Will Rubio's Endorsement of Romney Bring him the TEA Party Vote?


Yesterday, GOP darling Marco Rubio endorsed Mitt Romney for POTUS. Since I have a lot of respect for Rubio, I'm glad he agrees with me that Romney is the guy that the right wing should be backing.

Since Marco is the darling of the TEA Party, is this gonna bring Romney more support from this critical group?

Marco Rubio endorses Mitt Romney for Republican nominee | World news | guardian.co.uk

Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney's bandwagon is gaining speed, with Florida senator Marco Rubio, one of the most sought-after endorsements, announcing on Wednesday night he will back him.

Rubio is one of the rising stars of the party and seen as a future presidential candidate. He is popular with the Tea party and, as a Cuban-American, might win over some of the Latino voters being lost as a result of the party's immigration policy.

He is frequently mentioned at the top of lists speculating on whom Romney might pick as his running mate.

Yes, it will. This is an anybody but obama game. No tea party person would ever vote for obama.

How soon the Right forgot how much fun they had ridiculing what they called the Anyone But Bush crowd back in 2004.

All of the sudden, it's commendable to have no ideas of your own, just hatred for the guy in office.

Yesterday, GOP darling Marco Rubio endorsed Mitt Romney for POTUS. Since I have a lot of respect for Rubio, I'm glad he agrees with me that Romney is the guy that the right wing should be backing.

Since Marco is the darling of the TEA Party, is this gonna bring Romney more support from this critical group?

Marco Rubio endorses Mitt Romney for Republican nominee | World news | guardian.co.uk

Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney's bandwagon is gaining speed, with Florida senator Marco Rubio, one of the most sought-after endorsements, announcing on Wednesday night he will back him.

Rubio is one of the rising stars of the party and seen as a future presidential candidate. He is popular with the Tea party and, as a Cuban-American, might win over some of the Latino voters being lost as a result of the party's immigration policy.

He is frequently mentioned at the top of lists speculating on whom Romney might pick as his running mate.

Well one thing is for certain the longer Rick Santorum stays in this race the better Mitt Romney looks.
The TeaTards will vote for Romney just so they don't have to vote for Obama

It is the Ron Paul voters who will defect. They will vote for some oddball third party or Libertarian candidate

I'm a ron paul guy but I'll vote romeny over obama if I don't write someone in.
The TeaTards will vote for Romney just so they don't have to vote for Obama

It is the Ron Paul voters who will defect. They will vote for some oddball third party or Libertarian candidate

I'm a ron paul guy but I'll vote romeny over obama if I don't write someone in.

While I respect your right to vote 3rd party, I see it as an empty gesture. Throwing your vote away because you can't get behind either major candidate won't change a thing.
If you really don't care if obama OR Romney are elected, by all means, vote your conscience. If you hate one a little less, swallow hard and pull the lever for him.
The TeaTards will vote for Romney just so they don't have to vote for Obama

It is the Ron Paul voters who will defect. They will vote for some oddball third party or Libertarian candidate

I'm a ron paul guy but I'll vote romeny over obama if I don't write someone in.

While I respect your right to vote 3rd party, I see it as an empty gesture. Throwing your vote away because you can't get behind either major candidate won't change a thing.
If you really don't care if obama OR Romney are elected, by all means, vote your conscience. If you hate one a little less, swallow hard and pull the lever for him.

Ernie, I'll be pulling all those GOP levers just as fast as I can. Anything center right works for me. I hardly use my left hand for anything anymore. It's to painful a reminder!
The TeaTards will vote for Romney just so they don't have to vote for Obama

It is the Ron Paul voters who will defect. They will vote for some oddball third party or Libertarian candidate

I'm a ron paul guy but I'll vote romeny over obama if I don't write someone in.

While I respect your right to vote 3rd party, I see it as an empty gesture. Throwing your vote away because you can't get behind either major candidate won't change a thing.
If you really don't care if obama OR Romney are elected, by all means, vote your conscience. If you hate one a little less, swallow hard and pull the lever for him.

Its not about "not wanting to vote for Romney" to me.

I will only vote for a canidate I truly think is a good canidate. Right now I could vote for Romney without feeling bad but if there is someone running 3rd party that I think is a lot better I may vote for them.

I don't find it to be throwing away my vote when I vote for the person I personally feel would be the best canidate, even if they lose.
The TeaTards will vote for Romney just so they don't have to vote for Obama

It is funny that you libs are so 180 degrees off on this one, lol.

So the TeaTards are going to vote for Obama?

A sliver of them will, but most will either hold their nose and vote for him or just sit this one out. I think a minority of TPM will vote for Romney, though it will outnumber the ones who vote for Obama.

I for one plan to vote for Obama if Romney gets the nomination. I dont buy the partisan rhetoric that each demonizes the other.

Romney will be a far worse president than Obama, but I doubt he will win.
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You can't get more Republican Establishment than Rubio, btw.

Rubio is establishment now?

Does establishment mean anything to anyone anymore? or is it just a slur to use against someone you don't like?

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