Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

Or just someone who knows what he's talking about. Unlike you.

The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (111th Congress)
It may seem odd to bring up ARRA in the context of obstructionism—after all, ARRA actually passed and really was the largest piece of discretionary fiscal policy stabilization ever to emerge from Congress. But it’s useful to remember that the ARRA passed without one single vote from a GOP Representative, and with only 3 of 41 GOP Senators voting for it (and one of these three—Arlen Specter—was a Democrat within the year, in large part because of this vote).

You're going to have to explain how the same Congressional GOP members that couldn't prevent ObamaCare from being passed...somehow had the ability to "smother" the Obama Stimulus! It's one heck of a talking point, Hutch but when you really think about it...the GOP could threaten to do all kinds of things back in 2008 but the cold hard fact is that they didn't have the power to "smother" anything!

The GOP didn't support the stimulus because it was obvious from the start that it would be used by Obama, Pelosi and Reid to reward Democratic loyalists. There was a ton of pork in that legislation.

Later on, DumBama tried to pass another stimulus bill that the Republicans did stop because they had the leadership to do it. It wasn't much different than the first failure of a stimulus which is why Republicans shot it down.

So what did the Repubs do to help correct the meltdown of the world economy?
I'll help, they did nothing but criticize. They were against every measure taken or proposed while offering nothing.

The Republicans were never in charge of the world economy. What they are in charge of is creating laws, taxing and spending.

Obama knew he would never get a so-called stimulus bill backed by the Republicans. It had nothing to do with jobs anyway, it had to do with politics. His plan was for Republicans TO shoot down his idea, and then he could shift the blame of the economy to them like Democrats so often do.

DumBama has never ran a hotdog stand in his life. He wouldn't know how to run a baseball card collection. If he was soooooo concerned about business, he wouldn't have burdened them with Commie Care. He wouldn't have burdened them with more IRS reporting and keeping track of medical expenditures for their employees. He wouldn't have raised their taxes.

But if you really believe DumBama was concerned about business, can you tell me one major positive thing he's done for them?

To support your DumBama business ignorance here are some things NO logical rational human much less the PRESIDENT would ever
propose or say!

I want to destroy 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and employ 400,000.
"I want to see higher gas prices"
I want to bankrupt utilities
I know that utilities prices will skyrocket.
"Don't do stupid shit" as a foreign policy
Have a Rose Garden ceremony for an alleged deserter..all the while a Marine languishes in a Mexican jail.
Had the IRS persecute ordinary Americans
Take the side of a criminal while accusing the police..before KNOWING the facts.
Signed the fewest Federal oil production leases -- while taking credit for private oil production increases!
Golfs while an American is beheaded... sad...

I know.

How come Republicans won't let this guy anywhere near their convention?
You're going to have to explain how the same Congressional GOP members that couldn't prevent ObamaCare from being passed...somehow had the ability to "smother" the Obama Stimulus! It's one heck of a talking point, Hutch but when you really think about it...the GOP could threaten to do all kinds of things back in 2008 but the cold hard fact is that they didn't have the power to "smother" anything!

The GOP didn't support the stimulus because it was obvious from the start that it would be used by Obama, Pelosi and Reid to reward Democratic loyalists. There was a ton of pork in that legislation.

Later on, DumBama tried to pass another stimulus bill that the Republicans did stop because they had the leadership to do it. It wasn't much different than the first failure of a stimulus which is why Republicans shot it down.

So what did the Repubs do to help correct the meltdown of the world economy?
I'll help, they did nothing but criticize. They were against every measure taken or proposed while offering nothing.

The Republicans were never in charge of the world economy. What they are in charge of is creating laws, taxing and spending.

Obama knew he would never get a so-called stimulus bill backed by the Republicans. It had nothing to do with jobs anyway, it had to do with politics. His plan was for Republicans TO shoot down his idea, and then he could shift the blame of the economy to them like Democrats so often do.

DumBama has never ran a hotdog stand in his life. He wouldn't know how to run a baseball card collection. If he was soooooo concerned about business, he wouldn't have burdened them with Commie Care. He wouldn't have burdened them with more IRS reporting and keeping track of medical expenditures for their employees. He wouldn't have raised their taxes.

But if you really believe DumBama was concerned about business, can you tell me one major positive thing he's done for them?

To support your DumBama business ignorance here are some things NO logical rational human much less the PRESIDENT would ever
propose or say!

I want to destroy 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and employ 400,000.
"I want to see higher gas prices"
I want to bankrupt utilities
I know that utilities prices will skyrocket.
"Don't do stupid shit" as a foreign policy
Have a Rose Garden ceremony for an alleged deserter..all the while a Marine languishes in a Mexican jail.
Had the IRS persecute ordinary Americans
Take the side of a criminal while accusing the police..before KNOWING the facts.
Signed the fewest Federal oil production leases -- while taking credit for private oil production increases!
Golfs while an American is beheaded... sad...

I know.

How come Republicans won't let this guy anywhere near their convention?

Because obviously the MSM so coveted by the GOP establishment would have a field day and the GOP idiots don't seem to understand it WAS
the same MSM that wrote 130,213 stories can't be swept under the rug that show that the Democrat Bias is very evident!
Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 10:49 AM
A sweeping study of some 130,213 news articles on the 2012 presidential match between President Obama and Mitt Romney has proven anew
that there was a strong pro-Democratic bias in the U.S. and international press.
The study, published in the authoritative journal Big Data Society, also tested the campaign themes the media focused on and determined that Obama succeeded in stealing the economic issue from Republican Romney.
"Overall, media reporting contained more frequently positive statements about the Democrats than the Republicans.
Overall, the Republicans were more frequently the object of negative statements," wrote the study authors, Their conclusion:
"The Republican Party is the most divisive subject in the campaign, and is portrayed in a more negative fashion than the Democrats."
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at [email protected].
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

The same MSM that in 2008 over 85% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

FACTS not guesses but FACTS that the MSM loves democrats. Loves to tear down Americans like me. Loves to promote idiots that will do everything
in their power to further destroy America.

This same MSM that LOVES Obama so much that here in the words of a MSM publication said it!
The Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas.
Thomas was once asked about George Bush and this is his response.
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way: 'Today' Cheers Obama's Football Play

RIGHT HIS job was to BASH Bush. He is a journalist. Unbiased. Objective. Professional. RIGHT??

But when it came to Obama???
This same hard-nosed "bashing journalist- Editor of NewsWeek gushed about Obama.....
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’
A professional NEWS editor calling a mortal man "sort of God"??? That's not reporting, that's gushing!

And you idiots that don't power of the BIASED MSM to sway your opinions hence your observation about Bush.
Your hatred of Bush has been fueled by the biased MSM and your unabashed love of Obama totally supported by the MSM.
And you idiots don't even comprehend that!
Later on, DumBama tried to pass another stimulus bill that the Republicans did stop because they had the leadership to do it. It wasn't much different than the first failure of a stimulus which is why Republicans shot it down.

So what did the Repubs do to help correct the meltdown of the world economy?
I'll help, they did nothing but criticize. They were against every measure taken or proposed while offering nothing.

The Republicans were never in charge of the world economy. What they are in charge of is creating laws, taxing and spending.

Obama knew he would never get a so-called stimulus bill backed by the Republicans. It had nothing to do with jobs anyway, it had to do with politics. His plan was for Republicans TO shoot down his idea, and then he could shift the blame of the economy to them like Democrats so often do.

DumBama has never ran a hotdog stand in his life. He wouldn't know how to run a baseball card collection. If he was soooooo concerned about business, he wouldn't have burdened them with Commie Care. He wouldn't have burdened them with more IRS reporting and keeping track of medical expenditures for their employees. He wouldn't have raised their taxes.

But if you really believe DumBama was concerned about business, can you tell me one major positive thing he's done for them?

To support your DumBama business ignorance here are some things NO logical rational human much less the PRESIDENT would ever
propose or say!

I want to destroy 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and employ 400,000.
"I want to see higher gas prices"
I want to bankrupt utilities
I know that utilities prices will skyrocket.
"Don't do stupid shit" as a foreign policy
Have a Rose Garden ceremony for an alleged deserter..all the while a Marine languishes in a Mexican jail.
Had the IRS persecute ordinary Americans
Take the side of a criminal while accusing the police..before KNOWING the facts.
Signed the fewest Federal oil production leases -- while taking credit for private oil production increases!
Golfs while an American is beheaded... sad...

I know.

How come Republicans won't let this guy anywhere near their convention?

Because obviously the MSM so coveted by the GOP establishment would have a field day and the GOP idiots don't seem to understand it WAS
the same MSM that wrote 130,213 stories can't be swept under the rug that show that the Democrat Bias is very evident!
Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 10:49 AM
A sweeping study of some 130,213 news articles on the 2012 presidential match between President Obama and Mitt Romney has proven anew
that there was a strong pro-Democratic bias in the U.S. and international press.
The study, published in the authoritative journal Big Data Society, also tested the campaign themes the media focused on and determined that Obama succeeded in stealing the economic issue from Republican Romney.
"Overall, media reporting contained more frequently positive statements about the Democrats than the Republicans.
Overall, the Republicans were more frequently the object of negative statements," wrote the study authors, Their conclusion:
"The Republican Party is the most divisive subject in the campaign, and is portrayed in a more negative fashion than the Democrats."
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at [email protected].
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

The same MSM that in 2008 over 85% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

FACTS not guesses but FACTS that the MSM loves democrats. Loves to tear down Americans like me. Loves to promote idiots that will do everything
in their power to further destroy America.

This same MSM that LOVES Obama so much that here in the words of a MSM publication said it!
The Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas.
Thomas was once asked about George Bush and this is his response.
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way: 'Today' Cheers Obama's Football Play

RIGHT HIS job was to BASH Bush. He is a journalist. Unbiased. Objective. Professional. RIGHT??

But when it came to Obama???
This same hard-nosed "bashing journalist- Editor of NewsWeek gushed about Obama.....
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’
A professional NEWS editor calling a mortal man "sort of God"??? That's not reporting, that's gushing!

And you idiots that don't power of the BIASED MSM to sway your opinions hence your observation about Bush.
Your hatred of Bush has been fueled by the biased MSM and your unabashed love of Obama totally supported by the MSM.
And you idiots don't even comprehend that!

Why would Americans send money to a party that got us into Iraq, destroyed the economy, gave us trillions in deficit, were complicit in the deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of young Americans, helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories.

Takes tards to send money to people who have brought so much damage to the country.
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
Obumble has only 293 days to go...

You can take your nose out of his butt now...
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
Bush is not a Conservative, hes an internationalist Like many of the Republican Establishment and very liberal in their own way, which is why you had a group like the Tea Party form in the first place, The republican Base had been upset with Bush for a long time, I dont know why You dont get that. That doesnt mean they have to Vote Democrat however
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
Bush is not a Conservative, hes an internationalist Like many of the Republican Establishment and very liberal in their own way, which is why you had a group like the Tea Party form in the first place, The republican Base had been upset with Bush for a long time, I dont know why You dont get that. That doesnt mean they have to Vote Democrat however

R-Derp doesn't "get it" because R-Derp isn't very bright. He's still blaming Bush for Barry's shortcomings nearly eight YEARS after W. went back to Crawford!
They'll never admit it. They'll never admit that Republican policies didn't work under Bush.

They'll also never admit that unemployment is lower than what Mitt Romney promised.

They won't admit that even if you look at the u6 unemployment numbers that include discouraged and part-time workers, unemployment is down under Obama.

They won't admit that the stock market has doubled under Obama.

They won't admit that Obama has slashed the deficit he inherited.

They won't admit that Obama saved the auto industry.

They won't admit that we are far more energy independent under Obama.

Yet after all the years of them complaining about Obama, their front runner is Donald Trump, the only presidential candidate who has ever been denounced by most of the world before even being elected. They debated banning him from the UK. The Pope has denounced him. Former Mexican president has denounced him.

Then you have Ted Cruz a holly roller serial philanderer who is hated by everyone and who claims he's going to carpet bomb ISIS.

The Republican party is imploding. They have ZERO chance of regaining the White House. They need to worry about not losing the Senate and House.
They'll never admit it. They'll never admit that Republican policies didn't work under Bush.

They'll also never admit that unemployment is lower than what Mitt Romney promised.

They won't admit that even if you look at the u6 unemployment numbers that include discouraged and part-time workers, unemployment is down under Obama.

They won't admit that the stock market has doubled under Obama.

They won't admit that Obama has slashed the deficit he inherited.

They won't admit that Obama saved the auto industry.

They won't admit that we are far more energy independent under Obama.

Yet after all the years of them complaining about Obama, their front runner is Donald Trump, the only presidential candidate who has ever been denounced by most of the world before even being elected. They debated banning him from the UK. The Pope has denounced him. Former Mexican president has denounced him.

Then you have Ted Cruz a holly roller serial philanderer who is hated by everyone and who claims he's going to carpet bomb ISIS.

The Republican party is imploding. They have ZERO chance of regaining the White House. They need to worry about not losing the Senate and House.

And you need to wake up out of your dream.

Giving credit to DumBama just because he happens to be President at the time is why we call your kind Uninformed Voters.

The stock market doubled because of all the trillions put in by the Federal Reserve.

The deficit didn't shrink until the Republicans took leadership of Congress. You know Congress, don't you? Yes, those are the people that spend money in our country.

We are not more energy independent because of anything DumBama did, we are more energy independent because of fracking which you liberals are against. If not for the expansion of fracking, and if DumBama closed many of our coal fired power plants, we would be relying more on foreign fuel than ever before.

U6 Unemployment rate Bush/ Obama:

You're going to have to explain how the same Congressional GOP members that couldn't prevent ObamaCare from being passed...somehow had the ability to "smother" the Obama Stimulus! It's one heck of a talking point, Hutch but when you really think about it...the GOP could threaten to do all kinds of things back in 2008 but the cold hard fact is that they didn't have the power to "smother" anything!

The GOP didn't support the stimulus because it was obvious from the start that it would be used by Obama, Pelosi and Reid to reward Democratic loyalists. There was a ton of pork in that legislation.

Later on, DumBama tried to pass another stimulus bill that the Republicans did stop because they had the leadership to do it. It wasn't much different than the first failure of a stimulus which is why Republicans shot it down.

So what did the Repubs do to help correct the meltdown of the world economy?
I'll help, they did nothing but criticize. They were against every measure taken or proposed while offering nothing.

The Republicans were never in charge of the world economy. What they are in charge of is creating laws, taxing and spending.

Obama knew he would never get a so-called stimulus bill backed by the Republicans. It had nothing to do with jobs anyway, it had to do with politics. His plan was for Republicans TO shoot down his idea, and then he could shift the blame of the economy to them like Democrats so often do.

DumBama has never ran a hotdog stand in his life. He wouldn't know how to run a baseball card collection. If he was soooooo concerned about business, he wouldn't have burdened them with Commie Care. He wouldn't have burdened them with more IRS reporting and keeping track of medical expenditures for their employees. He wouldn't have raised their taxes.

But if you really believe DumBama was concerned about business, can you tell me one major positive thing he's done for them?

To support your DumBama business ignorance here are some things NO logical rational human much less the PRESIDENT would ever
propose or say!

I want to destroy 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and employ 400,000.
"I want to see higher gas prices"
I want to bankrupt utilities
I know that utilities prices will skyrocket.
"Don't do stupid shit" as a foreign policy
Have a Rose Garden ceremony for an alleged deserter..all the while a Marine languishes in a Mexican jail.
Had the IRS persecute ordinary Americans
Take the side of a criminal while accusing the police..before KNOWING the facts.
Signed the fewest Federal oil production leases -- while taking credit for private oil production increases!
Golfs while an American is beheaded... sad...

I know.

How come Republicans won't let this guy anywhere near their convention?

Who's stopping him?
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
Bush is not a Conservative, hes an internationalist Like many of the Republican Establishment and very liberal in their own way, which is why you had a group like the Tea Party form in the first place, The republican Base had been upset with Bush for a long time, I dont know why You dont get that. That doesnt mean they have to Vote Democrat however
Cutting taxes for the wealthy. The Bush Doctrine. Trickle down.
Bush was a conservative through and through. His policies are the same exact policies the GOP follows today. That's why he followed them. He was indoctrinated into them for decades. Believe me, it was a shock to him the disasters they caused. That's why the GOP is adrift today. They shot their wad and now they have nothing but trickery and suppression.
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
Bush is not a Conservative, hes an internationalist Like many of the Republican Establishment and very liberal in their own way, which is why you had a group like the Tea Party form in the first place, The republican Base had been upset with Bush for a long time, I dont know why You dont get that. That doesnt mean they have to Vote Democrat however
Cutting taxes for the wealthy. The Bush Doctrine. Trickle down.
Bush was a conservative through and through. His policies are the same exact policies the GOP follows today. That's why he followed them. He was indoctrinated into them for decades. Believe me, it was a shock to him the disasters they caused. That's why the GOP is adrift today. They shot their wad and now they have nothing but trickery and suppression.

Bush was establishment--not conservative.

Some of his measures were conservative while many more were liberal.

No Child Left Behind is not a conservative position.
Medicare Part D was the exact opposite of conservative.
Sending money to fight AIDS in Africa was not conservative.
Allowing the debt to be run up was not conservative.
New EPA regulations is not conservative.

You can call him what you want, but that doesn't make it so.
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
Bush is not a Conservative, hes an internationalist Like many of the Republican Establishment and very liberal in their own way, which is why you had a group like the Tea Party form in the first place, The republican Base had been upset with Bush for a long time, I dont know why You dont get that. That doesnt mean they have to Vote Democrat however
Cutting taxes for the wealthy. The Bush Doctrine. Trickle down.
Bush was a conservative through and through. His policies are the same exact policies the GOP follows today. That's why he followed them. He was indoctrinated into them for decades. Believe me, it was a shock to him the disasters they caused. That's why the GOP is adrift today. They shot their wad and now they have nothing but trickery and suppression.

What's laughable about this post, R-Derp...is how it manages to totally ignore what's taken place for the last seven and a half years. The "indoctrination" that's on display here is the Progressive mantra that big government is the answer to all our problems! When far left liberals were given political power...the legislation that they pushed through simply didn't work and now you're forced to spend all of your time blaming Bush for Barry's shortcomings...like it was W. that gave us Solyndra, Fast & Furious, the GM bailout, Shovel Ready Jobs, the "JV team", an Affordable Care Act that isn't affordable for the Middle Class, Benghazi, the Iran nuclear deal, Russian aggression and the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!
And once again...there is no such thing as "Trickle Down" theory...except in your liberal theology. Profits trickle up...not down. They always have...THEY ALWAYS WILL! Do yourself a favor and take a class in economics. Better yet...open up a business and see for yourself!
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
Bush is not a Conservative, hes an internationalist Like many of the Republican Establishment and very liberal in their own way, which is why you had a group like the Tea Party form in the first place, The republican Base had been upset with Bush for a long time, I dont know why You dont get that. That doesnt mean they have to Vote Democrat however
Cutting taxes for the wealthy. The Bush Doctrine. Trickle down.
Bush was a conservative through and through. His policies are the same exact policies the GOP follows today. That's why he followed them. He was indoctrinated into them for decades. Believe me, it was a shock to him the disasters they caused. That's why the GOP is adrift today. They shot their wad and now they have nothing but trickery and suppression.

What's laughable about this post, R-Derp...is how it manages to totally ignore what's taken place for the last seven and a half years. The "indoctrination" that's on display here is the Progressive mantra that big government is the answer to all our problems! When far left liberals were given political power...the legislation that they pushed through simply didn't work and now you're forced to spend all of your time blaming Bush for Barry's shortcomings...like it was W. that gave us Solyndra, Fast & Furious, the GM bailout, Shovel Ready Jobs, the "JV team", an Affordable Care Act that isn't affordable for the Middle Class, Benghazi, the Iran nuclear deal, Russian aggression and the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!
Yeah, I guess that's why Obama's job approval is the same as Reagan's at this point in his presidency, according to Gallup.
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
Bush is not a Conservative, hes an internationalist Like many of the Republican Establishment and very liberal in their own way, which is why you had a group like the Tea Party form in the first place, The republican Base had been upset with Bush for a long time, I dont know why You dont get that. That doesnt mean they have to Vote Democrat however
Cutting taxes for the wealthy. The Bush Doctrine. Trickle down.
Bush was a conservative through and through. His policies are the same exact policies the GOP follows today. That's why he followed them. He was indoctrinated into them for decades. Believe me, it was a shock to him the disasters they caused. That's why the GOP is adrift today. They shot their wad and now they have nothing but trickery and suppression.

What's laughable about this post, R-Derp...is how it manages to totally ignore what's taken place for the last seven and a half years. The "indoctrination" that's on display here is the Progressive mantra that big government is the answer to all our problems! When far left liberals were given political power...the legislation that they pushed through simply didn't work and now you're forced to spend all of your time blaming Bush for Barry's shortcomings...like it was W. that gave us Solyndra, Fast & Furious, the GM bailout, Shovel Ready Jobs, the "JV team", an Affordable Care Act that isn't affordable for the Middle Class, Benghazi, the Iran nuclear deal, Russian aggression and the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!
Yeah, I guess that's why Obama's job approval is the same as Reagan's at this point in his presidency, according to Gallup.

All that proves is that you folks on the left have so much invested in Barry's "success" that you're willing to approve of him even when he's underachieved at every turn, Faun. You'll spend the next twenty years pushing the Obama "myth" that he was a great President even as his successors struggle to fix all of the things that he's messed up.
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
Bush is not a Conservative, hes an internationalist Like many of the Republican Establishment and very liberal in their own way, which is why you had a group like the Tea Party form in the first place, The republican Base had been upset with Bush for a long time, I dont know why You dont get that. That doesnt mean they have to Vote Democrat however
Cutting taxes for the wealthy. The Bush Doctrine. Trickle down.
Bush was a conservative through and through. His policies are the same exact policies the GOP follows today. That's why he followed them. He was indoctrinated into them for decades. Believe me, it was a shock to him the disasters they caused. That's why the GOP is adrift today. They shot their wad and now they have nothing but trickery and suppression.

What's laughable about this post, R-Derp...is how it manages to totally ignore what's taken place for the last seven and a half years. The "indoctrination" that's on display here is the Progressive mantra that big government is the answer to all our problems! When far left liberals were given political power...the legislation that they pushed through simply didn't work and now you're forced to spend all of your time blaming Bush for Barry's shortcomings...like it was W. that gave us Solyndra, Fast & Furious, the GM bailout, Shovel Ready Jobs, the "JV team", an Affordable Care Act that isn't affordable for the Middle Class, Benghazi, the Iran nuclear deal, Russian aggression and the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!
Yeah, I guess that's why Obama's job approval is the same as Reagan's at this point in his presidency, according to Gallup.

All that proves is that you folks on the left have so much invested in Barry's "success" that you're willing to approve of him even when he's underachieved at every turn, Faun. You'll spend the next twenty years pushing the Obama "myth" that he was a great President even as his successors struggle to fix all of the things that he's messed up.
Ummm... Liberals only comprise a mere ¼ of the population. Clearly, Obama enjoys success from many moderates and even some conservatives as well.

But thanks for admitting you'll make up any bullshit to prop up your vacuous positions.
Much appreciated.
Bush is not a Conservative, hes an internationalist Like many of the Republican Establishment and very liberal in their own way, which is why you had a group like the Tea Party form in the first place, The republican Base had been upset with Bush for a long time, I dont know why You dont get that. That doesnt mean they have to Vote Democrat however
Cutting taxes for the wealthy. The Bush Doctrine. Trickle down.
Bush was a conservative through and through. His policies are the same exact policies the GOP follows today. That's why he followed them. He was indoctrinated into them for decades. Believe me, it was a shock to him the disasters they caused. That's why the GOP is adrift today. They shot their wad and now they have nothing but trickery and suppression.

What's laughable about this post, R-Derp...is how it manages to totally ignore what's taken place for the last seven and a half years. The "indoctrination" that's on display here is the Progressive mantra that big government is the answer to all our problems! When far left liberals were given political power...the legislation that they pushed through simply didn't work and now you're forced to spend all of your time blaming Bush for Barry's shortcomings...like it was W. that gave us Solyndra, Fast & Furious, the GM bailout, Shovel Ready Jobs, the "JV team", an Affordable Care Act that isn't affordable for the Middle Class, Benghazi, the Iran nuclear deal, Russian aggression and the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!
Yeah, I guess that's why Obama's job approval is the same as Reagan's at this point in his presidency, according to Gallup.

All that proves is that you folks on the left have so much invested in Barry's "success" that you're willing to approve of him even when he's underachieved at every turn, Faun. You'll spend the next twenty years pushing the Obama "myth" that he was a great President even as his successors struggle to fix all of the things that he's messed up.
Ummm... Liberals only comprise a mere ¼ of the population. Clearly, Obama enjoys success from many moderates and even some conservatives as well.

But thanks for admitting you'll make up any bullshit to prop up your vacuous positions.
Much appreciated.

What's amusing is that the only "success" Barry seems to be enjoying at the moment is his job approval, Faun. What else is working for him? Can you name an economic plan to put people back to work that he's the author of? Can you name a spot on the globe that isn't more of a problem NOW than it was when George W. Bush left office? Can you name an Administration was less transparent than this one? Can you name a President who has fostered more of a partisan divide than this one?
Cutting taxes for the wealthy. The Bush Doctrine. Trickle down.
Bush was a conservative through and through. His policies are the same exact policies the GOP follows today. That's why he followed them. He was indoctrinated into them for decades. Believe me, it was a shock to him the disasters they caused. That's why the GOP is adrift today. They shot their wad and now they have nothing but trickery and suppression.

What's laughable about this post, R-Derp...is how it manages to totally ignore what's taken place for the last seven and a half years. The "indoctrination" that's on display here is the Progressive mantra that big government is the answer to all our problems! When far left liberals were given political power...the legislation that they pushed through simply didn't work and now you're forced to spend all of your time blaming Bush for Barry's shortcomings...like it was W. that gave us Solyndra, Fast & Furious, the GM bailout, Shovel Ready Jobs, the "JV team", an Affordable Care Act that isn't affordable for the Middle Class, Benghazi, the Iran nuclear deal, Russian aggression and the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!
Yeah, I guess that's why Obama's job approval is the same as Reagan's at this point in his presidency, according to Gallup.

All that proves is that you folks on the left have so much invested in Barry's "success" that you're willing to approve of him even when he's underachieved at every turn, Faun. You'll spend the next twenty years pushing the Obama "myth" that he was a great President even as his successors struggle to fix all of the things that he's messed up.
Ummm... Liberals only comprise a mere ¼ of the population. Clearly, Obama enjoys success from many moderates and even some conservatives as well.

But thanks for admitting you'll make up any bullshit to prop up your vacuous positions.
Much appreciated.

What's amusing is that the only "success" Barry seems to be enjoying at the moment is his job approval, Faun. What else is working for him? Can you name an economic plan to put people back to work that he's the author of? Can you name a spot on the globe that isn't more of a problem NOW than it was when George W. Bush left office? Can you name an Administration was less transparent than this one? Can you name a President who has fostered more of a partisan divide than this one?
You've already admitted you make up bullshit to prop up your positions.

At any rate, the unemployment rate is 5.0%; compared to 5.7% at this same point in Reagan's presidency.

And as far as that job approval goes?

Back in 2008 and 2009 he had job approval numbers of nearly 70% ...now he's down below 50% and you consider that to be something to crow about? His "strong disapproval" numbers were down in the low teens back then and now they are hovering around 40%. Sorry, Faun but I'm not seeing what you're seeing.
What's laughable about this post, R-Derp...is how it manages to totally ignore what's taken place for the last seven and a half years. The "indoctrination" that's on display here is the Progressive mantra that big government is the answer to all our problems! When far left liberals were given political power...the legislation that they pushed through simply didn't work and now you're forced to spend all of your time blaming Bush for Barry's shortcomings...like it was W. that gave us Solyndra, Fast & Furious, the GM bailout, Shovel Ready Jobs, the "JV team", an Affordable Care Act that isn't affordable for the Middle Class, Benghazi, the Iran nuclear deal, Russian aggression and the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!
Yeah, I guess that's why Obama's job approval is the same as Reagan's at this point in his presidency, according to Gallup.

All that proves is that you folks on the left have so much invested in Barry's "success" that you're willing to approve of him even when he's underachieved at every turn, Faun. You'll spend the next twenty years pushing the Obama "myth" that he was a great President even as his successors struggle to fix all of the things that he's messed up.
Ummm... Liberals only comprise a mere ¼ of the population. Clearly, Obama enjoys success from many moderates and even some conservatives as well.

But thanks for admitting you'll make up any bullshit to prop up your vacuous positions.
Much appreciated.

What's amusing is that the only "success" Barry seems to be enjoying at the moment is his job approval, Faun. What else is working for him? Can you name an economic plan to put people back to work that he's the author of? Can you name a spot on the globe that isn't more of a problem NOW than it was when George W. Bush left office? Can you name an Administration was less transparent than this one? Can you name a President who has fostered more of a partisan divide than this one?
You've already admitted you make up bullshit to prop up your positions.

At any rate, the unemployment rate is 5.0%; compared to 5.7% at this same point in Reagan's presidency.


What has Barry done to bring down unemployment? He's overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history! The US economy has managed to scratch and claw it's way back DESPITE the ACA which was a jobs killer and Obama's total lack of a plan to grow jobs or the economy for much of the past six years!

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