Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Also TARP was paid back with a profit of $56 Billion.
1) Amongst industrialized countries — members of the OECD — with universal health care, Canada has the second most expensive health care system as a share of the economy after adjusting for age.
2) In 2013, Canadians, on average, faced a four and a half month wait for medically necessary treatment after referral by a general practitioner.
This wait time is almost twice as long as it was in 1993 when national wait times were first measured.
If Universal Health Care Is The Goal, Don't Copy Canada
But who can argue the FACTS with ignorant people that proclaim Canada as a role model!

1. Our health care is expensive because the US poaches our doctors and our nurses. US hospitals hold job fairs in our cities to lure medical professionals to the US. As a results, salaries here for medical professionals are higher than they otherwise would be, to keep our doctors and nurses in Canada.

2. You're citing a report from the Fraser Institute - a right-wing think tank which uses dubious study methods to glean data on the state of Canada's health care system. The Fraser Institute has an avowed goal of seeing the Canada Health Act overturned and replaced with US style health care.

The Fraser Institute put out a report saying that 30,000 Canadians sought health care in the US in a given year. The study the report was based on asked physicians what percentage of their patients had sought treatment in the US. There was no option for 0% or "None", only "Less than 1%". Overwhelmingly, physicians responded "Less than 1%". From this, the Fraser determined that approximately 30,000 Canadians had sought treatment in the US, or slightly less than 1%. In reality, something like 12,000 Canadians had sought medical treatment in the US that year. The vast majority of those people were already in the US, either on business or vacation, and had a medical emergency while there.

3. Your Forbes article is written by two members of The Fraser Institute.

I provided LINKS! Where are your links for YOUR personal opinion? Too hard to do isn't ? Simply use the internet to prove your statements and until you do I consider your comments totally subjective without ANY validation!
Prove your comments!
...Still Bush's fault after 7.5 years.

I guess a half black progressive POTUS can do no wrong...in the small minds of some.

The mess that was left is, was and always shall be Bush's mess. Obama was done so very much to save the American economy and restore respect for the US throughout the world, despite the most obstructionist Congress in history.

There are lots of things that the left isn't happy about, but given the extent of the disaster he took over, he's done an excellent job. However as long as he remains half-black, idiots like you will continue to deny what a good job he's done under the circumstances. Certainly better than Bush, who took over a balanced budget, and and relatively stable world, and just blew it all up.
He has done a terrible job...just like his blood brother W.

He has enriched and empowered Wall Street and the 1%, while continuing to harm the middle class. Turned the ME into a quagmire. Blown up the national debt massively and passed at HC plan that sucks. But his biggest failure is his divisive politics of piting black against white...but his illegal immigration schemes are nearly as bad.
I think this one sentence summarizes W's and BO's economic plan.

Socialism for the rich and capitalism for everyone else.
Obama will be seen as the worst President in history...his mistakes will follow us into the future and will cause great suffering for the people of the planet......but it I'll be a long time before the truth will be recorded...too many morons are going to write his history right now....

I know this is the conservative wet dream, but it won't happen. Obama will be hailed as a hero for beginning health care reform in America. It isn't just union demands that sent all of those jobs overseas, it's also the cost of employee health care insurance. I'd wager that rapidly health care insurance costs are part of what keeps wages flatlining year in and year out, too.

Your health care industry remains bloated with administration costs three times higher than most industrialized countries. So much for private industry being more cost efficient.

Once Republicans lose Congress and the Senate on Trumps coattails, perhaps the US can join the 21st Century on wage reforms.

It isn't private industry that is messing up our healthcare....it is government intervention in it that is causing the problems....

It's not government that insists on pre-approving treatment, it's the private insurance companies. Many doctors keep extra nurses on staff to deal with insurance company pre-approvals. They also farm out billing to third party companies because it's too time consuming and too complex. Many doctors refuse to deal with insurance companies at all because they are too intrusive in patient/doctor care. Patients pay out of pocket and then fight it out for their insurance companies for reimbursement. Billing and Administration is the largest department in American hospitals.

I live in a country with government funded health care. I have no paper work to complete, no forms to file for my care. I have a health card I present at the doctor's office and at the pharmacy for prescriptions. My only role is to hand my card to the doctor's receptionist or the pharmacist so they can verify that I have coverage. That's it. There are no pre-approvals. Billing is done once a month (single payer so it's only once invoice), by the doctor's receptionist. So while Canadian doctors don't make as much money up front, they don't need additional staff to deal with insurance companies, nor do they need third party billing and collections, and they get to spend more time with patients.

Our health care costs are almost half of what the US spends, and out administration costs are below 10%, while yours are over 30%, based entirely on levels of scrutiny and complex billing practices put in place by private insurance companies.
The problem is that they are HIGHLY regulated by government. You left that part out. We can't even shop across state lines for insurance. Plus Medicare, Medicaid, lots of red tape. Lawsuits up the ass due to our litigious society with lawyers more plentiful than rats.

You paint a rosy picture but I've heard some less than stellar things about your healthcare.

No health care system is perfect but yours is a snake pit for all who use it. Here's a clue, all that paperwork that has to be submitted by claimants and their physicians is an expensive waste of time. More money is spent to prevent waste and fraud than the waste and fraud would cost. The paperwork surrounding your medical system keeps people from making claims, which is as was intended. Give users a photo ID swipe card and have them present it each time they access the system.

Everything about your private insurance plans is designed to make claims difficult to file and difficult to get approved. All that obstruction costs money - money for the physicians, and money for the hospitals, and aggravation for sick people who should be focused on getting well.

And you are not making any proof of your statements. Totally personal subjective statement!
YOU need to do a little more research before spouting your crap.

FACT... Less then 7% of the claims filed are denied by the top five companies.

Fact federal law requires at least 80% of all premiums MUST be paid out in claims.

The Affordable Care Act holds health insurers accountable to consumers and ensures that American families receive value for their health insurance premium dollars. One such mechanism is the 80/20 rule, or Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rule. The 80/20 rule brings consumers value, increases transparency and accountability, and promotes better business practices and competition among insurance companies.
Health insurance companies deny too many claims.
Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 5.25.34 PM.png

For this report, CAQH collected an extensive quantitative dataset on major administrative transactions through its initiative, the U.S. Healthcare Efficiency Index® (Index). Health plans representing over 100 million covered lives contributed to the effort.
The dataset includes information from over 1 billion claims and 3 billion transactions.
In cooperation with Milliman, Inc., we also surveyed healthcare providers and health plans on the costs of manual and automated transactions, based on publicly available information and proprietary Milliman cost data.

READ the report and then come to logical conclusions!
I am an expert by the way as 10,000 times a day health care providers come to a service I provide that verifies the eligibility of the patient.
I know how health care claims are filed and I know you do NOT have the level of understanding that I have gained over the last 20 years!
So please read the above study. Get educated before doing as Lincoln said:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt!"
Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Too bad you didn't tell DumBama that before he made his speeches about how the stimulus was to create jobs:

I already explained that much of the red tape is due to government regulations and dicking around with health care. I filed claims and been taken care of. You are a liar and leftist progagandizer, pure and simple.

As usual, when you can't refute the arguments, you attack the poster.

The red tape exists because the insurance companies set it up. Government regulations exist because insurance companies have been known to act in bad faith with policy holders.

Since US Presidents have been trying to reform US health care since the Great Depression, when the government wasn't even involved in health care, I think it's safe to assume that there were serious systemic problems with your system long before the government got involved.

Not really. Years ago (70''s and 80's) healthcare was fairly reasonable. Nearly every employer that had full-time employees offered insurance because it was cheap.

As time went on and government got more and more involved in our healthcare, it eventually became unaffordable.

Working for the industry during that time, I can tell you that we had to have meetings once a month just to train employees, discuss, and have questions answered about the new government regulations that seemed to come every week.

What does US government healthcare look like? All you have to do is check out our Medicare program, our Medicaid program, our VA program and that will give you the answer.
What's remarkable is how often Barack Obama's only successes seemed to pivot from something Bush did before leaving office...yet Bush is the person that Obama blames constantly. Obama probably doesn't get Bin Laden without intel gathered with the waterboarding that Bush allowed and he banned. The continuation of TARP is one of the few economic strategies of the Obama Administration that actually worked. A military "surge" in Afghanistan like the "surge" strategy employed by Bush earlier is one of the few moments of military success for this Administration.

The Republican Senate Committee found that no Intel that was obtained through torture helped them find Bin Laden. That's a Dick Cheney lie which the conservative media keeps repeating.

TARP was continued but Republicans blocked attempts to increase or expand his infrastructure reconstruction programs because of the deficit, so the economic stimulous was the lowest per capita expenditure of all of the first world nations, slowing the economic recovery. Republicans fought tooth and nail against any sort of spending of tax dollars at home on much needed infrastructure, while approving seemingly limitless expenditures in foreign wars. But then, they didn't want Obama to be economically successful at home.

It's sad when a political party undermines the best of interests of its constituents for political reasons. It's worse when the people continue to vote for them to do it.

Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

I'm sorry, Hutch but the American people were told by Obama's economists that the stimulus would create between three and four million jobs by the end of 2010. It wasn't that the stimulus wasn't meant to create jobs...it's that it DIDN'T CREATE THEM!
Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop
What the stimulus did was line the pockets of the DNC and Unions using taxpayer money. It's why Obama laughed when it was pointed out there were no "shovel-ready" jobs. Where did that fucking money go?
1) Amongst industrialized countries — members of the OECD — with universal health care, Canada has the second most expensive health care system as a share of the economy after adjusting for age.
2) In 2013, Canadians, on average, faced a four and a half month wait for medically necessary treatment after referral by a general practitioner.
This wait time is almost twice as long as it was in 1993 when national wait times were first measured.
If Universal Health Care Is The Goal, Don't Copy Canada
But who can argue the FACTS with ignorant people that proclaim Canada as a role model!

1. Our health care is expensive because the US poaches our doctors and our nurses. US hospitals hold job fairs in our cities to lure medical professionals to the US. As a results, salaries here for medical professionals are higher than they otherwise would be, to keep our doctors and nurses in Canada.

2. You're citing a report from the Fraser Institute - a right-wing think tank which uses dubious study methods to glean data on the state of Canada's health care system. The Fraser Institute has an avowed goal of seeing the Canada Health Act overturned and replaced with US style health care.

The Fraser Institute put out a report saying that 30,000 Canadians sought health care in the US in a given year. The study the report was based on asked physicians what percentage of their patients had sought treatment in the US. There was no option for 0% or "None", only "Less than 1%". Overwhelmingly, physicians responded "Less than 1%". From this, the Fraser determined that approximately 30,000 Canadians had sought treatment in the US, or slightly less than 1%. In reality, something like 12,000 Canadians had sought medical treatment in the US that year. The vast majority of those people were already in the US, either on business or vacation, and had a medical emergency while there.

3. Your Forbes article is written by two members of The Fraser Institute.

I provided LINKS! Where are your links for YOUR personal opinion? Too hard to do isn't ? Simply use the internet to prove your statements and until you do I consider your comments totally subjective without ANY validation!
Prove your comments!
It's not too hard to come up with links from some fucked up and lying right wing web site. Those turds can't be honest about anything.

So let's find some place more honest:

Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians’ Use Of Health Care Services In The United States

(1) Services are available in Canada but often involve extensive wait times (wait-listed services). Examples often include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radiation oncology treatment, and selected surgical procedures such as total knee replacements, cataract surgery, and coronary artery bypass surgery.

(2) Leading-edge technology services are unavailable in Canada. Examples include gamma knife radiation and proton beam therapy for some cranial tumors and specialized programs to treat severe brain injuries.

(3) Services are available in Canada, but U.S. health care centers are more conveniently located for some Canadians (proximal services). Examples include some residents of rural border regions in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, or western Ontario seeking primary care in U.S. settings; and some residents of urban centers such as Thunder Bay, Ontario, seeking secondary or tertiary care south of the border.

(4) Services are provided to Canadian snowbirds, who live in the United States during the winter months, or to other periodic business and leisure travelers to the United States (coincidental services).


There are 35 million people living in Canada. The US has more than 10 times that amount. Except for where ignorant and moronic right wingers nest, the US is the center of technology and science. People come here from all over the world for services not available in their countries. Why? Try to figure out why.
I know this is the conservative wet dream, but it won't happen. Obama will be hailed as a hero for beginning health care reform in America. It isn't just union demands that sent all of those jobs overseas, it's also the cost of employee health care insurance. I'd wager that rapidly health care insurance costs are part of what keeps wages flatlining year in and year out, too.

Your health care industry remains bloated with administration costs three times higher than most industrialized countries. So much for private industry being more cost efficient.

Once Republicans lose Congress and the Senate on Trumps coattails, perhaps the US can join the 21st Century on wage reforms.

It isn't private industry that is messing up our healthcare....it is government intervention in it that is causing the problems....

It's not government that insists on pre-approving treatment, it's the private insurance companies. Many doctors keep extra nurses on staff to deal with insurance company pre-approvals. They also farm out billing to third party companies because it's too time consuming and too complex. Many doctors refuse to deal with insurance companies at all because they are too intrusive in patient/doctor care. Patients pay out of pocket and then fight it out for their insurance companies for reimbursement. Billing and Administration is the largest department in American hospitals.

I live in a country with government funded health care. I have no paper work to complete, no forms to file for my care. I have a health card I present at the doctor's office and at the pharmacy for prescriptions. My only role is to hand my card to the doctor's receptionist or the pharmacist so they can verify that I have coverage. That's it. There are no pre-approvals. Billing is done once a month (single payer so it's only once invoice), by the doctor's receptionist. So while Canadian doctors don't make as much money up front, they don't need additional staff to deal with insurance companies, nor do they need third party billing and collections, and they get to spend more time with patients.

Our health care costs are almost half of what the US spends, and out administration costs are below 10%, while yours are over 30%, based entirely on levels of scrutiny and complex billing practices put in place by private insurance companies.
The problem is that they are HIGHLY regulated by government. You left that part out. We can't even shop across state lines for insurance. Plus Medicare, Medicaid, lots of red tape. Lawsuits up the ass due to our litigious society with lawyers more plentiful than rats.

You paint a rosy picture but I've heard some less than stellar things about your healthcare.

No health care system is perfect but yours is a snake pit for all who use it. Here's a clue, all that paperwork that has to be submitted by claimants and their physicians is an expensive waste of time. More money is spent to prevent waste and fraud than the waste and fraud would cost. The paperwork surrounding your medical system keeps people from making claims, which is as was intended. Give users a photo ID swipe card and have them present it each time they access the system.

Everything about your private insurance plans is designed to make claims difficult to file and difficult to get approved. All that obstruction costs money - money for the physicians, and money for the hospitals, and aggravation for sick people who should be focused on getting well.

And you are not making any proof of your statements. Totally personal subjective statement!
YOU need to do a little more research before spouting your crap.

FACT... Less then 7% of the claims filed are denied by the top five companies.

Fact federal law requires at least 80% of all premiums MUST be paid out in claims.

The Affordable Care Act holds health insurers accountable to consumers and ensures that American families receive value for their health insurance premium dollars. One such mechanism is the 80/20 rule, or Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rule. The 80/20 rule brings consumers value, increases transparency and accountability, and promotes better business practices and competition among insurance companies.
Health insurance companies deny too many claims.
View attachment 69257

For this report, CAQH collected an extensive quantitative dataset on major administrative transactions through its initiative, the U.S. Healthcare Efficiency Index® (Index). Health plans representing over 100 million covered lives contributed to the effort.
The dataset includes information from over 1 billion claims and 3 billion transactions.
In cooperation with Milliman, Inc., we also surveyed healthcare providers and health plans on the costs of manual and automated transactions, based on publicly available information and proprietary Milliman cost data.

READ the report and then come to logical conclusions!
I am an expert by the way as 10,000 times a day health care providers come to a service I provide that verifies the eligibility of the patient.
I know how health care claims are filed and I know you do NOT have the level of understanding that I have gained over the last 20 years!
So please read the above study. Get educated before doing as Lincoln said:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt!"
Wow, looks like people were really getting fucked under Bush. But we knew that.
It isn't private industry that is messing up our healthcare....it is government intervention in it that is causing the problems....

It's not government that insists on pre-approving treatment, it's the private insurance companies. Many doctors keep extra nurses on staff to deal with insurance company pre-approvals. They also farm out billing to third party companies because it's too time consuming and too complex. Many doctors refuse to deal with insurance companies at all because they are too intrusive in patient/doctor care. Patients pay out of pocket and then fight it out for their insurance companies for reimbursement. Billing and Administration is the largest department in American hospitals.

I live in a country with government funded health care. I have no paper work to complete, no forms to file for my care. I have a health card I present at the doctor's office and at the pharmacy for prescriptions. My only role is to hand my card to the doctor's receptionist or the pharmacist so they can verify that I have coverage. That's it. There are no pre-approvals. Billing is done once a month (single payer so it's only once invoice), by the doctor's receptionist. So while Canadian doctors don't make as much money up front, they don't need additional staff to deal with insurance companies, nor do they need third party billing and collections, and they get to spend more time with patients.

Our health care costs are almost half of what the US spends, and out administration costs are below 10%, while yours are over 30%, based entirely on levels of scrutiny and complex billing practices put in place by private insurance companies.
The problem is that they are HIGHLY regulated by government. You left that part out. We can't even shop across state lines for insurance. Plus Medicare, Medicaid, lots of red tape. Lawsuits up the ass due to our litigious society with lawyers more plentiful than rats.

You paint a rosy picture but I've heard some less than stellar things about your healthcare.

No health care system is perfect but yours is a snake pit for all who use it. Here's a clue, all that paperwork that has to be submitted by claimants and their physicians is an expensive waste of time. More money is spent to prevent waste and fraud than the waste and fraud would cost. The paperwork surrounding your medical system keeps people from making claims, which is as was intended. Give users a photo ID swipe card and have them present it each time they access the system.

Everything about your private insurance plans is designed to make claims difficult to file and difficult to get approved. All that obstruction costs money - money for the physicians, and money for the hospitals, and aggravation for sick people who should be focused on getting well.

And you are not making any proof of your statements. Totally personal subjective statement!
YOU need to do a little more research before spouting your crap.

FACT... Less then 7% of the claims filed are denied by the top five companies.

Fact federal law requires at least 80% of all premiums MUST be paid out in claims.

The Affordable Care Act holds health insurers accountable to consumers and ensures that American families receive value for their health insurance premium dollars. One such mechanism is the 80/20 rule, or Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rule. The 80/20 rule brings consumers value, increases transparency and accountability, and promotes better business practices and competition among insurance companies.
Health insurance companies deny too many claims.
View attachment 69257

For this report, CAQH collected an extensive quantitative dataset on major administrative transactions through its initiative, the U.S. Healthcare Efficiency Index® (Index). Health plans representing over 100 million covered lives contributed to the effort.
The dataset includes information from over 1 billion claims and 3 billion transactions.
In cooperation with Milliman, Inc., we also surveyed healthcare providers and health plans on the costs of manual and automated transactions, based on publicly available information and proprietary Milliman cost data.

READ the report and then come to logical conclusions!
I am an expert by the way as 10,000 times a day health care providers come to a service I provide that verifies the eligibility of the patient.
I know how health care claims are filed and I know you do NOT have the level of understanding that I have gained over the last 20 years!
So please read the above study. Get educated before doing as Lincoln said:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt!"
Wow, looks like people were really getting fucked under Bush. But we knew that.

Ah, we're going on eight YEARS of Barry and things aren't much better! That's with him spending more than it's even possible to imagine!
It's not government that insists on pre-approving treatment, it's the private insurance companies. Many doctors keep extra nurses on staff to deal with insurance company pre-approvals. They also farm out billing to third party companies because it's too time consuming and too complex. Many doctors refuse to deal with insurance companies at all because they are too intrusive in patient/doctor care. Patients pay out of pocket and then fight it out for their insurance companies for reimbursement. Billing and Administration is the largest department in American hospitals.

I live in a country with government funded health care. I have no paper work to complete, no forms to file for my care. I have a health card I present at the doctor's office and at the pharmacy for prescriptions. My only role is to hand my card to the doctor's receptionist or the pharmacist so they can verify that I have coverage. That's it. There are no pre-approvals. Billing is done once a month (single payer so it's only once invoice), by the doctor's receptionist. So while Canadian doctors don't make as much money up front, they don't need additional staff to deal with insurance companies, nor do they need third party billing and collections, and they get to spend more time with patients.

Our health care costs are almost half of what the US spends, and out administration costs are below 10%, while yours are over 30%, based entirely on levels of scrutiny and complex billing practices put in place by private insurance companies.
The problem is that they are HIGHLY regulated by government. You left that part out. We can't even shop across state lines for insurance. Plus Medicare, Medicaid, lots of red tape. Lawsuits up the ass due to our litigious society with lawyers more plentiful than rats.

You paint a rosy picture but I've heard some less than stellar things about your healthcare.

No health care system is perfect but yours is a snake pit for all who use it. Here's a clue, all that paperwork that has to be submitted by claimants and their physicians is an expensive waste of time. More money is spent to prevent waste and fraud than the waste and fraud would cost. The paperwork surrounding your medical system keeps people from making claims, which is as was intended. Give users a photo ID swipe card and have them present it each time they access the system.

Everything about your private insurance plans is designed to make claims difficult to file and difficult to get approved. All that obstruction costs money - money for the physicians, and money for the hospitals, and aggravation for sick people who should be focused on getting well.

And you are not making any proof of your statements. Totally personal subjective statement!
YOU need to do a little more research before spouting your crap.

FACT... Less then 7% of the claims filed are denied by the top five companies.

Fact federal law requires at least 80% of all premiums MUST be paid out in claims.

The Affordable Care Act holds health insurers accountable to consumers and ensures that American families receive value for their health insurance premium dollars. One such mechanism is the 80/20 rule, or Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rule. The 80/20 rule brings consumers value, increases transparency and accountability, and promotes better business practices and competition among insurance companies.
Health insurance companies deny too many claims.
View attachment 69257

For this report, CAQH collected an extensive quantitative dataset on major administrative transactions through its initiative, the U.S. Healthcare Efficiency Index® (Index). Health plans representing over 100 million covered lives contributed to the effort.
The dataset includes information from over 1 billion claims and 3 billion transactions.
In cooperation with Milliman, Inc., we also surveyed healthcare providers and health plans on the costs of manual and automated transactions, based on publicly available information and proprietary Milliman cost data.

READ the report and then come to logical conclusions!
I am an expert by the way as 10,000 times a day health care providers come to a service I provide that verifies the eligibility of the patient.
I know how health care claims are filed and I know you do NOT have the level of understanding that I have gained over the last 20 years!
So please read the above study. Get educated before doing as Lincoln said:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt!"
Wow, looks like people were really getting fucked under Bush. But we knew that.

Ah, we're going on eight YEARS of Barry and things aren't much better! That's with him spending more than it's even possible to imagine!
After Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close down over 40,000 factories, it's harder to make revenue. Even you have to admit that.
The problem is that they are HIGHLY regulated by government. You left that part out. We can't even shop across state lines for insurance. Plus Medicare, Medicaid, lots of red tape. Lawsuits up the ass due to our litigious society with lawyers more plentiful than rats.

You paint a rosy picture but I've heard some less than stellar things about your healthcare.

No health care system is perfect but yours is a snake pit for all who use it. Here's a clue, all that paperwork that has to be submitted by claimants and their physicians is an expensive waste of time. More money is spent to prevent waste and fraud than the waste and fraud would cost. The paperwork surrounding your medical system keeps people from making claims, which is as was intended. Give users a photo ID swipe card and have them present it each time they access the system.

Everything about your private insurance plans is designed to make claims difficult to file and difficult to get approved. All that obstruction costs money - money for the physicians, and money for the hospitals, and aggravation for sick people who should be focused on getting well.

And you are not making any proof of your statements. Totally personal subjective statement!
YOU need to do a little more research before spouting your crap.

FACT... Less then 7% of the claims filed are denied by the top five companies.

Fact federal law requires at least 80% of all premiums MUST be paid out in claims.

The Affordable Care Act holds health insurers accountable to consumers and ensures that American families receive value for their health insurance premium dollars. One such mechanism is the 80/20 rule, or Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rule. The 80/20 rule brings consumers value, increases transparency and accountability, and promotes better business practices and competition among insurance companies.
Health insurance companies deny too many claims.
View attachment 69257

For this report, CAQH collected an extensive quantitative dataset on major administrative transactions through its initiative, the U.S. Healthcare Efficiency Index® (Index). Health plans representing over 100 million covered lives contributed to the effort.
The dataset includes information from over 1 billion claims and 3 billion transactions.
In cooperation with Milliman, Inc., we also surveyed healthcare providers and health plans on the costs of manual and automated transactions, based on publicly available information and proprietary Milliman cost data.

READ the report and then come to logical conclusions!
I am an expert by the way as 10,000 times a day health care providers come to a service I provide that verifies the eligibility of the patient.
I know how health care claims are filed and I know you do NOT have the level of understanding that I have gained over the last 20 years!
So please read the above study. Get educated before doing as Lincoln said:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt!"
Wow, looks like people were really getting fucked under Bush. But we knew that.

Ah, we're going on eight YEARS of Barry and things aren't much better! That's with him spending more than it's even possible to imagine!
After Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close down over 40,000 factories, it's harder to make revenue. Even you have to admit that.

Oh, wait...you mean like Jeffrey Immelts, the CEO of General Electric, the guy that Barry made his "Jobs Czar"?

Your claim that it's Republican policies that made millions of jobs leave America for other places is as laughable as Obama naming a guy who was responsible for out sourcing more jobs to China than just about any American CEO to be his Jobs Czar!
The problem is that they are HIGHLY regulated by government. You left that part out. We can't even shop across state lines for insurance. Plus Medicare, Medicaid, lots of red tape. Lawsuits up the ass due to our litigious society with lawyers more plentiful than rats.

You paint a rosy picture but I've heard some less than stellar things about your healthcare.

No health care system is perfect but yours is a snake pit for all who use it. Here's a clue, all that paperwork that has to be submitted by claimants and their physicians is an expensive waste of time. More money is spent to prevent waste and fraud than the waste and fraud would cost. The paperwork surrounding your medical system keeps people from making claims, which is as was intended. Give users a photo ID swipe card and have them present it each time they access the system.

Everything about your private insurance plans is designed to make claims difficult to file and difficult to get approved. All that obstruction costs money - money for the physicians, and money for the hospitals, and aggravation for sick people who should be focused on getting well.

And you are not making any proof of your statements. Totally personal subjective statement!
YOU need to do a little more research before spouting your crap.

FACT... Less then 7% of the claims filed are denied by the top five companies.

Fact federal law requires at least 80% of all premiums MUST be paid out in claims.

The Affordable Care Act holds health insurers accountable to consumers and ensures that American families receive value for their health insurance premium dollars. One such mechanism is the 80/20 rule, or Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rule. The 80/20 rule brings consumers value, increases transparency and accountability, and promotes better business practices and competition among insurance companies.
Health insurance companies deny too many claims.
View attachment 69257

For this report, CAQH collected an extensive quantitative dataset on major administrative transactions through its initiative, the U.S. Healthcare Efficiency Index® (Index). Health plans representing over 100 million covered lives contributed to the effort.
The dataset includes information from over 1 billion claims and 3 billion transactions.
In cooperation with Milliman, Inc., we also surveyed healthcare providers and health plans on the costs of manual and automated transactions, based on publicly available information and proprietary Milliman cost data.

READ the report and then come to logical conclusions!
I am an expert by the way as 10,000 times a day health care providers come to a service I provide that verifies the eligibility of the patient.
I know how health care claims are filed and I know you do NOT have the level of understanding that I have gained over the last 20 years!
So please read the above study. Get educated before doing as Lincoln said:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt!"
Wow, looks like people were really getting fucked under Bush. But we knew that.

Ah, we're going on eight YEARS of Barry and things aren't much better! That's with him spending more than it's even possible to imagine!
After Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close down over 40,000 factories, it's harder to make revenue. Even you have to admit that.

Okay, you keep repeating the same lie over and over again. Understood........you're a liberal. But just once, show us where "Republicans" helped move jobs overseas. The Republican's can't do any such thing.

When a business owner or company makes the decision to move out of the country, there is a reason for it. In most cases, it's cost. Costs such as environmental regulations. Costs such as taxation. Costs such as union demands or increased labor pay........

Government can't force a business to stay either. That's not what a free country is all about. And while you're at it, please explain how "Republicans" left this mess when we had a Democrat led Congress the last two years of the Bush presidency. I mean if you want to blame politicians, how can you leave the Democrats out of the mix?
Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Also TARP was paid back with a profit of $56 Billion.
View attachment 69256

Not true though.
Most of the money repaid, was repaid with money from other government programs.

Even then, the profit was 0.6%. The government could have made more return on their money buying stocks.

In fact, most ironic... You can make 1% interest on a CD in a bank. The government could have easily made far more money putting the cash from TARP in a money market account.
"Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?"

Ok, boys and girls, I see it's time to play 'Counter the ignorant Liberal's False Arguments'...AGAIN.

"The failed economy."
President Obama called Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in new debt in an 8 (EIGHT) year period that included 9/11/01, the stoppage of our economy as a result, and 2 wars. Through his comment Obama proved he is / was AS STUPID as the liberals on this board, as partisan, or both. Let's break down the FACTS:
- Bush had a split Congress for the 1st 6 years he was in office. DESPITE 9/11/01, the temporary economic shutdown od Wall Street as a result, and 2 wars Bush only added $1.5 (ONE POINT FIVE) Trillion in new debt over his 1st 6 (SIX) years as President. (That's actually INCREDIBLE considering everything that went on AND when you compare that amount to Obama, who added nearly $7 (SEVEN) trillion in new debt in only his 1st 4 (FOUR) years. If Bush was 'Un-Patriotic' for adding only $4 trillion in 8 years, that would mean - by comparison - that Obama was a friggin' 'Traitor' for adding nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years!)

At the beginning of Bush's last 2 years in office - after 6 years in which ONLY $1.5 trillion in new debt had been added - DEMOCRATS, LIBERALS, took over a nearly Super Majority control of BOTH the House and Senate - approximately 5 seats shy of that Super Majority Control. With the assumption of POWER, they also took over the BUDGET, SPENDING, and thus THE ECONOMY! It was all THEIRS!
- Liberals claim, as do most economists, that the economy under Bush went down his last 2 years in office. What had changed? After 6 years in office, with all that going on, only $1.5 trillion in new debt had been added....OH YEAH, LIBERALS ASSUMED CONTROL OF THE BUDGET, SPENDING, AND THUS THE ECONOMY! Over the next / remaining 2 years $2.5 Trillion in new debt - $1 trillion more than Bush had spent in 6 (SIX) years - was added.

Did the liberals address the failing infrastructure when they held control of all of Congress, like they are trying to blame the GOP for not doing now? No. Did they address the need to upgrade our electrical grid? No. Rising cost of drug prices? No. Out of the $4 trillion in new debt for which Obama blamed Bush, $2.5 trillion of that new debt was added on in the last 2 years of the Bush administration by a power-drunk Liberal-controlled Congress. When the economy, as agreed upon, began to decline the last 2 years of the Bush administration it was the DEMOCRATS who controlled Congress, who controlled the Budget, who controlled Spending, and who thus was responsible for the declining economy. The 'bad economy' Obama claimed he 'inherited' was NOT left to him by BUSH - it was handed to him on a silver plate by his fellow Liberals.

And when Obama took over, how did he demonstrate 'there was a new sheriff in town' and that he was going to be more fiscally responsible? His very 1st spending bill not only violated his own campaign promise of eliminating pork in legislation, it added 2/3rds as much new debt as Bush added in 6 YEARS: Obama's & the Liberals' failed 'Stimulus' bill, sold as a 'jobs' bill, contained over 7,000 pieces of Democratic Party-ONLY self/party-benefitting PORK at a cost of almost $1 trillion dollars!
- It did not address the crumbling infrastructure. In fact, it did not include the 'shovel-ready' projects Obama promised and had to admit never existed. It did not address the need for a new electrical grid, rising high prices of drugs...but it DID contain 'free' tax payer money to millionaire Diane Feinstein's husband to bail his private business out of bankruptcy. It did include hundreds of thousands of dollars to study why the sex life of a homosexual Argentinian was better than that of a heterosexual American male. The cost of all these 7,000+ pieces of pork drove the cost in the end of each job Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved to a total of over $742,000 - again, PER JOB. It failed to keep unemployment below 8%, as promised - it rose to 10.1%

In Obama's 1st 4 years as President he set new U.S. records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending. And along the way, by rejecting Congress' call for more spending cuts when warned there would be consequences if he refused, he managed to acquire the 1st U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade in our nation's history. (As a result, for daring to handing this dubious 'award' Obama sent the IRS and every govt agency he could after the bank that followed through with the action they warned Obama would happen if he failed to cut some of his record-setting deficit spending.)

I would say it is amazing how Liberals leave all this out when they throw out the false accusation of how it was the GOP who was responsible for the bad economy....as well as being responsible for one of the slowest recoveries in our lifetime if not in the nation's history....but that would not be true. It's not 'amazing'. It's typical, as it is the Liberals' very nature - as Obama has demonstrated - to blame others for their own failures.
Bush is the one who pushed TARP through even though it wasn't popular and he took a lot of political heat for "bailing out" Banks. What did Barry ever come up with that is even remotely comparable to TARP? The majority of HIS economic strategies differ from Bush's because they were either remarkably ineffective...an eight hundred billion dollar stimulus that created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was with "jobs created or saved"...or cost taxpayers millions that we still haven't seen repaid...as with the GM bailout and "green" initiatives like Solyndra!

Except the stimulus wasn't meant to create a ton of jobs. It was meant to stop the hemorrhages in the economy which it did.

Too bad you didn't tell DumBama that before he made his speeches about how the stimulus was to create jobs:

The jobs were included in it's expanded form that Congress would not allow. That's already been addressed in this thread. I usually don't post long excerpts from links but this subject requires it. The level of mis/dis-information being distributed is alarming. Please read.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

"Republicans have consistently hamstrung efforts that a large consensus of economists agree would have provided crucial help in lowering American unemployment. Specifically, they have objectively weakened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), repeatedly filibustered routine extensions of emergency unemployment benefits, blocked aid to state governments, filibustered infrastructure investment, used extreme legislative vehicles like refusing to follow precedent on the typicallypro forma votes to raise the debt ceiling to extract moreeconomically damaging government spending cuts, blocked passage of a majority of the American Jobs Act (AJA), demanded counterproductive offsets to fiscal stimulus, and attacked the Federal Reserve’s expansion of the monetary base and other policy responses intended to lower unemployment.
What follows is an abbreviated chronology."

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)
It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

So, they tried their mightiest to obstruct it. Even the opportunity cost of just getting these GOP Senate votes was expensive. These votes were needed to push past the filibuster-proof 60 vote threshold—and it’s a slam-dunk that ARRA would have been successfully filibustered without them. The price tag of getting these votes was nearly $30 billion in school construction funds stripped out of the bill at the insistence of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the three GOP votes in the Senate. These funds would have supported roughly 250,000 additional jobs. Further, the final version also included the nearly $70 billion cost of a one-year extension of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) “patch”—a provision that provided no stimulus at all, since it was done literally every single year, but which was included to woo another GOP Senator, Olympia Snowe. If this amount could instead have been spent on productive stimulus, it could have created roughly 750,000 jobs. In short, just luring the minimal GOP votes needed to pass ARRA in the Senate likely kept it from supporting or creating nearly a million more jobs than it did.


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