Will obama stop social security payments and blame repubs?

If they default, social security payments won't go out on time. Any of you republican retirees who depend on social security better write your congressman. Tell them ixney on the efaultdey.

Ahh the power of a welfare dependent society. If only the nation could afford it. Just gotta close that 2 trillion dollar a year deficit spending and we'll get there!

We just need to get rid of a whole lot of idiotic republicans and we'll get there.

Hmm, care to share where you will cut 2 trillion a year in spending while simultaneously stopping the growth of the dependency (Government cost) of welfare (Obamacare/SS/MC/MC/UE/Foodstamps/so on)?
Novel Idea. Repeal the Federal Reserve Act. Kick out the banksters in control.

Go to their keyboard and hit the enter button on a credit transfer to the banks who are the primary owners of the Federal Reserve and pay their portion off with FIAT CURRENCY AS THEY DO ALL THE TIME.

aka Making money out of Thin Air.......

Tell them to take a long walk off a short bridge if they don't like it.

No longer pay them 6% interest and a 10% surcharge on hitting the enter key for currency guaranteed to be printed by the Constitution. A practice that has been in effect since 1913.
S.J., the reactionaries of the far right have proven this week they hate Americans and America if they cannot have their way.

Man, you're really goin full progressive these days, not even holding back an inch... Called Republicans terrorist yet?

Avorysuds, you are just like Rush, describing what you see in the mirror.

I support a sane GOP, not the reactionary wacks out on the far right.

And when did the GOP ever do the right thing about an industry that got rich denying insurance to sick people>

And when did the GOP ever do the right thing about an industry that got rich denying insurance to sick people>

HAHAHA. You're so stupid you don't even understand what insurance is about. No company would give insurance to someone whose is on fire. THINK

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