Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

Why do Democrats like Hillary Clinton get a pass for voting for the invasion yet the GOP gets blamed for it, Wilber?
You haven't explained anything! Bill Clinton is right now calling for cuts to the corporate tax rate. Since you're touted HIS success as the blueprint for how to grow the economy...kindly explain why Clinton...YOUR ROLE MODEL!!!...is calling for exactly the same thing that the we on the right have been calling for!
Same question gets the same answer... I don't speak for Bill Clinton.

Oh, so you use Bill Clinton as your example of correct policy EXCEPT when his proposed policy doesn't match your claims? You're amusing, Faun...
As stated, for better or worse, the president gets the credit or blame for the economy on their watch. I didn't credit Clinton's tax hikes for the boom on his watch. Why would I since my point is there is no way to prove causation? But the economy improved while he was president and he gets the credit. Just like Reagan and just like Obama. That bothers you so much so you want to make up more shit, as you've been doing, in a vain attempt to show Americans' assessment is wrong.
You haven't explained anything! Bill Clinton is right now calling for cuts to the corporate tax rate. Since you're touted HIS success as the blueprint for how to grow the economy...kindly explain why Clinton...YOUR ROLE MODEL!!!...is calling for exactly the same thing that the we on the right have been calling for!
Same question gets the same answer... I don't speak for Bill Clinton.

Oh, so you use Bill Clinton as your example of correct policy EXCEPT when his proposed policy doesn't match your claims? You're amusing, Faun...
As stated, for better or worse, the president gets the credit or blame for the economy on their watch. I didn't credit Clinton's tax hikes for the boom on his watch. Why would I since my point is there is no way to prove causation? But the economy improved while he was president and he gets the credit. Just like Reagan and just like Obama. That bothers you so much so you want to make up more shit, as you've been doing, in a vain attempt to show Americans' assessment is wrong.

The only thing that "bothers" me is when liberals like yourself try to use what happened with the economy during the Clinton Administration as a blueprint for what should be done NOW and call for tax hikes! Clinton succeeded with the economy not because he raised taxes...the economy got better under Clinton because of the Dot Com Boom! Clinton's calling for a lowering of the corporate tax rate now SHOULD make that quite clear but for ideologues like yourself, Faun...you can't see the forest for the trees!
Care to put a wager on whether Barry's numbers improve as much in his last year as Dutch's did?
Sorry, I don't make bets with conservatives. Not after I saw not a single one honored their bets on this forum when they lost after wagering Obama would lose his election.
Faun? Since you can't name a single Obama policy that created jobs...and you can't explain why Bill Clinton says that we should cut the corporate tax rate if we want the economy to grow....why are you even here?

All you're doing is blowing smoke. Using misleading statistics in a failed attempt to paint an economic picture that doesn't exist.
As pointed out, no one can prove any policy was good for the economy since accurate studies are not performed on policies. You can claim Reagan's tax cuts were good for the economy, but you can't prove causation. It just bugs the shit out of you that Obama's job approval is higher than Reagan's was at this point. I get that. Sucks for you.

As for what approval ratings Reagan had at this point of his Presidency compared to Barry's? I've already pointed out that the rather severe dip in Reagan's approval ratings was due to the Iran-Contra Scandal and had nothing to do with his handling of the economy or other foreign affairs issue. You keep carefully inserting "at this point" into your claim...and it's obvious that you want to only look at one point of Reagan's last term and ignore the fact that his approval ratings were up substantially at the end of his Presidency DESPITE Iran-Contra! Why? Because the American people were doing better economically.
What difference does it make what caused Reagan's JAR to drop? A JAR is reflective of the overall job the president is doing. That's not just about the economy, which is what you're desperately trying to make it about.

And today, Gallup's polls reveal Americans think Obama is doing a better job than Reagan did at this point in his presidency.

So Obama's drop in ratings from the 70's down to what it is now is "reflective" of what, Faun?
Reflective of the job he's doing. Just like Reagan when his job approval dropped from close to 70% to the 50% it was at this point. Just like like when Bush's job approval dropped from about 90% to the low 30's at this point in his presidency.
Of course it was dumped on him. He was running for president for more than a year when it was the recession was officially declared about two months before the election. True, he took on the challenge; that doesn't mean Bush didn't dump the worst economy on his predecessor since Hoover dumped one on FDR.

So "taking on the challenge" consisted of what exactly? Making the passage of ObamaCare his first priority...legislation that hurt the economy and job creation?
Again, you can't prove it hurt the economy or job creation. Especially in the face of...


Did it help the economy or job creation? Why would a President who according to you had this "surprise" of a recession dumped on him choose to go after healthcare reform as his number one priority when the economy and jobs were the biggest problem in the country and the biggest concern of the American people?
Now you're lying again. I never employed the word "surprised" when describing how Bush dumped a huge pile of steamy shit on his predecessor.

As far as the ACA hurting the economy, you can't prove it. All you can do is say it. But you say it in the face of....


Sorry... successor.
Why do Democrats like Hillary Clinton get a pass for voting for the invasion yet the GOP gets blamed for it, Wilber?
For one, because they trusted the president. Same reason Congressional Republicans get a pass even though nearly every single one of them signed that resolution.
You haven't explained anything! Bill Clinton is right now calling for cuts to the corporate tax rate. Since you're touted HIS success as the blueprint for how to grow the economy...kindly explain why Clinton...YOUR ROLE MODEL!!!...is calling for exactly the same thing that the we on the right have been calling for!
Same question gets the same answer... I don't speak for Bill Clinton.

Oh, so you use Bill Clinton as your example of correct policy EXCEPT when his proposed policy doesn't match your claims? You're amusing, Faun...
As stated, for better or worse, the president gets the credit or blame for the economy on their watch. I didn't credit Clinton's tax hikes for the boom on his watch. Why would I since my point is there is no way to prove causation? But the economy improved while he was president and he gets the credit. Just like Reagan and just like Obama. That bothers you so much so you want to make up more shit, as you've been doing, in a vain attempt to show Americans' assessment is wrong.

The only thing that "bothers" me is when liberals like yourself try to use what happened with the economy during the Clinton Administration as a blueprint for what should be done NOW and call for tax hikes! Clinton succeeded with the economy not because he raised taxes...the economy got better under Clinton because of the Dot Com Boom! Clinton's calling for a lowering of the corporate tax rate now SHOULD make that quite clear but for ideologues like yourself, Faun...you can't see the forest for the trees!
While it's true the dot Com bubble helped fuel the economy, it's also true the economy began improving prior to the dot Com bubble.
Why do Democrats like Hillary Clinton get a pass for voting for the invasion yet the GOP gets blamed for it, Wilbe

Two reasons..the effort to invade iraq was led by republicans with a republican president.

And I voted for the guy who said not to invade iraq and will vote for the other guy running who didn't support the invasion.

The he'll with Hillary. But she has enough sense to.admit her mistake.

How many repubs admitted their mistake?
Do you remember when republicans said criticizing our president was treasonous?? Quite a turn around

Since I was critical of Bush for many of his policy decisions...I guess that makes me the second coming of Benedict Arnold!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Criticizing our politicians is as American as apple pie. It's what makes us who we are. If you don't want criticism of government leaders...move to North Korea or Cuba.

Did you want to help out Faun and tell us all what Obama policy initiative created jobs? Or help him explain why if raising taxes supposedly created the Clinton era economic boom...it is that Slick Willie is now saying that the corporate tax rate is too high and needs to be lowered?
Certainly oldone you don't want to give republicans any credit for those 73 straight months of job gains Do you?....maybe it was yellen maybe obama but one thing for sure ,,It would have been more and better if republicans thought of america instead of their party first

Obama's economy is mostly low wage and part time jobs. This economy sucks get your head out of your ass:slap:
And when dems want to raise minimum pay Pubs hide their heads up their asses

Conservatives want good paying jobs in this country , Leftist want to raise the minimum pay of McDonald's workers...Friken geniuses :cuckoo:
Too damn bad then Should have told bush not to get 800000 per month laid off
Do you remember when republicans said criticizing our president was treasonous?? Quite a turn around

Since I was critical of Bush for many of his policy decisions...I guess that makes me the second coming of Benedict Arnold!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Criticizing our politicians is as American as apple pie. It's what makes us who we are. If you don't want criticism of government leaders...move to North Korea or Cuba.

Did you want to help out Faun and tell us all what Obama policy initiative created jobs? Or help him explain why if raising taxes supposedly created the Clinton era economic boom...it is that Slick Willie is now saying that the corporate tax rate is too high and needs to be lowered?
Certainly oldone you don't want to give republicans any credit for those 73 straight months of job gains Do you?....maybe it was yellen maybe obama but one thing for sure ,,It would have been more and better if republicans thought of america instead of their party first

Obama's economy is mostly low wage and part time jobs. This economy sucks get your head out of your ass:slap:
And when dems want to raise minimum pay Pubs hide their heads up their asses

No, we point out the negative ramifications of increased minimum wage such as less jobs and less businesses moving into such an area. That's on top of the problem we already have which is the expansion of automation to replace humans and companies leaving the country for cheaper labor.

As for answering the question we always pose to liberals, they can never seem to answer it: If increasing minimum wage to $15.00 an hour is good, then increasing it to $30.00 should be better. If increasing minimum wage to $30.00 an hour is better, then increasing it to $45.00 an hour is best.

If you don't agree with this, why not????
Stop asking dumb questions 15 is affordable and it will happen over time NY and CAL have already passed it
Why do Democrats like Hillary Clinton get a pass for voting for the invasion yet the GOP gets blamed for it, Wilbe

Two reasons..the effort to invade iraq was led by republicans with a republican president.

And I voted for the guy who said not to invade iraq and will vote for the other guy running who didn't support the invasion.

The he'll with Hillary. But she has enough sense to.admit her mistake.

How many repubs admitted their mistake?
None!! the ^%^&*^'s never admit their mistakes
Why do Democrats like Hillary Clinton get a pass for voting for the invasion yet the GOP gets blamed for it, Wilbe

Two reasons..the effort to invade iraq was led by republicans with a republican president.

And I voted for the guy who said not to invade iraq and will vote for the other guy running who didn't support the invasion.

The he'll with Hillary. But she has enough sense to.admit her mistake.

How many repubs admitted their mistake?

Hillary admits mistake...Republicans admit mistake....democrats crow like they are better than everyone else despite the fact their own party mascot (woof woof Hillary) admitted to the same supposed mistake.
Why do Democrats like Hillary Clinton get a pass for voting for the invasion yet the GOP gets blamed for it, Wilbe

Two reasons..the effort to invade iraq was led by republicans with a republican president.

And I voted for the guy who said not to invade iraq and will vote for the other guy running who didn't support the invasion.

The he'll with Hillary. But she has enough sense to.admit her mistake.

How many repubs admitted their mistake?

Hillary admits mistake...Republicans admit mistake....democrats crow like they are better than everyone else despite the fact their own party mascot (woof woof Hillary) admitted to the same supposed mistake.
What mistakes did Repubs admit too ??? They still put the moron back in the wh after he made one of the greatest mistakes of all time
Democrats artificially believe they are better than everyone else. Hillary is the only democrat that I know of who has publically said she regretted voting to give Bush authorization to invade Iraq. Democrats expect republicans to admit their mistakes. Democrats then go around acting like they are better but the fact is their own part voted and agreed with Bush on everything else. The proceding democratic president also thought Iraq should be invaded but republican have to admit their mistake. Democrats high five themselves like their shit don't stink but why would they think they are any better? It is like they have just declared themselves morallly superior to everyone else and have a right to judge everyone else because of that. It is the fucking strangest thing that goes on in the mind of some democrats.
'Republicans never admit their mistakes...'

Sorta like how libs never admit any of theirs:

Sorta like Hillary said 'We never lost a man in Libya'...

Obama's Red Line was not HIS mistake, it was 'THE WORLD'S'.

Obama inherited a bad economy from Bush...except over a 6 year period Bush only added $2.5 trillion in new debt. In his last 2 years, when the Dems held a near Super majority control over Congress - House and Senate, controlled the budget, controlled spending, and thus controlled the economy the Libs added $1.5 trillion more in new debt, $1 trillion short in only 2 years of what Bush added his 1st 6 with a split Congress. Obama did not inherit a collapsing economy from Bush - he inherited it from his fellow Democrats.

According to Obama his entire history as President has been overshadowed and controlled by his inability to escape the influence of George Bush on is Presidency. Of course, as proven above, it wasn't Bush's Presidency that 'left him in a hole'. He can thank his fellow Dems for that.

Of course he helped add nearly $y trillion in new debt in only his 1st 4 years, a stark contrast to his promise to cut spending and balance the budget by the end of his 1st term. In his 1st term he AVERAGED $1.3 trillion in new debt annually. His 1st financial-impacting bill was his failed Stimulus that failed to address the crumbling infrastructure, need to replace the electrical grid or other projects...and it - 1 Obama spending Bill - cost approx. 1/3rd of the amount of new debt Bush added over 6 years.

'Transparency', 'Balancing the Budget', and 'Accountability' - especially 'Accountability' and 'Transparency' - haven't exactly been Obama's / the Obama administration's strong points.


'Transparency': Sealed all personal records, numerous agencies running personal servers / e-mails to avoid the FOIA legal requirements - most ILLEGAL administration in our history as it pertains to the FOIA: 70% of all FOIA requests have illegally gone un-processed / un-answered.
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