Getting AWARDED a Nobel prize doesn't mean he deserved it.

3) Probably ending two wars and getting Bin Laden. Unilaterally pulling out is indeed ending a war. Maybe liberal historians will praise him unduly for it. But I agree he does deserve some of the credit for getting bin Laden.

4) Obamacare - if it sticks He should get derided and feel terrible guilt and shame over the monstrously stupid ObamaCare plot/plan.

5) Stopping the economic bleeding - When historians look back, I think they will see a nation in economic free fall and that fall at least somewhat arrested during Obama's administration. Utter horseshit. What any honest historian would say is that he saddled us with unGodly amounts of additional debt and thus undermined the future of the Republic.

I'm fully aware of how the far right spins the Obama administration. But thanks for reminding us.

It doesn't matter how you or I THINK history should qualify, quantify, or interpret the Obama administration. I'm telling you how they probably will. History paints with a broad brush. The fine print - especially hyper-partisan spin - tends to get lost.
The "accomplishments" shown by this simpleton shows us the inferior mind of a liberal.

"Well, Johnny you get a trophy for being black."
Ultimately I think you have remember that history paints with a broader brush. A lot of the nuiances that we quibble over today will be long forgotten.
Right or wrong, I think Obama will get points for:
1) Being the first black president
2) Winning a Nobel Prize
3) Probably ending two wars and getting Bin Laden
4) Obamacare - if it sticks
5) Stopping the economic bleeding - When historians look back, I think they will see a nation in economic free fall and that fall at least somewhat arrested during Obama's administration.

The second term could bring more achievement or it could bring failures. So this is just a snapshot of today and how I think history is likely to look back upon it. Many things could change.


Obama will get points for:

1) Being the first black president. Yeah. Big deal.

2) Winning a Nobel Prize. Oh please. Getting AWARDED a Nobel prize doesn't mean he deserved it.

3) Probably ending two wars and getting Bin Laden. Unilaterally pulling out is indeed ending a war. Maybe liberal historians will praise him unduly for it. But I agree he does deserve some of the credit for getting bin Laden.

4) Obamacare - if it sticks He should get derided and feel terrible guilt and shame over the monstrously stupid ObamaCare plot/plan.

5) Stopping the economic bleeding - When historians look back, I think they will see a nation in economic free fall and that fall at least somewhat arrested during Obama's administration. Utter horseshit. What any honest historian would say is that he saddled us with unGodly amounts of additional debt and thus undermined the future of the Republic.

I'm fully aware of how the far right spins the Obama administration. But thanks for reminding us.

It doesn't matter how you or I THINK history should qualify, quantify, or interpret the Obama administration. I'm telling you how they probably will. History paints with a broad brush. The fine print - especially hyper-partisan spin - tends to get lost.

I am fully familiar with how the left spins reality into bullshit about The ONE.

No need to remind us, partisanhackinda"fight."

I am also familiar with the fact that many "historians" spin "history" to suit their partisan liberal agenda. Academic honesty doesn't stand a chance.

History is painted and distorted. BFD. The sun appears to rise in the east in the morning, too.

Psst. The Nazi Germans WERE the bad guys in WWII. Had they defeated the allies, the history books would say otherwise. But that wouldn't change the FACT that they were evil motherfucking scumbag murderous pieces of shit.
You guys are aware that Obama deserves literally zero credit for leaving Iraq? You are also aware that we still have troops in Iraq? Right?
I think it's pretty funny that it obviously pisses some of you off so much that history is going to forget all about your spin.

Look how hated Lincoln was during his time in office. And many view him as #1. (Not me, but he's certainly top 5 in my book).

Blind hatred is never remembered kindly.
Liberal....conservatives being ok with mandating everyone has some form of healthcare insurance isn't supporting the death panel determining who gets what care and when.

It doesn't support obamacare driving up the costs of healthcare on individuals and insurance companies so that some Democraps at the bottom can get FREE healthcare.

It doesn't support putting us on a path where our current system implodes so that you scum can finally turn it into a 1 payer system like your USSR dream.

You are too stupid to follow along with our beliefs, so shut up.

Part of the dumbness is the reactionaries denying that ACA is rooted in GOP and Heritage design.

None of which negates the fact that ACA is rooted in the Heritage Foundation suggestions.

Obama will get points for:

1) Being the first black president. Yeah. Big deal.

2) Winning a Nobel Prize. Oh please. Getting AWARDED a Nobel prize doesn't mean he deserved it.

3) Probably ending two wars and getting Bin Laden. Unilaterally pulling out is indeed ending a war. Maybe liberal historians will praise him unduly for it. But I agree he does deserve some of the credit for getting bin Laden.

4) Obamacare - if it sticks He should get derided and feel terrible guilt and shame over the monstrously stupid ObamaCare plot/plan.

5) Stopping the economic bleeding - When historians look back, I think they will see a nation in economic free fall and that fall at least somewhat arrested during Obama's administration. Utter horseshit. What any honest historian would say is that he saddled us with unGodly amounts of additional debt and thus undermined the future of the Republic.

I'm fully aware of how the far right spins the Obama administration. But thanks for reminding us.

It doesn't matter how you or I THINK history should qualify, quantify, or interpret the Obama administration. I'm telling you how they probably will. History paints with a broad brush. The fine print - especially hyper-partisan spin - tends to get lost.

I am fully familiar with how the left spins reality into bullshit about The ONE.

No need to remind us, partisanhackinda"fight."

I am also familiar with the fact that many "historians" spin "history" to suit their partisan liberal agenda. Academic honesty doesn't stand a chance.

History is painted and distorted. BFD. The sun appears to rise in the east in the morning, too.

Psst. The Nazi Germans WERE the bad guys in WWII. Had they defeated the allies, the history books would say otherwise. But that wouldn't change the FACT that they were evil motherfucking scumbag murderous pieces of shit.

Indeed they were, and only the radical reactionaries in America approach their level.
Liberal....conservatives being ok with mandating everyone has some form of healthcare insurance isn't supporting the death panel determining who gets what care and when.

It doesn't support obamacare driving up the costs of healthcare on individuals and insurance companies so that some Democraps at the bottom can get FREE healthcare.

It doesn't support putting us on a path where our current system implodes so that you scum can finally turn it into a 1 payer system like your USSR dream.

You are too stupid to follow along with our beliefs, so shut up.

Part of the dumbness is the reactionaries denying that ACA is rooted in GOP and Heritage design.

None of which negates the fact that ACA is rooted in the Heritage Foundation suggestions.

That is true as far as it goes. But it doesn't go very far.

No matter who had the idea and no matter how good it seemed to them when it first was getting hatched, it still is one horrendous clusterfuck of a stupid plan.

And it wasn't the GOP that passed it. Blame goes to the Democratics like the President, Nancy Pelousy and Dingy Harry Reid.
Liberal....conservatives being ok with mandating everyone has some form of healthcare insurance isn't supporting the death panel determining who gets what care and when.

It doesn't support obamacare driving up the costs of healthcare on individuals and insurance companies so that some Democraps at the bottom can get FREE healthcare.

It doesn't support putting us on a path where our current system implodes so that you scum can finally turn it into a 1 payer system like your USSR dream.

You are too stupid to follow along with our beliefs, so shut up.

None of which negates the fact that ACA is rooted in the Heritage Foundation suggestions.

That is true as far as it goes. But it doesn't go very far.

No matter who had the idea and no matter how good it seemed to them when it first was getting hatched, it still is one horrendous clusterfuck of a stupid plan.

And it wasn't the GOP that passed it. Blame goes to the Democratics like the President, Nancy Pelousy and Dingy Harry Reid.

And credit will go there if, in the future, if it is considered successful.
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btw - being black isn't the accomplishment. GETTING ELECTED president when you are black is the accomplishment.

I thought I was dealing with people who dealt in political realities. My bad.
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First google search and their are plenty more

The Progressive era in American politics formally lasted from the 1890s until the 1920s. But its legacy continued thereafter, permeating the philosophy and the policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), who was first elected President in 1932, while the U.S. was mired in an economic depression. FDR campaigned, successfully, on a pledge to re-create the war socialism of the Wilson administration, a goal that was wildly popular with the liberal establishment of Roosevelt's day.

Once FDR had been elected, progressive-minded newspaper editorial boards, politicians, and pundits exhorted him to become a “dictator.” The revered reporter and political commentator Walter Lippmann, for instance, told Roosevelt in a private meeting: “The [economic] situation is critical, Franklin. You may have no alternative but to assume dictatorial powers.” Similarly, Eleanor Roosevelt mused that America might need the leadership of a “benevolent dictator.”
The Progressive Era's Legacy: FDR's New Deal - Discover the Networks

The three presidents that might have had a slim chance of becoming a dictator were Wasshington, Lincoln and FDR. Ironically the three top presidents according to historians. Most historians also know that one of FDR's goals when elected was to balance the budget. At that time balancing the budget seemed the most logical way to combat an economic depression. We now know better, and no president today would even attempt that method.

We still need to slow down spending. If it is not making a real difference, then it is adding to the fire. Wasteful spending does not fix a thing.

Starting with defense.
btw - being black isn't the accomplishment. GETTING ELECTED president when you are black is the accomplishment.

I thought I was dealing with people who dealt in political realities. My bad.

where I totally disagree with you is this.....

President Obama getting elected as a black man is by no means his accomplishment. It is an accomplishment of the American People.

That is not some "feel good" rhetoric. That is the reality.

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