Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Smith might not have liked it, but he was willing to put on his actor's smile and let it pass until his wife gave him that look. That look that said if he didn't do something, she would guilt him forever for not defending her. I wonder how many men have needlessly had their asses kicked because of that same look.
millions .
you excused it. Why would you make such a racist prejudicial assumption? you think black men are more likely to resort to criminal behavior? why?
Hmm, I missed the post where i excused it. What's racist about being married to a white man? I can't tell a man how to defend his wife.


Funny given...

Chris Rock fucked up. Will Smith gave him a receipt. I doubt Chris will make the same mistake again. Will should have told him to stop before he slapped him.
lets swap Chris Rock with the Rock Dwayne Johnson ..... you can bet your ass Smith would have laughed at the joke and stayed in his seat ... false bravado ...example ...did you notice how Smith swaggered off the stage after the slap ?
Someone defended his wife's honor and you fucks think that is a bad thing.

Multi millionaire black movie star, Will Smith, had a ghetto moment.

I’m not a critical race theorist, but I’m sure there is an excuse for it. African Americans are not able to suppress “heated moments” because of 300 years of slavery, or something.
Anytime thehawk can put down a black man he will (unless it's a well know conservative), all while defending that he isn't racist.
So Putin is slaughtering tons of white people in Ukraine bringing the propspect of WW3 that's not a problem to you.

Will Smith slaps someone on stage for dissing his wife and that's a problem to you

Only a white supremacist can rationalize something like that
Translation: No criticizing black people, even ones who exert violence and scream profanities on national tv! Any behavior by blacks must be accepted.
Multi millionaire black movie star, Will Smith, had a ghetto moment.

I’m not a critical race theorist, but I’m sure there is an excuse for it. African Americans are not able to suppress “heated moments” because of 300 years of slavery, or something.
He's not ghetto. He grew up a middle class kid. His Fresh Prince character was a parody that caught on.

That slap was even faker tjan his street cred. More satire of blacks who grew up without his advantages.
Why not? White folks have always done just that.
Not me. If your white did you always do what you wanted?
Your a joke and the woke agenda you pander too are killing this country. So, in my opinion you are killing this country, and should be arrested for treason and sentenced to life in prison.
and you support criminal behavior in response?
He supports any behavior, no matter how inappropriate or downright violent, if perpetrated by a black. If a white objects, he will attempt to shut him or her up with the “white supremacist” accusation.
A man's wife or kids who are dealing with an illness or medical condition.
I'll be honest I don't approve of the joke. I wouldn't have told it. It wasn't a roast. Probably why Chris Rock didn't press charges. But what Will did was not appropriate. We don't live in a society where what he did is appropriate.

What he did goes exactly opposite of what stand your ground laws say. If Chris Rock knew Will was coming to hit him, and he had a gun, by law, he would have had the right to pull out the gun and shoot Will dead for attacking him. He would have no reason to know that Will would stop after one slap. So in a different situation, Chris could have legally killed Will for what he did.

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