Will Obama Leave Office in 2017?

So, the country is better off now? Seriously?
Memory loss or selective memory? Are banks failing today? Is the unemployment rate above 7% or is it steadily falling>? How many troops were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan last month? How about February 2008? Would you consider buying stock in an American car company today? Would you have considered it in 2009?
He will only have a third term if Hillary manages to win

Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
The Great Recession was due to Democrats. The economy is starting to recover in spite of Obama.
“Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability, and let’s establish some things that we know to be true that Obama also knows.”

Who would oppose Obama 3rd term

This would be a nightmare. Three terms for Obama! Yyyyyyessss!!! Like we could survive 12 years with this kind of spending. That's really sad that here is simply no organized opposition to such illegal and criminal actions.
That you would even ask such a question reveals just how much of a retard you are. That you wrap your mouth around WND's dick and guzzle their piss confirms it.
So, the country is better off now? Seriously?
Memory loss or selective memory? Are banks failing today? Is the unemployment rate above 7% or is it steadily falling>? How many troops were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan last month? How about February 2008? Would you consider buying stock in an American car company today? Would you have considered it in 2009?
Your president has fucked this country up beyond repair, just like the liberals did to Detroit.
Do you question the increase in the National Debt in the last 6 years? Do you question the high level of unemployment among black youths? Do you question the flood of illegal immigrants across our borders in the last six years? Do you question the rise in the cost of living over the last 6 years? Do you question the misdeeds of the IRS? Do you question the much promised "transparent Administration in history" has been anything but? Do you question the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac debacle? How is Obamacare working out? How about that National Energy Policy? Exactly how many annual budgets have passed in the last 6 years? Do you question the dramatic increase in Food Stamp recipients in the last 6 years? And much more........National Defense? Homeland Security? Now, I understand that there are those who believe all is well.............shoot, it's all wine and roses.......still
Do you question the increase in the National Debt in the last 6 years? Do you question the high level of unemployment among black youths? Do you question the flood of illegal immigrants across our borders in the last six years? Do you question the rise in the cost of living over the last 6 years? Do you question the misdeeds of the IRS? Do you question the much promised "transparent Administration in history" has been anything but? Do you question the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac debacle? How is Obamacare working out? How about that National Energy Policy? Exactly how many annual budgets have passed in the last 6 years? Do you question the dramatic increase in Food Stamp recipients in the last 6 years? And much more........National Defense? Homeland Security? Now, I understand that there are those who believe all is well.............shoot, it's all wine and roses.......still
No one is saying it's all "wine and roses," so who knows why you feel the urge to argue the absurd? It is, undoubtedly, better now than 6 years ago.
Better for who?
Better for the nation. The nation is better off with 300,000 jobs gained than it was with 700,000 lost. The nation is better off with credit markets lending money again than it was when they locked up. The nation is better of with a DJIA at 18,000 than it was at 8,000 (and dropping). The nation is better off with more people buying homes than falling into foreclosure. The nation is better off not being in a recession than being in the Great Recession. The nation is better off with positive 5% GDP than we were with negative 8.3% GDP.
So, the country is better off now? Seriously?
Memory loss or selective memory? Are banks failing today? Is the unemployment rate above 7% or is it steadily falling>? How many troops were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan last month? How about February 2008? Would you consider buying stock in an American car company today? Would you have considered it in 2009?
Your president has fucked this country up beyond repair, just like the liberals did to Detroit.
Then leave.
He will only have a third term if Hillary manages to win

Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
They forget the correlation between the rise of Obama and the decline of the market.

Smart people got out, and got back in later.

Obama has been the greatest President the 1% ever put in office.
That is thee dumbest thing I ever read. :eusa_doh:

Who would get out of the market because Obama was vying to be president but then get back in after he actually became president? That makes absolutely zero sense. :cuckoo: If one was so certain his policies would cause the market to fall that they pulled out in anticipation of him becoming president, why on Earth would they jump back in after he became president and his policies actually had the opportunity to wreck the market, which is why they supposedly pulled out of the market to begin with??
So, the country is better off now? Seriously?
Memory loss or selective memory? Are banks failing today? Is the unemployment rate above 7% or is it steadily falling>? How many troops were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan last month? How about February 2008? Would you consider buying stock in an American car company today? Would you have considered it in 2009?
Your president has fucked this country up beyond repair, just like the liberals did to Detroit.
Then leave.
It our country. You leave.
So, the country is better off now? Seriously?
Memory loss or selective memory? Are banks failing today? Is the unemployment rate above 7% or is it steadily falling>? How many troops were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan last month? How about February 2008? Would you consider buying stock in an American car company today? Would you have considered it in 2009?
Your president has fucked this country up beyond repair, just like the liberals did to Detroit.
Let's review. When Bush left office, we were embroiled in two foreign wars, the financial sector was imploding under the weight of deregulation, GM and Chrysler were on the brink of going out of business, we were loosing jobs at a rate only seen during the Great Depression of the Hoover administration, bin Laden was still alive and our economy crashed.

Where is the comparison to Detroit?
Each to his own opinion I suppose. Reality has a way of ending up much like a bad penny though..........sooner or later, it will reveal itself.
It's not really opinion. We were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. GDP was plummeting. Employment was plummeting. The stock market was plummeting. Real estate markets were plummeting. Credit markets had locked up. All under the leadership of a Republican president. None of that is opinion. And none of that is the case today. So yes, we are absofuckinglutely better off today than we were 6 years ago.

The recession ended in 2009.
Since then, Obama has had his boot on the throat of the American economy.
Obama's failed stimulus and wild spending spree has kept America's economy in the toilet for the last 6 year.
President Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama inherited.
Within two years, President Reagan turned the economy around.
Obama did just the opposite of Reagan and Obama got just the opposite results.
It's as plain as the nose on Pinocchio-Obama's face!
The economy is wayyyy worse that 6 years ago.
Obama has the country divided:black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor and middle-class against both, etc.
The world is burning and Obama fiddles.
Obama is America's plague.
The USA ain't gonna get any better until Obama quits stinking up our White House.
The economy Reagan inherited, while bad, was nowhere as bad as the economy Bush passed onto Obama. First and foremost, the country was mired in the Great Recession when Obama became president, whereas the country wasn't even in a recession when Reagan became president. Real GDP, a leading economic indicator, was positive 7.6% when Reagan became president; compared to negative 8.2% when Obama became president. Unemployment, the second leading economic indicator of the economy was higher (and growing) when Obama became president. The unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited and not getting worse until 9 months into his presidency.

And you might be surprised to know that at this same point in both of their respective presidencies, the unemployment rate now under Obama is 5.5% (down 2.3 points) on his watch; compared to Reagan where it was 6.6% (down by 0.9 point). Gallup shows Obama's job approval rating is at 47%; compared to Reagan at this point when Gallup showed it was at 43%.
He will only have a third term if Hillary manages to win

Picture Liz Warren getting the nomination!!
Warren is left of Obama.
By time Warren got through, America. would be a third-world country, thereby finishing Obama's work.
Riiight .... because the country was in such better shape after having a Republican president for 8 years. :rolleyes:
It absolutely was for me. The shit began when Obama was nominated.

How's that for a twist on your stupid timeline?
Since you don't represent the nation, your anecdotal claims are meaningless. The fact of the matter remains; the Great Recession began before Obama became president. The stock market began its death spiral before Obama became president. The real estate markets collapsed before Obama became president. The credit markets locked up before Obama became president. Employment began shedding jobs by the millions before Obama became president. We had a trillion dollar deficit before Obama became president. GDP fell through the floor before Obama became president.

You don't get to re-write history; I don't care what your personal experiences were.
The Great Recession was due to Democrats. The economy is starting to recover in spite of Obama.
Complete nonsense. Republicans controlled the House from 1995 to 2007. Republicans controlled the Senate during that same 12 year span save a 1.5 year gap following Jim Jeffords fleeing the GOP. Republicans controlled the executive branch for 8 years. But it's the fault of Democrats. :rolleyes:
So, the country is better off now? Seriously?
Memory loss or selective memory? Are banks failing today? Is the unemployment rate above 7% or is it steadily falling>? How many troops were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan last month? How about February 2008? Would you consider buying stock in an American car company today? Would you have considered it in 2009?
Your president has fucked this country up beyond repair, just like the liberals did to Detroit.
Then leave.
It our country. You leave.
Why would I want to leave? I'm not the one whining about how the country is fucked up beyond repair. If you really felt that way you would leave. If you don't leave, it shows you're full of shit. I was merely offering you the opportunity to make your words mean something other than the hyper-partisan bullshit I know they were meant to be.

But hey, who knows, maybe you'll leave the country and prove me wrong, eh? :dunno:
“Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability, and let’s establish some things that we know to be true that Obama also knows.”

Who would oppose Obama 3rd term

This would be a nightmare. Three terms for Obama! Yyyyyyessss!!! Like we could survive 12 years with this kind of spending. That's really sad that here is simply no organized opposition to such illegal and criminal actions.

Never happen... but I agree.... possibly the worst president since Wilson or FDR. The Obama disaster.
So, the country is better off now? Seriously?
Memory loss or selective memory? Are banks failing today? Is the unemployment rate above 7% or is it steadily falling>? How many troops were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan last month? How about February 2008? Would you consider buying stock in an American car company today? Would you have considered it in 2009?
Your president has fucked this country up beyond repair, just like the liberals did to Detroit.

We survived President Bushes blunders despite Republican obstructionism.
Thank you, Mr. President.

and when all these death spirals began, who exactly was in control of Congress? This continual "blame Bush" strategy worked for one year.........take note: Bush isn't president anymore............Obama owns the whole shebang........that just goes with the job. I can see the campaign posters now: 2014! BUSH IS TO BLAME 2022........BUSH IS TO BLAME
“Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability, and let’s establish some things that we know to be true that Obama also knows.”

Who would oppose Obama 3rd term

This would be a nightmare. Three terms for Obama! Yyyyyyessss!!! Like we could survive 12 years with this kind of spending. That's really sad that here is simply no organized opposition to such illegal and criminal actions.
Umm, I know this may come as a shock to you, but the U.S. House controls spending.

Even when Clinton was President?

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