Will Obama’s nuke deal need a two thirds approval vote by the Senate? Maybe not

What a great day it will be.....................Obama doesn't need the Senate to approve it..............meaning he could never do it but will do it anyway...............

Saying legally under Nuclear Non proliferation............a 40 year old act he can make deals that our representatives wouldn't agree with..........even though we don't know the details...........................

I'm sure it will turn out just as well as Bill's Deal with North Korea....................He promised no nukes there as well........................Whatever comes out of it...............Iran will not comply and will still proceed to get the Nukes...........................and we will lift sanctions more than likely...........as it's a secret..........to give them more money to do so...........


Look Look.........I got them to sign a piece of paper saying they will be nice.............HONEST.............Yeah it's really gonna work..........FOOLS.

Is this supposed to be in English?

Perhaps you should sober up a little before you post.
Sarcasm...............if you don't like it skip over it.......................

Clinton cut a deal with North Korea...................they promised they'd play nice............

Did it work.................now have a round with Albright.
This has been gone over countless times already. It's settled.

Obama already has the authority to sign this treaty under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which was ratified by the Senate 40 years ago. It's a non-issue.
It is a Treaty under the meaning of the term in the Constitution, thus subject to ratification.

Says you. Historical precedent and the SCOTUS disagree.

In any case, Bob Corker hammered out a deal that also requires Congressional approval. If Obama fucks over the GOP in Congress he wont get anything done the rest of his term. Congress will declare the treaty null and void and act accordingly.

The Corker deal allows Congress to vote on it - but they'll need 67% to overturn Obama's almost certain veto, should they not approve it.

BUt it doesnt matter. The irananians have no intention of adhering to anything that restricts their activities. That much is clear. They will blow up this treaty as they've blown up previous ones. And they know Obama is in office only for another 18 months and after that is anyone's guess.

What else does your crystal ball tell you, oh great swami?
aka You don't even know the deal and your getting tingling sensations up your leg................enjoy it..................He's a fool and it will never work.............and if you think it will work............then you are a fool as well................They will never honor it..............whatever the hell it is...................


I haven't expressed any support or opposition to the deal - because I don't know what it is yet.

You, on the other hand...
So be it............

Do you really think Iran will Honor it, whatever the hell it is..........................hmm.

I don't pretend to be able to predict the future, I leave that to fake psychics such as yourself.

If Iran violates the deal, it gives us a legal framework to go after them for it, along with the other P5+1.
It is a Treaty under the meaning of the term in the Constitution, thus subject to ratification.

Says you. Historical precedent and the SCOTUS disagree.

In any case, Bob Corker hammered out a deal that also requires Congressional approval. If Obama fucks over the GOP in Congress he wont get anything done the rest of his term. Congress will declare the treaty null and void and act accordingly.

The Corker deal allows Congress to vote on it - but they'll need 67% to overturn Obama's almost certain veto, should they not approve it.

BUt it doesnt matter. The irananians have no intention of adhering to anything that restricts their activities. That much is clear. They will blow up this treaty as they've blown up previous ones. And they know Obama is in office only for another 18 months and after that is anyone's guess.

What else does your crystal ball tell you, oh great swami?
aka You don't even know the deal and your getting tingling sensations up your leg................enjoy it..................He's a fool and it will never work.............and if you think it will work............then you are a fool as well................They will never honor it..............whatever the hell it is...................


I haven't expressed any support or opposition to the deal - because I don't know what it is yet.

You, on the other hand...
So be it............

Do you really think Iran will Honor it, whatever the hell it is..........................hmm.

I don't pretend to be able to predict the future, I leave that to fake psychics such as yourself.

If Iran violates the deal, it gives us a legal framework to go after them for it, along with the other P5+1.
Not my question..........................this is an opinionated board................stop dancing..............do you believe Iran will keep their word.................I don't think they will and it will turn out just like North Korea......................History repeating itself...............

It is not a crystal ball...........it is an opinion based on observation of how they have operated over time......................I suppose you will dance around the question and not offer an opinion..................
Says you. Historical precedent and the SCOTUS disagree.

The Corker deal allows Congress to vote on it - but they'll need 67% to overturn Obama's almost certain veto, should they not approve it.

What else does your crystal ball tell you, oh great swami?
aka You don't even know the deal and your getting tingling sensations up your leg................enjoy it..................He's a fool and it will never work.............and if you think it will work............then you are a fool as well................They will never honor it..............whatever the hell it is...................


I haven't expressed any support or opposition to the deal - because I don't know what it is yet.

You, on the other hand...
So be it............

Do you really think Iran will Honor it, whatever the hell it is..........................hmm.

I don't pretend to be able to predict the future, I leave that to fake psychics such as yourself.

If Iran violates the deal, it gives us a legal framework to go after them for it, along with the other P5+1.
Not my question..........................this is an opinionated board................stop dancing..............do you believe Iran will keep their word.................I don't think they will and it will turn out just like North Korea......................History repeating itself...............

It is not a crystal ball...........it is an opinion based on observation of how they have operated over time......................I suppose you will dance around the question and not offer an opinion..................

You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not. The question is irrelevant though, because even if they break the deal after they make it, we'll be in a much better situation than we are now to do something about it.

Not to mention, if they do follow the deal, there's a good chance that it could significantly shake things up in Tehran.
aka You don't even know the deal and your getting tingling sensations up your leg................enjoy it..................He's a fool and it will never work.............and if you think it will work............then you are a fool as well................They will never honor it..............whatever the hell it is...................


I haven't expressed any support or opposition to the deal - because I don't know what it is yet.

You, on the other hand...
So be it............

Do you really think Iran will Honor it, whatever the hell it is..........................hmm.

I don't pretend to be able to predict the future, I leave that to fake psychics such as yourself.

If Iran violates the deal, it gives us a legal framework to go after them for it, along with the other P5+1.
Not my question..........................this is an opinionated board................stop dancing..............do you believe Iran will keep their word.................I don't think they will and it will turn out just like North Korea......................History repeating itself...............

It is not a crystal ball...........it is an opinion based on observation of how they have operated over time......................I suppose you will dance around the question and not offer an opinion..................

You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not. The question is irrelevant though, because even if they break the deal after they make it, we'll be in a much better situation than we are now to do something about it.

Not to mention, if they do follow the deal, there's a good chance that it could significantly shake things up in Tehran.
Then we disagree.............they will use it to their advantage as long as they can and accelerate their program in secret until caught..........and will have more money to do so......................

Again, what deal....................I haven't seen the deal........no one has.................
You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not.

They won't. They've already demonstrated that, Doc.

How have they "demonstrated" that?
You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not.

They won't. They've already demonstrated that, Doc.

How have they "demonstrated" that?
Chanting Death to America......
Supporting Terrorism.........
Their IED's sending our men home in body bags..........
Calling us the Great Satan..........

You don't make deals with people like that...........It's useless.

Perhaps they can blow up another Mock Aircraft Carrier that doesn't shoot back as well............
What's in the deal that would stop them from supporting Terrorism..............the last I read that wasn't going to happen under any circumstances..............

I haven't expressed any support or opposition to the deal - because I don't know what it is yet.

You, on the other hand...
So be it............

Do you really think Iran will Honor it, whatever the hell it is..........................hmm.

I don't pretend to be able to predict the future, I leave that to fake psychics such as yourself.

If Iran violates the deal, it gives us a legal framework to go after them for it, along with the other P5+1.
Not my question..........................this is an opinionated board................stop dancing..............do you believe Iran will keep their word.................I don't think they will and it will turn out just like North Korea......................History repeating itself...............

It is not a crystal ball...........it is an opinion based on observation of how they have operated over time......................I suppose you will dance around the question and not offer an opinion..................

You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not. The question is irrelevant though, because even if they break the deal after they make it, we'll be in a much better situation than we are now to do something about it.

Not to mention, if they do follow the deal, there's a good chance that it could significantly shake things up in Tehran.
Then we disagree.............they will use it to their advantage as long as they can and accelerate their program in secret until caught..........and will have more money to do so......................

Again, what deal....................I haven't seen the deal........no one has.................

No one has "seen" the deal yet, because it's not done. I had heard that it would be released today, but apparently it's taking longer to iron out the final details.

As to the first part of your post, it's entirely irrelevant until the deal itself is made public.
You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not.

They won't. They've already demonstrated that, Doc.

How have they "demonstrated" that?
You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not.

They won't. They've already demonstrated that, Doc.

How have they "demonstrated" that?
Chanting Death to America......
Supporting Terrorism.........
Their IED's sending our men home in body bags..........
Calling us the Great Satan..........

You don't make deals with people like that...........It's useless.

Perhaps they can blow up another Mock Aircraft Carrier that doesn't shoot back as well............
What's in the deal that would stop them from supporting Terrorism..............the last I read that wasn't going to happen under any circumstances..............

"Chanting death to America" is, in your mind, evidence that they won't follow the terms of a deal?

I'm interested in hearing you explain that logic.
So be it............

Do you really think Iran will Honor it, whatever the hell it is..........................hmm.

I don't pretend to be able to predict the future, I leave that to fake psychics such as yourself.

If Iran violates the deal, it gives us a legal framework to go after them for it, along with the other P5+1.
Not my question..........................this is an opinionated board................stop dancing..............do you believe Iran will keep their word.................I don't think they will and it will turn out just like North Korea......................History repeating itself...............

It is not a crystal ball...........it is an opinion based on observation of how they have operated over time......................I suppose you will dance around the question and not offer an opinion..................

You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not. The question is irrelevant though, because even if they break the deal after they make it, we'll be in a much better situation than we are now to do something about it.

Not to mention, if they do follow the deal, there's a good chance that it could significantly shake things up in Tehran.
Then we disagree.............they will use it to their advantage as long as they can and accelerate their program in secret until caught..........and will have more money to do so......................

Again, what deal....................I haven't seen the deal........no one has.................

No one has "seen" the deal yet, because it's not done. I had heard that it would be released today, but apparently it's taking longer to iron out the final details.

As to the first part of your post, it's entirely irrelevant until the deal itself is made public.
Chamberlan made a deal with Hitler............yeah it worked........
Clinton made a deal with North Korea..........yeah it worked..

This will have the same result...........
You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not.

They won't. They've already demonstrated that, Doc.

How have they "demonstrated" that?
You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not.

They won't. They've already demonstrated that, Doc.

How have they "demonstrated" that?
Chanting Death to America......
Supporting Terrorism.........
Their IED's sending our men home in body bags..........
Calling us the Great Satan..........

You don't make deals with people like that...........It's useless.

Perhaps they can blow up another Mock Aircraft Carrier that doesn't shoot back as well............
What's in the deal that would stop them from supporting Terrorism..............the last I read that wasn't going to happen under any circumstances..............

"Chanting death to America" is, in your mind, evidence that they won't follow the terms of a deal?

I'm interested in hearing you explain that logic.
I will not post the video again............they openly chanted Death to America while this deal was being negotiated...........

If you want to cut a deal as they chant DEATH TO AMERICA..............Then that is your problem and not mine.........

You are a fool.
It's always amazing to me when I see you guys alternate between insisting that anything Iran says is a lie and then believing them wholeheartedly when it suits your position.
I'll end this Doc..............We disagree..........PERIOD............

History will prove how it goes down.................Obama is a failure on the foreign stage..............and this will be no different.........He's a joke..........and even with p5 this deal will be a joke.


Those were pretty pointed statements Doc. Define it how you want to, but so far, their actions and their words are one and the same.
It's always amazing to me when I see you guys alternate between insisting that anything Iran says is a lie and then believing them wholeheartedly when it suits your position.
It amazes me that you think a country that sent our troops home in body bags will honor any deal................
If you want to make a deal with the devil...........that is your problem.
You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not.

They won't. They've already demonstrated that, Doc.

How have they "demonstrated" that?
You're not understanding me. I have no idea if Iran will stick to the deal or not.

They won't. They've already demonstrated that, Doc.

How have they "demonstrated" that?
Chanting Death to America......
Supporting Terrorism.........
Their IED's sending our men home in body bags..........
Calling us the Great Satan..........

You don't make deals with people like that...........It's useless.

Perhaps they can blow up another Mock Aircraft Carrier that doesn't shoot back as well............
What's in the deal that would stop them from supporting Terrorism..............the last I read that wasn't going to happen under any circumstances..............

"Chanting death to America" is, in your mind, evidence that they won't follow the terms of a deal?

I'm interested in hearing you explain that logic.
I will not post the video again............they openly chanted Death to America while this deal was being negotiated...........

If you want to cut a deal as they chant DEATH TO AMERICA..............Then that is your problem and not mine.........

You are a fool.

I don't give a shit what they chant.

Aside from your clear emotional anger towards Iran, what does that have to do with anything?

I see posters suggesting that we nuke the whole middle east fairly frequently on this board.

How is that any different?
It's always amazing to me when I see you guys alternate between insisting that anything Iran says is a lie and then believing them wholeheartedly when it suits your position.
It amazes me that you think a country that sent our troops home in body bags will honor any deal................
If you want to make a deal with the devil...........that is your problem.
yeah, why in the hell are we doing making agreements with Britain!!??

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