Will Obama Leave Office in 2017?

tipofthespear, all of that occured as a response to the failed bush policies. We have gained at least 200K jobs a month for a year, unemployment @ bls.gov is 5.6%, etc. The weakness in the economy is that the Dems and the GOP won't work together on a jobs bill for the rest, the world economy is weak, and capital investment long term won't happen with that uncertainty.

Blame Bush was ok for the first year......after that? Not so much. When Obama came into office, the Dems had both houses and the White House. Blaming Bush is no excuse for their failure to address the real issues that faced our Nation. It's Bushes fault wore out a long time ago. Obama owns this economy, the state of the Nation.
tipofthespear, all of that occured as a response to the failed bush policies. We have gained at least 200K jobs a month for a year, unemployment @ bls.gov is 5.6%, etc. The weakness in the economy is that the Dems and the GOP won't work together on a jobs bill for the rest, the world economy is weak, and capital investment long term won't happen with that uncertainty.

Blame Bush was ok for the first year......after that? Not so much. When Obama came into office, the Dems had both houses and the White House. Blaming Bush is no excuse for their failure to address the real issues that faced our Nation. It's Bushes fault wore out a long time ago. Obama owns this economy, the state of the Nation.

I think it's pretty unrealistic to think a complete financial collapse can be cleaned up in one year. We had two wars that were not paid for. Your rant is childish.

Nearly 300K New Jobs In February Unemployment Dips To 5.5 Percent The Two-Way NPR
Everything you just said is "low information" NeoClown regurgitated talking points. I'm guessing it's Fixxed News regurgitation.

Well, I suppose if one can't refute reality, demeaning/degrading commentary is all one has.
obumble will leave office. He has no intention of leaving power. He has some idea that he can still wield control through his organizing for America group. He can harness the power of the street riot to push his policies.
tipofthespear, all of that occured as a response to the failed bush policies. We have gained at least 200K jobs a month for a year, unemployment @ bls.gov is 5.6%, etc. The weakness in the economy is that the Dems and the GOP won't work together on a jobs bill for the rest, the world economy is weak, and capital investment long term won't happen with that uncertainty.

Blame Bush was ok for the first year......after that? Not so much. When Obama came into office, the Dems had both houses and the White House. Blaming Bush is no excuse for their failure to address the real issues that faced our Nation. It's Bushes fault wore out a long time ago. Obama owns this economy, the state of the Nation.

I think it's pretty unrealistic to think a complete financial collapse can be cleaned up in one year. We had two wars that were not paid for. Your rant is childish.

Nearly 300K New Jobs In February Unemployment Dips To 5.5 Percent The Two-Way NPR

Only ranting I see is coming from you guys. And thanks for misstating my comment. I gave Obama a pass on the first year.........not the past 5. If belittling commentary is all people have..........goodness
“Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability, and let’s establish some things that we know to be true that Obama also knows.”

Who would oppose Obama 3rd term

This would be a nightmare. Three terms for Obama! Yyyyyyessss!!! Like we could survive 12 years with this kind of spending. That's really sad that here is simply no organized opposition to such illegal and criminal actions.

We heard this about Clinton and Bush and now Obama.

GG, it isn't going to happen, the left and the right wing nuts and their stupidity.
Bush's failed policies, our GOP's obstructionism, and BHO's less than inspiring leadership on economic matters is where we are today, but still led to his re-election in 2012.
“Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability, and let’s establish some things that we know to be true that Obama also knows.”

Who would oppose Obama 3rd term

This would be a nightmare. Three terms for Obama! Yyyyyyessss!!! Like we could survive 12 years with this kind of spending. That's really sad that here is simply no organized opposition to such illegal and criminal actions.


step away from the world nut daily..... seriously.
Each to his own opinion I suppose. Reality has a way of ending up much like a bad penny though..........sooner or later, it will reveal itself.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

The recession ended in 2009.
Since then, Obama has had his boot on the throat of the American economy.
Obama's failed stimulus and wild spending spree has kept America's economy in the toilet for the last 6 year.
President Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama inherited.
Within two years, President Reagan turned the economy around.
Obama did just the opposite of Reagan and Obama got just the opposite results.
It's as plain as the nose on Pinocchio-Obama's face!
The economy is wayyyy worse that 6 years ago.
Obama has the country divided:black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor and middle-class against both, etc.
The world is burning and Obama fiddles.
Obama is America's plague.
The USA ain't gonna get any better until Obama quits stinking up our White House.
Reagan working with the opposition party turned things around. Clinton was able to do that as well. Obama can because John and Mitch won't because of the freaks on the far right hanging on their ankles.
He will only have a third term if Hillary manages to win

Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
He will only have a third term if Hillary manages to win

Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
They forget the correlation between the rise of Obama and the decline of the market.

Smart people got out, and got back in later.

Obama has been the greatest President the 1% ever put in office.
Do you question the increase in the National Debt in the last 6 years? Do you question the high level of unemployment among black youths? Do you question the flood of illegal immigrants across our borders in the last six years? Do you question the rise in the cost of living over the last 6 years? Do you question the misdeeds of the IRS? Do you question the much promised "transparent Administration in history" has been anything but? Do you question the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac debacle? How is Obamacare working out? How about that National Energy Policy? Exactly how many annual budgets have passed in the last 6 years? Do you question the dramatic increase in Food Stamp recipients in the last 6 years? And much more........National Defense? Homeland Security? Now, I understand that there are those who believe all is well.............shoot, it's all wine and roses.......still
No one is saying it's all "wine and roses," so who knows why you feel the urge to argue the absurd? It is, undoubtedly, better now than 6 years ago.
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Do you question the increase in the National Debt in the last 6 years? Do you question the high level of unemployment among black youths? Do you question the flood of illegal immigrants across our borders in the last six years? Do you question the rise in the cost of living over the last 6 years? Do you question the misdeeds of the IRS? Do you question the much promised "transparent Administration in history" has been anything but? Do you question the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac debacle? How is Obamacare working out? How about that National Energy Policy? Exactly how many annual budgets have passed in the last 6 years? Do you question the dramatic increase in Food Stamp recipients in the last 6 years? And much more........National Defense? Homeland Security? Now, I understand that there are those who believe all is well.............shoot, it's all wine and roses.......still
Do you question the increase in the National Debt in the last 6 years? Do you question the high level of unemployment among black youths? Do you question the flood of illegal immigrants across our borders in the last six years? Do you question the rise in the cost of living over the last 6 years? Do you question the misdeeds of the IRS? Do you question the much promised "transparent Administration in history" has been anything but? Do you question the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac debacle? How is Obamacare working out? How about that National Energy Policy? Exactly how many annual budgets have passed in the last 6 years? Do you question the dramatic increase in Food Stamp recipients in the last 6 years? And much more........National Defense? Homeland Security? Now, I understand that there are those who believe all is well.............shoot, it's all wine and roses.......still
No one is saying it's all "wine and roses," so who knows why you feel the urge to argue the absurd? It is, undoubtedly, better now than 6 years ago.
Better for who?
Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability

Not the slightest bit believable.

President Obama. Worst tyrant, ever, letting all those FEMA detention centers go to waste, opps did I say detention centers, I meant re-education camps,..................
He will only have a third term if Hillary manages to win

Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.

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