Will Pres. of USA Lie More or Lie Less in 2020

2019 was a record-breaking year for the number of undebatable provable lies told by an American President in a year according to some fact-checkers and news media reports. Of course, "undebatable proven lies" are in fact, debatable since in the Trump era of alternative news anything is debatable and any lies are justified or defended with "what aboutism deflections". So, will the new year bring a decrease or increase in alleged lies told by Donald Trump, aka Liar in Chief or IMPOTUS (IMPEACHED PRES OF THE US).
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

That is what determines reality for the mentally ill followers of Donald Trump.
2019 was a record-breaking year for the number of undebatable provable lies told by an American President in a year according to some fact-checkers and news media reports. Of course, "undebatable proven lies" are in fact, debatable since in the Trump era of alternative news anything is debatable and any lies are justified or defended with "what aboutism deflections". So, will the new year bring a decrease or increase in alleged lies told by Donald Trump, aka Liar in Chief or IMPOTUS (IMPEACHED PRES OF THE US).

A). Trump's not the legitimate president so he can't be the pres. of USA you are referring to.

B). Since everything Trump says is already a lie, then he can't lie anymore! Things can only get better for you in 2020.
Now if only Nancy would file that impeachment so we can get him out of office then it wouldn't matter.

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