Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?

President Bush is the best president in my lifetime.

He is the first president to ever take the fight to the terrorists, instead of impotenly waiting for more attacks, like every prior american president has done.

Also unemployment was very low under Pres. Bush. The average unemployment rate was 5.3% during both his terms.

Toward the end it went up due to the mortgage bubble created by Clinton's policy to give mortgages to unqualifed people and Barney Frank refusing to regulate Fannie and Freddie.

Obama took it up to double digits, and kept it high until the present.

Obama's average unemployment rate was 9.2% for his first four years.

I thought we had age restrictions on this board? In any event, Bush policies created an artificial boom on our economy, one that was destined to crash and crash hard. The hope had been that it would crash after Bush left office, under a Democratic President. Instead, it crashed at the end of his term.

Presidents are responsible for what happens under their watch.

Obama's average unemployment rate after four VERY long years is nearly double President Bush's unemployment.

The reason Pres. Bush was so low was because of lowering tax rates and lifting burdensome regulations. It didn't occur by accident.

Once again, Pres. Bush was the first president, to take the fight to the terrorists, where they were hiding, and and their supporters. Pres. Bush kept the country safe for seven years from terrorist attacks on US' territory.

Even Reagan didn't do this. He foolishly sent unarmed marines into Beirut, and pulled out after they were attacked.

Pres. Bush is the best president in my lifetime.

bush allowed a terrorist attack on our soil // on his watch. he DID NOT KEEP US SAFE.

bush started an unnecessary war against a country that did not attack us

bush made israel back down instead of finishing off hezbollah in lebanon.

bush...worst president in my lifetime.
He is probably just young. Besides, it's not like Democrats have given people much in Presidents.

You know, it's funny how people tend to judge Presidents "good" or "bad" almost exclusively on agreeing with that person's ideology. There's usually very little analysis of actual ability to do the job.

Or simply consider the general idiocy of attempting to evaluate a given president before he’s even left office.
He is probably just young. Besides, it's not like Democrats have given people much in Presidents.

You know, it's funny how people tend to judge Presidents "good" or "bad" almost exclusively on agreeing with that person's ideology. There's usually very little analysis of actual ability to do the job.

Or simply consider the general idiocy of attempting to evaluate a given president before he’s even left office.

and when he leaves ... it won't be a moment too soon :mad::D
Obama may go down in history as the President who was so concerned about social issues that he flat out didn't have anytime to work on the economy.
Please, don't even mention them in the same breath!

Lincoln or Washington could turn in their graves!

I think it's sad anyone would even consider any President of the last 30 years as possibly being the best President ever.

Absolutely.... and to think that he is even is considering to chisel his face on the Mount Rushmore...while still alive.

This President has an ego that goes beyond anything one has ever encounter before!

It's almost unbelievable!

Skye, let's see some evidence "that he is even is considering to chisel his face on the Mount Rushmore...while still alive."
Presidents are responsible for what happens under their watch.

In other words, pursuing easy answers is preferable to seeking real comprehension. Presidents are not all powerful. Things happen before they come to office that will affect where the country is going. Things happen during their times in office that will affect what happens in the country, which are out of a President's control. Any meaningful evaluation of a President should take into account such things. After all, it was under Clinton that the we developed a budget surplus, and under Bush that said surplus evaporated. It was also under Bush that 9-11 happened.
I thought we had age restrictions on this board? In any event, Bush policies created an artificial boom on our economy, one that was destined to crash and crash hard. The hope had been that it would crash after Bush left office, under a Democratic President. Instead, it crashed at the end of his term.

Presidents are responsible for what happens under their watch.

Obama's average unemployment rate after four VERY long years is nearly double President Bush's unemployment.

The reason Pres. Bush was so low was because of lowering tax rates and lifting burdensome regulations. It didn't occur by accident.

Once again, Pres. Bush was the first president, to take the fight to the terrorists, where they were hiding, and and their supporters. Pres. Bush kept the country safe for seven years from terrorist attacks on US' territory.

Even Reagan didn't do this. He foolishly sent unarmed marines into Beirut, and pulled out after they were attacked.

Pres. Bush is the best president in my lifetime.

bush allowed a terrorist attack on our soil // on his watch. he DID NOT KEEP US SAFE.

Pres. Bush had just taken office, but you know what it did happen on his watch. The difference is that he learned from it. He then did something never done before by an American president.

He went to where Al Qaida was hiding and killed them there. Then for seven years he kept another terrorist attack from happening within the US. Not because of Al Qaida's lack of trying but because of his aggresive strategy and tactics.

OBL was killed as a direct result of the enhanced interrogation attacks condemened by Obama and his minions.

bush started an unnecessary war against a country that did not attack us

You are saying the US would be safer with Hussein still in power? :cuckoo:

What 911 showed was that the US can no longer wait for another devastating terrorist attack before acting. It had to act first.


1) Had ties to Al Qaida that went back a decade

2) Allowed the Abu Nidal terrorist group to have Baghdad as it's HQ

3) Tried to assassinate Pres.Bush Sr.

4) Had WMD

5) Used WMD

6) Was developing a nuke program

Pres. Bush was absolutely right to depose Hussein,

ush made israel back down instead of finishing off hezbollah in lebanon.

bush...worst president in my lifetime.

Pres. Bush was a great friend of Israel.

Remember this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY0oHCT68Ys&playnext=1&list=PLD32BCAD3A5CB2962&feature=results_main]Bush Emotional At Speech In Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Pres. Bush was greeted with love from Israeli leaders.

How does Obama treat Israel?

1) Not once since becoming president did he visit Israel, this is despite his tour to arab countries.

2) He stated publically that Netanyahu, Israel's PM, doesn't know what's good in Israel. Talk about aduacity,

3) He publically shamed Israel, for the great crime of announcing that it plans to build apartments in it's own capital

4) In a meeting with Sarkozy, Obama stated how much he hates dealing with Netanyahu.
It puzzles me that the hatred of Obama by some has grown to the levels shown to Nixon. Nixon and the hate, I understand: the man could have destroyed constitutional government. Obama is not a liberal in business, is fairly solid with commitment to capitalism (witness the sweet heart deals for insurance companies in the ACA), but is committed to social entitlements for the elderly, the poor, and the sick. Why the hatred?
After Bush II - in my memory - would be Ronnie Raygun...He's responsible for most of this shit today...
Reagan blew the wind down of the Cold War, but I have a hard time blaming him for that. FDR blew the wind down of WWII while Wilson blew the end of WWI. Its hard to successfully wind down a major world conflict.
I thought we had age restrictions on this board? In any event, Bush policies created an artificial boom on our economy, one that was destined to crash and crash hard. The hope had been that it would crash after Bush left office, under a Democratic President. Instead, it crashed at the end of his term.

Presidents are responsible for what happens under their watch.

Obama's average unemployment rate after four VERY long years is nearly double President Bush's unemployment.

The reason Pres. Bush was so low was because of lowering tax rates and lifting burdensome regulations. It didn't occur by accident.

Once again, Pres. Bush was the first president, to take the fight to the terrorists, where they were hiding, and and their supporters. Pres. Bush kept the country safe for seven years from terrorist attacks on US' territory.

Even Reagan didn't do this. He foolishly sent unarmed marines into Beirut, and pulled out after they were attacked.

Pres. Bush is the best president in my lifetime.

bush allowed a terrorist attack on our soil // on his watch. he DID NOT KEEP US SAFE.


But national security required that Americans die and property destroyed in order to have a pretext to kill Saddam, invade Iraq and help Israel

bush made israel back down instead of finishing off hezbollah in lebanon

I see , you are an Israeli Firster.

Well actually, the zionuts demanded to withdraw after Hezbollah wipe out 24 IDF soldiers.

bush...worst president in my lifetime.

he is in the top 5.

But Obama will move to number 1 if he makes a move towards my AK47's.

Could be.

Given what he has done with what he was handed...the crashing economy, a trillion dollar deficit, a couple of wars, and a disloyal opposition fueled by racial hate determined to undermine any attempt to pull us out of the hole they put us in......yes, he may very well go down as the greatest of all time.

History will not be kind to today's version of the GOP.
Yes, it is extremely possible. Especially if this health care thing works out and also if the USA is pulled back from the brink and continues to be the leading power in the world.

Yup.....and with the world economy churning again he could be looked at as one of the greatest leaders the world have ever seen.
Yup.....and with the world economy churning again he could be looked at as one of the greatest leaders the world have ever seen.

Don't you mean how pleased older societies will be when they realize what suckers we are? What Obama and Co. don't drain the US Treasury of, there will be plenty of world vultures swooping down on our wealth to take it all, just like the Conquistadors. This one-world shit? It has a huge target painted on America's back. We'll be sold as slaves.

You are too trusting, Article 15. Predators view that as fresh meat to wolf down.
The last rating, by historians, that I know of was in 2010. A well known rating system, the Siena College poll rated presidents and declared FDR as the greatest. The rating was based on twenty characteristics.
The first rating of presidents by historians was the Schlesinger poll in 1948. This poll rated FDR third greatest, Washington second and Lincoln first. In the next catagory they rated the near-great presidents. Of the near-greats five were Democrats and one a Republican. The Republican was Teddy Roosevelt who also ran as a Progressive, and is accepted by most to be a liberal.
When the general public is asked to rate the presidents only a few can name more than fifteen of all the presidents, much less rate them.

FDR was a dictator, his economical policy kept America economy in depression longer that it should have been. The greatest I don't think so.

Wonder if the historians, who have never placed FDR lower than third greatest American president, know about FDR's keeping the American economy longer in depression than it should have been? In the last rating there were 232 noted historians and presidential experts, seems like they should have known?
As for FDR being a dictator, we have had so many presidents that were dictators, one even a king, so that's pretty old stuff.
If FDR's had the wrong economic policy, can you tell us the Republican economic policy at the time? In fact, what is the correct policy for handling a depression?

First google search and their are plenty more

The Progressive era in American politics formally lasted from the 1890s until the 1920s. But its legacy continued thereafter, permeating the philosophy and the policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), who was first elected President in 1932, while the U.S. was mired in an economic depression. FDR campaigned, successfully, on a pledge to re-create the war socialism of the Wilson administration, a goal that was wildly popular with the liberal establishment of Roosevelt's day.

Once FDR had been elected, progressive-minded newspaper editorial boards, politicians, and pundits exhorted him to become a “dictator.” The revered reporter and political commentator Walter Lippmann, for instance, told Roosevelt in a private meeting: “The [economic] situation is critical, Franklin. You may have no alternative but to assume dictatorial powers.” Similarly, Eleanor Roosevelt mused that America might need the leadership of a “benevolent dictator.”
The Progressive Era's Legacy: FDR's New Deal - Discover the Networks
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


Could be.

Given what he has done with what he was handed...the crashing economy, a trillion dollar deficit, a couple of wars, and a disloyal opposition fueled by racial hate determined to undermine any attempt to pull us out of the hole they put us in......yes, he may very well go down as the greatest of all time.

History will not be kind to today's version of the GOP.

yea and you forgot.....he is a great leader.....he is just great at uniting this Country....:eusa_eh:
He tries. After eight years of the Bush regime implying that anyone that disagreed with him was a terrorist it is a big job uniting the country.
It's not surprising that People cite FDR as the best. They are told in school that his new Deal saved us from the Depression. Even though it's not true, It took a World War to do that.

Which FDR won.
I thought we had age restrictions on this board? In any event, Bush policies created an artificial boom on our economy, one that was destined to crash and crash hard. The hope had been that it would crash after Bush left office, under a Democratic President. Instead, it crashed at the end of his term.

Presidents are responsible for what happens under their watch.

Obama's average unemployment rate after four VERY long years is nearly double President Bush's unemployment.

The reason Pres. Bush was so low was because of lowering tax rates and lifting burdensome regulations. It didn't occur by accident.

Once again, Pres. Bush was the first president, to take the fight to the terrorists, where they were hiding, and and their supporters. Pres. Bush kept the country safe for seven years from terrorist attacks on US' territory.

Even Reagan didn't do this. He foolishly sent unarmed marines into Beirut, and pulled out after they were attacked.

Pres. Bush is the best president in my lifetime.

bush allowed a terrorist attack on our soil // on his watch. he DID NOT KEEP US SAFE.

bush started an unnecessary war against a country that did not attack us

bush made israel back down instead of finishing off hezbollah in lebanon.

bush...worst president in my lifetime.

Obama allowed a terrorist attack on our soil. (Ft Hood)

Obama allowed our diplomats to be murdered, raped, and drug through the streets.

Obama has pissed off Israel and the rest of our allies to the point that they can't trust us anymore to keep their secrets.

Obama, worst president in my lifetime. (Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton) Right now I would be relieved if any of them were prez other than Obama.
Obama may go down in history as the President who was so concerned about social issues that he flat out didn't have anytime to work on the economy.

yep, and pushing his BIG GOVERNMENT on the People to employ more of his cronies and steal more of our money

as for a person, he'll be remembered has hating everything about us and our country
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As I have been saying since he was elected, Obama will complete his second term as a top ten president

Nothing has changed
As I have been saying since he was elected, Obama will complete his second term as a top ten president

Nothing has changed

Yup, his I.Q. is off the charts.

What's his I.Q.?

Who fucken cares. I'm still pinching myself.

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