Will Obama make Mitch McConnell a "One term Senate Majority Leader"?

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.


Your link takes me to GOOGLE homepage. Do I take that to mean you fabricated those veto numbers?

No, I just provided you with links, even directly from the US Senate, all part of the congressional record.

Sorry Stat. I was having a conversation with RW.

That is irrelevant. I provided you with the information and it 100% corroborates rightwinger 's stats. Unless you are willing to call the Clerks of the US Senate a bunch of liars, and also the thousands of newsprint articles over most of those vetoes, and the Senate and HOR protocols over these vetos, then I would gently suggest that you let go of this one.

His statistics are correct.

I neither said nor inferred that GW's stats were bogus until he came up lame on providing the link. Thank you for cleaning up his mess.

Your link takes me to GOOGLE homepage. Do I take that to mean you fabricated those veto numbers?

No, I just provided you with links, even directly from the US Senate, all part of the congressional record.

Sorry Stat. I was having a conversation with RW.

That is irrelevant. I provided you with the information and it 100% corroborates rightwinger 's stats. Unless you are willing to call the Clerks of the US Senate a bunch of liars, and also the thousands of newsprint articles over most of those vetoes, and the Senate and HOR protocols over these vetos, then I would gently suggest that you let go of this one.

His statistics are correct.

I neither said nor inferred that GW's stats were bogus until he came up lame on providing the link. Thank you for cleaning up his mess.

He made no mess. He reminded you that google is your friend. I found that information within 30 seconds through Google and Bing.
rightwinger is not your secretary and neither am I. I did that purely out of kindness. Next time, I may not be so kind. :D
Obama has issued significantly fewer vetoes than recent Presidents
He has issued fewer Executive Orders
He has taken less vacation

But still Conservatives scream.....Obama is abusing his presidential powers!
Your link takes me to GOOGLE homepage. Do I take that to mean you fabricated those veto numbers?

No, I just provided you with links, even directly from the US Senate, all part of the congressional record.

Sorry Stat. I was having a conversation with RW.

That is irrelevant. I provided you with the information and it 100% corroborates rightwinger 's stats. Unless you are willing to call the Clerks of the US Senate a bunch of liars, and also the thousands of newsprint articles over most of those vetoes, and the Senate and HOR protocols over these vetos, then I would gently suggest that you let go of this one.

His statistics are correct.

I neither said nor inferred that GW's stats were bogus until he came up lame on providing the link. Thank you for cleaning up his mess.

He made no mess. He reminded you that google is your friend. I found that information within 30 seconds through Google and Bing.
rightwinger is not your secretary and neither am I. I did that purely out of kindness. Next time, I may not be so kind. :D

No, I just provided you with links, even directly from the US Senate, all part of the congressional record.

Sorry Stat. I was having a conversation with RW.

That is irrelevant. I provided you with the information and it 100% corroborates rightwinger 's stats. Unless you are willing to call the Clerks of the US Senate a bunch of liars, and also the thousands of newsprint articles over most of those vetoes, and the Senate and HOR protocols over these vetos, then I would gently suggest that you let go of this one.

His statistics are correct.

I neither said nor inferred that GW's stats were bogus until he came up lame on providing the link. Thank you for cleaning up his mess.

He made no mess. He reminded you that google is your friend. I found that information within 30 seconds through Google and Bing.
rightwinger is not your secretary and neither am I. I did that purely out of kindness. Next time, I may not be so kind. :D


And that is the best you can offer? That finger is way too small!!! :rofl:

But indeed, this is proof positive that you are a Rightie. Carry on.
You try to minimize the validity of the exit polls on the basis of a low turnout, but not hold the validity of the election to the same standard? Typical teabagger logic.

Please provide links and quotes where I did anything of the sort. You are fallaciously attributing things to me that I never posted.

You are not doing yourself any favors by making false accusations. I made a single factual statement.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts

I drew no conclusions nor did I attempt to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" and neither did I make any reference to the "validity of the election". I was simply pointing out that the exit polling was based upon a low voter turnout.

Furthermore if I was a "teabagger" why would I be attempting to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" if they were against Obama?

Your "logic" is faulty.

In the context of the conversation, my claim is valid.

Your allegation that I am a teabagger was totally erroneous and your allegation that I made an attempt to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" was completely invalid.

Perhaps I misread your post. If so, I appologize

No problem. I admire those that can admit when they have made a mistake and are man enough to apologize. :thup:

Pleased to make your acquaintance. :)

Thank you. I would much rather apologize once than to look like an idiot defending an obviously wrong statement forever. I had five different teabaggers trying to attack me at the same time from different threads, so I probably had a little brain fart there. Pleased to meet you as well.
Please provide links and quotes where I did anything of the sort. You are fallaciously attributing things to me that I never posted.

You are not doing yourself any favors by making false accusations. I made a single factual statement.

I drew no conclusions nor did I attempt to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" and neither did I make any reference to the "validity of the election". I was simply pointing out that the exit polling was based upon a low voter turnout.

Furthermore if I was a "teabagger" why would I be attempting to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" if they were against Obama?

Your "logic" is faulty.

In the context of the conversation, my claim is valid.

Your allegation that I am a teabagger was totally erroneous and your allegation that I made an attempt to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" was completely invalid.

Perhaps I misread your post. If so, I appologize

No problem. I admire those that can admit when they have made a mistake and are man enough to apologize. :thup:

Pleased to make your acquaintance. :)

Thank you. I would much rather apologize once than to look like an idiot defending an obviously wrong statement forever. I had five different teabaggers trying to attack me at the same time from different threads, so I probably had a little brain fart there. Pleased to meet you as well.

I gathered that it was an honest mistake which I am guilty of making myself. :) I make a point of owning up to them too because that is what integrity is all about in my opinion.

As far as dealing with TP'ers en masse I stick to the high road as much as possible. If they can't meet me on my terms then that is their problem, not mine.

The endless name calling is just venting and emoting. I would rather have a substantive debate on the issues and if they can't keep up with the class and persist in using vulgarities I give them a one way ticket to Cyberia. Makes for a cleaner forum to not have to waste time on the room temp IQ's,
No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.

Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on
can't wait!!! Plus a non-repub President :mm:
How do they make Obama the choke point if they can't even get bills out of the Senate? Reid couldn't beat filibuster with 55 votes, how can McConnell do it with 54? McConnell needs to get Obama to agree to his legislation to even make it through the Senate.......How can he do that when his own party considers ANY compromise with Obama to be unacceptable?

Unless, of course, McConnell completely does away with the filibuster entirely.

I doubt that he would or even could do that, and I would not be surprised if Harry Reid didn't reverse the filibuster rule during the lame duck session.

The rules are decided at the beginning of each new Congress so it would be meaningless.

The 113 Congress convened on January 3, 2013 Harry Reid changed the filibuster rule on Nov 21, 2013. Try again!

What purpose would it have to waste time changing a meaningless rule in the last couple of business days left when the rules will be redone again in January 2015?

I merely pointed out that you didn't know what you were talking about.
He's reduced to being a time-serving irrelevancy. Nothing left now but golf at your expense. Lots and lots of golf. Maybe a bimbo if He can get off the leash. Or maybe not.

Of course there will be the occasional lashing out but born of naught more than frustration and easily set aside.

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