Will Obama Protect Hillary from Prosecution?

The better question is will you lose your mind when no charges and no indictments come out of this investigation? You will no doubt cry conspiracy rather than admit that you grossly overstated the importance of this investigation from the start.

I doubt the FBI investigates anything just to fill the hours in a day....
And if Hillary is involved that's no surprise....
And we all know she will skate on this.

The FBI is investigating whether or not her personal server was secure or if it was hacked. It was never focused on specific people. She will only skate if the evidence doesn't support prosecution. But that will no doubt not satisfy you.
Doesn't matter. She broke the law by using her own server to pass along TS SAP information. Didn't have to be marked as such and ignorance what it was classified is no defense. Clearly she set up the server to hide her communications from the State Department....because she signed an agreement not to. She knew what she was doing.

Fortunately you are not the arbiter of illegality there Goober.
Fortunately for you....you really mean.

I remember when I had my TS/SCI, and my time in COMSEC training, what the law is....much better than you know. Hillary went around proper State Department policies, and if I had done what she did, I'd be in Leavenworth breaking boulders with a 20 lb sledgehammer.

I had one of those as well. I was a 31M then a 31Fv4 so, sorry that didn't work out like you planned. It's not the same thing at all. If you believe Clinton is criminal then we should probably go back and prosecute Rice, Powell and the Bush White House as they all used private email. It's a losing battle you're waging.
Theres no chance of a prosecution. In previous cases the key issue was whether the material had been shared with those who didn't have the right security clearance.

Hillary did not share any government material with anyone that wouldn't be allowed to see this anyway.

This email saga has run its course, haven't the FBI got better things to do with their time?
Clinton E-mail Trove Likely in Russian Hands
Putting her own needs before national security.
May 13, 2016
Joseph Klein

Thousands of e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s private, unsecured server, created while she served as Secretary of State, are reportedly in the possession of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). The SVR is said to have gained access to the e-mails, of which it made copies, through its monitoring of a Romanian computer hacker named Marcel Lazăr Lehel (aka Guccifer). Guccifer had learned about the existence of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail account after accessing the e-mails of her close confidante and informal adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, with whom Hillary had extensive correspondence during her term as Secretary of State.

A report attributed to Russia’s Security Council indicates that an internal battle has broken out over whether to publicly release the e-mails between the Director of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, and Chairwoman of the Council of Federation, Valentina Matviyenko. The latter had authorized a release of some of the e-mails to Russia Today (RT) back on March 20, 2013. Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service director expressed alarm at the release, primarily because of concerns that the release would reveal to U.S. intelligence services how Russia used its monitoring of Guccifer to obtain Clinton’s e-mails. He had good reason to be concerned. U.S. authorities worked with their Romanian counterparts to follow the trail that led to Guccifer’s arrest in Romania.

In March 2016, Chairwoman Matviyenko is said to have called for a total release of the e-mails, in part to influence the U.S. presidential election. Ms. Matvivenko reportedly cited Russian President Vladimir Putin’s positive statements about Donald Trump and claimed that Hillary Clinton was not liked by the Russian people.

Perhaps it was just a coincidence, but Guccifer was quickly extradited to the United States from Romania at the end of March. He is facing a nine-count federal indictment on various charges, including wire fraud, cyberstalking, identify theft, unauthorized access to computers and obstruction of justice.

The FBI requested the extradition, according to the Romanian government. Thus, it would be logical to assume that the FBI has been speaking with Guccifer regarding the server, although the agency has not officially confirmed such discussions.

“Because of the proximity to Sidney Blumenthal and the activity involving Hillary’s emails, [the timing] seems to be something beyond curious,” said Ron Hosko, former assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division from 2012-2014, as quoted by Fox News. “Here is an individual in a relatively poor Eastern European country who was able to intrude on sensitive emails about activities in Benghazi.”

The mainstream media had sought to protect Hillary Clinton from revelations about Guccifer’s role in the hacking of her private e-mail server as long as it could. For example, NBC News reporter Cynthia McFadden had interviewed Guccifer from a Bucharest prison and elicited Guccifer’s first-hand account that Hillary’s server was “not safe at all.” NBC sat on this interview for more than a month. Only after Guccifer was extradited to the U.S. and appeared to be of interest to the FBI did NBC have to acknowledge the potential importance of what Guccifer had to say regarding Hillary’s unsafe server.


Clinton E-mail Trove Likely in Russian Hands

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