Will Obama Leave Office in 2017?

Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
The fuck I can't write history. The ONLY history that I've experienced is the only one that is important. Typical of the left to try to force me into a box that doesn't fit.

No one said you can't live in an alternate realm of denial. Using you [il]logic, WWII never happened because I didn't personally experience it. :cuckoo:
Except that is not what I said.
My experiences do not change based on SOMEONE ELSE'S experience.
I have been in business for 25+ years. Your struggles or lack thereof are irrelevant to the ups & downs my business has experienced.
The fact of the matter is the housing market still has not recovered to where it once was & the left want to do the same shit that caused the collapse to begin with, ease lending restrictions.
Sure ya didn't. :rolleyes: when I pointed out you don't get to rewrite history because your personal experience isn't what the country went through, you protested saying you can rewrite it since the only history which matters is your own personal experience.

Like I said, WWII never happened (using your logic).
That is not what he is saying. He is saying that just because the media and the administration is saying the recovery is good and happening, his personal experience is showing otherwise.

And I happen to agree with him.
Maybe you're just not paying attention? :dunno: That was not what he said. No one said anything about the media or the administration promoting the notion that we are better off today. So who knows where you dreamed that up from? In response to me pointing out how Bush left a steaming pile of shit in his wake, gramps protested that his own personal experience differed. While that may be fine and dandy for him personally, it doesn't speak to what the nation went through. I pointed out the unemployment situation, the real estate situation, GDP, leading economic indicators which broadcast the health of the economy. Gramps' personal experience is not an indicator of the economy, so his anecdotal contributions are worthless to this discussion. When I pointed that out, he rejected that because his personal experiences are all that matters to him. Hence my analogy of how WWII never happened.
The fuck I can't write history. The ONLY history that I've experienced is the only one that is important. Typical of the left to try to force me into a box that doesn't fit.

No one said you can't live in an alternate realm of denial. Using you [il]logic, WWII never happened because I didn't personally experience it. :cuckoo:
Except that is not what I said.
My experiences do not change based on SOMEONE ELSE'S experience.
I have been in business for 25+ years. Your struggles or lack thereof are irrelevant to the ups & downs my business has experienced.
The fact of the matter is the housing market still has not recovered to where it once was & the left want to do the same shit that caused the collapse to begin with, ease lending restrictions.
Sure ya didn't. :rolleyes: when I pointed out you don't get to rewrite history because your personal experience isn't what the country went through, you protested saying you can rewrite it since the only history which matters is your own personal experience.

Like I said, WWII never happened (using your logic).
That is not what he is saying. He is saying that just because the media and the administration is saying the recovery is good and happening, his personal experience is showing otherwise.

And I happen to agree with him.
Maybe you're just not paying attention? :dunno: That was not what he said. No one said anything about the media or the administration promoting the notion that we are better off today. So who knows where you dreamed that up from? In response to me pointing out how Bush left a steaming pile of shit in his wake, gramps protested that his own personal experience differed. While that may be fine and dandy for him personally, it doesn't speak to what the nation went through. I pointed out the unemployment situation, the real estate situation, GDP, leading economic indicators which broadcast the health of the economy. Gramps' personal experience is not an indicator of the economy, so his anecdotal contributions are worthless to this discussion. When I pointed that out, he rejected that because his personal experiences are all that matters to him. Hence my analogy of how WWII never happened.
So you completely misunderstood my original post.

Fucking comedy gold.

“Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability, and let’s establish some things that we know to be true that Obama also knows.”

Who would oppose Obama 3rd term

This would be a nightmare. Three terms for Obama! Yyyyyyessss!!! Like we could survive 12 years with this kind of spending. That's really sad that here is simply no organized opposition to such illegal and criminal actions.
Umm, I know this may come as a shock to you, but the U.S. House controls spending.
Remind us the last time the President signed a budget that he disagreed with? Or one at all?
I don't recall. What difference does it make since the president can't spend a dime the Congress doesn't give him to spend?

Again, the House controls spending.
And instead of creating a budget the Democrats kept reassigning the last budget with increases in continuing spending initiatives even after the Republicans took over the House. Which you know and are trying to pretend did not happen. The House had 2 choices approve the spending initiatives or shut the Government down and what happened when they did that? Or are you going to pretend you don't know?
Each to his own opinion I suppose. Reality has a way of ending up much like a bad penny though..........sooner or later, it will reveal itself.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

Yes it is opinion......yours
“Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability, and let’s establish some things that we know to be true that Obama also knows.”

Who would oppose Obama 3rd term

This would be a nightmare. Three terms for Obama! Yyyyyyessss!!! Like we could survive 12 years with this kind of spending. That's really sad that here is simply no organized opposition to such illegal and criminal actions.
Umm, I know this may come as a shock to you, but the U.S. House controls spending.
Remind us the last time the President signed a budget that he disagreed with? Or one at all?
I don't recall. What difference does it make since the president can't spend a dime the Congress doesn't give him to spend?

Again, the House controls spending.
And instead of creating a budget the Democrats kept reassigning the last budget with increases in continuing spending initiatives even after the Republicans took over the House. Which you know and are trying to pretend did not happen. The House had 2 choices approve the spending initiatives or shut the Government down and what happened when they did that? Or are you going to pretend you don't know?
I pretended no such thing. That's your imagination speaking for you. I was talking about an Omnibus bill, which is what one typically considers a budget bill. As far as the House's choices, they were not limited to just the two you offered. They could have presented Democrats a budget bill they could actually agree to. Of course, that would have meant one which didn't include stripping all funding for ObamaCare, but the GOP decided to use the budget as a tool to get rid of their most despised law, post-legislatively.
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So, the country is better off now? Seriously?
Memory loss or selective memory? Are banks failing today? Is the unemployment rate above 7% or is it steadily falling>? How many troops were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan last month? How about February 2008? Would you consider buying stock in an American car company today? Would you have considered it in 2009?
The banks were bailed out with your money. The unemployment rates are fudged. And the troops that are still in the middle east aren't there anymore because the WH said so. Talk about memory loss.
“Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability, and let’s establish some things that we know to be true that Obama also knows.”

Who would oppose Obama 3rd term

This would be a nightmare. Three terms for Obama! Yyyyyyessss!!! Like we could survive 12 years with this kind of spending. That's really sad that here is simply no organized opposition to such illegal and criminal actions.
First off, you are trying to create a situation that is imaginary....All presidents since Reagan have increased spending and the debt...so that makes all of their actions illegal and criminal....??

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