Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?

Ravi is just begging the question from her perspective.

There is indeed a demographic of Americans who do believe Obama to be the bestest POTUS who has ever lived!

FDR helped the victims of the first Pub cronyism and corruption Great World Depression. Thank god this time the Dems got in immediately to stimulate the economy. The dupes' belief that Fanny and Freddie caused it or that Tarp and the stimulus didn't turn it around is ignorant, brainwashed RW IDIOCY.

how come your username is Franco but you don't act communist in the slightest?

It's short for Francophile.

Do you think Franco was communist? LOL Absolute brainwashed IDIOCY LOL.
Ravi is just begging the question from her perspective.

There is indeed a demographic of Americans who do believe Obama to be the bestest POTUS who has ever lived!


I agree with you .... it all boils down to this .....

everybody loves Santa Claus after all! :rolleyes:
Ravi is just begging the question from her perspective.

There is indeed a demographic of Americans who do believe Obama to be the bestest POTUS who has ever lived!


She like you is a dupe of Pub propaganda. Reagan started the program and Bush enlarged it.
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?

Obama no I would go with Washington or Lincoln.

Please, don't even mention them in the same breath!

Lincoln or Washington could turn in their graves!

I think it's sad anyone would even consider any President of the last 30 years as possibly being the best President ever.
Obama no I would go with Washington or Lincoln.

Please, don't even mention them in the same breath!

Lincoln or Washington could turn in their graves!

I think it's sad anyone would even consider any President of the last 30 years as possibly being the best President ever.

Absolutely.... and to think that he is even is considering to chisel his face on the Mount Rushmore...while still alive.

This President has an ego that goes beyond anything one has ever encounter before!

It's almost unbelievable!

Absolutely.... and to think that he is even is considering to chisel his face on the Mount Rushmore...while still alive.

This President has an ego that goes beyond anything one has ever encounter before!

It's almost unbelievable!

Ok. Now you're just making shit up...
He's done a better job than the past two Democrats. Not saying much, but he has. Not sure why you think idealogy has anything to do with viewpoints of who did a better job.

In what ways has Obama done better than Clinton? Not that I liked Clinton.

Im saying Bush did better than Obama and Clinton.

That hardly means Bush didn't have big flaws.

Bush was a free spending right leaning populist.
He attempted to balance economic issues with social issues. In other words he governed in a manner which many politicians do and that is to attempt to make everyone happy or from another perspective, try to piss off as few people as possible.
In the real world , that never works. The end result is that person winds up pissing off the majority of the people.
Obama does not govern. He rules. And in one respect I must hand it to him because he does not care if he pisses off half the country as long as the other half supports him.
Obama is the consummate politician. He cares only for his own legacy and along the way, he will do anything to preserve his legacy. He has made lots of enemies domestic and international.
He will leave the Oval office as one of the most revered( by the left) and the most vilified (by everyone else) president in US history.
He will leave in his wake a legacy of division and divisiveness that will take years to repair.
Those on the left have no room to speak of compromise. Obama refuses to negotiate, he will not compromise even for the good of the nation as a whole. No one expects Obama to surrender his core beliefs or compromise those beliefs. However a president MUST make sacrifices on policy. That if anything will be his legacy. Obama acts unilaterally with a "my way or fuck you" attitude. This is not greatness. This is mediocrity.
He is in effect president of the people who support him and not of those who do not.
That is not leadership.
You know, it's funny how people tend to judge Presidents "good" or "bad" almost exclusively on agreeing with that person's ideology. There's usually very little analysis of actual ability to do the job.

The last rating, by historians, that I know of was in 2010. A well known rating system, the Siena College poll rated presidents and declared FDR as the greatest. The rating was based on twenty characteristics.
The first rating of presidents by historians was the Schlesinger poll in 1948. This poll rated FDR third greatest, Washington second and Lincoln first. In the next catagory they rated the near-great presidents. Of the near-greats five were Democrats and one a Republican. The Republican was Teddy Roosevelt who also ran as a Progressive, and is accepted by most to be a liberal.
When the general public is asked to rate the presidents only a few can name more than fifteen of all the presidents, much less rate them.

FDR was a dictator, his economical policy kept America economy in depression longer that it should have been. The greatest I don't think so.

Wonder if the historians, who have never placed FDR lower than third greatest American president, know about FDR's keeping the American economy longer in depression than it should have been? In the last rating there were 232 noted historians and presidential experts, seems like they should have known?
As for FDR being a dictator, we have had so many presidents that were dictators, one even a king, so that's pretty old stuff.
If FDR's had the wrong economic policy, can you tell us the Republican economic policy at the time? In fact, what is the correct policy for handling a depression?
President Bush is the best president in my lifetime.

He is the first president to ever take the fight to the terrorists, instead of impotenly waiting for more attacks, like every prior american president has done.

Also unemployment was very low under Pres. Bush. The average unemployment rate was 5.3% during both his terms.

Toward the end it went up due to the mortgage bubble created by Clinton's policy to give mortgages to unqualifed people and Barney Frank refusing to regulate Fannie and Freddie.

Obama took it up to double digits, and kept it high until the present.

Obama's average unemployment rate was 9.2% for his first four years.

I thought we had age restrictions on this board? In any event, Bush policies created an artificial boom on our economy, one that was destined to crash and crash hard. The hope had been that it would crash after Bush left office, under a Democratic President. Instead, it crashed at the end of his term.

Presidents are responsible for what happens under their watch.

Obama's average unemployment rate after four VERY long years is nearly double President Bush's unemployment.

The reason Pres. Bush was so low was because of lowering tax rates and lifting burdensome regulations. It didn't occur by accident.

Once again, Pres. Bush was the first president, to take the fight to the terrorists, where they were hiding, and and their supporters. Pres. Bush kept the country safe for seven years from terrorist attacks on US' territory.

Even Reagan didn't do this. He foolishly sent unarmed marines into Beirut, and pulled out after they were attacked.

Pres. Bush is the best president in my lifetime.
It's a Reagan/Bush phone program dammit.

And the Obamacash etc etc is ALSO existing programs- it's just the 2ND GD Pub world Depression. And thanks for 3 1/2 years of mindless Pub obstruction and fear mongering, dupes..

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