Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?


But he WILL go down as the worst to date.

Still beating that drum aren't ya?

Worked so well in the last election

could have said the same thing about Nixon after his re-election.

Enough siad on THAT!

Nixon is not a good comparison. Watergate happened in the months leading up to his landslide reelection. There were already rumblings that something was not right but it did not affect the election. At the time of his reelection, there was not a strong sentiment that Nixon was the worst ever. LBJ? yes Nixon? No

The swing to declare Nixon the worst ever happened when the Watergate scandal exploded
btw - being black isn't the accomplishment. GETTING ELECTED president when you are black is the accomplishment.

I thought I was dealing with people who dealt in political realities. My bad.

where I totally disagree with you is this.....

President Obama getting elected as a black man is by no means his accomplishment. It is an accomplishment of the American People.

That is not some "feel good" rhetoric. That is the reality.

I agree to a point. You can say Branch Rickey deserves all the credit for Jackie Robinson with that same logic.

America wasn't going to elect just any black man to be the first black POTUS. And the political reality is that Obama had to jump more hurdles (admitedly lower and fewer hurdles than existed even 25 years ago). But HE was the one who managed to clear them. Now, how many points he gets for being able to clear those speed bumps (?) remains to be seen. But I think it is safe to assume that he will be granted at least a few points.

But yeah, American voters are the ones who did the heavy lifting. I agree.
Psst. The Nazi Germans WERE the bad guys in WWII. Had they defeated the allies, the history books would say otherwise. But that wouldn't change the FACT that they were evil motherfucking scumbag murderous pieces of shit.

Bad example because the bad guys lost and so there was never a temptation to gloss over their evil.

Let's look at Andrew Jackson. Was he a hero for clearing native Americans out of the way or was he committing genocide?
He's done a better job than the past two Democrats. Not saying much, but he has. Not sure why you think idealogy has anything to do with viewpoints of who did a better job.

In what ways has Obama done better than Clinton? Not that I liked Clinton.

Im saying Bush did better than Obama and Clinton.

That hardly means Bush didn't have big flaws.

you must have lived in an alternate time line....
Sorry dupes, Bush II the worst, followed by Harding, Grant, Nixon, Reagan (see sig pp1- He almost STOPPED the USSR from collapsing- bringing back hardliners with his BS)- All GOP

Frankie no one gives a fuck about your "sig pp1".....

Read it, dumbazz dupe, STUDY IT- all fact, and shows why Reaganism and Voodoo tax rates have been a catastrophe for the non rich and the country.

Not to mention the stupidest wars EVER and a cronyism and corruption Pub World Depression from Bush, or Reagan's production of the biggest propaganda machine ever, with its armies of loudmouth ignorami like YOU. LOL

Nixon was always subverting the constitution in his pursuit of his enemies, he defrauded the USA with his secret plan, ruined respect for the office for years.

like i said Frankie.....outside of Far Left stroonges like yourself....no one gives a shit about your stupid Sigs......
This thread makes me sad. How anyone could consider somebody who murders children "the best ever" is something I'll never comprehend.
Nixon is not a good comparison. Watergate happened in the months leading up to his landslide reelection. There were already rumblings that something was not right but it did not affect the election. At the time of his reelection, there was not a strong sentiment that Nixon was the worst ever. LBJ? yes Nixon? No

The swing to declare Nixon the worst ever happened when the Watergate scandal exploded

So, pretty much like Fast and Furious, then.
Nixon is not a good comparison. Watergate happened in the months leading up to his landslide reelection. There were already rumblings that something was not right but it did not affect the election. At the time of his reelection, there was not a strong sentiment that Nixon was the worst ever. LBJ? yes Nixon? No

The swing to declare Nixon the worst ever happened when the Watergate scandal exploded

So, pretty much like Fast and Furious, then.

Fast and who?
I agree to a point. You can say Branch Rickey deserves all the credit for Jackie Robinson with that same logic.

America wasn't going to elect just any black man to be the first black POTUS. And the political reality is that Obama had to jump more hurdles (admitedly lower and fewer hurdles than existed even 25 years ago). But HE was the one who managed to clear them. Now, how many points he gets for being able to clear those speed bumps (?) remains to be seen. But I think it is safe to assume that he will be granted at least a few points.

But yeah, American voters are the ones who did the heavy lifting. I agree.


A White man with Obama's history, credentials, and political positions would never be elected President. Obama was elected BECAUSE he is black, not in spite of it.
Imagine some white state politician from Chicago that didn't publish in any major work while employed by the U of Chicago and never handled a major law case in the Illinois courts...I doubt he could win the US Senate seat for Illinois unless he had some dirty pics or had crime info in his back pocket of big time Democrap leaders.

Now imagine that same nobody white Senator going to DC and pretty much doing nothing, but then putting his hat in the POTUS sweepstakes...he would be laughed off the stage for being a nobody unless he had some dirty pics of national DNC leaders....
This thread makes me sad. How anyone could consider somebody who murders children "the best ever" is something I'll never comprehend.

Gimme welfare, foodstamps and


I agree to a point. You can say Branch Rickey deserves all the credit for Jackie Robinson with that same logic.

America wasn't going to elect just any black man to be the first black POTUS. And the political reality is that Obama had to jump more hurdles (admitedly lower and fewer hurdles than existed even 25 years ago). But HE was the one who managed to clear them. Now, how many points he gets for being able to clear those speed bumps (?) remains to be seen. But I think it is safe to assume that he will be granted at least a few points.

But yeah, American voters are the ones who did the heavy lifting. I agree.


A White man with Obama's history, credentials, and political positions would never be elected President. Obama was elected BECAUSE he is black, not in spite of it.

Abe Lincoln was......he turned out OK
Gimme welfare, foodstamps and



no bid government contracts, tax breaks, legal immunity from law suits...

Oh hey it is the Marxist that applauds the Democrats even though they're not Marxists.

Gee, do I have to be more specific?

That's no bid government DEFENSE contracts for former businesses run by a VP. Businesses that end up getting cost + contracts which mean they get profit on every dollar they spend, regardless of how carelessly those dollars are spent, or how much waste is involved, or whether or not they can account for the spending, or regardless of how shoddy the work is. The work also includes jobs previously done by military personnel for a fraction of the cost of private contractors. These contractors are also not subject to American laws or the UCMJ.

The tax breaks are multi-BILLION dollar tax breaks that go to business entities which just so happen to give millions of dollars in campaign contributions to a certain political party and often don't really need the tax breaks due to record profits and preferable legislation.

The legal immunity from law suits would apply to telecommunications companies that were actually knowingly and complicity breaking the law by spying on Americans without court ordered warrants required under the FISA law under the specific direction of the president (Bush) who stated unequivocally when questioned about it that the law was being followed just as it was written (recently REwritten at the request of the Bush administration, actually). Those telecommunications cos also got HUGE government contracts to spy on Americans for the gov't.
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