Will Obama make Mitch McConnell a "One term Senate Majority Leader"?

It's not about Obama. He's not calling all the shots anymore. That's what these massive historic Republican wins were all about. He's been reduced to Lame-Duck status. He'll either get on board or be an Obstructionist. It's his call. But he's not calling all the shots anymore. Obamabots are gonna have to come to grips with that reality.
It's solely about Obama.

Not anymore. He won't be 'making' anyone do anything anymore. He's a Lame-Duck now. It's only still about him for you loyal Obamabots. The rest of us have moved on. He'll either get on board, or he'll be a bitter Obstructionist. The Nation has spoken. It is what it is.
Don't be silly, Pauli.

The president has always the Prime Player in our lifetimes, whether Reagan or Bushes or Clinton or Obama.


It was about him. It isn't now. He's a Lame-Duck. He can either get on board, or be a bitter Obstructionist. He's not calling all the shots anymore.
Foolish, foolish Pauli.

The Far Right, like you, is lame duck and out the door.

Not shot calling, you! :lol:
Don't be silly, Pauli.

The president has always the Prime Player in our lifetimes, whether Reagan or Bushes or Clinton or Obama.


It was about him. It isn't now. He's a Lame-Duck. He can either get on board, or be a bitter Obstructionist. He's not calling all the shots anymore.
Oh yes he is. You are fooling yourself.

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Well, lets look at the numbers then.....

What does Obama have to do to become the "Veto Prez"?

Reagan 78 vetoes
Bush sr 44 vetoes
Clinton 37 vetoes
Bush jr 12 vetoes
Obama 2 vetoes

Obama has a long way to go. In fact, very few pieces of legislation will reach his desk that will be vetoed. Most will die long before they reach that point

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one Reagan veto and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.
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The medical device tax and the keystone project had and still have bipartisan support.
Medical Device Tax? Huh? Yea, something all Americans are thinking about.

Something millions who face surgery with knee and hip replacements are interested in.

You see there are other things going on with people.
There are other issues out there for Democats to have an interest in.
You know beyond the Gay and Lesbian stuff.

They should have Obamacare.

They do have Obamacare ... That is one of the things that worries them.


Scott Brown Confounded By Republican Who Benefitted From Obamacare

Guv apos s former spokeswoman censures Utah apos s Mike Lee over Obamacare The Salt Lake Tribune

Funny, these Republicans feel Obamacare saved their lives.
Well, lets look at the numbers then.....

What does Obama have to do to become the "Veto Prez"?

Reagan 78 vetoes
Bush sr 44 vetoes
Clinton 37 vetoes
Bush jr 12 vetoes
Obama 2 vetoes

Obama has a long way to go. In fact, very few pieces of legislation will reach his desk that will be vetoed. Most will die long before they reach that point

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.

We have a majority because enough of the women and minorities gave it to us. They don't love us but will give us a chance to govern. Piss them off, and they will go back to the Dems, who will be offering them the refrigerator, the freezer, the family car on the weekends, and a year free of Netflix.

Think this through, guys.

So you are saying the Dems use the public trough to satisfy their voter base ... basically buying votes with the confiscated wealth of those who pay taxes?
Well, lets look at the numbers then.....

What does Obama have to do to become the "Veto Prez"?

Reagan 78 vetoes
Bush sr 44 vetoes
Clinton 37 vetoes
Bush jr 12 vetoes
Obama 2 vetoes

Obama has a long way to go. In fact, very few pieces of legislation will reach his desk that will be vetoed. Most will die long before they reach that point

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.


Your link takes me to GOOGLE homepage. Do I take that to mean you fabricated those veto numbers?
If there is one thing these elections have proved, it's that the Republicans are NOT the ones getting the blame for gridlock in Washington.

All the Republicans have to do is to make Obama the choke point at which popular legislation dies.

That's what happened to the Senate.

Democrats think that American's are idiots, that if they can get the liberal media to blame Republicans for gridlock, they can make the dumbasses citizens believe that.

But Americans saw through that crap. They saw the truth...that Reid and the Democrat controlled Senate was the choke point....and they moved to eliminate it.

Now it's Obama's turn. He will be forced to do his own obstructing.

How do they make Obama the choke point if they can't even get bills out of the Senate? Reid couldn't beat filibuster with 55 votes, how can McConnell do it with 54? McConnell needs to get Obama to agree to his legislation to even make it through the Senate.......How can he do that when his own party considers ANY compromise with Obama to be unacceptable?

Unless, of course, McConnell completely does away with the filibuster entirely.

I doubt that he would or even could do that, and I would not be surprised if Harry Reid didn't reverse the filibuster rule during the lame duck session.

The rules are decided at the beginning of each new Congress so it would be meaningless.

The 113 Congress convened on January 3, 2013 Harry Reid changed the filibuster rule on Nov 21, 2013. Try again!

What purpose would it have to waste time changing a meaningless rule in the last couple of business days left when the rules will be redone again in January 2015?
Well, lets look at the numbers then.....

What does Obama have to do to become the "Veto Prez"?

Reagan 78 vetoes
Bush sr 44 vetoes
Clinton 37 vetoes
Bush jr 12 vetoes
Obama 2 vetoes

Obama has a long way to go. In fact, very few pieces of legislation will reach his desk that will be vetoed. Most will die long before they reach that point

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.


Your link takes me to GOOGLE homepage. Do I take that to mean you fabricated those veto numbers?

Google is your friend
If Obama wanted to privatize Social Security


That never worked for Bush jr so why would Obama even go there?
You claim:
"That never worked for Bush jr so why would Obama even go there?"

Democrats AND Progressives opposed Bush on the privatization of Social Security;
however, as we've seen over the past six years, many Democrats are willing to support Obama policies that are even worse than Bush's. (Like immigration "reform" and war in Iraq, Syria, and Libya)


The illegal invasion of Iraq that cost trillions of taxpayer dollars was something that Obama started even though he wasn't even elected as a Senator when it was started by Bush jr?

"The illegal invasion of Iraq that cost trillions of taxpayer dollars was something that Obama started even though he wasn't even elected as a Senator when it was started by Bush jr?"
Have you heard about IS?
Obama has.
But I may have spoken too soon about Social Security?

Obama 8217 s Less Trusted Than Bush On Social Security

Non sequitur!
I think you are replying to the wrong poster.

You try to minimize the validity of the exit polls on the basis of a low turnout, but not hold the validity of the election to the same standard? Typical teabagger logic.

Please provide links and quotes where I did anything of the sort. You are fallaciously attributing things to me that I never posted.

You are not doing yourself any favors by making false accusations. I made a single factual statement.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts

I drew no conclusions nor did I attempt to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" and neither did I make any reference to the "validity of the election". I was simply pointing out that the exit polling was based upon a low voter turnout.

Furthermore if I was a "teabagger" why would I be attempting to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" if they were against Obama?

Your "logic" is faulty.

In the context of the conversation, my claim is valid.

Your allegation that I am a teabagger was totally erroneous and your allegation that I made an attempt to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" was completely invalid.

Perhaps I misread your post. If so, I appologize

No problem. I admire those that can admit when they have made a mistake and are man enough to apologize. :thup:

Pleased to make your acquaintance. :)
Well, lets look at the numbers then.....

What does Obama have to do to become the "Veto Prez"?

Reagan 78 vetoes
Bush sr 44 vetoes
Clinton 37 vetoes
Bush jr 12 vetoes
Obama 2 vetoes

Obama has a long way to go. In fact, very few pieces of legislation will reach his desk that will be vetoed. Most will die long before they reach that point

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one Reagan veto and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.


List of United States presidential vetoes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Lists 17 vetoes for Reagan, 6 of which were pocket vetoes. However, the site explicitly lists that the Reagan section needs "expansion", meaning, it was incomplete.

The US-Senate lists 78 vetoes for Reagan: 39 regular and 39 pocket vetos.

Here the Senate link:


rightwinger 's stats are correct.

Carter: 31 vetoes, 13 regular, 18 pocket:


Back to the wiki article:

Bush, Sr: 44 vetoes, 15 of which were pocket vetoes.

Clinton: 37 vetoes, 1 of which was a pocket veto.

Bush, Jr: 12 vetoes, none of which were pocket vetos.

Obama: 2 vetoes, none of which were pocket vetoes.

No president in modern history has issued as few vetos as President Obama. That is historical, immutable fact.
Well, lets look at the numbers then.....

What does Obama have to do to become the "Veto Prez"?

Reagan 78 vetoes
Bush sr 44 vetoes
Clinton 37 vetoes
Bush jr 12 vetoes
Obama 2 vetoes

Obama has a long way to go. In fact, very few pieces of legislation will reach his desk that will be vetoed. Most will die long before they reach that point

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.


Your link takes me to GOOGLE homepage. Do I take that to mean you fabricated those veto numbers?

No, I just provided you with links, even directly from the US Senate, all part of the congressional record.
Well, lets look at the numbers then.....

What does Obama have to do to become the "Veto Prez"?

Reagan 78 vetoes
Bush sr 44 vetoes
Clinton 37 vetoes
Bush jr 12 vetoes
Obama 2 vetoes

Obama has a long way to go. In fact, very few pieces of legislation will reach his desk that will be vetoed. Most will die long before they reach that point

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.


Your link takes me to GOOGLE homepage. Do I take that to mean you fabricated those veto numbers?

No, I just provided you with links, even directly from the US Senate, all part of the congressional record.

Sorry Stat. I was having a conversation with RW. He should thank you for doing his work.
Well, lets look at the numbers then.....

What does Obama have to do to become the "Veto Prez"?

Reagan 78 vetoes
Bush sr 44 vetoes
Clinton 37 vetoes
Bush jr 12 vetoes
Obama 2 vetoes

Obama has a long way to go. In fact, very few pieces of legislation will reach his desk that will be vetoed. Most will die long before they reach that point

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.


Your link takes me to GOOGLE homepage. Do I take that to mean you fabricated those veto numbers?

Google is your friend

OK. I'll accept that as an admission that you plucked those numbers from your ass. What a surprise.

Nope, SAYIT - rightwinger is correct on these stats, he gave you the correct numbers.
Well, lets look at the numbers then.....

What does Obama have to do to become the "Veto Prez"?

Reagan 78 vetoes
Bush sr 44 vetoes
Clinton 37 vetoes
Bush jr 12 vetoes
Obama 2 vetoes

Obama has a long way to go. In fact, very few pieces of legislation will reach his desk that will be vetoed. Most will die long before they reach that point

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.


Your link takes me to GOOGLE homepage. Do I take that to mean you fabricated those veto numbers?

Google is your friend

OK. I'll accept that as an admission that you plucked those numbers from your ass. What a surprise.

I have a pretty smart ass....

It just showed you up
Well, lets look at the numbers then.....

What does Obama have to do to become the "Veto Prez"?

Reagan 78 vetoes
Bush sr 44 vetoes
Clinton 37 vetoes
Bush jr 12 vetoes
Obama 2 vetoes

Obama has a long way to go. In fact, very few pieces of legislation will reach his desk that will be vetoed. Most will die long before they reach that point

I realize it was probably just an oversight but could you provide a link to that info. I recall only one and unless memory fails - as it often does - it was overridden by a Republican Senate.


Your link takes me to GOOGLE homepage. Do I take that to mean you fabricated those veto numbers?

No, I just provided you with links, even directly from the US Senate, all part of the congressional record.

Sorry Stat. I was having a conversation with RW.

That is irrelevant. I provided you with the information and it 100% corroborates rightwinger 's stats. Unless you are willing to call the Clerks of the US Senate a bunch of liars, and also the thousands of newsprint articles over most of those vetoes, and the Senate and HOR protocols over these vetos, then I would gently suggest that you let go of this one.

His statistics are correct.

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