Will Obama’s nuke deal need a two thirds approval vote by the Senate? Maybe not

I think you meant "too dumb", rather than "too hard".

You keep "thinking" and you're gonna have to turn in your Democrat Decoder Ring and take down your racist jackass flag!

Meanwhile, what one "president" can do without Congress another President can un-do with or without Congress. Unless, of course, Iran has nuked Washington between times.
I think you meant "too dumb", rather than "too hard".

You keep "thinking" and you're gonna have to turn in your Democrat Decoder Ring and take down your racist jackass flag!

Meanwhile, what one "president" can do without Congress another President can un-do with or without Congress. Unless, of course, Iran has nuked Washington between times.

You're suggesting that the US will back out of the NPT under the next President?
After the agreement is settled, Iran and the 6 nations involved will have a chance to have their govt's approve it in what ever fashion they use..The Senate is ready...
You're suggesting that the US will back out of the NPT under the next President?

OMG, has somebody come up with a pill that can fix poor reading comprehension THAT fast???

Again, you're lagging behind. Seriously, if you want to play with the grown ups, you've got to keep up.

If the P5+1 come to a deal with Iran, and the US backs out of it under the next President, (as you claim will happen), the US would be in violation of the NPT, and would have to withdraw.
What nuke deal is that?

Wake me up when one actually materializes.

Apparently, it's basically done. Looks like they'll be announcing it tomorrow.
Wonderful. Just wonderful. Kerry and Obama gives away the store and we cannot do anything about it? Watch the reaction of the leaders in Iran, They will be laughing that they tamed the Little Giant. Not much of a accomplishment actually.


Do you guys really not see the disconnect in trashing a treaty that you haven't seen as "giving away the store"?

Wait until the deal is released, at least then you can pretend that you're not just vomiting out anti-Obama talking points.

I thought things like this were to be posted on the Internet for all to see before they were signed. Silly me, I just think I remember someone saying something like that.

It's being released tomorrow, and it won't be signed for a few weeks.

What were you saying again?

You ought to wait until it happens before being so smug. Did we get to see TPP before passage? ACA?
Apparently, it's basically done. Looks like they'll be announcing it tomorrow.
Wonderful. Just wonderful. Kerry and Obama gives away the store and we cannot do anything about it? Watch the reaction of the leaders in Iran, They will be laughing that they tamed the Little Giant. Not much of a accomplishment actually.


Do you guys really not see the disconnect in trashing a treaty that you haven't seen as "giving away the store"?

Wait until the deal is released, at least then you can pretend that you're not just vomiting out anti-Obama talking points.

I thought things like this were to be posted on the Internet for all to see before they were signed. Silly me, I just think I remember someone saying something like that.

It's being released tomorrow, and it won't be signed for a few weeks.

What were you saying again?

You ought to wait until it happens before being so smug. Did we get to see TPP before passage? ACA?

The TransPacific trade agreement hasn't been passed yet, and the ACA was posted online for weeks before it was passed.

Seriously, keep up.
Wonderful. Just wonderful. Kerry and Obama gives away the store and we cannot do anything about it? Watch the reaction of the leaders in Iran, They will be laughing that they tamed the Little Giant. Not much of a accomplishment actually.


Do you guys really not see the disconnect in trashing a treaty that you haven't seen as "giving away the store"?

Wait until the deal is released, at least then you can pretend that you're not just vomiting out anti-Obama talking points.

I thought things like this were to be posted on the Internet for all to see before they were signed. Silly me, I just think I remember someone saying something like that.

It's being released tomorrow, and it won't be signed for a few weeks.

What were you saying again?

You ought to wait until it happens before being so smug. Did we get to see TPP before passage? ACA?

The TransPacific trade agreement hasn't been passed yet, and the ACA was posted online for weeks before it was passed.

Seriously, keep up.

So sorry, TPA not TPP.

Do you guys really not see the disconnect in trashing a treaty that you haven't seen as "giving away the store"?

Wait until the deal is released, at least then you can pretend that you're not just vomiting out anti-Obama talking points.

I thought things like this were to be posted on the Internet for all to see before they were signed. Silly me, I just think I remember someone saying something like that.

It's being released tomorrow, and it won't be signed for a few weeks.

What were you saying again?

You ought to wait until it happens before being so smug. Did we get to see TPP before passage? ACA?

The TransPacific trade agreement hasn't been passed yet, and the ACA was posted online for weeks before it was passed.

Seriously, keep up.

So sorry, TPA not TPP.

The TPA has been in effect off and on since the 70s, there's nothing secret about what's in it.
I thought things like this were to be posted on the Internet for all to see before they were signed. Silly me, I just think I remember someone saying something like that.

It's being released tomorrow, and it won't be signed for a few weeks.

What were you saying again?

You ought to wait until it happens before being so smug. Did we get to see TPP before passage? ACA?

The TransPacific trade agreement hasn't been passed yet, and the ACA was posted online for weeks before it was passed.

Seriously, keep up.

So sorry, TPA not TPP.

The TPA has been in effect off and on since the 70s, there's nothing secret about what's in it.

Now We Know Why Huge TPP Trade Deal Is Kept Secret From the Public

A key section of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement has been leaked to the public. The New York Times has a major story on the contents of the leaked chapter, and it's as bad as many of us feared.

Now we know why the corporations and the Obama administration want the TPP, a huge "trade" agreement being negotiated between the United States and 11 other countries, kept secret from the public until it's too late to stop it.

The section of the TPP that has leaked is the "Investment" chapter that includes investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) clauses. WikiLeaks has the text and analysis, and the Times has the story, in "Trans-Pacific Partnership Seen as Door for Foreign Suits Against U.S.":
I thought things like this were to be posted on the Internet for all to see before they were signed. Silly me, I just think I remember someone saying something like that.

It's being released tomorrow, and it won't be signed for a few weeks.

What were you saying again?

You ought to wait until it happens before being so smug. Did we get to see TPP before passage? ACA?

The TransPacific trade agreement hasn't been passed yet, and the ACA was posted online for weeks before it was passed.

Seriously, keep up.

So sorry, TPA not TPP.

The TPA has been in effect off and on since the 70s, there's nothing secret about what's in it.

What does that have to do with our Constitution's command that any deals cooked up by our president with foreign powers needs a two thirds approval by our Senate? Has there been a constitutional amendment to change this requirement?


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Obama allows Iran to make the component parts for a nuclear arsenal?
It's being released tomorrow, and it won't be signed for a few weeks.

What were you saying again?

You ought to wait until it happens before being so smug. Did we get to see TPP before passage? ACA?

The TransPacific trade agreement hasn't been passed yet, and the ACA was posted online for weeks before it was passed.

Seriously, keep up.

So sorry, TPA not TPP.

The TPA has been in effect off and on since the 70s, there's nothing secret about what's in it.

What does that have to do with our Constitution's command that any deals cooked up by our president with foreign powers needs a two thirds approval by our Senate? Has there been a constitutional amendment to change this requirement?


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Obama allows Iran to make the component parts for a nuclear arsenal?

Sole executive agreement
You ought to wait until it happens before being so smug. Did we get to see TPP before passage? ACA?

The TransPacific trade agreement hasn't been passed yet, and the ACA was posted online for weeks before it was passed.

Seriously, keep up.

So sorry, TPA not TPP.

The TPA has been in effect off and on since the 70s, there's nothing secret about what's in it.

What does that have to do with our Constitution's command that any deals cooked up by our president with foreign powers needs a two thirds approval by our Senate? Has there been a constitutional amendment to change this requirement?


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Obama allows Iran to make the component parts for a nuclear arsenal?

Sole executive agreement

I cannot find "Sole executive agreement" in the Constitution.

It's being released tomorrow, and it won't be signed for a few weeks.

What were you saying again?

You ought to wait until it happens before being so smug. Did we get to see TPP before passage? ACA?

The TransPacific trade agreement hasn't been passed yet, and the ACA was posted online for weeks before it was passed.

Seriously, keep up.

So sorry, TPA not TPP.

The TPA has been in effect off and on since the 70s, there's nothing secret about what's in it.

What does that have to do with our Constitution's command that any deals cooked up by our president with foreign powers needs a two thirds approval by our Senate? Has there been a constitutional amendment to change this requirement?


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Obama allows Iran to make the component parts for a nuclear arsenal?

You are aware that the Senate ratified the NPT in 1968, right?

There's your answer.
It's being released tomorrow, and it won't be signed for a few weeks.

What were you saying again?

You ought to wait until it happens before being so smug. Did we get to see TPP before passage? ACA?

The TransPacific trade agreement hasn't been passed yet, and the ACA was posted online for weeks before it was passed.

Seriously, keep up.

So sorry, TPA not TPP.

The TPA has been in effect off and on since the 70s, there's nothing secret about what's in it.

What does that have to do with our Constitution's command that any deals cooked up by our president with foreign powers needs a two thirds approval by our Senate? Has there been a constitutional amendment to change this requirement?


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Obama allows Iran to make the component parts for a nuclear arsenal?

I REPEAT! Like Reagan's arms for hostages deal? Or does that not count?

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