Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Well, we now know you would never defend your loved ones.
Unless you saw a different video… she wasn’t attacked. Someone made a joke that most, including Smith thought was funny. Till his wife said or did something that prompted Smith to commit a crime. And it was a crime regardless of Rocks decision to pursue charges or not. He wasn’t defending anything. He only bolstered his reputation as a submissive Cuck; who aside from not doing anything about his wife fucking, and sucking anything she can get her wet spots around… He didn’t even have the balls to tell her to “simmer down. It’s a fucking joke”.

Which ultimately makes Smith the biggest joke of the night.
He supports any behavior, no matter how inappropriate or downright violent, if perpetrated by a black. If a white objects, he will attempt to shut him or her up with the “white supremacist” accusation.
this explains his prior comment about me being married to a white man…

Will was laughing until he saw the look on Jada's face, and she wasn't looking at Chris ...
When he slapped Chris, he was in recovery mode and trying not to end up sleeping on the couch.

he is sleeping on the couch .... when this man visits .
He had a moment of passion and he fell victim to it.

However, that's an explanation,not an excuse. He should be charged with assault.
And just like an abused wife can't refuse to press charges, Chris Rock shouldn't be allowed to say he's not pressing charges. If it was Amy Shumer and Will bitch slapped her, Will would be in jail even if Amy didn't want to press charges.
Arrest imminent? Don't hold your breath. Shades of Jesse Smollett, H'wood is so desperate for recognition that it stages faked violence at the formerly respected Academy Awards. More pop-culture generated deterioration of society.
So what you are saying is that this is not real. Liston/ Ali fight in 1965 was questionable.
No. Evade much?

I'm not evading anything. I just think it's funny how you're turning this into a thread about the definition of a word.

You found a definition which differs from mine. WHO'S A GOOD BOY?? WHO'S A GOOD BOY??
Chris Rock made a tasteless and idiotic joke.

Will Smith should have maintained his composure and dealt with it after the broadcast.

Smacking someone is unacceptable in every case whether it is on TV or not

I give Rock credit for maintaining his composure though.
Disagree the GI Jane remark was hilarious, as long as that condition isn't life threatening.
Not me. If your white did you always do what you wanted?
Your a joke and the woke agenda you pander too are killing this country. So, in my opinion you are killing this country, and should be arrested for treason and sentenced to life in prison.
White people have always done what they want.
Open a history book.
His wife should have walked over and smacked him for laughing. He was laughing at rocks joke until he saw the death stare.

That's exactly what prompted this. His wife caught him laughing at the joke. So then he had to man up and defend her to show her he didn't really think it was funny.
if you support what Smith did you do. Assault is a crime. He’s lucky Chris Rock is a bigger person

I don't "support" what Smith did, but I understand why he did it. If someone says something demeaning about my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend I'll beat him until he stops bleeding. I'm not saying it's right, nor would I be looking for support from anyone. But I'm not going to sit there and just let it happen.

I think the reason Rock isn't pressing charges is because he realizes he crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed...
He supports any behavior, no matter how inappropriate or downright violent, if perpetrated by a black. If a white objects, he will attempt to shut him or her up with the “white supremacist” accusation.
Whenever I talk about how blacks in America today behave badly he loves to point to some of the planets worst whites in history and compare black Americans today to them.

To just blow off Will's bad behavior because of what Putin is doing seems cowardly, lazy and ignorant.

How about instead of comparing Will to Putin, let's compare Will to every other person at the awards show last night. Did he act better or worse than everyone else?

Sidney Poitier is rolling over in his grave right now. Oprah is calling a meeting. Jamie Foxx is glad they're no longer focused on him.
Or divorce. The kids are old enough now. Life is too short. And sorry but the public is never going to forget this or that she cheated on you.

He should have smacked her for cheating on him.
And now with this stunt; the whole world is talking about what a Cuck he is. That pesky law of unintended consequences rears its ugly head again.

Of all the jokes of the night; Smith inadvertently became the biggest one.
I'm not evading anything. I just think it's funny how you're turning this into a thread about the definition of a word.

You found a definition which differs from mine. WHO'S A GOOD BOY?? WHO'S A GOOD BOY??
Wrong again. You shared an opinion about the “meaning” of the word to you. But, see, your opinion isn’t the definition. And your opinion doesn’t supplant the meaning as used by the Board Member whose choice of words you were commenting about.

Your comment wasn’t exactly critical. But you were wrong. And you still are.
If it's such a crime why were no charges filed?
It's a case of Chris fucking up and Will giving him a receipt.
If a woman said it and Will hit her, they wouldn't have given the woman the option to not press charges.

If it happened anywhere else to almost anyone else he would have been arrested.

Remember what Trump said. He could shoot someone and get away with it. Well apparently so can Will.

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