Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

I'm sorry, Hutch but the American people were told by Obama's economists that the stimulus would create between three and four million jobs by the end of 2010. It wasn't that the stimulus wasn't meant to create jobs...it's that it DIDN'T CREATE THEM!
No, they didn't.
See my last post.
Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop
What the stimulus did was line the pockets of the DNC and Unions using taxpayer money. It's why Obama laughed when it was pointed out there were no "shovel-ready" jobs. Where did that fucking money go?

Who stripped out and would not support the funding for those jobs?
would say it is amazing how Liberals leave all this out when they throw out the false accusation of how it was the GOP who was responsible for the bad economy....as well as being responsible for one of the slowest recoveries in our lifetime if not in the nation's history..

Yea cause everybody knows that republicans never do anything constructive so how could they be responsible for anything.

It's ALWAYS some other guys fault when republicans cause a failure of any kind.

What you repubs need to acknowledge is that your ideas and leadership abilities are SO weak that you let those pussy democrats kick your asses 24/7/365.

Weak and pitiful are what republicans are.
You all would be embarrassed if you weren't so fucking stupid.
"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment,
What's alarming is people take that shit seriously. You claim Republicans are to blame because they stood in the way of government expansion? People have to pay for public funds. Did you even know that? You can't grow the public sector without taking it from the private sector.

It's totally brain dead and devoid of thought to simply pass every problem off because Republicans stood in the way of leftists getting everything they want.
Not true though.
Most of the money repaid, was repaid with money from other government programs.
What's your source for that?

The government. The GAO report said this. I heard about this years ago from Econ-Talk, where they interviewed a former member of the Federal Reserve.

It's been reported numerous times.
Tale of Two Loan Programs

Not to mention that many banks were taking advantage of special tax breaks. Which means while they got a slightly larger amount of money back from TARP, they were paying far less in taxes. So how it's that a win?
Let's continue:

The Iraq debacle.
-- Iraq was a bad decision, but not nearly as bad as the one for which Obama is responsible. Like it or not the US, with the full authority of Congress - to include the approval and argument to go to war from such esteemed liberals as Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, took the nation to war...and in the end Iraq was liberated, at great cost to our military. Obama, as President, was entrusted to oversee the withdrawal of our troops - according to a timeline established under Bush - and to safeguard Iraq to ensure nothing happened to render our nation's effort and our military's sacrifice was not for 'nothing'. Obama could not even handle the security of a war already won. Distracted by his obsession with Syria and Assad, Obama aided the terrorist group ISIS in an attempt to get them to help overthrow Assad. ISIS turned into 'Frankenstein's Monster' and betrayed it's 'creator' by invading Iraq. Still focused on Syria and believing ISIS would still help overthrow Assad Obama ignored ISIS, defended them verbally, claimed they were a 'JV Team' we had no reason to fear...and he let them drive miles-long military convoys into Iraq unopposed, taking over much of the nation or military had liberated at great cost.

Liberals bemoan and whine about the conflict in Iraq, attacking Bush for it, while saying NOTHING about the rise of terrorists - like ISIS - under Obama or how ISIS has not been 'contained' as Obama claimed but has become a world-wide threat, spanning several nations to include France, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Africa, Belgium, and even the US.

After 9/11/01 Bush declared War on Terrorism and vowed terrorists would have no safe haven anywhere in the world. After 9/11/01 there was not another successful terrorist attack on US soil. SINCE OBAMA HAS TAKEN OFFICE, an estimated 28,000 people around the world have been killed by terrorists - terrorists he has AIDED in taking over the govt of Egypt for a time, taken over their own country - Libya, and spread world-wide (ISIS). There have been continuous, repeated terrorist attacks on US soil with Americans killed.

Despite the threat - despite the attacks throughout Europe, despite the news that 400 terrorists were trained to perpetrate attacks on Europe, despite the terrorists declaring the attacks in Europe are 'practice' for what is to come in America - Obama has refused to enforce our laws, refused to keep incarcerated violent criminal illegals, refused to secure the borders, and continues to defy the will of the people by brining in thousands of 'refugees' from the religious/civil war-torn nation where people absolutely HATE this nation.

Instead of listening and acting on the side of caution to provide for our national security and the security of our citizens Obama MOCKED the American people while abroad, made fun of their concern for our national security and their safety, by declaring they had nothing to fear except for 'widows and orphans'. Widows and Orphans? Every photo, every image, of the 'refugees' he and Europe were / are bringing in are of fit, strapping, military-age MEN - no women, no widows, no orphans! Obama, still though, mocked those he swore an oath to serve. Not long after, a terrorist to whom his administration gave a visa and welcomed into the country, despite Obama's claim to have a near fool-proof background check system to protect Americans, killed 12 Americans in California, VALIDATING the concerns and fears of the American people while again making Obama look like an IDIOT who has no idea what he is doing.

And despite the latest terrorist attack, after the act of genocide has admittedly been acknowledged, of terrorist targeting and killing Christians in Pakistan on Easter Sunday, Obama declared once again that he WILL BRING OVER 100,000 MORE SYRIAN NON-CHRSITIAN (MALE) REFUGEES TO THE US.

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I remember when republicans presented an idea that was SO good for America and middle class Americans that people marched in the street demanding that this idea become law.

I will have to get back to you all with what that idea was.
It hasn't happened yet.
Let's continue:

Why bother. Your "leadership" is so weak and pitiful that democrats FORCED George Bush to invaded Iraq.

I remember Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz all hitting the TV shows and radio BEGGING the America people not to support the invasion of Iraq.

I am sure you believe that.

But why do you republicans keep sending such weak assed leaders to Washington?
You all let the dems lead us to war and went right along with it. Why?

The millions of jobs moved oversea.
- Anyone who tells you this is the fault of one party over another is admitting they are an IDIOT! Americans have finally woken up to the truth that politicians from both parties, that our government, has been screwing them for years while getting rich doing it. 'Free Trade', arguing for more visas to allow more foreign workers to come to the US and replace Americans on jobs - Bill Gates, one of the many 'special interest group' reps who line the pockets of politicians, argued - falsely - before Congress that more visas needed to be handed out to foreigners to come to the US and take technological jobs because there weren't enough qualified Americans to fill the positions. The following week he brought in and hired foreigners while firing the Americans whose jobs they were taking.

Most politicians are NOT millionaires when they 1st go to Washington. Never stop to think about how they become millionaires? By F*ing the American people in most cases...BOTH parties.

The over 40,000 factories closed.
See the above.

Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
And instead of addressing that problem they used the problem to justify ramming a minority-supported agenda down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it. As usual, the government lied, made a problem a helluva lot worse, and profited from it while screwing the American people.
- 'It won't cost a dime'
- 'It will pay for itself'
- 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan'
*** Americans should have been listening for the dueling banjo music in the background as Obama pitched the ACA!

Not getting Bin Laden.
Liberals love to throw up the great claim tha Obama's (perhaps) biggest accomplishment was 'getting Bin Laden'...but they never mention:
- It was the process and network Bush put in place that finally found UBL.
- Obama refused to give the OK to take down UBL before he finally gave the 'ok'
- It was a Special Forces Team that took UBL down while he sat and posed for pictures in the War Room
- After it was over, instead of keeping his mouth shut so we could prosecute all of the intelligence we obtained, the narcissist in chief could not wait to brag to the world - within hours of the mission - what we had found, declaring we had found the locations of other terrorist leaders, the locations of their safe houses, etc.... This immediately warned those terrorists and gave them the opportunity to 'bug out' before we could go after them. (Liberals say this was a 'mistake'...while I would at least make the partial argument, while giving Obama more credit than THEY do, that Obama is not STUPID and neither are his advisors....Obama, it seems, rushed to intentionally warn the other terrorists of what we found and that we were coming. Then again, maybe the liberals are right - maybe Obam WAS just that stupid.
Not true though.
Most of the money repaid, was repaid with money from other government programs.
What's your source for that?

The government. The GAO report said this. I heard about this years ago from Econ-Talk, where they interviewed a former member of the Federal Reserve.

It's been reported numerous times.
Tale of Two Loan Programs

Not to mention that many banks were taking advantage of special tax breaks. Which means while they got a slightly larger amount of money back from TARP, they were paying far less in taxes. So how it's that a win?
So you can't find the portion that makes your claim? Interesting. I'm not a subscriber to the Times and don't intend to become one to see if you know what you're talking about. The question is about the bailout being repayed from other federal programs. I'm not sure what taxes have to do with it?
Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Too bad you didn't tell DumBama that before he made his speeches about how the stimulus was to create jobs:

The jobs were included in it's expanded form that Congress would not allow. That's already been addressed in this thread. I usually don't post long excerpts from links but this subject requires it. The level of mis/dis-information being distributed is alarming. Please read.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment, used extreme legislative vehicles like refusing to follow precedent on the typicallypro forma votes to raise the debt ceiling to extract moreeconomically damaging government spending cuts, blocked passage of a majority of the American Jobs Act (AJA), demanded counterproductive offsets to fiscal stimulus, and attacked the Federal Reserve’s expansion of the monetary base and other policy responses intended to lower unemployment.
What follows is an abbreviated chronology."

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)

It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

So, they tried their mightiest to obstruct it. Even the opportunity cost of just getting these GOP Senate votes was expensive. These votes were needed to push past the filibuster-proof 60 vote threshold—and it’s a slam-dunk that ARRA would have been successfully filibustered without them. The price tag of getting these votes was nearly $30 billion in school construction funds stripped out of the bill at the insistence of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the three GOP votes in the Senate. These funds would have supported roughly 250,000 additional jobs. Further, the final version also included the nearly $70 billion cost of a one-year extension of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) “patch”—a provision that provided no stimulus at all, since it was done literally every single year, but which was included to woo another GOP Senator, Olympia Snowe. If this amount could instead have been spent on productive stimulus, it could have created roughly 750,000 jobs. In short, just luring the minimal GOP votes needed to pass ARRA in the Senate likely kept it from supporting or creating nearly a million more jobs than it did.

Ah yes...the liberal mantra that the Obama Stimulus failed because it wasn't BIG enough! That even though nearly 800 billion was spent that if only we'd spent MORE...THEN we would have created jobs! The reason that the stimulus didn't create more jobs, Hutch is that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi called the shots on where that money would be spent. I love how you pull all these numbers out of your ass about how many more jobs would have been created if only we'd had more school construction...when those "shovel ready" jobs that we did provide money for never materialized. What gives you the idea that allocating more for infrastructure would have done anything more to create jobs with Reid and Pelosi running the show?
Why bother. Your "leadership" is so weak and pitiful that democrats FORCED George Bush to invaded Iraq.

Wilbur, no one FORCED Bush to invade Iraq, just like no one 'forced' Obama to drag the nation into the middle of a civil war in Libya between a dictator and the terrorists who attacked this nation on 9/11/01, to HELP the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11/01 to take over their own country, without getting Congressional approval to do so.

Unlike Obama, however, George Bush took the nation to war with the full blessing and authority of Congress, to include - as I mention - those like Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. They did not just simply vote to give Bush the authority to go to war, they argued for why it HAD to be done on the floors of the House and senate in an effort to rally their fellow Democrats to the cause. Obama knew there was no way in hell Congress would allow him to use our military to help Al Qaeida take over their own country, so Obama bypassed Congress and dragged the US into the middle of Libya's conflict on his own.

Hillary has said there are no real regrets of doing so even though it has not turned out how we wanted....after all, according to her we did not 'lose' on American in Libya!

Ah yes...the liberal mantra that the Obama Stimulus failed because it wasn't BIG enough! That even though nearly 800 billion was spent that if only we'd spent MORE...THEN we would have created jobs! The reason that the stimulus didn't create more jobs, Hutch is that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi called the shots on where that money would be spent. I love how you pull all these numbers out of your ass about how many more jobs would have been created if only we'd had more school construction...when those "shovel ready" jobs that we did provide money for never materialized. What gives you the idea that allocating more for infrastructure would have done anything more to create jobs with Reid and Pelosi running the show?
Liberals also neglect to mention the Congressional Budget Office's report that said of the jobs Obama's failed stimulus did actually create, 51% of those jobs were filled by ILLEGALS!

In fact, during this whole recession, with approx. 94 million Americans out of the work force :

Most Net Job Gains Went To Immigrants Since Recession
Most Net Job Gains Went To Immigrants Since Recession - Breitbart
Wilbur, that is ALL we have heard for the last 7 years from Obama and the Liberals.....

That is funny.
You can't tell the difference between relating a series of events that occurred and passing blame for those events.

Why, you must be a republican.
t Barack Obama has asked Congress to authorize the use of force against the Islamic State, declaring in hisState of the Union address: “We need that authority.”

No, he doesn’t.

Obama has been using force against the Islamic State for six months now. Between his inherent authority as commander in chief and two existing authorizations for the use of military force, he has all the authority he “needs” to defeat the Islamic State. What is holding Obama back is not the lack of congressional authorization but his own stubborn unwillingness to employ the kind of force his military commander says is necessary to win.

So if there is no legal or warfighting reason for Obama to ask Congress for a new Authorization for Use of Military Force, or AUMF, why does he want one

Unlike Obama, however, George Bush took the nation to war with the full blessing and authority of Congress

LMAO. You are probably a republican if you can't Google.

And can you believe how powerful those dems in congress were. Forcing the repubs to invade Iraq.

Amazing how democrats forced repubs to go to war.

Why do you support such weak assed politicians?

It was all the dems that voted to invade Iraq. And hardly any republicans voted to invade Iraq?

Is that what you are claiming?
The Islamic State was not in Libya.

Obama had no authority to take the country to war - in the midst of a civil war - in Libya, a war between Al Qaeida and a dictator!
- Hell. let them both kill each other....but that is not what Obama wanted.

There was no immediate threat that required the US to militarily intervene in Libya, the same argument Liberals continue to make in regards to Bush and Iraq. Their own hypocrisy is kicking them in the ass!

The reason Obama refused to go before Congress and specifically ask to use the military in Libya was because he knew there was no way in hell they would allow him to treasonously use our military to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of the 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) attack on the US - take over their own country. So, on his own, without Congressional authority to do so - something given to Bush by Congress, to include Liberals - Obama dragged the nation into war to help the terrorists who had slaughtered thousands of Americans!

And Again...and I will type slower this time so you can keep up and comprehend....Liberals did not FORCE Bush to take the country to go to war in Iraq. They DID however, argue FOR it, declared it HAD to be done, made the case to go to war, and argued Hussein HAD to be overthrown - JUST as they argued / believed (Hillary and Obama) they had to take out Qaddafi. You can deny it all you want but the Congressional historic record clearly records the history as this happening. Then, after arguing for it, they voted to give Bush the authority to go to war - again, what Obama knew he would never get which is why he bypassed Congress to help Al Qaeida take over Libya.
Camarota says. “And this is money coming from taxpayers. The whol: e point of the stimulus is to put Americans back to work. And by not including E-Verify, it’s a terrible slap in the face to U.S. construction workers, who are currently experiencing a 10 percent, sometimes even 15 percent unemployment rate.”

Before leaving office, former President Bush signed an executive order requiring all federal contractors to submit employees’ names to E-verify. President Obama has delayed implementation of that directive until at least May 21.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has filed a lawsuit to prevent making the use of E-Verify mandatory. The organization says Congress approved it strictly as a voluntary

Damn democrats in the Senate. Giving in to the chamber of commerce again.

Now why would the chamber file a law suit to keep employers from finding out if their new hire is legal?

You must be a republican if you can't use Google.
Liberals did not FORCE Bush to take the country to go to war in Iraq. They DID however, argue FOR it, declared it HAD to be done, made the case to go to war,

Bullshit. Dems forced us to invade Iraq. They (dems) voted 100% for the invasion.

Powerful dudes them dems are. And weak willed been bumpkins are what republicans are to be led around by the nose like they were.
Bullshit. Dems forced us to invade Iraq. They (dems) voted 100% for the invasion.

Powerful dudes them dems are. And weak willed been bumpkins are what republicans are to be led around by the nose like they were.

Whatever you say, Wilbur...whatever you say.


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