Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?

I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


No. He'll be remembered as being a historic president, but not one of the greatest. I imagine that in future rankings he'll fare better than George W. Bush, but probably worse than George H.W. Bush or Clinton.

You mention Reagan, but he's an odd one. The Conservatives have venerated him like a God by tossing aside a lot of the values Ronnie had and replacing them with some sort of imaginary construct. He was a good president, definitely worthy of being in the top 25% for sure, but he sure as hell wasn't the President a lot of folks here think he was.

I think the next four years will tell.

As to Reagan, I don't really see much good.
I'm sure jimmy carter thinks obama is the greatest person ever! Now he won't be considered the worst president in history, obama is making sure to that.
obama is insane. If he truly believes he is as great as Lincoln, then he will have to do what Lincoln did to be great. Lincoln kept the nation together when it was being torn apart by civil war. That's what obama sees himself doing. In order to get to that point, he has to have a civil war. That's the point of his driving divisions.
Will Owe Bama go down in history as the best President ever?

If you think so, you are out of your mind.
Voters rate the candidates, and the presidents, with their votes. The historians then rate them for the rest of time with their votes. At the end of Obama's first two years, historians rated Obama as America's 15th best president. Has Obama improved since those first two years or gotten worse? He now has four more to go, so we'll see where he ends up.
Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?:

Food Stamp Recipients Increased 11,133 Per Day Under Obama

Yep, I believe that the Parasites will select him as the best president ever.

During President Obama’s first term, the number of persons taking federal food stamps, formally known as the Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP), increased by approximately 11,133 persons per day.

When Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, the number of SNAP recipients was 31,939,110. By October 2012, the latest month reported, they had jumped to 47,525,329.

I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


Are you f'ing SERIOUS??

The laughable one Obama as best ever?? He is on the cusp of 5 worst ever and worst in my lifetime (and considering Carter, that is an accomplishment)

Lincoln, highly overrated with his destruction of the constitution... FDR, horrid in pretty much every way but popularity... Ronnie, good but had his share of flaws and maybe just outside the top 4 or 5... Washington, he is in the running with ones like Jefferson, Ike, Jackson, and Truman
Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?

Obama will go down in history as the president that destroyed this Country.
You call this a country? Obama just has us barrelling downhill so fast economically, we'll wake up one day expected to understand Chinese or Arabic, whoever pays him the most. He's selling everybody down the river, including the people who presently revere him as The One.

We're headed back into being indentured as other nations' slaves at the speed of slight. For Obama is slighting us of the Constitution's bill of rights asap.
You mean for his economic destruction or letting Islamic terrorists control the Middle East?
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


Could be.

Given what he has done with what he was handed...the crashing economy, a trillion dollar deficit, a couple of wars, and a disloyal opposition fueled by racial hate determined to undermine any attempt to pull us out of the hole they put us in......yes, he may very well go down as the greatest of all time.

History will not be kind to today's version of the GOP.
Yes, it is extremely possible. Especially if this health care thing works out and also if the USA is pulled back from the brink and continues to be the leading power in the world.

Yup.....and with the world economy churning again he could be looked at as one of the greatest leaders the world have ever seen.
Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?

Obama will go down in history as the president that destroyed this Country.
You call this a country? Obama just has us barrelling downhill so fast economically, we'll wake up one day expected to understand Chinese or Arabic, whoever pays him the most. He's selling everybody down the river, including the people who presently revere him as The One.

We're headed back into being indentured as other nations' slaves at the speed of slight. For Obama is slighting us of the Constitution's bill of rights asap.

don't be a ninny

america is still the greatest country on earth

even reagan couldn't trash it
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?

Bush and obama will go down in as the two worst presidents in American history, unless the obama spin machine starts working at rewriting history to reflect more favorable towards the bamster.
too the left obama is the second coming to the truth obama the apocalypse
Bush is the greatest. All this funny talk aside, W and O should have asterisks by their name on how to screw a country.
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obama will go down in history with Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, Benito Mussolini, Fidel Castro, Robert Mugabe, Charles Taylor, a number of the Ceasars, and Nicolae Ceaucescu. All that he has done will be wiped away. Will he and his consort be permitted to live out their days in the US, or will they be imprisoned or exiled like Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos?

Classic Obama Derangement Syndrome. Every bit as crazy as the liberals were under Bush.

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