Will Only A Few People Be Saved? No. A Great Multitude Will Be Saved.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
Will Only A Few People Be Saved? No. A Great Multitude Will Be Saved.
May 25, 2021

Part 1

Do these Bible verses teach that Christians are now, and will be in the future,
few in numbers? No.
Luke 12:32's "little flock."
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it."
Matthew 22:14's "many are invited, but few are chosen."

Rev.7:9-10 forever and irrefutably settles this issue: The numbers of the saved
are not a "little flock" and not "only a few."
Are the following people Christians? Yes or No?
John saw, "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe,
people and language standing before the throne . . . They were wearing white
robes . . . and they cried out in a loud voice: Salvation belongs to our God . . .
and to the Lamb."
To say No they were not true Christians is an absurd interpretation of Rev. 7:9-10.
To say Yes they were true Christians totally and absolutely eliminates Luke 12:32's
"little flock" and Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it" from being historically predictive
of the numerical size of the Christian Church ~~ unless you want to claim that
"a great multitude that no one can count" really means "only a few."

Jesus was asked specifically, "Lord are only a few people going to be saved?" Luke
13:23. If only a few people are going to be saved this was a golden opportunity for
Jesus to establish that truth, but Jesus did not reply yes only a few people will be
saved, instead He replied with an exhortation for people to "make every effort" to
enter through the narrow door. We now know, 21st century, why Jesus did not reply
yes only a few people will be saved: There are over 2.3 billion Christians in the world
today, and 2.3 billion is not "only a few" Christians. Jesus knew that His Christian
Church was going to become "a great multitude that no one could count from every
nation, tribe, people and language" and this is why He did not reply yes only a few
will be saved. He knew an uncountable multitude would become Christians and be
saved. And now you too know that ~~ because Rev. 7:9-10 says so.

Abraham's Offspring.
God took Abraham outside and said, "Look up at the sky and count the stars ~ if indeed
you can count them. Then He said to him, so shall your offspring be." Genesis 15:5
(see also Genesis 22:17-18 and Genesis 13:16)
These offspring, in number like the stars, were either the children of God or the children
of Satan. To have God telling Abraham that He would give him offspring in numbers
like the stars, the majority of whom would be children of Satan, is an absurd interpretation
of Genesis 15:5. So? So Abraham's children-of-God-offspring, in numbers like the stars,
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few" in numbers. And Paul says in Gal. 3:7 "understand
then that those who have faith are children of Abraham" and in Romans 4:16 Paul says,
"Abraham. He is the father of us all." So? So Abraham's offspring includes the Christian
Church. And it's time to face the truth: The final numbers of the saved are going to be in
numbers like the stars in the sky because that's what God said in Genesis 15:5
Part 2

In order to escape Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars, John Tiny Church must interpret
Genesis 15:5 to say this: God took Abraham outside and said look up at the sky and count the
stars ~~ if indeed you can count them. Then God said so shall your offspring be ~ and by the
way the majority of them will be children of Satan.
John Tiny Church wants to escape the truth/fact that Abraham's offspring, in numbers like the
stars, are mostly the children of God, because this means that Luke 12:32's "little flock" and
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it" can not be interpreted as historically predictive of the future
numerical size of the Christian Church and John Tiny Church does not like that. John Tiny Church
prefers an interpretation of the Bible that forever presents Christendom as a "little flock" and "only
a few."

There are over 14,500,000 Southern Baptists in the United States and 14,500,000 Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

I'm going to repeat this several times because this truth/fact must be established and strongly
emphasized ~ that John Tiny Church does not have the wisdom, power, and authority to issue
his personal proclamation saying the majority of Christendom's 2.3 billion Christians are not true
Christians. There are hundreds of millions of Christians in the world 21st century and Christendom
is no longer a "little flock" or "only a few" and the one and only way John Tiny Church can escape
the truth/fact of Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars is to claim that the majority are not true
Christians. So? So I'm going to repeatedly tell John Tiny Church the truth: Only God can know and
he is not God so he does not know.

There are over 1300 Protestant Christian mega-churches in the United States with a weekly
attendance of over 2000. That many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There are over 3000 Catholic Churches in the world with a weekly attendance of over 2000. This
many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea has about 480,000 members. That many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There is a huge underground Christian Church in China. "In 2018 the Chinese government declared
there were 44 million Christians in China." However there are some international Christian organizations
that say there are tens of millions more in China's underground Christian Church. This many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God do you don't know.

When was the Christian Church a "little flock" and "only a few"? Answer: In the 1st century during the public
ministry of the Lord Jesus. These verses . . .
Luke 12:32's "little flock"
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it"
Matthew 22:14's "many are invited but few are chosen" describe conditions that existed in the 1st century at
the time they were written. We now know they cannot be interpreted as being historically predictive of the
present and future numerical size of Christendom which is in numbers "a great multitude that no one can count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language." Rev.7:9-10
Part 3

"I say to you that MANY will come from the east and west, and will take their
places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of Heaven."
__The Lord Jesus Matthew 8:11

"For just as through the disobedience of the one man (Adam) the many were
made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man (Jesus) the MANY
will be made righteous." Romans 5:19

"For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of
His Son, that He might be the first born among MANY brothers and sisters."
Romans 8:29

"In bringing MANY sons and daughters to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom
and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer of their salvation
perfect through suffering." Hebrews 2:10

"For even the Son Of Man did not some to be served, but to serve, and to give
His life as a ransom for MANY."__The Lord Jesus Mark 10:45 (Jesus could
have said "for a few" but He didn't. Jesus said "for MANY.")

Question For John Tiny Church:
Is it your position that "few" in Matthew 7:14 means few?
But "many" in Mark 10:45 really means few?

If "many" in Mark 10:45 really means many, then many, not a few, are going to
be saved. Isn't that right, John Tiny Church?

The Lord Jesus: "I will build my church.

John Tiny Church: True, but it will ALWAYS be ONLY a "little flock" and few in numbers.

The Apostle John: "I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no
one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language . . . they were
wearing white robes . . . and they cried in a loud voice, salvation belongs to our
God . . and to the Lamb." Rev. 7:9-10

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for The Cross and for saving an
uncountable multitude of we fallen sinful human beings. We praise Your name
and we love you.


Part 3

"I say to you that MANY will come from the east and west, and will take their
places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of Heaven."
__The Lord Jesus Matthew 8:11

"For just as through the disobedience of the one man (Adam) the many were
made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man (Jesus) the MANY
will be made righteous." Romans 5:19

"For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of
His Son, that He might be the first born among MANY brothers and sisters."
Romans 8:29

"In bringing MANY sons and daughters to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom
and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer of their salvation
perfect through suffering." Hebrews 2:10

"For even the Son Of Man did not some to be served, but to serve, and to give
His life as a ransom for MANY."__The Lord Jesus Mark 10:45 (Jesus could
have said "for a few" but He didn't. Jesus said "for MANY.")

Question For John Tiny Church:
Is it your position that "few" in Matthew 7:14 means few?
But "many" in Mark 10:45 really means few?

If "many" in Mark 10:45 really means many, then many, not a few, are going to
be saved. Isn't that right, John Tiny Church?

The Lord Jesus: "I will build my church.

John Tiny Church: True, but it will ALWAYS be ONLY a "little flock" and few in numbers.

The Apostle John: "I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no
one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language . . . they were
wearing white robes . . . and they cried in a loud voice, salvation belongs to our
God . . and to the Lamb." Rev. 7:9-10

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit for The Cross and for saving an
uncountable multitude of we fallen sinful human beings. We praise Your name
and we love you.



There weren't a lot of Christians in the first century.
  • Thanks
Reactions: JAG
"Are you suggesting there's a contradiction in the Presbyterian Bible, that just proves you're not a True Scotsman" ...

I think it's Man's interpretation of The Bible that is contradictory ... 2.3 billion is "many" compared to the population of Western Europe an Anglo-America together ... but that is "few" compared to all the people who have ever lived ... for example, there's billions of billions of copper atoms in a penny, and that's a "tiny" amount these days ... won't even buy you a single gumball ...
I think it's Man's interpretation of The Bible that is contradictory
Probably most of the time. A blind hog does find an acorn every now and then.
I probably should have added that when the blind hog finds the acorn he discovers there is no inconsistency because he has finally understood what the author was trying to convey.
Narrow is the gate, and few there be that find it.

The gate is obvious ... there's roughly 350,000 Christian churches just in the United States ... the difficulty is passing through that gate ... "few" do ...
On their own.

There are those that say one cannot pass through the gate alone ... we need our brothers and sisters to help us through ... all the engineers in the whole world do nothing without carpenters and steel workers ... we are all one body, and "let not the eye sayeth to the foot 'I have no need of thee'" ...
I think it's Man's interpretation of The Bible that is contradictory
Probably most of the time. A blind hog does find an acorn every now and then.
I probably should have added that when the blind hog finds the acorn he discovers there is no inconsistency because he has finally understood what the author was trying to convey.

I probably should have added that when the blind hog finds the acorn he discovers there is no inconsistency because he has finally understood what the author was trying to convey.

Indeed ... and the hog must believe on faith that acorns exist ... Christianity is a searching man's doctrine ... if we're not looking for Truth, we'll never find it ...
Part 2

In order to escape Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars, John Tiny Church must interpret
Genesis 15:5 to say this: God took Abraham outside and said look up at the sky and count the
stars ~~ if indeed you can count them. Then God said so shall your offspring be ~ and by the
way the majority of them will be children of Satan.
John Tiny Church wants to escape the truth/fact that Abraham's offspring, in numbers like the
stars, are mostly the children of God, because this means that Luke 12:32's "little flock" and
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it" can not be interpreted as historically predictive of the future
numerical size of the Christian Church and John Tiny Church does not like that. John Tiny Church
prefers an interpretation of the Bible that forever presents Christendom as a "little flock" and "only
a few."

There are over 14,500,000 Southern Baptists in the United States and 14,500,000 Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

I'm going to repeat this several times because this truth/fact must be established and strongly
emphasized ~ that John Tiny Church does not have the wisdom, power, and authority to issue
his personal proclamation saying the majority of Christendom's 2.3 billion Christians are not true
Christians. There are hundreds of millions of Christians in the world 21st century and Christendom
is no longer a "little flock" or "only a few" and the one and only way John Tiny Church can escape
the truth/fact of Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars is to claim that the majority are not true
Christians. So? So I'm going to repeatedly tell John Tiny Church the truth: Only God can know and
he is not God so he does not know.

There are over 1300 Protestant Christian mega-churches in the United States with a weekly
attendance of over 2000. That many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There are over 3000 Catholic Churches in the world with a weekly attendance of over 2000. This
many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea has about 480,000 members. That many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There is a huge underground Christian Church in China. "In 2018 the Chinese government declared
there were 44 million Christians in China." However there are some international Christian organizations
that say there are tens of millions more in China's underground Christian Church. This many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God do you don't know.

When was the Christian Church a "little flock" and "only a few"? Answer: In the 1st century during the public
ministry of the Lord Jesus. These verses . . .
Luke 12:32's "little flock"
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it"
Matthew 22:14's "many are invited but few are chosen" describe conditions that existed in the 1st century at
the time they were written. We now know they cannot be interpreted as being historically predictive of the
present and future numerical size of Christendom which is in numbers "a great multitude that no one can count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language." Rev.7:9-10
instead of all this...go out and help somebody that needs help...otherwise all religion is bs
Part 2

In order to escape Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars, John Tiny Church must interpret
Genesis 15:5 to say this: God took Abraham outside and said look up at the sky and count the
stars ~~ if indeed you can count them. Then God said so shall your offspring be ~ and by the
way the majority of them will be children of Satan.
John Tiny Church wants to escape the truth/fact that Abraham's offspring, in numbers like the
stars, are mostly the children of God, because this means that Luke 12:32's "little flock" and
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it" can not be interpreted as historically predictive of the future
numerical size of the Christian Church and John Tiny Church does not like that. John Tiny Church
prefers an interpretation of the Bible that forever presents Christendom as a "little flock" and "only
a few."

There are over 14,500,000 Southern Baptists in the United States and 14,500,000 Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

I'm going to repeat this several times because this truth/fact must be established and strongly
emphasized ~ that John Tiny Church does not have the wisdom, power, and authority to issue
his personal proclamation saying the majority of Christendom's 2.3 billion Christians are not true
Christians. There are hundreds of millions of Christians in the world 21st century and Christendom
is no longer a "little flock" or "only a few" and the one and only way John Tiny Church can escape
the truth/fact of Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars is to claim that the majority are not true
Christians. So? So I'm going to repeatedly tell John Tiny Church the truth: Only God can know and
he is not God so he does not know.

There are over 1300 Protestant Christian mega-churches in the United States with a weekly
attendance of over 2000. That many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There are over 3000 Catholic Churches in the world with a weekly attendance of over 2000. This
many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea has about 480,000 members. That many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There is a huge underground Christian Church in China. "In 2018 the Chinese government declared
there were 44 million Christians in China." However there are some international Christian organizations
that say there are tens of millions more in China's underground Christian Church. This many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God do you don't know.

When was the Christian Church a "little flock" and "only a few"? Answer: In the 1st century during the public
ministry of the Lord Jesus. These verses . . .
Luke 12:32's "little flock"
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it"
Matthew 22:14's "many are invited but few are chosen" describe conditions that existed in the 1st century at
the time they were written. We now know they cannot be interpreted as being historically predictive of the
present and future numerical size of Christendom which is in numbers "a great multitude that no one can count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language." Rev.7:9-10
instead of all this...go out and help somebody that needs help...otherwise all religion is bs
That's not enough to meet God's Holy standard. Unless the sin issue is dealt with in your own heart (repent and believe), then you will NOT be able to gain Heaven.
Part 2

In order to escape Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars, John Tiny Church must interpret
Genesis 15:5 to say this: God took Abraham outside and said look up at the sky and count the
stars ~~ if indeed you can count them. Then God said so shall your offspring be ~ and by the
way the majority of them will be children of Satan.
John Tiny Church wants to escape the truth/fact that Abraham's offspring, in numbers like the
stars, are mostly the children of God, because this means that Luke 12:32's "little flock" and
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it" can not be interpreted as historically predictive of the future
numerical size of the Christian Church and John Tiny Church does not like that. John Tiny Church
prefers an interpretation of the Bible that forever presents Christendom as a "little flock" and "only
a few."

There are over 14,500,000 Southern Baptists in the United States and 14,500,000 Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

I'm going to repeat this several times because this truth/fact must be established and strongly
emphasized ~ that John Tiny Church does not have the wisdom, power, and authority to issue
his personal proclamation saying the majority of Christendom's 2.3 billion Christians are not true
Christians. There are hundreds of millions of Christians in the world 21st century and Christendom
is no longer a "little flock" or "only a few" and the one and only way John Tiny Church can escape
the truth/fact of Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars is to claim that the majority are not true
Christians. So? So I'm going to repeatedly tell John Tiny Church the truth: Only God can know and
he is not God so he does not know.

There are over 1300 Protestant Christian mega-churches in the United States with a weekly
attendance of over 2000. That many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There are over 3000 Catholic Churches in the world with a weekly attendance of over 2000. This
many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea has about 480,000 members. That many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There is a huge underground Christian Church in China. "In 2018 the Chinese government declared
there were 44 million Christians in China." However there are some international Christian organizations
that say there are tens of millions more in China's underground Christian Church. This many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God do you don't know.

When was the Christian Church a "little flock" and "only a few"? Answer: In the 1st century during the public
ministry of the Lord Jesus. These verses . . .
Luke 12:32's "little flock"
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it"
Matthew 22:14's "many are invited but few are chosen" describe conditions that existed in the 1st century at
the time they were written. We now know they cannot be interpreted as being historically predictive of the
present and future numerical size of Christendom which is in numbers "a great multitude that no one can count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language." Rev.7:9-10
instead of all this...go out and help somebody that needs help...otherwise all religion is bs
I do BOTH.
And every single day too.
I always, without exception, do at least one thing every day to help other
people and make the world a better place and I ALSO spread the Postmillennial
message of gradual inevitable for-sure-certain-coming Christian VICTORY which
means that we the Christian Church are going to actually do what our Lord Jesus
commanded us to do in Matthew 28:16-20 which was to go and make disciples
of all nations. And we ARE making progress. Some 2000 years ago, in the 1st
century, there was a time when there were less that 50 Christians in the world
(when the Lord Jesus first started His public ministry) ~~ today there are over
2,300,000,000 Christians in the world. We have a name for that. We call it

PROGRESS is cool.
It's all good.



Part 2

In order to escape Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars, John Tiny Church must interpret
Genesis 15:5 to say this: God took Abraham outside and said look up at the sky and count the
stars ~~ if indeed you can count them. Then God said so shall your offspring be ~ and by the
way the majority of them will be children of Satan.
John Tiny Church wants to escape the truth/fact that Abraham's offspring, in numbers like the
stars, are mostly the children of God, because this means that Luke 12:32's "little flock" and
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it" can not be interpreted as historically predictive of the future
numerical size of the Christian Church and John Tiny Church does not like that. John Tiny Church
prefers an interpretation of the Bible that forever presents Christendom as a "little flock" and "only
a few."

There are over 14,500,000 Southern Baptists in the United States and 14,500,000 Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

I'm going to repeat this several times because this truth/fact must be established and strongly
emphasized ~ that John Tiny Church does not have the wisdom, power, and authority to issue
his personal proclamation saying the majority of Christendom's 2.3 billion Christians are not true
Christians. There are hundreds of millions of Christians in the world 21st century and Christendom
is no longer a "little flock" or "only a few" and the one and only way John Tiny Church can escape
the truth/fact of Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars is to claim that the majority are not true
Christians. So? So I'm going to repeatedly tell John Tiny Church the truth: Only God can know and
he is not God so he does not know.

There are over 1300 Protestant Christian mega-churches in the United States with a weekly
attendance of over 2000. That many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There are over 3000 Catholic Churches in the world with a weekly attendance of over 2000. This
many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea has about 480,000 members. That many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There is a huge underground Christian Church in China. "In 2018 the Chinese government declared
there were 44 million Christians in China." However there are some international Christian organizations
that say there are tens of millions more in China's underground Christian Church. This many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God do you don't know.

When was the Christian Church a "little flock" and "only a few"? Answer: In the 1st century during the public
ministry of the Lord Jesus. These verses . . .
Luke 12:32's "little flock"
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it"
Matthew 22:14's "many are invited but few are chosen" describe conditions that existed in the 1st century at
the time they were written. We now know they cannot be interpreted as being historically predictive of the
present and future numerical size of Christendom which is in numbers "a great multitude that no one can count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language." Rev.7:9-10
instead of all this...go out and help somebody that needs help...otherwise all religion is bs
I do BOTH.
And every single day too.
I always, without exception, do at least one thing every day to help other
people and make the world a better place and I ALSO spread the Postmillennial
message of gradual inevitable for-sure-certain-coming Christian VICTORY which
means that we the Christian Church are going to actually do what our Lord Jesus
commanded us to do in Matthew 28:16-20 which was to go and make disciples
of all nations. And we ARE making progress. Some 2000 years ago, in the 1st
century, there was a time when there were less that 50 Christians in the world
(when the Lord Jesus first started His public ministry) ~~ today there are over
2,300,000,000 Christians in the world. We have a name for that. We call it

PROGRESS is cool.
It's all good.



But are you Born Again? Do you have the certainty that if you were to die today, you would find yourself in the Kingdom of Heaven not because of anything you did, but because God DID everything for you, and all you had to do was ask and receive by faith.
Given that all children (which are of course without sin) would be saved then the number runs into the millions upon millions every year.
Given that all children (which are of course without sin) would be saved then the number runs into the millions upon millions every year.
Not exactly. A child is not born without sin, but born innocent. Once he/she reaches the age of accountability, then the penalty comes in. Hence the Redeemer is still necessary.
Part 2

In order to escape Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars, John Tiny Church must interpret
Genesis 15:5 to say this: God took Abraham outside and said look up at the sky and count the
stars ~~ if indeed you can count them. Then God said so shall your offspring be ~ and by the
way the majority of them will be children of Satan.
John Tiny Church wants to escape the truth/fact that Abraham's offspring, in numbers like the
stars, are mostly the children of God, because this means that Luke 12:32's "little flock" and
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it" can not be interpreted as historically predictive of the future
numerical size of the Christian Church and John Tiny Church does not like that. John Tiny Church
prefers an interpretation of the Bible that forever presents Christendom as a "little flock" and "only
a few."

There are over 14,500,000 Southern Baptists in the United States and 14,500,000 Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

I'm going to repeat this several times because this truth/fact must be established and strongly
emphasized ~ that John Tiny Church does not have the wisdom, power, and authority to issue
his personal proclamation saying the majority of Christendom's 2.3 billion Christians are not true
Christians. There are hundreds of millions of Christians in the world 21st century and Christendom
is no longer a "little flock" or "only a few" and the one and only way John Tiny Church can escape
the truth/fact of Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars is to claim that the majority are not true
Christians. So? So I'm going to repeatedly tell John Tiny Church the truth: Only God can know and
he is not God so he does not know.

There are over 1300 Protestant Christian mega-churches in the United States with a weekly
attendance of over 2000. That many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There are over 3000 Catholic Churches in the world with a weekly attendance of over 2000. This
many Christians cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea has about 480,000 members. That many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God so you don't know.

There is a huge underground Christian Church in China. "In 2018 the Chinese government declared
there were 44 million Christians in China." However there are some international Christian organizations
that say there are tens of millions more in China's underground Christian Church. This many Christians
cannot be a "little flock" or "only a few."

John Tiny Church: The majority of them are not true Christians.

Paul Factuality: Only God can know that and you're not God do you don't know.

When was the Christian Church a "little flock" and "only a few"? Answer: In the 1st century during the public
ministry of the Lord Jesus. These verses . . .
Luke 12:32's "little flock"
Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it"
Matthew 22:14's "many are invited but few are chosen" describe conditions that existed in the 1st century at
the time they were written. We now know they cannot be interpreted as being historically predictive of the
present and future numerical size of Christendom which is in numbers "a great multitude that no one can count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language." Rev.7:9-10
instead of all this...go out and help somebody that needs help...otherwise all religion is bs
I do BOTH.
And every single day too.
I always, without exception, do at least one thing every day to help other
people and make the world a better place and I ALSO spread the Postmillennial
message of gradual inevitable for-sure-certain-coming Christian VICTORY which
means that we the Christian Church are going to actually do what our Lord Jesus
commanded us to do in Matthew 28:16-20 which was to go and make disciples
of all nations. And we ARE making progress. Some 2000 years ago, in the 1st
century, there was a time when there were less that 50 Christians in the world
(when the Lord Jesus first started His public ministry) ~~ today there are over
2,300,000,000 Christians in the world. We have a name for that. We call it

PROGRESS is cool.
It's all good.



But are you Born Again? Do you have the certainty that if you were to die today, you would find yourself in the Kingdom of Heaven not because of anything you did, but because God DID everything for you, and all you had to do was ask and receive by faith.
... not because of anything you did, but because God DID everything for you, and all you had to do was ask and receive by faith.
good luck with that one christian, especially having read it in the christian bible of forgeries and fallacies ... and knowing you really do not believe - - "not because of anything you did".

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