Will She Accept....

I suspect that fervent threats and negotiations are underway to get Obabble to pardon hiLIARy before Trump takes office.

Just sayin'.
How can he pardon her
for crimes she hasn't been charged with...yet?

Well, you know Obabble...he's got a pen! And he's not afraid to use it!
I think she may be regretting spending all that cash on her victory party.
I hope not. I think we would quite enjoy DRAGGING her kicking and screaming to jail to await trial for treason and RICO act violations and a host of other charges. :)
pardon her for what? offending rabid fact averse partisans?
You know what...you should be facing charges with her!

This is what 'We the People' looks like bitch,
and I'm tired of getting stuck with the same crooked assholes,
because of people like you that shouldn't be allowed to vote.

You know damn well she is corrupted to the core...
and if you don't know, your dumber then I thought!

If your brain were made of chocolate,
it wouldn't fill a M & M!
I hope not. I think we would quite enjoy DRAGGING her kicking and screaming to jail to await trial for treason and RICO act violations and a host of other charges. :)
I know this...she better be brought up on charges!

This is what 'the power of the people' looks like!
The damn map is a sea of red, and why is that?

I'll tell you why, because a lot of people woke the fuck up....
and, its about damn time!

On my own, and without backup,
I am powerless to make a difference, let alone,
change how business is run in Washington and Chicago.

But, together 'we the people' are a force to be reckoned with.
These are our employees, this is our government.
We should not be working for them...They should be working for us.

This CAN NOT stop with the presidential election.
It is time to take back control of OUR government!

I am fucking sick and tired of their blatant corruption,
because we allowed them to get away with so much,
for far too long...enough is enough!

Tonight should let every elected mother fucker know, loud & clear
We the people are pissed and had enough...from this day hence,
Things ARE going to change and WE WILL enforce accountability!

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