Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?

As I have been saying since he was elected, Obama will complete his second term as a top ten president

Nothing has changed

Your delusion does continue unabated.

Historians are already ranking him in the 13-15 range

His second term will solidify many of his first term initiatives. He will move into the top ten after his second term is completed
History decides who is the best and the worst.

For example, if 15 years from now some excavator comes across WMD's in an area of Iraq that is being developed, Bush will be seen as a muich better president than he is viewed as right now.

In regard to Obama...

if, in 15 years the ACA proves to be a positive and does not have the issues many believe it will, then he will have a great legacy.

If it is found 15 years from now that he knew all about Fast and Furious when he claimed to know nothing about it...and he knew from day one that the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack and not at all affiliated with the anti Muslim film, his legacy will be severely tarnished.
obama wants to go down in history as another Lincoln. He wants to keep the nation together when it has been torn apart by civil war. That means he has to create a civil war first. That's what he's doing. He will undoubtably go down in history, right along with Mussolini and Ceaucescu.
Your delusion does continue unabated.

Historians are already ranking him in the 13-15 range

His second term will solidify many of his first term initiatives. He will move into the top ten after his second term is completed

Not a chance, in my opinion.

I disagree.

If the ACA proves to be as he cliams...he will have instituted a law that was revolutionary and positively changed the lives of all Americans....and he will be in the top ten.

If GM within a few years becomes truly protfitable and pays off its debt...and is an industry leader without government involvement....he may jump to the top 5

If by the end of his second term, his policies are showing a trend in eliminating some of the debt...and that trend continues, he will most certainly be in the top 5

If all of the above prove to be failures, he will not crack the top 15....he may even live with a legacy of being a failure.
History decides who is the best and the worst.

For example, if 15 years from now some excavator comes across WMD's in an area of Iraq that is being developed, Bush will be seen as a muich better president than he is viewed as right now.

In regard to Obama...

if, in 15 years the ACA proves to be a positive and does not have the issues many believe it will, then he will have a great legacy.

If it is found 15 years from now that he knew all about Fast and Furious when he claimed to know nothing about it...and he knew from day one that the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack and not at all affiliated with the anti Muslim film, his legacy will be severely tarnished.

Very true

Many presidents move up or down historically after the long term affects of their Presidency take hold

Truman is a great example. He was extremely disliked as president. He was poorly rated when he left office. But history has ben kind and he is considered a great president

Reagan appears to be slipping as the long term affects of his policies are being felt

Nixon recovered somewhat before he died
Carter has recovered somewhat
obama will go down as the presidebt that caused the US economy to collapse. He intends to collapse the economy. It is part of the plan to transform the nation into a socialist utopia and for that he needs to have the ashes of the former economy.
I disagree.

If the ACA proves to be as he cliams...he will have instituted a law that was revolutionary and positively changed the lives of all Americans....and he will be in the top ten.

If GM within a few years becomes truly protfitable and pays off its debt...and is an industry leader without government involvement....he may jump to the top 5

If by the end of his second term, his policies are showing a trend in eliminating some of the debt...and that trend continues, he will most certainly be in the top 5

If all of the above prove to be failures, he will not crack the top 15....he may even live with a legacy of being a failure.

I agree with most of this, but I do think that even if all of the above goes his way he won't crack the top 5.

I still stand by my belief that in the long run Bush and Obama will be fairly close together in the rankings.
I disagree.

If the ACA proves to be as he cliams...he will have instituted a law that was revolutionary and positively changed the lives of all Americans....and he will be in the top ten.

If GM within a few years becomes truly protfitable and pays off its debt...and is an industry leader without government involvement....he may jump to the top 5

If by the end of his second term, his policies are showing a trend in eliminating some of the debt...and that trend continues, he will most certainly be in the top 5

If all of the above prove to be failures, he will not crack the top 15....he may even live with a legacy of being a failure.

I agree with most of this, but I do think that even if all of the above goes his way he won't crack the top 5.

I still stand by my belief that in the long run Bush and Obama will be fairly close together in the rankings.

Of course it's going to take hindsight to be able to see how all this stuff shakes out. But I personally don't see how history can drop Obama (or raise GWB) into a position that is within 10 to 15 spots unless Obama screws the pooch royally in his second term ... And I guess that's certainly possible. But I don't consider it very likely.

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