Will Obama Leave Office in 2017?

So, the country is better off now? Seriously?

Most rational people do not equate having the darkest skinned president as being the country is worse off.
The RWers have squealed like obnoxious children denied candy and toys at the grocery store but the facts and numbers tell a completely different story. The country has recovered without any assistance from the Christian Fascists in congress. That, and in spite of having the Darky in the White House.

You people have no shame.
Claiming others have an issue with a president having darker skin does not allow you to use terms like "darky" without consequences.

You are quite obviously a racist but not man enough to admit it.
Umm, I know this may come as a shock to you, but the U.S. House controls spending.

The House did not pass Obamacare and that has been a huge cost and we haven't got the full brunt of it yet. Even though revenue raising bills must originate in House, that didn't happen, did it? Obama is wishing he could raise taxes through executive order and I wouldn't put it past him to try. The House tried to control spending on Obama's amnesty, but caved when Dems held funding for DHS hostage. In other words, give the Dems credit for a lot of spending.
The House didn't pass ObamaCare? From which fucking rightwing planet do you hail??

Each to his own opinion I suppose. Reality has a way of ending up much like a bad penny though..........sooner or later, it will reveal itself.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

The recession ended in 2009.
Since then, Obama has had his boot on the throat of the American economy.
Obama's failed stimulus and wild spending spree has kept America's economy in the toilet for the last 6 year.
President Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama inherited.
Within two years, President Reagan turned the economy around.
Obama did just the opposite of Reagan and Obama got just the opposite results.
It's as plain as the nose on Pinocchio-Obama's face!
The economy is wayyyy worse that 6 years ago.
Obama has the country divided:black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor and middle-class against both, etc.
The world is burning and Obama fiddles.
Obama is America's plague.
The USA ain't gonna get any better until Obama quits stinking up our White House.
The economy Reagan inherited, while bad, was nowhere as bad as the economy Bush passed onto Obama. First and foremost, the country was mired in the Great Recession when Obama became president, whereas the country wasn't even in a recession when Reagan became president. Real GDP, a leading economic indicator, was positive 7.6% when Reagan became president; compared to negative 8.2% when Obama became president. Unemployment, the second leading economic indicator of the economy was higher (and growing) when Obama became president. The unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited and not getting worse until 9 months into his presidency.

And you might be surprised to know that at this same point in both of their respective presidencies, the unemployment rate now under Obama is 5.5% (down 2.3 points) on his watch; compared to Reagan where it was 6.6% (down by 0.9 point). Gallup shows Obama's job approval rating is at 47%; compared to Reagan at this point when Gallup showed it was at 43%.
He will only have a third term if Hillary manages to win

Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
Actually, no one is trying to re-write history. Whereas you wish to applaud the current administration for a recovery that is slow to happen, there is valid argument that the recovery is happening despite his policies and actually taking longer than it should because of his policies.
I have been through many recessions.....most took a year to 2 years to recover. Back in the late 70's, interest rates were at 19%, gas lines were 3 hours long, and people were a hell of a lot more concerned about their financial stability than they were back in 2008...and yet we recovered within a year.

It is not about re-writing history. It is about having the wherewithal to notice how things happen and why.

Bush did not kill the economy and Obama did not save it.

We, The people, did both.
Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
The fuck I can't write history. The ONLY history that I've experienced is the only one that is important. Typical of the left to try to force me into a box that doesn't fit.

No one said you can't live in an alternate realm of denial. Using you [il]logic, WWII never happened because I didn't personally experience it. :cuckoo:
Except that is not what I said.
My experiences do not change based on SOMEONE ELSE'S experience.
I have been in business for 25+ years. Your struggles or lack thereof are irrelevant to the ups & downs my business has experienced.
The fact of the matter is the housing market still has not recovered to where it once was & the left want to do the same shit that caused the collapse to begin with, ease lending restrictions.
Umm, I know this may come as a shock to you, but the U.S. House controls spending.

The House did not pass Obamacare and that has been a huge cost and we haven't got the full brunt of it yet. Even though revenue raising bills must originate in House, that didn't happen, did it? Obama is wishing he could raise taxes through executive order and I wouldn't put it past him to try. The House tried to control spending on Obama's amnesty, but caved when Dems held funding for DHS hostage. In other words, give the Dems credit for a lot of spending.
The House didn't pass ObamaCare? From which fucking rightwing planet do you hail??

I believe she meant the current house....and to be frank, it was the ideology of the current house that voted against it when they had the minority.
And now they are burdened with the task of funding the cash bleeder.
Each to his own opinion I suppose. Reality has a way of ending up much like a bad penny though..........sooner or later, it will reveal itself.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

The recession ended in 2009.
Since then, Obama has had his boot on the throat of the American economy.
Obama's failed stimulus and wild spending spree has kept America's economy in the toilet for the last 6 year.
President Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama inherited.
Within two years, President Reagan turned the economy around.
Obama did just the opposite of Reagan and Obama got just the opposite results.
It's as plain as the nose on Pinocchio-Obama's face!
The economy is wayyyy worse that 6 years ago.
Obama has the country divided:black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor and middle-class against both, etc.
The world is burning and Obama fiddles.
Obama is America's plague.
The USA ain't gonna get any better until Obama quits stinking up our White House.
The economy Reagan inherited, while bad, was nowhere as bad as the economy Bush passed onto Obama. First and foremost, the country was mired in the Great Recession when Obama became president, whereas the country wasn't even in a recession when Reagan became president. Real GDP, a leading economic indicator, was positive 7.6% when Reagan became president; compared to negative 8.2% when Obama became president. Unemployment, the second leading economic indicator of the economy was higher (and growing) when Obama became president. The unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited and not getting worse until 9 months into his presidency.

And you might be surprised to know that at this same point in both of their respective presidencies, the unemployment rate now under Obama is 5.5% (down 2.3 points) on his watch; compared to Reagan where it was 6.6% (down by 0.9 point). Gallup shows Obama's job approval rating is at 47%; compared to Reagan at this point when Gallup showed it was at 43%.
He will only have a third term if Hillary manages to win

Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
Actually, no one is trying to re-write history. Whereas you wish to applaud the current administration for a recovery that is slow to happen, there is valid argument that the recovery is happening despite his policies and actually taking longer than it should because of his policies.
I have been through many recessions.....most took a year to 2 years to recover. Back in the late 70's, interest rates were at 19%, gas lines were 3 hours long, and people were a hell of a lot more concerned about their financial stability than they were back in 2008...and yet we recovered within a year.

It is not about re-writing history. It is about having the wherewithal to notice how things happen and why.

Bush did not kill the economy and Obama did not save it.

We, The people, did both.
Umm... my argument didn't credit anyone for the recovery. My argument was simply we are better off now than we were 6 years ago.

As far as comparing recessions, that's like comparing cancers. They're not all alike; the causes differ; the solutions differ; and the recoveries differ.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
The fuck I can't write history. The ONLY history that I've experienced is the only one that is important. Typical of the left to try to force me into a box that doesn't fit.

No one said you can't live in an alternate realm of denial. Using you [il]logic, WWII never happened because I didn't personally experience it. :cuckoo:
Except that is not what I said.
My experiences do not change based on SOMEONE ELSE'S experience.
I have been in business for 25+ years. Your struggles or lack thereof are irrelevant to the ups & downs my business has experienced.
The fact of the matter is the housing market still has not recovered to where it once was & the left want to do the same shit that caused the collapse to begin with, ease lending restrictions.
there is more irony than that.

Back in 2008? The line "were you better off now than you were 8 years ago"? It was bullshit. Almost mind controlling.....

Ask around...I did....do the same....you will find 9 out of 10 people found they WERE better off in 2008 than they were in 2000.

Every single person I knew that was chanting that line during political conversations, I would point out..."in 2000 you rented a one bedroom apartment. Now you have a house. In 2000 you were making 35K...now you are making 75K......in 2000 you had little to no savings....now you have an IRA, a pension and a rainy day fund...

And you know how most of them responded?

"You just don't want Obama to be president because you don't want a black man as president"

No joke. I made them realize they were wrong so they pulled out the race card. Happen more than once.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
The fuck I can't write history. The ONLY history that I've experienced is the only one that is important. Typical of the left to try to force me into a box that doesn't fit.

No one said you can't live in an alternate realm of denial. Using you [il]logic, WWII never happened because I didn't personally experience it. :cuckoo:
Except that is not what I said.
My experiences do not change based on SOMEONE ELSE'S experience.
I have been in business for 25+ years. Your struggles or lack thereof are irrelevant to the ups & downs my business has experienced.
The fact of the matter is the housing market still has not recovered to where it once was & the left want to do the same shit that caused the collapse to begin with, ease lending restrictions.
Sure ya didn't. :rolleyes: when I pointed out you don't get to rewrite history because your personal experience isn't what the country went through, you protested saying you can rewrite it since the only history which matters is your own personal experience.

Like I said, WWII never happened (using your logic).
Each to his own opinion I suppose. Reality has a way of ending up much like a bad penny though..........sooner or later, it will reveal itself.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

The recession ended in 2009.
Since then, Obama has had his boot on the throat of the American economy.
Obama's failed stimulus and wild spending spree has kept America's economy in the toilet for the last 6 year.
President Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama inherited.
Within two years, President Reagan turned the economy around.
Obama did just the opposite of Reagan and Obama got just the opposite results.
It's as plain as the nose on Pinocchio-Obama's face!
The economy is wayyyy worse that 6 years ago.
Obama has the country divided:black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor and middle-class against both, etc.
The world is burning and Obama fiddles.
Obama is America's plague.
The USA ain't gonna get any better until Obama quits stinking up our White House.
The economy Reagan inherited, while bad, was nowhere as bad as the economy Bush passed onto Obama. First and foremost, the country was mired in the Great Recession when Obama became president, whereas the country wasn't even in a recession when Reagan became president. Real GDP, a leading economic indicator, was positive 7.6% when Reagan became president; compared to negative 8.2% when Obama became president. Unemployment, the second leading economic indicator of the economy was higher (and growing) when Obama became president. The unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited and not getting worse until 9 months into his presidency.

And you might be surprised to know that at this same point in both of their respective presidencies, the unemployment rate now under Obama is 5.5% (down 2.3 points) on his watch; compared to Reagan where it was 6.6% (down by 0.9 point). Gallup shows Obama's job approval rating is at 47%; compared to Reagan at this point when Gallup showed it was at 43%.
Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
Actually, no one is trying to re-write history. Whereas you wish to applaud the current administration for a recovery that is slow to happen, there is valid argument that the recovery is happening despite his policies and actually taking longer than it should because of his policies.
I have been through many recessions.....most took a year to 2 years to recover. Back in the late 70's, interest rates were at 19%, gas lines were 3 hours long, and people were a hell of a lot more concerned about their financial stability than they were back in 2008...and yet we recovered within a year.

It is not about re-writing history. It is about having the wherewithal to notice how things happen and why.

Bush did not kill the economy and Obama did not save it.

We, The people, did both.
Umm... my argument didn't credit anyone for the recovery. My argument was simply we are better off now than we were 6 years ago.

As far as comparing recessions, that's like comparing cancers. They're not all alike; the causes differ; the solutions differ; and the recoveries differ.
perhaps your intention was not to credit the current administration for the recovery....but the way you presented your argument sure made it sound like you were.
And whereas you think we are better off, I don't. I feel we have set precedents that will ultimately hurt us...for example.....Obama and his EO on immigration...it opened the door for a conservative president to ban guy marriages at the federal level with an EO...it opened the door for a conservative president to ban abortions at the federal level with an EO.
No one person should EVER have the ability to end a robust social debate where the country is equally divided with the stroke of a pen. But Obama opened that door.
We are stuck with a health care law that is hemorrhaging cash and can no longer be reversed...so now we will have to spend all kinds of money and time to find a way to make it work.
We have increased our debt dramatically especially with the stimulus that did little and the cash for cars that did absolutely nothing but increase sales in the present at cost of sales down the road.

So we may be better off on paper.......but in the long run, this administration, in my eyes, has done irreparable harm to our country.
“Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability, and let’s establish some things that we know to be true that Obama also knows.”

Who would oppose Obama 3rd term

This would be a nightmare. Three terms for Obama! Yyyyyyessss!!! Like we could survive 12 years with this kind of spending. That's really sad that here is simply no organized opposition to such illegal and criminal actions.

Seems unlikely.
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
The fuck I can't write history. The ONLY history that I've experienced is the only one that is important. Typical of the left to try to force me into a box that doesn't fit.

No one said you can't live in an alternate realm of denial. Using you [il]logic, WWII never happened because I didn't personally experience it. :cuckoo:
Except that is not what I said.
My experiences do not change based on SOMEONE ELSE'S experience.
I have been in business for 25+ years. Your struggles or lack thereof are irrelevant to the ups & downs my business has experienced.
The fact of the matter is the housing market still has not recovered to where it once was & the left want to do the same shit that caused the collapse to begin with, ease lending restrictions.
Sure ya didn't. :rolleyes: when I pointed out you don't get to rewrite history because your personal experience isn't what the country went through, you protested saying you can rewrite it since the only history which matters is your own personal experience.

Like I said, WWII never happened (using your logic).
That is not what he is saying. He is saying that just because the media and the administration is saying the recovery is good and happening, his personal experience is showing otherwise.

And I happen to agree with him.
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
The fuck I can't write history. The ONLY history that I've experienced is the only one that is important. Typical of the left to try to force me into a box that doesn't fit.

No one said you can't live in an alternate realm of denial. Using you [il]logic, WWII never happened because I didn't personally experience it. :cuckoo:
Except that is not what I said.
My experiences do not change based on SOMEONE ELSE'S experience.
I have been in business for 25+ years. Your struggles or lack thereof are irrelevant to the ups & downs my business has experienced.
The fact of the matter is the housing market still has not recovered to where it once was & the left want to do the same shit that caused the collapse to begin with, ease lending restrictions.
Sure ya didn't. :rolleyes: when I pointed out you don't get to rewrite history because your personal experience isn't what the country went through, you protested saying you can rewrite it since the only history which matters is your own personal experience.

Like I said, WWII never happened (using your logic).
All irrelevant bullshit. Get outa your damn bubble
Each to his own opinion I suppose. Reality has a way of ending up much like a bad penny though..........sooner or later, it will reveal itself.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

The recession ended in 2009.
Since then, Obama has had his boot on the throat of the American economy.
Obama's failed stimulus and wild spending spree has kept America's economy in the toilet for the last 6 year.
President Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama inherited.
Within two years, President Reagan turned the economy around.
Obama did just the opposite of Reagan and Obama got just the opposite results.
It's as plain as the nose on Pinocchio-Obama's face!
The economy is wayyyy worse that 6 years ago.
Obama has the country divided:black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor and middle-class against both, etc.
The world is burning and Obama fiddles.
Obama is America's plague.
The USA ain't gonna get any better until Obama quits stinking up our White House.
The economy Reagan inherited, while bad, was nowhere as bad as the economy Bush passed onto Obama. First and foremost, the country was mired in the Great Recession when Obama became president, whereas the country wasn't even in a recession when Reagan became president. Real GDP, a leading economic indicator, was positive 7.6% when Reagan became president; compared to negative 8.2% when Obama became president. Unemployment, the second leading economic indicator of the economy was higher (and growing) when Obama became president. The unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited and not getting worse until 9 months into his presidency.

And you might be surprised to know that at this same point in both of their respective presidencies, the unemployment rate now under Obama is 5.5% (down 2.3 points) on his watch; compared to Reagan where it was 6.6% (down by 0.9 point). Gallup shows Obama's job approval rating is at 47%; compared to Reagan at this point when Gallup showed it was at 43%.
He will only have a third term if Hillary manages to win

Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
Actually, no one is trying to re-write history. Whereas you wish to applaud the current administration for a recovery that is slow to happen, there is valid argument that the recovery is happening despite his policies and actually taking longer than it should because of his policies.
I have been through many recessions.....most took a year to 2 years to recover. Back in the late 70's, interest rates were at 19%, gas lines were 3 hours long, and people were a hell of a lot more concerned about their financial stability than they were back in 2008...and yet we recovered within a year.

It is not about re-writing history. It is about having the wherewithal to notice how things happen and why.

Bush did not kill the economy and Obama did not save it.

We, The people, did both.

I agree in part- and add- Obama didn't kill the economy and Bush didn't save it either.

I agree that we- the people certainly played a part.

But there is a valid argument to be made that Obama's policies may have reduced the recession, and that policies enacted by administrations(and laws passed by Congress) prior to Obama, had a direct relation to the depth and duration of the recession.
Each to his own opinion I suppose. Reality has a way of ending up much like a bad penny though..........sooner or later, it will reveal itself.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

The recession ended in 2009.
Since then, Obama has had his boot on the throat of the American economy.
Obama's failed stimulus and wild spending spree has kept America's economy in the toilet for the last 6 year.
President Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama inherited.
Within two years, President Reagan turned the economy around.
Obama did just the opposite of Reagan and Obama got just the opposite results.
It's as plain as the nose on Pinocchio-Obama's face!
The economy is wayyyy worse that 6 years ago.
Obama has the country divided:black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor and middle-class against both, etc.
The world is burning and Obama fiddles.
Obama is America's plague.
The USA ain't gonna get any better until Obama quits stinking up our White House.
The economy Reagan inherited, while bad, was nowhere as bad as the economy Bush passed onto Obama. First and foremost, the country was mired in the Great Recession when Obama became president, whereas the country wasn't even in a recession when Reagan became president. Real GDP, a leading economic indicator, was positive 7.6% when Reagan became president; compared to negative 8.2% when Obama became president. Unemployment, the second leading economic indicator of the economy was higher (and growing) when Obama became president. The unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited and not getting worse until 9 months into his presidency.

And you might be surprised to know that at this same point in both of their respective presidencies, the unemployment rate now under Obama is 5.5% (down 2.3 points) on his watch; compared to Reagan where it was 6.6% (down by 0.9 point). Gallup shows Obama's job approval rating is at 47%; compared to Reagan at this point when Gallup showed it was at 43%.
Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
Actually, no one is trying to re-write history. Whereas you wish to applaud the current administration for a recovery that is slow to happen, there is valid argument that the recovery is happening despite his policies and actually taking longer than it should because of his policies.
I have been through many recessions.....most took a year to 2 years to recover. Back in the late 70's, interest rates were at 19%, gas lines were 3 hours long, and people were a hell of a lot more concerned about their financial stability than they were back in 2008...and yet we recovered within a year.

It is not about re-writing history. It is about having the wherewithal to notice how things happen and why.

Bush did not kill the economy and Obama did not save it.

We, The people, did both.

I agree in part- and add- Obama didn't kill the economy and Bush didn't save it either.

I agree that we- the people certainly played a part.

But there is a valid argument to be made that Obama's policies may have reduced the recession, and that policies enacted by administrations(and laws passed by Congress) prior to Obama, had a direct relation to the depth and duration of the recession.
and a valid argument that such is not the case.

And the beat goes on.
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
The fuck I can't write history. The ONLY history that I've experienced is the only one that is important. Typical of the left to try to force me into a box that doesn't fit.

No one said you can't live in an alternate realm of denial. Using you [il]logic, WWII never happened because I didn't personally experience it. :cuckoo:
Except that is not what I said.
My experiences do not change based on SOMEONE ELSE'S experience.
I have been in business for 25+ years. Your struggles or lack thereof are irrelevant to the ups & downs my business has experienced.
The fact of the matter is the housing market still has not recovered to where it once was & the left want to do the same shit that caused the collapse to begin with, ease lending restrictions.
there is more irony than that.

Back in 2008? The line "were you better off now than you were 8 years ago"? It was bullshit. Almost mind controlling.....

Ask around...I did....do the same....you will find 9 out of 10 people found they WERE better off in 2008 than they were in 2000.

Every single person I knew that was chanting that line during political conversations, I would point out..."in 2000 you rented a one bedroom apartment. Now you have a house. In 2000 you were making 35K...now you are making 75K......in 2000 you had little to no savings....now you have an IRA, a pension and a rainy day fund...

And you know how most of them responded?

"You just don't want Obama to be president because you don't want a black man as president"

No joke. I made them realize they were wrong so they pulled out the race card. Happen more than once.
Depends when in 2008 you asked that question. Ask someone that after August, 2008 , and for far too many ... their house was heading towards foreclosure; they were no longer making 75K, they were collecting unemployment benefits; their IRA was worth a fraction of what it once was because the stock market was crashing (though that was true in 2000 as well).
Each to his own opinion I suppose. Reality has a way of ending up much like a bad penny though..........sooner or later, it will reveal itself.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

The recession ended in 2009.
Since then, Obama has had his boot on the throat of the American economy.
Obama's failed stimulus and wild spending spree has kept America's economy in the toilet for the last 6 year.
President Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama inherited.
Within two years, President Reagan turned the economy around.
Obama did just the opposite of Reagan and Obama got just the opposite results.
It's as plain as the nose on Pinocchio-Obama's face!
The economy is wayyyy worse that 6 years ago.
Obama has the country divided:black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor and middle-class against both, etc.
The world is burning and Obama fiddles.
Obama is America's plague.
The USA ain't gonna get any better until Obama quits stinking up our White House.
The economy Reagan inherited, while bad, was nowhere as bad as the economy Bush passed onto Obama. First and foremost, the country was mired in the Great Recession when Obama became president, whereas the country wasn't even in a recession when Reagan became president. Real GDP, a leading economic indicator, was positive 7.6% when Reagan became president; compared to negative 8.2% when Obama became president. Unemployment, the second leading economic indicator of the economy was higher (and growing) when Obama became president. The unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited and not getting worse until 9 months into his presidency.

And you might be surprised to know that at this same point in both of their respective presidencies, the unemployment rate now under Obama is 5.5% (down 2.3 points) on his watch; compared to Reagan where it was 6.6% (down by 0.9 point). Gallup shows Obama's job approval rating is at 47%; compared to Reagan at this point when Gallup showed it was at 43%.
Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
Actually, no one is trying to re-write history. Whereas you wish to applaud the current administration for a recovery that is slow to happen, there is valid argument that the recovery is happening despite his policies and actually taking longer than it should because of his policies.
I have been through many recessions.....most took a year to 2 years to recover. Back in the late 70's, interest rates were at 19%, gas lines were 3 hours long, and people were a hell of a lot more concerned about their financial stability than they were back in 2008...and yet we recovered within a year.

It is not about re-writing history. It is about having the wherewithal to notice how things happen and why.

Bush did not kill the economy and Obama did not save it.

We, The people, did both.

I agree in part- and add- Obama didn't kill the economy and Bush didn't save it either.

I agree that we- the people certainly played a part.

But there is a valid argument to be made that Obama's policies may have reduced the recession, and that policies enacted by administrations(and laws passed by Congress) prior to Obama, had a direct relation to the depth and duration of the recession.

I'd give Bush props for the bank bailout. As a policy it was insanely frustrating and hideously expensive. But it did keep a severe recession from becoming something worse. And kudos to Obama for staying that course.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

The recession ended in 2009.
Since then, Obama has had his boot on the throat of the American economy.
Obama's failed stimulus and wild spending spree has kept America's economy in the toilet for the last 6 year.
President Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama inherited.
Within two years, President Reagan turned the economy around.
Obama did just the opposite of Reagan and Obama got just the opposite results.
It's as plain as the nose on Pinocchio-Obama's face!
The economy is wayyyy worse that 6 years ago.
Obama has the country divided:black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor and middle-class against both, etc.
The world is burning and Obama fiddles.
Obama is America's plague.
The USA ain't gonna get any better until Obama quits stinking up our White House.
The economy Reagan inherited, while bad, was nowhere as bad as the economy Bush passed onto Obama. First and foremost, the country was mired in the Great Recession when Obama became president, whereas the country wasn't even in a recession when Reagan became president. Real GDP, a leading economic indicator, was positive 7.6% when Reagan became president; compared to negative 8.2% when Obama became president. Unemployment, the second leading economic indicator of the economy was higher (and growing) when Obama became president. The unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited and not getting worse until 9 months into his presidency.

And you might be surprised to know that at this same point in both of their respective presidencies, the unemployment rate now under Obama is 5.5% (down 2.3 points) on his watch; compared to Reagan where it was 6.6% (down by 0.9 point). Gallup shows Obama's job approval rating is at 47%; compared to Reagan at this point when Gallup showed it was at 43%.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
Actually, no one is trying to re-write history. Whereas you wish to applaud the current administration for a recovery that is slow to happen, there is valid argument that the recovery is happening despite his policies and actually taking longer than it should because of his policies.
I have been through many recessions.....most took a year to 2 years to recover. Back in the late 70's, interest rates were at 19%, gas lines were 3 hours long, and people were a hell of a lot more concerned about their financial stability than they were back in 2008...and yet we recovered within a year.

It is not about re-writing history. It is about having the wherewithal to notice how things happen and why.

Bush did not kill the economy and Obama did not save it.

We, The people, did both.

I agree in part- and add- Obama didn't kill the economy and Bush didn't save it either.

I agree that we- the people certainly played a part.

But there is a valid argument to be made that Obama's policies may have reduced the recession, and that policies enacted by administrations(and laws passed by Congress) prior to Obama, had a direct relation to the depth and duration of the recession.

I'd give Bush props for the bank bailout. As a policy it was insanely frustrating and hideously expensive. But it did keep a severe recession from becoming something worse. And kudos to Obama for staying that course.

Likewise- I think one of Obama's failings was to enact strong enough bank reform to prevent that type of bank bailout from needing to happen again in the future.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

The recession ended in 2009.
Since then, Obama has had his boot on the throat of the American economy.
Obama's failed stimulus and wild spending spree has kept America's economy in the toilet for the last 6 year.
President Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama inherited.
Within two years, President Reagan turned the economy around.
Obama did just the opposite of Reagan and Obama got just the opposite results.
It's as plain as the nose on Pinocchio-Obama's face!
The economy is wayyyy worse that 6 years ago.
Obama has the country divided:black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor and middle-class against both, etc.
The world is burning and Obama fiddles.
Obama is America's plague.
The USA ain't gonna get any better until Obama quits stinking up our White House.
The economy Reagan inherited, while bad, was nowhere as bad as the economy Bush passed onto Obama. First and foremost, the country was mired in the Great Recession when Obama became president, whereas the country wasn't even in a recession when Reagan became president. Real GDP, a leading economic indicator, was positive 7.6% when Reagan became president; compared to negative 8.2% when Obama became president. Unemployment, the second leading economic indicator of the economy was higher (and growing) when Obama became president. The unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited and not getting worse until 9 months into his presidency.

And you might be surprised to know that at this same point in both of their respective presidencies, the unemployment rate now under Obama is 5.5% (down 2.3 points) on his watch; compared to Reagan where it was 6.6% (down by 0.9 point). Gallup shows Obama's job approval rating is at 47%; compared to Reagan at this point when Gallup showed it was at 43%.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
Actually, no one is trying to re-write history. Whereas you wish to applaud the current administration for a recovery that is slow to happen, there is valid argument that the recovery is happening despite his policies and actually taking longer than it should because of his policies.
I have been through many recessions.....most took a year to 2 years to recover. Back in the late 70's, interest rates were at 19%, gas lines were 3 hours long, and people were a hell of a lot more concerned about their financial stability than they were back in 2008...and yet we recovered within a year.

It is not about re-writing history. It is about having the wherewithal to notice how things happen and why.

Bush did not kill the economy and Obama did not save it.

We, The people, did both.
Umm... my argument didn't credit anyone for the recovery. My argument was simply we are better off now than we were 6 years ago.

As far as comparing recessions, that's like comparing cancers. They're not all alike; the causes differ; the solutions differ; and the recoveries differ.
perhaps your intention was not to credit the current administration for the recovery....but the way you presented your argument sure made it sound like you were.
And whereas you think we are better off, I don't. I feel we have set precedents that will ultimately hurt us...for example.....Obama and his EO on immigration...it opened the door for a conservative president to ban guy marriages at the federal level with an EO...it opened the door for a conservative president to ban abortions at the federal level with an EO.
No one person should EVER have the ability to end a robust social debate where the country is equally divided with the stroke of a pen. But Obama opened that door.
We are stuck with a health care law that is hemorrhaging cash and can no longer be reversed...so now we will have to spend all kinds of money and time to find a way to make it work.
We have increased our debt dramatically especially with the stimulus that did little and the cash for cars that did absolutely nothing but increase sales in the present at cost of sales down the road.

So we may be better off on paper.......but in the long run, this administration, in my eyes, has done irreparable harm to our country.
Your personal experience doesn't mean shit in this debate. Don't take that the wrong way, mine doesn't either. We don't measure GDP on Jarhead's income and spending or faun's income and spending -- we measure it based on the nation as a whole. We don't measure unemployment based on whether or not you have a job -- we measure the nation as a whole. Anecdotal experience is meaningless. As a nation, GDP is far better than it was 6 years ago. Unemployment is far better than it was. The housing markets, which collapsed, are better than they were. The credit markets, which froze back then, are better than they were. These are leading indicators of the economy and they're better than they were 6 years ago. And frankly, who gives a flying fuck that you think Obama has caused irreparable damage to the nation?
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He will only have a third term if Hillary manages to win

Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.

I'm convinced that Warren will indeed be the dim nomination. Hillary is done after the illegal email fiasco on top of the other hundred scandals around the old dyke's neck. BUT can Warren win in the general? I guess it depends on whether the dims can again pick the GOP nominee - Bush loses to anyone, Romney defeats Warren, all others are up in the air.

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