Will pesident Obama take the 2nd term on charisma alone???


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
I'm not sticking up for president Obama's past policies but one must look at the obvious differences between him & his repub contenders.

1) Romney comes across like a used car salesman. He'll tell ya anything to get a sale. Mitt carries the charisma in debate of a rapist trying to talk his way out of a lynching. At least Mitt looks young for his age though. I give Mitt a 20 on the charisma rating chart.

2) Gingrich may be a super debater but so was Alan Keyes. Both Keyes & Gingrich come across just for what they truly are... tired out of shape old men with old ideas. I mean even when Newt smiles it looks like he is frowning... kinda like eating a cold turd sandwich look on his face. Despite his need for pussy on the side(normal) & his going through women like he's firing rounds through a sub machine gun(normal) he's managed to convince the evangelical hit squads that he's truly repentant(excellent BS'er!). Still, one drops a slouch hat on Newt & he looks the part of a 20's era mobster boss on the order of Bugsy Malone. All that's missing is the big cigar & Thompson sub machine gun with 100 round drum magazine. I give Newt a 25 on the charisma chart.

3) Santorum is in a class by himself. Sure, he possesses a smile like the Cracker Jacks Kid but comes across as a spoiled rotten brat. He looks 'preppy' in his suit & sweeter vest. His charisma seems to reside in his patented skin deep photo overlay smile that he wears except when getting roasted. I mean when Rick told Ron that "I'm not a Libertarian" he looked like he was about to run home & tell mommy that their was a bad man at the debate & mommy had to handle it for him. Rick scores a solid 10 on the charisma chart in my book.

4) Speaking of Ron... I must say that Paul's biggest drawback is his almost total lack of any charisma at all. In the charisma department from a zero to a hundred Ron is lucky to pick up a 3. His school teacher type lectures, wandering in the woods debate style, crankiness & his staggering age all total up to a vision of a dull nursing home inmate. I back Ron big time for his Liberty message, for Liberty is more precious to me than life itself. Ron's message is spot on with even the other GOP candidates starting to "ape" Ron's suggestions of a fed audit etc. The ONLY thing Ron lacks is the DELIVERY MECHANISM to deliver the message! I'm being generous here & will give Ron a solid 5 on the charisma chart.

5) President Obama hit's the podium like he's wired to a 110 vac circuit. He's energetic, vibrant, EXCELLENT orator, & appears dynamic to say the least. He's in good shape, young, sharp looking guy, & attracts women like free money attracting the street vagrants. He has an endless supply of humor, wit, & enough BS to stymie the Christ come judgement day. He can rip off & lie to the public with such a sincere conviction that the public believes/supports him even when he's caught in a lie. I mean he could be raping ones daughter in front of her parents & at the same time telling them what a good deal she's getting & they'd most likely believe it! I'm giving president Obama a 101%+ charisma rating on the charisma chart.

Does anyone have any doubt about what the current crop of GOP candidates are up against here??? At least Ron has a small government message with a Liberty theme to it. What has Mitt, Newt & Rick got???
Unfortunately we have a shallow, poorly educated, fickle populace. We are approaching a 3rd world mentality, you know like people who overwhelmingly voted for the dictator Hugo Chavez. The USA is no more. If Dopebama is reelected we'll need to change the name of this country to the USSA (the extra S for Socialist).
I'd rather have a guy with absolutely no personality who will hunker down and get to work than a snake oil salesman with charisma in the Oval Office
I'm not sticking up for president Obama's past policies but one must look at the obvious differences between him & his repub contenders.

1) Romney comes across like a used car salesman. He'll tell ya anything to get a sale. Mitt carries the charisma in debate of a rapist trying to talk his way out of a lynching. At least Mitt looks young for his age though. I give Mitt a 20 on the charisma rating chart.

2) Gingrich may be a super debater but so was Alan Keyes. Both Keyes & Gingrich come across just for what they truly are... tired out of shape old men with old ideas. I mean even when Newt smiles it looks like he is frowning... kinda like eating a cold turd sandwich look on his face. Despite his need for pussy on the side(normal) & his going through women like he's firing rounds through a sub machine gun(normal) he's managed to convince the evangelical hit squads that he's truly repentant(excellent BS'er!). Still, one drops a slouch hat on Newt & he looks the part of a 20's era mobster boss on the order of Bugsy Malone. All that's missing is the big cigar & Thompson sub machine gun with 100 round drum magazine. I give Newt a 25 on the charisma chart.

3) Santorum is in a class by himself. Sure, he possesses a smile like the Cracker Jacks Kid but comes across as a spoiled rotten brat. He looks 'preppy' in his suit & sweeter vest. His charisma seems to reside in his patented skin deep photo overlay smile that he wears except when getting roasted. I mean when Rick told Ron that "I'm not a Libertarian" he looked like he was about to run home & tell mommy that their was a bad man at the debate & mommy had to handle it for him. Rick scores a solid 10 on the charisma chart in my book.

4) Speaking of Ron... I must say that Paul's biggest drawback is his almost total lack of any charisma at all. In the charisma department from a zero to a hundred Ron is lucky to pick up a 3. His school teacher type lectures, wandering in the woods debate style, crankiness & his staggering age all total up to a vision of a dull nursing home inmate. I back Ron big time for his Liberty message, for Liberty is more precious to me than life itself. Ron's message is spot on with even the other GOP candidates starting to "ape" Ron's suggestions of a fed audit etc. The ONLY thing Ron lacks is the DELIVERY MECHANISM to deliver the message! I'm being generous here & will give Ron a solid 5 on the charisma chart.

5) President Obama hit's the podium like he's wired to a 110 vac circuit. He's energetic, vibrant, EXCELLENT orator, & appears dynamic to say the least. He's in good shape, young, sharp looking guy, & attracts women like free money attracting the street vagrants. He has an endless supply of humor, wit, & enough BS to stymie the Christ come judgement day. He can rip off & lie to the public with such a sincere conviction that the public believes/supports him even when he's caught in a lie. I mean he could be raping ones daughter in front of her parents & at the same time telling them what a good deal she's getting & they'd most likely believe it! I'm giving president Obama a 101%+ charisma rating on the charisma chart.

Does anyone have any doubt about what the current crop of GOP candidates are up against here??? At least Ron has a small government message with a Liberty theme to it. What has Mitt, Newt & Rick got???

Barack Obama has no clue how to fix the economy or create jobs. Why would any rational person vote to give him ANOTHER term when he ran out of ideas to fix our biggest problems two years into his first? Do you honestly think people who have been out of work for over a year, burning up their life's savings find Barry "charismatic" anymore?
I'd rather have a guy with absolutely no personality who will hunker down and get to work than a snake oil salesman with charisma in the Oval Office

Translation: I just want someone who has an (R) next to their name. Then I'll be happy no matter what they actually do in office.
I'd rather have a guy with absolutely no personality who will hunker down and get to work than a snake oil salesman with charisma in the Oval Office

Translation: I just want someone who has an (R) next to their name. Then I'll be happy no matter what they actually do in office.

FYI I haven't voted for a repugnantcan for at least a decade. And I was more critical than most of you sheep of the last repugnantcan president we had.

So take your partisan idiotic pigeonholing and shove it up your ass.
I don't see why not!
That's how how got elected the first time.
A few catchy slogans set to music and a nicely produced video.
I don't give a crap how many hundreds of millions of jobs Debbie what's her face says he saved.
I don't care how many millions they say he created.
If unemployment is over 8 % and the food stamp/poverty numbers are through the roof this man should
not be given the job again.
On charisma alone, no, but it will help a great deal. Nobody likes the GOP candidates, but people DO like President Obama. It will make a difference. The President, however, has plenty to run on.
I'm not sticking up for president Obama's past policies but one must look at the obvious differences between him & his repub contenders.

1) Romney comes across like a used car salesman. He'll tell ya anything to get a sale. Mitt carries the charisma in debate of a rapist trying to talk his way out of a lynching. At least Mitt looks young for his age though. I give Mitt a 20 on the charisma rating chart.

2) Gingrich may be a super debater but so was Alan Keyes. Both Keyes & Gingrich come across just for what they truly are... tired out of shape old men with old ideas. I mean even when Newt smiles it looks like he is frowning... kinda like eating a cold turd sandwich look on his face. Despite his need for pussy on the side(normal) & his going through women like he's firing rounds through a sub machine gun(normal) he's managed to convince the evangelical hit squads that he's truly repentant(excellent BS'er!). Still, one drops a slouch hat on Newt & he looks the part of a 20's era mobster boss on the order of Bugsy Malone. All that's missing is the big cigar & Thompson sub machine gun with 100 round drum magazine. I give Newt a 25 on the charisma chart.

3) Santorum is in a class by himself. Sure, he possesses a smile like the Cracker Jacks Kid but comes across as a spoiled rotten brat. He looks 'preppy' in his suit & sweeter vest. His charisma seems to reside in his patented skin deep photo overlay smile that he wears except when getting roasted. I mean when Rick told Ron that "I'm not a Libertarian" he looked like he was about to run home & tell mommy that their was a bad man at the debate & mommy had to handle it for him. Rick scores a solid 10 on the charisma chart in my book.

4) Speaking of Ron... I must say that Paul's biggest drawback is his almost total lack of any charisma at all. In the charisma department from a zero to a hundred Ron is lucky to pick up a 3. His school teacher type lectures, wandering in the woods debate style, crankiness & his staggering age all total up to a vision of a dull nursing home inmate. I back Ron big time for his Liberty message, for Liberty is more precious to me than life itself. Ron's message is spot on with even the other GOP candidates starting to "ape" Ron's suggestions of a fed audit etc. The ONLY thing Ron lacks is the DELIVERY MECHANISM to deliver the message! I'm being generous here & will give Ron a solid 5 on the charisma chart.

5) President Obama hit's the podium like he's wired to a 110 vac circuit. He's energetic, vibrant, EXCELLENT orator, & appears dynamic to say the least. He's in good shape, young, sharp looking guy, & attracts women like free money attracting the street vagrants. He has an endless supply of humor, wit, & enough BS to stymie the Christ come judgement day. He can rip off & lie to the public with such a sincere conviction that the public believes/supports him even when he's caught in a lie. I mean he could be raping ones daughter in front of her parents & at the same time telling them what a good deal she's getting & they'd most likely believe it! I'm giving president Obama a 101%+ charisma rating on the charisma chart.

Does anyone have any doubt about what the current crop of GOP candidates are up against here??? At least Ron has a small government message with a Liberty theme to it. What has Mitt, Newt & Rick got???

Just an editorial note: I'm not sure why you're speaking about Rick or Ron. They won't be facing Obama.

Good post with interesting points. Here is my opinion.

For better or for worse, Americans vote for whom they like or against whom they hate or, perhaps better put, against whom they loath. We had 8 years of peace and prosperity under Bill Clinton, the budget was balanced, the fruits of the Soviet capitulation was palpable, all enemies were in check or fading, and as a reward, the American people rejected the heir apparent in Al Gore for George W. Bush.

There was little reason to change except likability.

Which is why Newt is DOA. He has no appeal outside of his own constituency.

Romney suffers largely from the same affliction. When it comes time from the General Election and it becomes all about going after the unaffiliated voters, Romney is better positioned than Gingrich. That isn't saying much. You referenced as much in your first point above.

All in all, the "likability" factor will carry the day as long as there are no flashpoints, either positive or negative, during the autumn.
Unfortunately we have a shallow, poorly educated, fickle populace. We are approaching a 3rd world mentality, you know like people who overwhelmingly voted for the dictator Hugo Chavez. The USA is no more. If Dopebama is reelected we'll need to change the name of this country to the USSA (the extra S for Socialist).

Love the decrying of a "poorly educated" populace then you come up with Dopebama. :lol:
I'd rather have a guy with absolutely no personality who will hunker down and get to work than a snake oil salesman with charisma in the Oval Office

Translation: I just want someone who has an (R) next to their name. Then I'll be happy no matter what they actually do in office.

FYI I haven't voted for a repugnantcan for at least a decade. And I was more critical than most of you sheep of the last repugnantcan president we had.

So take your partisan idiotic pigeonholing and shove it up your ass.

I somehow doubt it. But this is the internet, you can claim anything you want big guy.
Translation: I just want someone who has an (R) next to their name. Then I'll be happy no matter what they actually do in office.

FYI I haven't voted for a repugnantcan for at least a decade. And I was more critical than most of you sheep of the last repugnantcan president we had.

So take your partisan idiotic pigeonholing and shove it up your ass.

I somehow doubt it. But this is the internet, you can claim anything you want big guy.

I've been voting 3rd party since my early 30s because unlike you fucking brainwashed sheep i know that there is absolutely no difference between repugnantcans and dimwitcraps.
What obama has done in office has been so tragic that it has to be deliberate. Incompetence alone can't explain his actions. As far as foreign policy goes, that's probably sheer incompetence. His economic policies are so destructive, that we would have been in a better position if we had President Hu, Vladimir Putin or King Olaf.
Charisma counts for a lot in diplomatic circles, something some republicans have no use for at all.
Charisma won't have that much to do with it.

Obama will get re-elected because you have to make a really compelling case to throw out an incumbant after his party has been in for only four years. Other incumbants who lost- Taft, Hoover, Ford, Bush-41, had capped off 8-12 years of their party being in office, so they had no one else to blame.

In fact, it's only happened ONCE in the last century- in 1980, and in that case, you had just about everything breaking bad against Carter. Bad economy, foriegn crisis making us look impotent, attacks from both his right and left flanks.
FYI I haven't voted for a repugnantcan for at least a decade. And I was more critical than most of you sheep of the last repugnantcan president we had.

So take your partisan idiotic pigeonholing and shove it up your ass.

I somehow doubt it. But this is the internet, you can claim anything you want big guy.

I've been voting 3rd party since my early 30s because unlike you fucking brainwashed sheep i know that there is absolutely no difference between repugnantcans and dimwitcraps.

I can't argue with that. Just a shame we can't get a decent third party option either.
I'd rather have a guy with absolutely no personality who will hunker down and get to work than a snake oil salesman with charisma in the Oval Office

Translation: I just want someone who has an (R) next to their name. Then I'll be happy no matter what they actually do in office.

ok I'll go along with that....as long as the Obama and his comrades in arms are gone.
I'd rather have a guy with absolutely no personality who will hunker down and get to work than a snake oil salesman with charisma in the Oval Office

Translation: I just want someone who has an (R) next to their name. Then I'll be happy no matter what they actually do in office.

ok I'll go along with that....as long as the Obama and his comrades in arms are gone.

Hey at least you can admit you don't care about what the president does just as long as he's a republican. :clap2:
Looking at from this angle does it really suprise anyone.

less than half of the voting population vote. A president needs better than 50% of the vote to become president. Therefore the president only needs a qurter of the voting population to become president. :(

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