Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment,
What's alarming is people take that shit seriously. You claim Republicans are to blame because they stood in the way of government expansion? People have to pay for public funds. Did you even know that? You can't grow the public sector without taking it from the private sector.

It's totally brain dead and devoid of thought to simply pass every problem off because Republicans stood in the way of leftists getting everything they want.

Except what Dems wanted was a more robust recovery with job gains. Apparently it's not so much about what the Dems wanted as much as what the Repubs didn't want for the American people. Actions speak louder than words.
"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment,
What's alarming is people take that shit seriously. You claim Republicans are to blame because they stood in the way of government expansion? People have to pay for public funds. Did you even know that? You can't grow the public sector without taking it from the private sector.

It's totally brain dead and devoid of thought to simply pass every problem off because Republicans stood in the way of leftists getting everything they want.

Except what Dems wanted was a more robust recovery with job gains. Apparently it's not so much about what the Dems wanted as much as what the Repubs didn't want for the American people. Actions speak louder than words.
Republicans didn't want job gains? Maybe they are too preoccupied with raping babies?
Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Too bad you didn't tell DumBama that before he made his speeches about how the stimulus was to create jobs:

The jobs were included in it's expanded form that Congress would not allow. That's already been addressed in this thread. I usually don't post long excerpts from links but this subject requires it. The level of mis/dis-information being distributed is alarming. Please read.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment, used extreme legislative vehicles like refusing to follow precedent on the typicallypro forma votes to raise the debt ceiling to extract moreeconomically damaging government spending cuts, blocked passage of a majority of the American Jobs Act (AJA), demanded counterproductive offsets to fiscal stimulus, and attacked the Federal Reserve’s expansion of the monetary base and other policy responses intended to lower unemployment.
What follows is an abbreviated chronology."

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)

It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

So, they tried their mightiest to obstruct it. Even the opportunity cost of just getting these GOP Senate votes was expensive. These votes were needed to push past the filibuster-proof 60 vote threshold—and it’s a slam-dunk that ARRA would have been successfully filibustered without them. The price tag of getting these votes was nearly $30 billion in school construction funds stripped out of the bill at the insistence of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the three GOP votes in the Senate. These funds would have supported roughly 250,000 additional jobs. Further, the final version also included the nearly $70 billion cost of a one-year extension of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) “patch”—a provision that provided no stimulus at all, since it was done literally every single year, but which was included to woo another GOP Senator, Olympia Snowe. If this amount could instead have been spent on productive stimulus, it could have created roughly 750,000 jobs. In short, just luring the minimal GOP votes needed to pass ARRA in the Senate likely kept it from supporting or creating nearly a million more jobs than it did.

Ah yes...the liberal mantra that the Obama Stimulus failed because it wasn't BIG enough! That even though nearly 800 billion was spent that if only we'd spent MORE...THEN we would have created jobs! The reason that the stimulus didn't create more jobs, Hutch is that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi called the shots on where that money would be spent. I love how you pull all these numbers out of your ass about how many more jobs would have been created if only we'd had more school construction...when those "shovel ready" jobs that we did provide money for never materialized. What gives you the idea that allocating more for infrastructure would have done anything more to create jobs with Reid and Pelosi running the show?

Yes it was all Reid and Pelosi. The all powerful Democrats ran a fast one on the congressional Republicans and forced them to not support any stimulus at all while the world economy was in free fall.
"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment,
What's alarming is people take that shit seriously. You claim Republicans are to blame because they stood in the way of government expansion? People have to pay for public funds. Did you even know that? You can't grow the public sector without taking it from the private sector.

It's totally brain dead and devoid of thought to simply pass every problem off because Republicans stood in the way of leftists getting everything they want.

Except what Dems wanted was a more robust recovery with job gains. Apparently it's not so much about what the Dems wanted as much as what the Repubs didn't want for the American people. Actions speak louder than words.
Republicans didn't want job gains? Maybe they are too preoccupied with raping babies?

Apparently not because they have done nothing toward that end. They've had the Congress for two years now. Maybe Reid and Pelosi are holding them back.
Yes it was all Reid and Pelosi. The all powerful Democrats ran a fast one on the congressional Republicans and forced them to not support any stimulus at all while the world economy was in free fall.

At last, someone else who understands that it was the power of the democrats and the weak wills of the repubs that led repubs into the mess we now have.

Republicans had NOTHING to do with anything.

Don't believe me? Ask them republicans.
"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment,
What's alarming is people take that shit seriously. You claim Republicans are to blame because they stood in the way of government expansion? People have to pay for public funds. Did you even know that? You can't grow the public sector without taking it from the private sector.

It's totally brain dead and devoid of thought to simply pass every problem off because Republicans stood in the way of leftists getting everything they want.

Except what Dems wanted was a more robust recovery with job gains. Apparently it's not so much about what the Dems wanted as much as what the Repubs didn't want for the American people. Actions speak louder than words.
Republicans didn't want job gains? Maybe they are too preoccupied with raping babies?

Apparently not because they have done nothing toward that end. They've had the Congress for two years now. Maybe Reid and Pelosi are holding them back.
You are confused. Government isn't the employment machine. They do hire but it comes at a cost from the private sector. So anything that helps businesses helps the economy. Failing to grow government isn't what hurts the economy no matter how badly you want it to mean so.

Senate passes Republican budget plan Obama promises veto for 2016 budget bills
Congressional Republicans have shown the power of a majority, when the Senate passed the first Republican budget in a decade. The Senate passed the 10-year budget plan with a vote of 51 to 48 on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. The passage gives the new Republican majority their greatest victory of the new session. The budget blueprint cuts social welfare programs, boosts defense spending, gets rid of Obamacare all while ensuring a balanced budget in 10 years. Since the budget is non-binding, President Barack Obama does not need to sign it nor can he veto it.

Originally, the House and Senate had a conflict over defense spending, but once they resolved their differences and increase spending, the bill was smooth sailing until it passed. The fact that concessions and compromises were made to swiftly pass the budget is deemed a success by GOP leadership because it shows that the Republican controlled Congress is working and moving forward with their agenda. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell remarked after the bill's passage, "It's a budget that aims to make government more efficient, more effective, and more accountable to the middle class. No budget will ever be perfect, but this is a budget that sensibly addresses the concerns of many different members. It reflects honest compromise from many different members with many different priorities."
Can House Republicans Pass Their Budget?
Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP leaders try out a compromise on conservatives, but the hard-liners aren’t impressed.


J. Scott Applewhite / AP


If there’s one thing that got Paul Ryan to where he is today, it is the budget.

Before Mitt Romney picked him as his vice presidential running mate in 2012, before Republicans beseeched him to succeed John Boehner as House speaker last year, Ryan wrote—and helped to pass—the party’s annual budget resolution. These were the documents that laid out the GOP’s governing philosophy, that established the wonky Wisconsinite as the nation’s leading conservative thinker and one who was unafraid to risk the political blowback of proposing deep cuts to federal spending and far-reaching changes to entitlement programs.

So it would be no small embarrassment for Ryan’s first year as speaker to also be the first time in the GOP’s six years in the majority that the House failed to pass a budget. Yet that remains a distinct possibility, as party leaders try to wrangle conservatives into supporting a proposal that adheres to the deal that Ryan’s predecessor struck with President Obama and congressional Democrats. Those conservatives—most vocally the members of the hard-line House Freedom Caucus—didn’t support Boehner’s agreement in the first place. And they want the budget to reflect Republican priorities, not a bipartisan compromise, by calling for billions less in federal spending.

Congressional Republicans have shown the power of a majority, when the Senate passed the first Republican budget in a decade. The Senate passed the 10-year budget plan with a vote of 51 to 48 on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. The passage gives the new Republican majority their greatest victory of the new session.

LMAO. Republicans won't support their own fucking budget.
But it's Obama's fault.
Obama, the most powerful black man since Shaft.
Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Also TARP was paid back with a profit of $56 Billion.
View attachment 69256

Not true though.
Most of the money repaid, was repaid with money from other government programs.

Even then, the profit was 0.6%. The government could have made more return on their money buying stocks.

In fact, most ironic... You can make 1% interest on a CD in a bank. The government could have easily made far more money putting the cash from TARP in a money market account.

Don't believe you for one minute! YOU ARE a liar! Where are your links? Where IS YOUR Proof? Nothing but pure subjective speculation on your part.
Get me FACTS not your dumb opinion!
Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Also TARP was paid back with a profit of $56 Billion.
View attachment 69256

Not true though.
Most of the money repaid, was repaid with money from other government programs.

Even then, the profit was 0.6%. The government could have made more return on their money buying stocks.

In fact, most ironic... You can make 1% interest on a CD in a bank. The government could have easily made far more money putting the cash from TARP in a money market account.

Don't believe you for one minute! YOU ARE a liar! Where are your links? Where IS YOUR Proof? Nothing but pure subjective speculation on your part.
Get me FACTS not your dumb opinion!

Actually I have posted several links.

Tale of Two Loan Programs

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report

There are many others. It's not speculation.
Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Too bad you didn't tell DumBama that before he made his speeches about how the stimulus was to create jobs:

The jobs were included in it's expanded form that Congress would not allow. That's already been addressed in this thread. I usually don't post long excerpts from links but this subject requires it. The level of mis/dis-information being distributed is alarming. Please read.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment, used extreme legislative vehicles like refusing to follow precedent on the typicallypro forma votes to raise the debt ceiling to extract moreeconomically damaging government spending cuts, blocked passage of a majority of the American Jobs Act (AJA), demanded counterproductive offsets to fiscal stimulus, and attacked the Federal Reserve’s expansion of the monetary base and other policy responses intended to lower unemployment.
What follows is an abbreviated chronology."

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)

It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

So, they tried their mightiest to obstruct it. Even the opportunity cost of just getting these GOP Senate votes was expensive. These votes were needed to push past the filibuster-proof 60 vote threshold—and it’s a slam-dunk that ARRA would have been successfully filibustered without them. The price tag of getting these votes was nearly $30 billion in school construction funds stripped out of the bill at the insistence of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the three GOP votes in the Senate. These funds would have supported roughly 250,000 additional jobs. Further, the final version also included the nearly $70 billion cost of a one-year extension of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) “patch”—a provision that provided no stimulus at all, since it was done literally every single year, but which was included to woo another GOP Senator, Olympia Snowe. If this amount could instead have been spent on productive stimulus, it could have created roughly 750,000 jobs. In short, just luring the minimal GOP votes needed to pass ARRA in the Senate likely kept it from supporting or creating nearly a million more jobs than it did.

Ah yes...the liberal mantra that the Obama Stimulus failed because it wasn't BIG enough! That even though nearly 800 billion was spent that if only we'd spent MORE...THEN we would have created jobs! The reason that the stimulus didn't create more jobs, Hutch is that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi called the shots on where that money would be spent. I love how you pull all these numbers out of your ass about how many more jobs would have been created if only we'd had more school construction...when those "shovel ready" jobs that we did provide money for never materialized. What gives you the idea that allocating more for infrastructure would have done anything more to create jobs with Reid and Pelosi running the show?

Yes it was all Reid and Pelosi. The all powerful Democrats ran a fast one on the congressional Republicans and forced them to not support any stimulus at all while the world economy was in free fall.

Only a progressive would call spending 800 billion not supporting any stimulus at all!
"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment,
What's alarming is people take that shit seriously. You claim Republicans are to blame because they stood in the way of government expansion? People have to pay for public funds. Did you even know that? You can't grow the public sector without taking it from the private sector.

It's totally brain dead and devoid of thought to simply pass every problem off because Republicans stood in the way of leftists getting everything they want.

Except what Dems wanted was a more robust recovery with job gains. Apparently it's not so much about what the Dems wanted as much as what the Repubs didn't want for the American people. Actions speak louder than words.
Republicans didn't want job gains? Maybe they are too preoccupied with raping babies?

Apparently not because they have done nothing toward that end. They've had the Congress for two years now. Maybe Reid and Pelosi are holding them back.
You are confused. Government isn't the employment machine. They do hire but it comes at a cost from the private sector. So anything that helps businesses helps the economy. Failing to grow government isn't what hurts the economy no matter how badly you want it to mean so.

Senate passes Republican budget plan Obama promises veto for 2016 budget bills
Congressional Republicans have shown the power of a majority, when the Senate passed the first Republican budget in a decade. The Senate passed the 10-year budget plan with a vote of 51 to 48 on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. The passage gives the new Republican majority their greatest victory of the new session. The budget blueprint cuts social welfare programs, boosts defense spending, gets rid of Obamacare all while ensuring a balanced budget in 10 years. Since the budget is non-binding, President Barack Obama does not need to sign it nor can he veto it.

Originally, the House and Senate had a conflict over defense spending, but once they resolved their differences and increase spending, the bill was smooth sailing until it passed. The fact that concessions and compromises were made to swiftly pass the budget is deemed a success by GOP leadership because it shows that the Republican controlled Congress is working and moving forward with their agenda. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell remarked after the bill's passage, "It's a budget that aims to make government more efficient, more effective, and more accountable to the middle class. No budget will ever be perfect, but this is a budget that sensibly addresses the concerns of many different members. It reflects honest compromise from many different members with many different priorities."

OK, so I expect to see you take people to task when blame falls on the president when jobs numbers aren't favorable. You can remind them that govt doesn't create jobs and are apparently, in your view, unable to do a damned thing about it.
Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Too bad you didn't tell DumBama that before he made his speeches about how the stimulus was to create jobs:

The jobs were included in it's expanded form that Congress would not allow. That's already been addressed in this thread. I usually don't post long excerpts from links but this subject requires it. The level of mis/dis-information being distributed is alarming. Please read.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment, used extreme legislative vehicles like refusing to follow precedent on the typicallypro forma votes to raise the debt ceiling to extract moreeconomically damaging government spending cuts, blocked passage of a majority of the American Jobs Act (AJA), demanded counterproductive offsets to fiscal stimulus, and attacked the Federal Reserve’s expansion of the monetary base and other policy responses intended to lower unemployment.
What follows is an abbreviated chronology."

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)

It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

So, they tried their mightiest to obstruct it. Even the opportunity cost of just getting these GOP Senate votes was expensive. These votes were needed to push past the filibuster-proof 60 vote threshold—and it’s a slam-dunk that ARRA would have been successfully filibustered without them. The price tag of getting these votes was nearly $30 billion in school construction funds stripped out of the bill at the insistence of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the three GOP votes in the Senate. These funds would have supported roughly 250,000 additional jobs. Further, the final version also included the nearly $70 billion cost of a one-year extension of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) “patch”—a provision that provided no stimulus at all, since it was done literally every single year, but which was included to woo another GOP Senator, Olympia Snowe. If this amount could instead have been spent on productive stimulus, it could have created roughly 750,000 jobs. In short, just luring the minimal GOP votes needed to pass ARRA in the Senate likely kept it from supporting or creating nearly a million more jobs than it did.

Ah yes...the liberal mantra that the Obama Stimulus failed because it wasn't BIG enough! That even though nearly 800 billion was spent that if only we'd spent MORE...THEN we would have created jobs! The reason that the stimulus didn't create more jobs, Hutch is that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi called the shots on where that money would be spent. I love how you pull all these numbers out of your ass about how many more jobs would have been created if only we'd had more school construction...when those "shovel ready" jobs that we did provide money for never materialized. What gives you the idea that allocating more for infrastructure would have done anything more to create jobs with Reid and Pelosi running the show?

Yes it was all Reid and Pelosi. The all powerful Democrats ran a fast one on the congressional Republicans and forced them to not support any stimulus at all while the world economy was in free fall.

Only a progressive would call spending 800 billion not supporting any stimulus at all!

Or just someone who knows what he's talking about. Unlike you.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)
It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).
Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Also TARP was paid back with a profit of $56 Billion.
View attachment 69256

Not true though.
Most of the money repaid, was repaid with money from other government programs.

Even then, the profit was 0.6%. The government could have made more return on their money buying stocks.

In fact, most ironic... You can make 1% interest on a CD in a bank. The government could have easily made far more money putting the cash from TARP in a money market account.

Don't believe you for one minute! YOU ARE a liar! Where are your links? Where IS YOUR Proof? Nothing but pure subjective speculation on your part.
Get me FACTS not your dumb opinion!

Actually I have posted several links.

Tale of Two Loan Programs

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report

There are many others. It's not speculation.
Your WSJ article ....
So what is the problem?
This happens ALL the time when a borrower gets better financing deal they pay off old loans at higher interest!
So why is this so bad?
Two exact same premise LINKS...
Both of which describe how shrewd financial management pays off older higher interest with lower interest.
Who cares? TARP was paid back. Point made. So what??
Are you that financially naive to say OH this is so bad!! Grow up!
Too bad you didn't tell DumBama that before he made his speeches about how the stimulus was to create jobs:

The jobs were included in it's expanded form that Congress would not allow. That's already been addressed in this thread. I usually don't post long excerpts from links but this subject requires it. The level of mis/dis-information being distributed is alarming. Please read.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment, used extreme legislative vehicles like refusing to follow precedent on the typicallypro forma votes to raise the debt ceiling to extract moreeconomically damaging government spending cuts, blocked passage of a majority of the American Jobs Act (AJA), demanded counterproductive offsets to fiscal stimulus, and attacked the Federal Reserve’s expansion of the monetary base and other policy responses intended to lower unemployment.
What follows is an abbreviated chronology."

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)

It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

So, they tried their mightiest to obstruct it. Even the opportunity cost of just getting these GOP Senate votes was expensive. These votes were needed to push past the filibuster-proof 60 vote threshold—and it’s a slam-dunk that ARRA would have been successfully filibustered without them. The price tag of getting these votes was nearly $30 billion in school construction funds stripped out of the bill at the insistence of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the three GOP votes in the Senate. These funds would have supported roughly 250,000 additional jobs. Further, the final version also included the nearly $70 billion cost of a one-year extension of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) “patch”—a provision that provided no stimulus at all, since it was done literally every single year, but which was included to woo another GOP Senator, Olympia Snowe. If this amount could instead have been spent on productive stimulus, it could have created roughly 750,000 jobs. In short, just luring the minimal GOP votes needed to pass ARRA in the Senate likely kept it from supporting or creating nearly a million more jobs than it did.

Ah yes...the liberal mantra that the Obama Stimulus failed because it wasn't BIG enough! That even though nearly 800 billion was spent that if only we'd spent MORE...THEN we would have created jobs! The reason that the stimulus didn't create more jobs, Hutch is that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi called the shots on where that money would be spent. I love how you pull all these numbers out of your ass about how many more jobs would have been created if only we'd had more school construction...when those "shovel ready" jobs that we did provide money for never materialized. What gives you the idea that allocating more for infrastructure would have done anything more to create jobs with Reid and Pelosi running the show?

Yes it was all Reid and Pelosi. The all powerful Democrats ran a fast one on the congressional Republicans and forced them to not support any stimulus at all while the world economy was in free fall.

Only a progressive would call spending 800 billion not supporting any stimulus at all!

Or just someone who knows what he's talking about. Unlike you.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)
It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

You're going to have to explain how the same Congressional GOP members that couldn't prevent ObamaCare from being passed...somehow had the ability to "smother" the Obama Stimulus! It's one heck of a talking point, Hutch but when you really think about it...the GOP could threaten to do all kinds of things back in 2008 but the cold hard fact is that they didn't have the power to "smother" anything!

The GOP didn't support the stimulus because it was obvious from the start that it would be used by Obama, Pelosi and Reid to reward Democratic loyalists. There was a ton of pork in that legislation.
36 pages and still, no one will admit recent history.
The jobs were included in it's expanded form that Congress would not allow. That's already been addressed in this thread. I usually don't post long excerpts from links but this subject requires it. The level of mis/dis-information being distributed is alarming. Please read.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment, used extreme legislative vehicles like refusing to follow precedent on the typicallypro forma votes to raise the debt ceiling to extract moreeconomically damaging government spending cuts, blocked passage of a majority of the American Jobs Act (AJA), demanded counterproductive offsets to fiscal stimulus, and attacked the Federal Reserve’s expansion of the monetary base and other policy responses intended to lower unemployment.
What follows is an abbreviated chronology."

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)

It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

So, they tried their mightiest to obstruct it. Even the opportunity cost of just getting these GOP Senate votes was expensive. These votes were needed to push past the filibuster-proof 60 vote threshold—and it’s a slam-dunk that ARRA would have been successfully filibustered without them. The price tag of getting these votes was nearly $30 billion in school construction funds stripped out of the bill at the insistence of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the three GOP votes in the Senate. These funds would have supported roughly 250,000 additional jobs. Further, the final version also included the nearly $70 billion cost of a one-year extension of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) “patch”—a provision that provided no stimulus at all, since it was done literally every single year, but which was included to woo another GOP Senator, Olympia Snowe. If this amount could instead have been spent on productive stimulus, it could have created roughly 750,000 jobs. In short, just luring the minimal GOP votes needed to pass ARRA in the Senate likely kept it from supporting or creating nearly a million more jobs than it did.

Ah yes...the liberal mantra that the Obama Stimulus failed because it wasn't BIG enough! That even though nearly 800 billion was spent that if only we'd spent MORE...THEN we would have created jobs! The reason that the stimulus didn't create more jobs, Hutch is that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi called the shots on where that money would be spent. I love how you pull all these numbers out of your ass about how many more jobs would have been created if only we'd had more school construction...when those "shovel ready" jobs that we did provide money for never materialized. What gives you the idea that allocating more for infrastructure would have done anything more to create jobs with Reid and Pelosi running the show?

Yes it was all Reid and Pelosi. The all powerful Democrats ran a fast one on the congressional Republicans and forced them to not support any stimulus at all while the world economy was in free fall.

Only a progressive would call spending 800 billion not supporting any stimulus at all!

Or just someone who knows what he's talking about. Unlike you.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)
It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

You're going to have to explain how the same Congressional GOP members that couldn't prevent ObamaCare from being passed...somehow had the ability to "smother" the Obama Stimulus! It's one heck of a talking point, Hutch but when you really think about it...the GOP could threaten to do all kinds of things back in 2008 but the cold hard fact is that they didn't have the power to "smother" anything!

The GOP didn't support the stimulus because it was obvious from the start that it would be used by Obama, Pelosi and Reid to reward Democratic loyalists. There was a ton of pork in that legislation.

Later on, DumBama tried to pass another stimulus bill that the Republicans did stop because they had the leadership to do it. It wasn't much different than the first failure of a stimulus which is why Republicans shot it down.
Ah yes...the liberal mantra that the Obama Stimulus failed because it wasn't BIG enough! That even though nearly 800 billion was spent that if only we'd spent MORE...THEN we would have created jobs! The reason that the stimulus didn't create more jobs, Hutch is that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi called the shots on where that money would be spent. I love how you pull all these numbers out of your ass about how many more jobs would have been created if only we'd had more school construction...when those "shovel ready" jobs that we did provide money for never materialized. What gives you the idea that allocating more for infrastructure would have done anything more to create jobs with Reid and Pelosi running the show?

Yes it was all Reid and Pelosi. The all powerful Democrats ran a fast one on the congressional Republicans and forced them to not support any stimulus at all while the world economy was in free fall.

Only a progressive would call spending 800 billion not supporting any stimulus at all!

Or just someone who knows what he's talking about. Unlike you.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)
It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

You're going to have to explain how the same Congressional GOP members that couldn't prevent ObamaCare from being passed...somehow had the ability to "smother" the Obama Stimulus! It's one heck of a talking point, Hutch but when you really think about it...the GOP could threaten to do all kinds of things back in 2008 but the cold hard fact is that they didn't have the power to "smother" anything!

The GOP didn't support the stimulus because it was obvious from the start that it would be used by Obama, Pelosi and Reid to reward Democratic loyalists. There was a ton of pork in that legislation.

Later on, DumBama tried to pass another stimulus bill that the Republicans did stop because they had the leadership to do it. It wasn't much different than the first failure of a stimulus which is why Republicans shot it down.

Actually the second stimulus that Barry tried to get passed was so pathetic that his own party wouldn't vote for it. Wonder if R-Derp remembers THAT recent history?
The jobs were included in it's expanded form that Congress would not allow. That's already been addressed in this thread. I usually don't post long excerpts from links but this subject requires it. The level of mis/dis-information being distributed is alarming. Please read.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment, used extreme legislative vehicles like refusing to follow precedent on the typicallypro forma votes to raise the debt ceiling to extract moreeconomically damaging government spending cuts, blocked passage of a majority of the American Jobs Act (AJA), demanded counterproductive offsets to fiscal stimulus, and attacked the Federal Reserve’s expansion of the monetary base and other policy responses intended to lower unemployment.
What follows is an abbreviated chronology."

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)

It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

So, they tried their mightiest to obstruct it. Even the opportunity cost of just getting these GOP Senate votes was expensive. These votes were needed to push past the filibuster-proof 60 vote threshold—and it’s a slam-dunk that ARRA would have been successfully filibustered without them. The price tag of getting these votes was nearly $30 billion in school construction funds stripped out of the bill at the insistence of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the three GOP votes in the Senate. These funds would have supported roughly 250,000 additional jobs. Further, the final version also included the nearly $70 billion cost of a one-year extension of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) “patch”—a provision that provided no stimulus at all, since it was done literally every single year, but which was included to woo another GOP Senator, Olympia Snowe. If this amount could instead have been spent on productive stimulus, it could have created roughly 750,000 jobs. In short, just luring the minimal GOP votes needed to pass ARRA in the Senate likely kept it from supporting or creating nearly a million more jobs than it did.

Ah yes...the liberal mantra that the Obama Stimulus failed because it wasn't BIG enough! That even though nearly 800 billion was spent that if only we'd spent MORE...THEN we would have created jobs! The reason that the stimulus didn't create more jobs, Hutch is that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi called the shots on where that money would be spent. I love how you pull all these numbers out of your ass about how many more jobs would have been created if only we'd had more school construction...when those "shovel ready" jobs that we did provide money for never materialized. What gives you the idea that allocating more for infrastructure would have done anything more to create jobs with Reid and Pelosi running the show?

Yes it was all Reid and Pelosi. The all powerful Democrats ran a fast one on the congressional Republicans and forced them to not support any stimulus at all while the world economy was in free fall.

Only a progressive would call spending 800 billion not supporting any stimulus at all!

Or just someone who knows what he's talking about. Unlike you.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)
It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

You're going to have to explain how the same Congressional GOP members that couldn't prevent ObamaCare from being passed...somehow had the ability to "smother" the Obama Stimulus! It's one heck of a talking point, Hutch but when you really think about it...the GOP could threaten to do all kinds of things back in 2008 but the cold hard fact is that they didn't have the power to "smother" anything!

The GOP didn't support the stimulus because it was obvious from the start that it would be used by Obama, Pelosi and Reid to reward Democratic loyalists. There was a ton of pork in that legislation.

It's not a talking point. The answers you seek are in the link I provided. Try reading it.

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